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Re: Question on amount of T3

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>I'm confused, on the rt3 website doesn't the grains taken amount to

>how much T3 you're already taking? For instance I'm taking 3 gr. of

>NT so wouldn't that amount to about 27 mg. of T3? Where are you

>getting 75 to 125 mg. of T3 at?? So confused;-)

That is the STARTING dose before you ramp up.

I am talking about the total replacement dose after the ramp up as

75-125 typically



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One way that helped me understand how much I might needed for a replacement dose was an explanation of Val's. I may not be stating the correct % but I know it is close. She once commented that we need to replace the T3 definitely, BUT we also need to gradually replace the dying T4. Since some of that T4 is converted to T3 she said that you can estimate the amount of conversion by taking I think it is either 70% or 76% of the T4 of the current dose. So in other words if you are taking a grain of armour then you are going to start T3 only then you replace with the 9mcg of T3 and then take the % of the 34mcg of T4 remaining and that's the amount of T3 you need to add as well. I just can't remember the number Val used by I know this is very close. And I hope I made sense.

>I'm confused, on the rt3 website doesn't the grains taken amount to >how much T3 you're already taking? For instance I'm taking 3 gr. of >NT so wouldn't that amount to about 27 mg. of T3? Where are you >getting 75 to 125 mg. of T3 at?? So confused;-)That is the STARTING dose before you ramp up.I am talking about the total replacement dose after the ramp up as75-125 typicallyNick-- for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to www.thyroid- rt3.com

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Ok, starting dose is what's on the page, got it. So now this leads me to another question. Do the higher amounts of T3 you ramp up to somehow reflect the amounts previously taken on T4? I'm not getting why so much T3 is needed.<<Posted by: "Nick Foot" lists@... nickrwymTue Feb 16, 2010 1:50 am (PST)>I'm confused, on the rt3 website doesn't the grains taken amount to >how much T3 you're already taking? For instance I'm taking 3 gr. of >NT so wouldn't that amount to about 27 mg. of T3? Where are you >getting 75 to 125 mg. of T3 at?? So confused;-)That is the STARTING dose before you ramp up.I am talking about the total replacement dose after the ramp up as75-125 typicallyNick-- for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to www.thyroid-rt3.com>> Kem in Eugene <º)))><

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>Do the higher amounts of T3 you ramp up to

>somehow reflect the amounts previously taken on T4? I'm not getting

>why so much T3 is needed.

That is what a total replacement dose of T3 looks like. Nothing to do

with your previous T4 dose at all.

Disassembling how Natural works Natural contains 38 of T4 per grain

and 9 of T3.

if half the T4 in a grain converted to T3 that grain would be

equivalent to 20 of T3 from conversion and 9 immediately available

making it 29 of T3. In practice I suspect that a little less than half

the T4 turns into T3 making 1 grain near as demit equivalent to 25 of

T3 in terms of total effect.

This then goes very well with the perceived wisdom on the STTM site

where experience has showed that " most patients need 3 to 5 grains "

with a scattering outside that band in both directions.

Those 3 to 5 are the 75 to 125 that we talk about in T3 only


Where does this leave the person on their 112 of T4 only, the answer

is horribly under medicated!

The T4 industry has been under medicating it's patients for years.

IF they have simple hypo where the addition of a small shortfall

allows their own thyroid to make the rest then that is enough.

If however they are one of the many that need to be on a full

replacement dose with a suppressed TSH because their " TSH calibration "

is wrong or they have hashi's and want to suppress antibodies then

that takes a lot more than 112 of T4.

Getting to that dose of T3 needs to be done over 8 weeks at least as

you are chasing your T4 decay with added T3 and there is that time of

once or twice a week dose increases. once things have stabilised then

it becomes very predictable.

T3 is the easiest of the meds to dose by symptoms, there is only one

time constant to deal with and it's a matter of 3 days to stabilise

after a dose change once the T4 has gone.

I can miss a dose and I notice around 2 to 3 hours later. nothing too

severe, just a bit tired.


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