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Val and Nick,new test,please take a look

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I got my last result and foir a first time I have thyroiod peroxidase AB. I'm

very discuraged.I did not have that before.For all this 2 years I think I was

teseted and did not have it.What causes it?

Although when I did the test I took T3 in the morning and just before the test

because I did not know my docotor will do the test. So,the FT3 can't be


Here are the tests.

Free T3 7.70 2.05-4.50

Free T4 0.30 0.71-1.42

TSH 0.04 0.35-5.50

Reverse T3 3 11-32

Thyroid peroxidase AB 71 0-34

Sodium 139 132-144

Potassium 5.9 3.6-5.2

Ihad tested electolyte just a week after this thest and my results were


Sodium 138 136-144

Potassium 5 3.5-5.3

Magnesium RBC 3.5 4.0-6.4

Magnesium 2.0 1.6-2.4

That is different result for RBC. So,does it mean it does not get to my cells

and I need a lot of magnesium?

What is the treatment for antibodies? Is that Hashimotos?



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Sodium 139 132-144

Potassium 5.9 3.6-5.2

Ihad tested electolyte just a week after this thest and my results were


Sodium 138 136-144

Potassium 5 3.5-5.3

These are not that much differnt adn electrolytes can cahnge this much easily

even in a 24 hour period. But I am happy to see a lower potassium as that high

one is scary.

The antibodies come and go when you have Hashi's I tested negative for YEARS

til I took Iodine. Then mine went to 600+ but the treatment is supressing the

TSH which is what you are doing. Mine do not supress until I get to a TSH of

..015 which is pretty durn low. But that is also where my thyroid symptoms abate.

I do nto know how much magnesium you shoudl be taking btu definitely it needs

supplementing. Where is your calcium? It balances magnesium just as sodium and

poitassium balance each other.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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My calcium is high and has been high.

Calcium 10 8.5-10.4

Magnesium RBC 3.5 4.0-6.4

Val, before I started T3 only my TSH was lower then the current one 0.04 ,it

used to be 0.001. You said that affecte the antibodies?

SO,what is the treatment for the Hashimotos,is that what I'm already doing?

aqlso,I have an gut infection,Helicobacterpylory,which I have not been able to

clear.They gave me a strong antiobotics but it did not work. I read this can be

reason for HAshimoto,do you know anything about that connection?

Also,my FT3 is so much out of range,do you think is because of taking T3 before

my test? Does that really affects the result to this extent?

Should I try to lower the T3 before I do a new test?




> Sodium 139 132-144

> Potassium 5.9 3.6-5.2


> Ihad tested electolyte just a week after this thest and my results were


> Sodium 138 136-144

> Potassium 5 3.5-5.3


> These are not that much differnt adn electrolytes can cahnge this much easily

even in a 24 hour period. But I am happy to see a lower potassium as that high

one is scary.

> The antibodies come and go when you have Hashi's I tested negative for YEARS

til I took Iodine. Then mine went to 600+ but the treatment is supressing the

TSH which is what you are doing. Mine do not supress until I get to a TSH of

..015 which is pretty durn low. But that is also where my thyroid symptoms abate.

> I do nto know how much magnesium you shoudl be taking btu definitely it

needs supplementing. Where is your calcium? It balances magnesium just as sodium

and poitassium balance each other.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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TSH at either of those levels is supressed enough to lower antibodies

and this si the best treta,enmt for Hashi's. There is no actual

treatment for it except to take enough thyroid that your own thyroid is

nto stimulated as that also srtimulates antibodies. The heliobacter once

your own immune system is healthy shoudl respond to antibiotics or it

may even go away on ti;s own mine did. As for it;s connection to Hashi's

it may be a trigger but NO ONE knows the cause of Hashi;s.

Yes I have seen FT3 MUCH higher than yours after takjign a dose

pre-bllod work. It makes a HUGE differnce in the levels in the testing.

I would not ower it unless oyu have actual hyper symptims.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Val,are you saying you had helycobacterpylori and went away on it's own when you

got under control your hormones,and from there the immune system? What do you

think is the best to do for it at this moment?

Val,I have an appointment with a gastroentrologist for my helycobacterpylory. My

question is should I try taking another antibiotic at this time? One of the

doctors I sow,suggested that this infection can have something to do with my low

iron ,ferritin.He said I can be having some internal bleeding from that,which is

the big concern for me.

Val,are you saying you had helycobacterpylori and went away on it's own when you

got under control your hormones,and from there the immune system? What do you

think is the best to do for it at this moment?

Thanks a lot



> TSH at either of those levels is supressed enough to lower antibodies

> and this si the best treta,enmt for Hashi's. There is no actual

> treatment for it except to take enough thyroid that your own thyroid is

> nto stimulated as that also srtimulates antibodies. The heliobacter once

> your own immune system is healthy shoudl respond to antibiotics or it

> may even go away on ti;s own mine did. As for it;s connection to Hashi's

> it may be a trigger but NO ONE knows the cause of Hashi;s.

> Yes I have seen FT3 MUCH higher than yours after takjign a dose

> pre-bllod work. It makes a HUGE differnce in the levels in the testing.

> I would not ower it unless oyu have actual hyper symptims.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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