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Re: RT3 Still not cleared after 4 months

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Ferritan: 109 (10 - 232)

Potassium: 4.9 3.5 - 5.3

Sodium: 147 135 - 146 (I've stopped adding sea salt to my water)

Total Testosterone: 32 5-42

Free Testosterone: 1.8 35-155

B12: 434 (200 - 1100)

D 25 OH Total: 34 (20 - 100)

Calcium: 9.6 (8.6 - 10.2)

Well ther are some htings tht aneed work onthese labs. LOW ferritin GOES wiht

low B12 often. Even thoguh your ferritiitin looks good, I would get a full iron

panel as B12 is lwo. Ferritin can be falsely elevated with any inflammation in

the body. You need ot supplemnt 2500mg B12 a day sublingual. Your Free Test

SUCKS. It is too lwo. Total does nto matter only free. Your Vitamin D I would be

takign 10,000IU daily for.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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My ferratin has been over 100 for at least 1.5 years.

I'll ask for full iron panel.

I'll up my D3 & B12 doses.



> Ferritan: 109 (10 - 232)

> Potassium: 4.9 3.5 - 5.3

> Sodium: 147 135 - 146 (I've stopped adding sea salt to my water)

> Total Testosterone: 32 5-42

> Free Testosterone: 1.8 35-155


> B12: 434 (200 - 1100)

> D 25 OH Total: 34 (20 - 100)

> Calcium: 9.6 (8.6 - 10.2)


> Well ther are some htings tht aneed work onthese labs. LOW ferritin GOES wiht

low B12 often. Even thoguh your ferritiitin looks good, I would get a full iron

panel as B12 is lwo. Ferritin can be falsely elevated with any inflammation in

the body. You need ot supplemnt 2500mg B12 a day sublingual. Your Free Test

SUCKS. It is too lwo. Total does nto matter only free. Your Vitamin D I would be

takign 10,000IU daily for.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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The lab gave the wrong testosterone range.

here's the correct raange for a woman

Free Testosterone: 0.56 (0.5 - 2.0)

I don't know if I can get my doc to give me a prescription at this level. IS

there anything I can do to address this level without a script?




> Ferritan: 109 (10 - 232)

> Potassium: 4.9 3.5 - 5.3

> Sodium: 147 135 - 146 (I've stopped adding sea salt to my water)

> Total Testosterone: 32 5-42

> Free Testosterone: 1.8 35-155


> B12: 434 (200 - 1100)

> D 25 OH Total: 34 (20 - 100)

> Calcium: 9.6 (8.6 - 10.2)


> Well ther are some htings tht aneed work onthese labs. LOW ferritin GOES wiht

low B12 often. Even thoguh your ferritiitin looks good, I would get a full iron

panel as B12 is lwo. Ferritin can be falsely elevated with any inflammation in

the body. You need ot supplemnt 2500mg B12 a day sublingual. Your Free Test

SUCKS. It is too lwo. Total does nto matter only free. Your Vitamin D I would be

takign 10,000IU daily for.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Can low testosterone prevent thyroid hormone from being used well or getting

into the cell? I have low testosterone and I haven't heard this before. I was

waiting to start testosterone until I was sure cortisol and thyroid were right.

> >

> > Ferritan: 109 (10 - 232)

> > Potassium: 4.9 3.5 - 5.3

> > Sodium: 147 135 - 146 (I've stopped adding sea salt to my water)

> > Total Testosterone: 32 5-42

> > Free Testosterone: 1.8 35-155

> >

> > B12: 434 (200 - 1100)

> > D 25 OH Total: 34 (20 - 100)

> > Calcium: 9.6 (8.6 - 10.2)

> >

> > Well ther are some htings tht aneed work onthese labs. LOW ferritin GOES

wiht low B12 often. Even thoguh your ferritiitin looks good, I would get a full

iron panel as B12 is lwo. Ferritin can be falsely elevated with any inflammation

in the body. You need ot supplemnt 2500mg B12 a day sublingual. Your Free Test

SUCKS. It is too lwo. Total does nto matter only free. Your Vitamin D I would be

takign 10,000IU daily for.

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/

> >


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>Total Testosterone: 32 5-42

>Free Testosterone: 1.8 35-155

That free T is well under if that's not a typo. Have you had SHBG

levels tested they may be high and causing all the T to be bound up??

With your D levels I would be taking 10,000IU a day, Puritans do some

5000IU softgells.

125 of T3 is roughly equivalent to 5 grains if you are converting

normally on the 5 grains, have you tried going higher, some of us need

more than that. I am taking 150 myself and that's after resistance


Is it one of the stronger T3's you are on??


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The lab sent the wrong range for free Testosterone.

The correct range for a woman is:

Free Testosterone: 1.8 0.2-6.4

I'm taking Grossman's T3 from mexico.

I had gone up to 150 mcg/day, but came back down to 125 after reading a posting

about not going up too high & stressing out your adrenals.

I felt fine on the 150 dose. I was up to 4 or 5 grains of Armour before I

switched to T3 only.

yes - I've upped my D3 supps to 6K split into 3 doses throughout the day. And

I've upped my B12 to 2500/day.

What specifically should I be looking for, to tell me that I've cleared out the

RT3? higher pulse & higher temps?




> >Total Testosterone: 32 5-42

> >Free Testosterone: 1.8 35-155


> That free T is well under if that's not a typo. Have you had SHBG

> levels tested they may be high and causing all the T to be bound up??


> With your D levels I would be taking 10,000IU a day, Puritans do some

> 5000IU softgells.


> 125 of T3 is roughly equivalent to 5 grains if you are converting

> normally on the 5 grains, have you tried going higher, some of us need

> more than that. I am taking 150 myself and that's after resistance

> cleared.


> Is it one of the stronger T3's you are on??


> Nick


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>What specifically should I be looking for, to tell me that I've cleared out the

RT3? higher pulse & higher temps?

For me I went hyper, lasted about 6 hours total!

if you are sticking at 125 then what you feel depends how you are on

125, if you feel hypo then you may just feel less hypo rather than


Generally raised pulse AND temperature plus possibly adrenal effects.



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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