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I saw my new doc yesterday. He's a good doc, but for some reason wanted to do

his own labs instead of using the ones I had done 6 weeks ago. Those showed an

RT3 problem but the new doc wants to wait until the labs he ran come back before

switching me to Cytomel. I was quite frustrated by this yesterday and this

morning but have just decided to go with it for another week or 2. He did

switch me to a compounded desiccated and increased the dose from 1 gr (I had

been taking new Armour for about 1 month and then the last couple weeks Erfa) to

1 1/2 gr of the compounded. It did seem to help today. My heart has not been

pounding today like it has been. I have also been very depressed lately and

that seemed to get better as the day went on.

Anyway, he says that if I do have an RT3 problem I should do 's protocol

but that I have to be familiar with it enough to oversee myself on it because he

can't micromanage me on it. I'm not wild about this and would prefer to use the

method at http://thyroid-rt3.com/dosing.htm because I already understand that

and it seems much simpler. I have enough trouble concentrating and

comprehending stuff in my everyday life, I don't really want to add something

that is going to require fulltime management. Also, I am a bit skeptical of

altogether. Something about him just doesn't sit right with me. My doc

is likely to listen to what I want to do and allow me to do that, but I'm

wondering what the feelings are here about using 's vs.


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