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T3 Increase - BUMP

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My Rt3 ratio is 11.3 and I've been taking 12.5 mcg cytomel (in two 6.25 doses)

while I get my ferritin higher. My last ferritin test was 32 and I just had an

iron IV Tuesday plus I am taking 168mg of the bluebonnet iron a day. I asked

about getting another ferritin test to see how much it came up and my doctor

thinks it is unnecessary (that my ferritin would be fine after the IV) and

thinks I should start raising T3 right away. I am an eight hour drive and

overnight stay away from a lab where I could get the test done myself and can't

do that right now.

I would like to try raising T3 (for the first time) and see how I do so I don't

lose the ferritin gain I would have from the IV. I've read Nick's info about

how to do increases spread out over the day but have a few questions.

I understand I should go by pulse and temps to check to see when the next

increase should be (when temps and pulse drops) but wonder if I can't handle the

increase, what are the worst symptoms and when would they show up? Would I know

right away after a dose or does it take days to show? I did read about taking

temp before T3 dose and 1/2 hr after and did that this morning. My temp before

mid-morning dose was 98.4 and half hour later was 98.5. Is that okay? I also

take my basal temp (which is around 97.4) and the temps through the day averaged

out (usually around 98.3) to make sure my adrenals are supported (I take HC).

Any other suggestions about how to monitor things? Or thoughts on this plan?

Thanks for any help :o)


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Not everyone's pulse and temps DROPS between dose raises the best rulke

of thumb is when oyu feel hypo you need increases eveyr 5-7 days . Now

wiht low ferritin oyu have to slwo them down to what oyu can tolerate

and Anxiety or feeling WORSE after a dose increase would be the signs to

drop bakc and wait a while longer.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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THanks Val.

Do you think I will stop feeling hypo while on such a low dose at these

beginning stages? I have constantly felt hypo on 12.5 mcg. I am only going to

increase by 6.25 at a time. I know you can't know how my body will respond but

from your experience do people trying to clear RT3 start feeling less hypo right

away on the lower doses?

As always, thanks for your dedication to us!



> Not everyone's pulse and temps DROPS between dose raises the best rulke

> of thumb is when oyu feel hypo you need increases eveyr 5-7 days . Now

> wiht low ferritin oyu have to slwo them down to what oyu can tolerate

> and Anxiety or feeling WORSE after a dose increase would be the signs to

> drop bakc and wait a while longer.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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Someitmes subtle improvements start just from reducing T4. I would not

lok for landslide improvements from that dose, btu some are possible.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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