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Confused/ RT3 problem or not?

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My labs on 11/23/09 were:

FT4 .78 (.82-1.77 ng/dl)

TSH 5.89 (.45-4.5 uIU/mL)

TPO 84 (0-34 IU/mL)

FT3 2 (2-4.4 pg/mL)

RT3 136 (90-350 pg/mL)

Calculated RT3 ratio= 14.7

note: at the time I was off my thyroid meds for two weeks.

My saliva cortisol tests as of 2/10/10 are:

7am-9am .98 (.27-1.18 mcg/dl)

11am-1pm .28 (.1-.41)

3pm-5pm .15 (.05-.27)

10pm-12am .12 (.03-.14)

Dhea 7am-9am 133 (71-640 pg/ml)

Dhea Cortisol ratio/10k 136 (115-1,188)

In addition E2 low at 3.3 (3.7-9.4); high progesterone at 695 (163-669) and very

high p/E2 ratio at 211 (33-116)

Melatonin is high at 7am-9am at 18.35 (<= 10.5 pg/ml)

Dr says no adrenal fatigue, no reverse T3 and suggest supplement with DHEA and

bio-identical E2.

I have no energy, can't get up in morning, cant go sleep at night, depressed,

hot flashes, dry skin patches, aches...can't lose weight. I'm on Erfa 125

mg/day...don't notice anything by taking it or not.

Agree? Disagree? Comments?

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You DO have an RT3 problem probabyl worsened sinc going back onm a med

containing T4. You also have deviations in your cortisol pattern thta

are nto quite what I would label adrenla fatigue but definitely adrenal

stress. SOme Rhodiola taken 10AM and 2PM might be helpful, and Melatonin

abotu 20minutes before sleep but no more than 1-3mg. I would not take

DHEA at this time as it would further push the cortiolsl down and you

do nto want that. Instead supplementing estrogen for now and

Testosterone if you are low in it would be my suggestion and gettign on

T3 onyl.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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