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Ferritin and organ iron overload

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Read these posts:http://www.thalassemiapatientsandfriends.com/index.php?topic=3175.0;wap2"I believe that the decesion should be based on the iron overload in organs rather than the ferritin levels. I remember one of our members here has a ferritin level around 147 but has iron overload in the heart. So in this case the ferritin levels will be misleading and depending on them in this case can lead to organ failure."So it's possible to have iron overload in the heart while not having a sky hih ferritin?

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I would like to know if anyone knows if this is possible - An iron overload in an organ, for ex the heart.. While Ferritin IS within the range, let's say 150 like mentioned below. Sounds scary to me!

Read these posts:http://www.thalasse miapatientsandfr iends.com/ index.php? topic=3175. 0;wap2"I believe that the decesion should be based on the iron overload in organs rather than the ferritin levels. I remember one of our members here has a ferritin level around 147 but has iron overload in the heart. So in this case the ferritin levels will be misleading and depending on them in this case can lead to organ failure."So it's possible to have iron overload in the heart while not having a sky hih ferritin?

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