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Re: Balancing Act of HC and T3

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>I am noticing a rythm between the two when dosing and wondering if this is

normal? Will it ever balance out between the two?

There is a strong interaction. The suggested route is to add HC until

temperature is stable and then start increasing T3 while monitoring

average temperatures. If they become unstable at a given dose of T3

then increase HC further before adding more T3


>I am still waiting on cynomel to get here so I am using my SR T3 in the



Good plan, be aware the good stuff can be 50% stronger than SR

>I can't use cortef, so I use a compounded HC. It is weaker than cortef but

stronger than SR HC. I have to add a douglas brand of 5mg to give me better

support. Here is my HC dose:

Whatever works for you


>10 compounded + 5mg douglas




>5 at bedtime

Seems sensible

>My current SR T3 is 22.50 (last two days) and at night before bed 7.5 SR T3.

OK, not a big dose


>This is what I am noticing.


>I feel fine on my dose of HC, then I notice the hypo symptoms will begin to get

strong, dry eyes, feel sad, dry skin, bloating, etc...


>Then I increase my morning dose of SR T3. I was at 18.75 SR T3 and increased

it to 22.50. The next day my temps jump up, I feel nice and warm and hypo

symptoms are easing. Then the next day the temp will lower itself some. I

would be a 98.3 avg yesterday when I jumped the dose to 98 avg temp.


>But it opens up this problem for me at night.


sounds like you might need T3 increased evert 3 days then with a small

increase. Your own thyroid output goes down as a result of the applied


>I get the low cortisol symptoms when I take my bedtime SR T3. I eat a nice

supper, filled my stomach so I don't feel hungry at all. I take the T3 pill and

in 30 mins I am terribly hungry. I will eat some peanut butter before bed.

Then by 1:30am I am totally hungry. I am having a hypoglycemic attack.

Vals advice would be avoid food with carbs at night and eat food with

a high fat content.

>My adrenaline is rushing and I am sweating and feel hot. This is twice this

has happened when I up the T3 morning dose for the hypo symptoms but it causes

me low cortisol at night. I had to decrease my night dose of 11.75 to 7.5 SR

T3. Now it seems I have to remove the 7.5 SR T3 at night so I won't have these

low cortisol attacks.

Trouble with the SRt3 is knowing when it's releasing, it might get

cleaner on the straight.

>I began to wonder, when does this balance out? Increase hc, decrease T3 etc...

some of that yes


>In the morning when I take my first does of HC at 7am and my SR T3 at 8am and

check my temp at 10am, it is higher than the basal or the same so I feel I have

enough HC to cover myself. But with the low cortisol at night, my morning it

seems isn't as strong as perhaps it should be?


Could be yes

>Last night I had to stress dose 5mg of HC at 1:30am to be able to sleep.

I hope that helped


>I am hoping I am not the only one having a blancing act, having hypo thyroid

and hypo adrenal on the same day, but differment points in time.

You are not the only one

>I hope I did not sound confusing.

Makes perfect sense



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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I am not sure where you are gettign facts from Lee, but I have never

nor can I see HOW a SR dose can stay in anyone's suystem 6 days, It is a

physical impossibility. Where exactly is it stored for that time? PLease

stick wiht FACTS that are proven as science when tryign to help other

members of this group. I am sorry I have been ill and I see alo5 has

fallen to Nick in my abssence btu to fill the gaps with junk science

will not help any0ne.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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Lee this is exactly why NO one (especially endos) takes

seriously. He comes up with this outrageous " info " wiht no scientific

basis and presents it as fact. Bad as I hate to say this as IS

apioneer in RT3 issues, he fell off track in his treaments for ti. His

treatments have also failed as there is literally no way to reverse

hypothyridism unless it si really not classic hypo but a Syndrome that

is well documented already called Euthroid Sick Syndrome. ESS is hyo

caused not by low thyrid levels but by high RT3 levels. It is also not

what most of us here are treating. Most people ion thi s group have ESS

WITH normal hypothyroidism. Though the reasons for ou r vcersions of ESS

are many and differnt the fix is geting rid of the T4 whihc lowers RT3.

But then to maintina this most of us will have to remain onT3 only

treatments which can be difficult to maintian that balance.

AT any rate the half life of T3 is VERY much a question as it depends

on who you listen to how long it remains in the body. NO SR mechanism

can possibly keep anything in the system for days as at lest it can only

maintina slow release into the intestines for as long as it is there

whihc is usually not longer then 24-36 hours tops.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV





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" Lee " morrislee71@... morrislee71 wrote:

>Doctor's MANUAl For 's Temperature Syndrome, E. Denis , MD.

>1991-2005. I'll provide page no. later and exact quote and his source, but gist

>is T4 has half-life of 7.5 days and T3 has half-life of about 2.5 days: All T4

>gone in about 15 days; all T3 gone in about 5 days. Combined with SR matrix,

>that is enough to lead to unsteadiness according to and others who

>follow him.


There is at least one glaring inaccuracy here.

I tested this myself, while on regular T3 (Cytomel). I had fT3=9.63 one

hour after my morning dose. I waited about 13 hours until the next dose

(longer than my usual interval), at which time fT3=4.97. So the half-life

of T3 in my system is on the order of 0.5 days.

Where does get 2.5 days? Beats me. Maybe an elephant has a

half-life of 2.5 days.

Given the SR matrix, I wonder how T3 ever gets through to the intended

recipient. After I had decided the complexity of the program

wasn't for me, I went to throw out some SRT3 and decided to run an

experiment. I put the leftover pills in my Vita-Mix with some water

and turned it on to see what the SR material would do. The result was

this HUGE puffy/gluey mass of white goo - unbelievably solid even with

lots of water. It's hard for me to see how any of the T3 in the center

of the pill, gets to the intestinal wall before the mass is excreted.

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>all T3 gone in about 5 days.

The useable strength range (ie places where it supports the body) is

in the order of 12 hours for standard T3.

The biggest reason to top up more often than that is not to get a

smoother ride down the slope of what's circulating but to avoid too

big an adrenal shock when topping up the blood levels.

The body likes " little and often " there.

the same reasons that we go for little and often also apply to dose

increments where we advocate allowing the body time to get used to a

level and not increasing till it has.


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I did not take my bedtime SR T3 and did not have any starvation pains. I knew

it was sucking my cortisol reserves at night.

Because I did not sleep the other night I felt a head cold coming and my nose

was running. I did a small stress dose to not suck up more of my reserves. I

noticed my temp was slowing rising during the day and my avg was 98.1. Though

last night I did not have any starvation feeling, I did wake up at 2am, fully

awake and could not go back asleep. I felt fine, no heart racing, no anxious

feelings, just was wide awake. A feeling I should get when I am ready for the

morning. I woke up with a basal of 98.2 and tired, no brain fog, just tired.

Let my body adjust and see how it works tonight. With stopping the T3 that night

and a small HC stress dose, see how it goes.

It has been two weeks since I ordered cynomel. I live in Houston, TX and

thought I'd get it quick since Mexico is my neighbor.



> I am noticing a rythm between the two when dosing and wondering if this is

normal? Will it ever balance out between the two?


> I am still waiting on cynomel to get here so I am using my SR T3 in the



> I can't use cortef, so I use a compounded HC. It is weaker than cortef but

stronger than SR HC. I have to add a douglas brand of 5mg to give me better

support. Here is my HC dose:


> 10 compounded + 5mg douglas

> 10

> 7.5

> 5

> 5 at bedtime


> My current SR T3 is 22.50 (last two days) and at night before bed 7.5 SR T3.


> This is what I am noticing.


> I feel fine on my dose of HC, then I notice the hypo symptoms will begin to

get strong, dry eyes, feel sad, dry skin, bloating, etc...


> Then I increase my morning dose of SR T3. I was at 18.75 SR T3 and increased

it to 22.50. The next day my temps jump up, I feel nice and warm and hypo

symptoms are easing. Then the next day the temp will lower itself some. I

would be a 98.3 avg yesterday when I jumped the dose to 98 avg temp.


> But it opens up this problem for me at night.


> I get the low cortisol symptoms when I take my bedtime SR T3. I eat a nice

supper, filled my stomach so I don't feel hungry at all. I take the T3 pill and

in 30 mins I am terribly hungry. I will eat some peanut butter before bed.

Then by 1:30am I am totally hungry. I am having a hypoglycemic attack. My

adrenaline is rushing and I am sweating and feel hot. This is twice this has

happened when I up the T3 morning dose for the hypo symptoms but it causes me

low cortisol at night. I had to decrease my night dose of 11.75 to 7.5 SR T3.

Now it seems I have to remove the 7.5 SR T3 at night so I won't have these low

cortisol attacks.


> I began to wonder, when does this balance out? Increase hc, decrease T3



> In the morning when I take my first does of HC at 7am and my SR T3 at 8am and

check my temp at 10am, it is higher than the basal or the same so I feel I have

enough HC to cover myself. But with the low cortisol at night, my morning it

seems isn't as strong as perhaps it should be?


> Last night I had to stress dose 5mg of HC at 1:30am to be able to sleep.


> I am hoping I am not the only one having a blancing act, having hypo thyroid

and hypo adrenal on the same day, but differment points in time.


> I hope I did not sound confusing.


> Thanks,




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