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Re: Birrdyy

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Sorry for the delay.  I don't check the RT3 list all to often.  I don't know if these are the rules of how things work only how they worked for me.  " High HC basically uses up t3 too fast, keeping you hypoT? "

High HC and when I say high HC I don't mean high cortisol I mean just a little bit to much HC, rushed T3 to the cells to quickly and didn't keep me more hypoT just made me feel the T3 which I never did before.

" Lower HC, and t3 is used at a more steady rate? " I don't think that's the case.  For me the little to much HC was all about the rushing in of the T3.  It's kind of hard to describe and I was a bit hesitant to even mention it because usually this is not what we deal with around here and I don't want to confuse people.  Most of the time when you can't tolerate T3 it's from low cortisol or ferritin and when you have a higher heart rate is from low cortisol, low sodium, low potassium.  It's when everything is ruled out I had to figure out what it could be.

Heart pounding is usually hypo.  That's different than heart racing.  If when you lower HC and your heart is racing more than lowering wasn't the think YOU needed. Again, I hesitate to suggest this because it's not really what most people here deal with but yes temps went up when I lowered HC.  That to me means it was time to lower HC.  I don't remember exactly how much HC I went down to.  I was in stages I think and there was always some time in between needing another decrease. 

I did not go hyper and did not have to reduce T3.  As a matter of act I am still hypo.  Bottom line, for me, it was high heart rate that wasn't anything else with very stable temps and stable temps as I lowered HC.

Not sure if this answers any of your questions or confuses things even more.  If as you lower HC you temps stay stable then that's a very good sign.


I am curious about your advice to Rainbow.  High HC basically uses up t3 too fast, keeping you hypoT?  Lower HC, and t3 is used at a more steady rate?   My heart feels hyper too but yet I've felt " hypo " for quite some time now.  I have been lowering HC slowly.  I lowered 2.5mg at noon today and now my temp at 4:00pm is 98.8 and heart is pounding more than usual.  I used to think the heart pounding means " low cortisol " but no, it's not...stress dosing never helps.  Then, I thought it was just still hypo, but maybe not...

How much HC did you have to lower before your heart felt comfortable?  You said your temps came up when you decreased hC.  Did you go hyper or need to reduce t3?  Thanks


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Thanks for explaining. Yes, I am confused and about as sad as can be today. I was on HC 21/2 years ago but because of the constant blacking out and severe fatigue I weaned. My doctor was an idiot and said I didn't need it. Not only did I need it, I needed florinef. So, I weaned and felt horrible, worse in fact than ever before. I was literally dying and I called the doctor and he prescribed xanax--very big mistake. Within a couple weeks of weaning, my heart started to pound and race, plus pulse started to increase into the 90's which was high for me. I was in great shape too at the time despite hypo and AI. Months later I re-started HC, florinef etc and assumed it would go away. It has never stopped! I have had an iron IV which brought my levels right up but it didn't fix the heart, nor has

florinef, salt, potassium(120meq), more cortisol(I've tried it all). I developed scary high cortisol symptoms in November. I also cleared Rt3 in November and temps have gone from 95-96's to around 98.6 with good basals. I wake with slow but pounding heart and it is always pounding and racing towards evening. Taking more t3 hasn't helped and has made me hyper with temps up to 99. I feel weak and depressed most of the time. I am weaning HC, I think so far it's what I need to do. I was feeling really exhausted and sedated on higher amounts. I know my GH and testosterone is extremely low and perhaps that is affecting me. I just don't know. Thanks for listening.-- Subject: Re:

BirrdyyTo: RT3_T3 Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 8:51 PM

Sorry for the delay. I don't check the RT3 list all to often. I don't know if these are the rules of how things work only how they worked for me. "High HC basically uses up t3 too fast, keeping you hypoT?"

High HC and when I say high HC I don't mean high cortisol I mean just a little bit to much HC, rushed T3 to the cells to quickly and didn't keep me more hypoT just made me feel the T3 which I never did before.

"Lower HC, and t3 is used at a more steady rate?"I don't think that's the case. For me the little to much HC was all about the rushing in of the T3. It's kind of hard to describe and I was a bit hesitant to even mention it because usually this is not what we deal with around here and I don't want to confuse people. Most of the time when you can't tolerate T3 it's from low cortisol or ferritin and when you have a higher heart rate is from low cortisol, low sodium, low potassium. It's when everything is ruled out I had to figure out what it could be.

Heart pounding is usually hypo. That's different than heart racing. If when you lower HC and your heart is racing more than lowering wasn't the think YOU needed. Again, I hesitate to suggest this because it's not really what most people here deal with but yes temps went up when I lowered HC. That to me means it was time to lower HC. I don't remember exactly how much HC I went down to. I was in stages I think and there was always some time in between needing another decrease.

I did not go hyper and did not have to reduce T3. As a matter of act I am still hypo. Bottom line, for me, it was high heart rate that wasn't anything else with very stable temps and stable temps as I lowered HC.

Not sure if this answers any of your questions or confuses things even more. If as you lower HC you temps stay stable then that's a very good sign.On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:16 PM, low_carb_crystal <low_carb_crystal@ yahoo.com> wrote:


I am curious about your advice to Rainbow. High HC basically uses up t3 too fast, keeping you hypoT? Lower HC, and t3 is used at a more steady rate? My heart feels hyper too but yet I've felt "hypo" for quite some time now. I have been lowering HC slowly. I lowered 2.5mg at noon today and now my temp at 4:00pm is 98.8 and heart is pounding more than usual. I used to think the heart pounding means "low cortisol" but no, it's not...stress dosing never helps. Then, I thought it was just still hypo, but maybe not...

How much HC did you have to lower before your heart felt comfortable? You said your temps came up when you decreased hC. Did you go hyper or need to reduce t3? Thanks

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Do you have labs?  Stable temps from one day to the next for at least 5 days?  How much salt and florinef?  Can you start a new thread in the adrenals list since this is probably more adrenal related and I don't check RT3 to often.

Thanks for explaining.  Yes, I am confused and about as sad as can be today.  I was on HC 21/2 years ago but because of the constant blacking out and severe fatigue I weaned.  My doctor was an idiot and said I didn't need it.  Not only did I need it, I needed florinef.  So, I weaned and felt horrible, worse in fact than ever before.  I was literally dying and I called the doctor and he prescribed xanax--very big mistake.  Within a couple weeks of weaning, my heart started to pound and race, plus pulse started to increase into the 90's which was high for me.  I was in great shape too at the time despite hypo and AI.  Months later I re-started HC, florinef etc and assumed it would go away.  It has never stopped!  I have had an iron IV which brought my levels right up but it didn't fix the heart, nor has

florinef, salt, potassium(120meq), more cortisol(I've tried it all).  I developed scary high cortisol symptoms in November. I also cleared Rt3 in November and temps have gone from 95-96's to around 98.6 with good basals.  I wake with slow but pounding heart and it is always pounding and racing towards evening.  Taking more t3 hasn't helped and has made me hyper with temps up to 99.  I feel weak and depressed most of the time.  I am weaning HC, I think so far it's what I need to do.  I was feeling really exhausted and sedated on higher amounts.  I know my GH and testosterone is extremely low and perhaps that is affecting me.  I just don't know.  Thanks for listening.


Subject: Re:

BirrdyyTo: RT3_T3 Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 8:51 PM


Sorry for the delay.  I don't check the RT3 list all to often.  I don't know if these are the rules of how things work only how they worked for me.  " High HC basically uses up t3 too fast, keeping you hypoT? "

High HC and when I say high HC I don't mean high cortisol I mean just a little bit to much HC, rushed T3 to the cells to quickly and didn't keep me more hypoT just made me feel the T3 which I never did before.

" Lower HC, and t3 is used at a more steady rate? " I don't think that's the case.  For me the little to much HC was all about the rushing in of the T3.  It's kind of hard to describe and I was a bit hesitant to even mention it because usually this is not what we deal with around here and I don't want to confuse people.  Most of the time when you can't tolerate T3 it's from low cortisol or ferritin and when you have a higher heart rate is from low cortisol, low sodium, low potassium.  It's when everything is ruled out I had to figure out what it could be.

Heart pounding is usually hypo.  That's different than heart racing.  If when you lower HC and your heart is racing more than lowering wasn't the think YOU needed. Again, I hesitate to suggest this because it's not really what most people here deal with but yes temps went up when I lowered HC.  That to me means it was time to lower HC.  I don't remember exactly how much HC I went down to.  I was in stages I think and there was always some time in between needing another decrease. 

I did not go hyper and did not have to reduce T3.  As a matter of act I am still hypo.  Bottom line, for me, it was high heart rate that wasn't anything else with very stable temps and stable temps as I lowered HC.

Not sure if this answers any of your questions or confuses things even more.  If as you lower HC you temps stay stable then that's a very good sign.On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:16 PM, low_carb_crystal <low_carb_crystal@ yahoo.com> wrote:


I am curious about your advice to Rainbow.  High HC basically uses up t3 too fast, keeping you hypoT?  Lower HC, and t3 is used at a more steady rate?   My heart feels hyper too but yet I've felt " hypo " for quite some time now.  I have been lowering HC slowly.  I lowered 2.5mg at noon today and now my temp at 4:00pm is 98.8 and heart is pounding more than usual.  I used to think the heart pounding means " low cortisol " but no, it's not...stress dosing never helps.  Then, I thought it was just still hypo, but maybe not...

How much HC did you have to lower before your heart felt comfortable?  You said your temps came up when you decreased hC.  Did you go hyper or need to reduce t3?  Thanks

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