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Hi Terri,

I'm so sorry to hear about your ep, but very glad you found this group. The

women here are caring, considerate, and compassionate, I'm sure you'll

receive the support you're looking for.

I know it's early, but have you spoken to your doctor about doing an HSG

(hystersalopingram), it's a procedure where they inject dye into the uterus

to look for any blockages in the uterus and fallopian tubes?

My ep was on 12/7/00. Both my fallopian tubes were removed (right damaged

from pregnancy, left damaged from DES exposure).

It takes time to heal, your wounds are still fresh; and the emotional pain

is so new, please give yourself time.



> Hello,

> I have just joined this group...my name is Terri. I

> received my second methotrexate injection on 2/28 for

> an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed on 2/21. I'm 35, and

> had just started trying to get pregnant at the first

> of the year, expecting it to take several months. I

> was surprised but overjoyed to find out I was

> pregnant, but three days later began bleeding. I saw

> my dr. the next day, who did serial hcg levels, which

> of course were abnormal. By that time, I had right

> sided abdominal pain and tenderness. A vaginal u/s

> confirmed the ectopic pregnancy.

> I have read and heard such conflicting information

> about my prognosis, and I guess there is no way to

> know what lies ahead. I am so terrifed, I don't even

> know if I want to try to get pregnant again. I wish I

> knew what, if anything, is wrong with my tube(s). I'm

> just so worried and scared; everyone seems to equate

> this with a miscarriage and it is not the same thing.

> I'm sure you all understand.

> Anyway, I'm glad I found you and I look forward to

> reading about your experiences and feelings.

> Terri





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Guest guest

Hi Terri,

I'm so sorry to hear about your ep, but very glad you found this group. The

women here are caring, considerate, and compassionate, I'm sure you'll

receive the support you're looking for.

I know it's early, but have you spoken to your doctor about doing an HSG

(hystersalopingram), it's a procedure where they inject dye into the uterus

to look for any blockages in the uterus and fallopian tubes?

My ep was on 12/7/00. Both my fallopian tubes were removed (right damaged

from pregnancy, left damaged from DES exposure).

It takes time to heal, your wounds are still fresh; and the emotional pain

is so new, please give yourself time.


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I'm so sorry you had to find this group, but I know it will bring you

much support during this difficult time. I know it's so scary to not

know exactly what happened in your body, but so many women on this

site have become pregnant after their EPs naturally, through IUI and

IVF that I truly believe it will happen for us all with time. If you

have any questions or concerns, just post and you're sure to get

plenty of input!


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I'm so sorry you had to find this group, but I know it will bring you

much support during this difficult time. I know it's so scary to not

know exactly what happened in your body, but so many women on this

site have become pregnant after their EPs naturally, through IUI and

IVF that I truly believe it will happen for us all with time. If you

have any questions or concerns, just post and you're sure to get

plenty of input!


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I'm so sorry you had to find this group, but I know it will bring you

much support during this difficult time. I know it's so scary to not

know exactly what happened in your body, but so many women on this

site have become pregnant after their EPs naturally, through IUI and

IVF that I truly believe it will happen for us all with time. If you

have any questions or concerns, just post and you're sure to get

plenty of input!


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Hi Terri,

Welcome to our group. These women are wonderful, kind, and

compassionate. Each of our stories, while similar, are all unique,

and every one of us have different treatments and courses of action

to follow. Many of these women have wonderful success stories to

share, and this is very inspirational to those of us still coping and

waiting. My EP was in January, and although sometimes I get nervous

reading some of the posts of the girls experiencing troubles right

now, I am positive that ALL OF US will eventually get the news we

want to hear and the positive outcomes we all so truly deserve. My

heart breaks with some of the situations I read, but I pray for all

of us in the group, and I don't know what I would do without them. I

wish you the best of everything and although sometimes it is hard, I

hope you can think positive on your future, because I know you will

get there!


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Guest guest

Hi Terri,

Welcome to our group. These women are wonderful, kind, and

compassionate. Each of our stories, while similar, are all unique,

and every one of us have different treatments and courses of action

to follow. Many of these women have wonderful success stories to

share, and this is very inspirational to those of us still coping and

waiting. My EP was in January, and although sometimes I get nervous

reading some of the posts of the girls experiencing troubles right

now, I am positive that ALL OF US will eventually get the news we

want to hear and the positive outcomes we all so truly deserve. My

heart breaks with some of the situations I read, but I pray for all

of us in the group, and I don't know what I would do without them. I

wish you the best of everything and although sometimes it is hard, I

hope you can think positive on your future, because I know you will

get there!


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Guest guest

Hi Terri,

Welcome to our group. These women are wonderful, kind, and

compassionate. Each of our stories, while similar, are all unique,

and every one of us have different treatments and courses of action

to follow. Many of these women have wonderful success stories to

share, and this is very inspirational to those of us still coping and

waiting. My EP was in January, and although sometimes I get nervous

reading some of the posts of the girls experiencing troubles right

now, I am positive that ALL OF US will eventually get the news we

want to hear and the positive outcomes we all so truly deserve. My

heart breaks with some of the situations I read, but I pray for all

of us in the group, and I don't know what I would do without them. I

wish you the best of everything and although sometimes it is hard, I

hope you can think positive on your future, because I know you will

get there!


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Welcome to the group. I am soo sorry you had to find us, but you will find

lots of support, understanding and lots of info here.. Ask anything you

like, someone here will know the answers...

Again, I am sorry for your loss.

lisa r


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Welcome to the group. I am soo sorry you had to find us, but you will find

lots of support, understanding and lots of info here.. Ask anything you

like, someone here will know the answers...

Again, I am sorry for your loss.

lisa r


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Welcome to the group. I am soo sorry you had to find us, but you will find

lots of support, understanding and lots of info here.. Ask anything you

like, someone here will know the answers...

Again, I am sorry for your loss.

lisa r


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Welcome to the group...sorry we've had to meet under these

circumstances though. You are completely right in that experiencing

an ep and m/c are 2 different things. On top of having to try to

cope with the loss of a child..an ep can be so physically

dangerous...it brings upon a fear that you never even considered

before. I had surgery in Sept and I still get nervous every month

when I have, what I am finally beginning to realize, are " normal

monthly pains " Once you have had an ep, you also question your

ability to have a uterine pg. It is really hard to deal with both of

these thoughts, but I've found it really helps to share them with

people who can understand them. As for whether you want to try

again, that is something only you and your dh can decide, but do know

that there are many women in this group alone who have gone on to

have healthy pgs...so it can and does happen!

Please post whenever you want or need to an ask any questions you may

have. The people here are extremely knowledgable and caring.



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Welcome to the group...sorry we've had to meet under these

circumstances though. You are completely right in that experiencing

an ep and m/c are 2 different things. On top of having to try to

cope with the loss of a child..an ep can be so physically

dangerous...it brings upon a fear that you never even considered

before. I had surgery in Sept and I still get nervous every month

when I have, what I am finally beginning to realize, are " normal

monthly pains " Once you have had an ep, you also question your

ability to have a uterine pg. It is really hard to deal with both of

these thoughts, but I've found it really helps to share them with

people who can understand them. As for whether you want to try

again, that is something only you and your dh can decide, but do know

that there are many women in this group alone who have gone on to

have healthy pgs...so it can and does happen!

Please post whenever you want or need to an ask any questions you may

have. The people here are extremely knowledgable and caring.



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Welcome to the group...sorry we've had to meet under these

circumstances though. You are completely right in that experiencing

an ep and m/c are 2 different things. On top of having to try to

cope with the loss of a child..an ep can be so physically

dangerous...it brings upon a fear that you never even considered

before. I had surgery in Sept and I still get nervous every month

when I have, what I am finally beginning to realize, are " normal

monthly pains " Once you have had an ep, you also question your

ability to have a uterine pg. It is really hard to deal with both of

these thoughts, but I've found it really helps to share them with

people who can understand them. As for whether you want to try

again, that is something only you and your dh can decide, but do know

that there are many women in this group alone who have gone on to

have healthy pgs...so it can and does happen!

Please post whenever you want or need to an ask any questions you may

have. The people here are extremely knowledgable and caring.



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Hi everyone,

Thank you for your warm welcome and your


Can someone please summarize some of the abbreviations

used here? I think I know what some of them are, but

there are some I just can't figure out. (af, iui,

etc.) Thanks!

Someone mentioned an hsg to me...my doctor has not

recommended it. Is that something that is normally

done after one ep? He told me the majority of women

with ep go on to have normal pregnancies afterward -

he seemed totally unconcerned. But through my own

research, I have found much more to be worried about.

I find myself overcome with guilt at times because I

did go through a 'promiscuous' period in my late

teens/early 20's and I wonder if I picked up some sort

of subacute infection which damaged my tubes and

caused this loss to happen.

I have two personal friends who have had ectopic

pregnancies. Both were years ago. One friend had

ruptured. She has since had no children but recently

had an hsg which showed both tubes were blocked. My

other friend had surgery for ep at age 19. She's now

34 and has 4yo twins and a yr. old baby girl -

perfectly normal pregnancies.

My dr. says to wait 3 cycles before ttc - is that


Thank you so much for your input!!! I'm so glad I

found all of you.


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Guest guest

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your warm welcome and your


Can someone please summarize some of the abbreviations

used here? I think I know what some of them are, but

there are some I just can't figure out. (af, iui,

etc.) Thanks!

Someone mentioned an hsg to me...my doctor has not

recommended it. Is that something that is normally

done after one ep? He told me the majority of women

with ep go on to have normal pregnancies afterward -

he seemed totally unconcerned. But through my own

research, I have found much more to be worried about.

I find myself overcome with guilt at times because I

did go through a 'promiscuous' period in my late

teens/early 20's and I wonder if I picked up some sort

of subacute infection which damaged my tubes and

caused this loss to happen.

I have two personal friends who have had ectopic

pregnancies. Both were years ago. One friend had

ruptured. She has since had no children but recently

had an hsg which showed both tubes were blocked. My

other friend had surgery for ep at age 19. She's now

34 and has 4yo twins and a yr. old baby girl -

perfectly normal pregnancies.

My dr. says to wait 3 cycles before ttc - is that


Thank you so much for your input!!! I'm so glad I

found all of you.


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Guest guest

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your warm welcome and your


Can someone please summarize some of the abbreviations

used here? I think I know what some of them are, but

there are some I just can't figure out. (af, iui,

etc.) Thanks!

Someone mentioned an hsg to me...my doctor has not

recommended it. Is that something that is normally

done after one ep? He told me the majority of women

with ep go on to have normal pregnancies afterward -

he seemed totally unconcerned. But through my own

research, I have found much more to be worried about.

I find myself overcome with guilt at times because I

did go through a 'promiscuous' period in my late

teens/early 20's and I wonder if I picked up some sort

of subacute infection which damaged my tubes and

caused this loss to happen.

I have two personal friends who have had ectopic

pregnancies. Both were years ago. One friend had

ruptured. She has since had no children but recently

had an hsg which showed both tubes were blocked. My

other friend had surgery for ep at age 19. She's now

34 and has 4yo twins and a yr. old baby girl -

perfectly normal pregnancies.

My dr. says to wait 3 cycles before ttc - is that


Thank you so much for your input!!! I'm so glad I

found all of you.


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It's always a good idea to do an HSG just to know what's going on in your

body. And since you're not actively ttc (trying to conceive), it's a great

time to get one done. I'm surprised your doctor didn't suggest it. A lot

of physician's make it mandatory before doing IVF or other AR (assisted

reproduction) procedures. Why waste precious time, emotions, and financial

resources ttc when you don't know if everything's working okay in there...


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It's always a good idea to do an HSG just to know what's going on in your

body. And since you're not actively ttc (trying to conceive), it's a great

time to get one done. I'm surprised your doctor didn't suggest it. A lot

of physician's make it mandatory before doing IVF or other AR (assisted

reproduction) procedures. Why waste precious time, emotions, and financial

resources ttc when you don't know if everything's working okay in there...


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Guest guest

Terri, Hello my name is Keri, That's kind of funny, our names, anyway. I had an

ep on Dec.7 2000 and I felt alot like you do right now. It was me and Heath's

(dp) first baby and we were just getting excited about becoming parents when we

found out it was an ep. I went to the emergency room because I was having sharp

pains in my left side, but we just thought it was my stomach because I have

irritable bowl syndrome. Well we found out later that night that it was an ep. I

had to have emergency surgery, because I had already ruptured and I still feel

unsure about everything that was done to me.The doctor who operated on me was

really less than helpfull. I am sorry that you had to find us but if you ever

need anything one of us, I am sure could help.----Keri


> Hello,

> I have just joined this group...my name is Terri. I

> received my second methotrexate injection on 2/28 for

> an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed on 2/21. I'm 35, and

> had just started trying to get pregnant at the first

> of the year, expecting it to take several months. I

> was surprised but overjoyed to find out I was

> pregnant, but three days later began bleeding. I saw

> my dr. the next day, who did serial hcg levels, which

> of course were abnormal. By that time, I had right

> sided abdominal pain and tenderness. A vaginal u/s

> confirmed the ectopic pregnancy.

> I have read and heard such conflicting information

> about my prognosis, and I guess there is no way to

> know what lies ahead. I am so terrifed, I don't even

> know if I want to try to get pregnant again. I wish I

> knew what, if anything, is wrong with my tube(s). I'm

> just so worried and scared; everyone seems to equate

> this with a miscarriage and it is not the same thing.

> I'm sure you all understand.

> Anyway, I'm glad I found you and I look forward to

> reading about your experiences and feelings.

> Terri





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Guest guest

Terri, Hello my name is Keri, That's kind of funny, our names, anyway. I had an

ep on Dec.7 2000 and I felt alot like you do right now. It was me and Heath's

(dp) first baby and we were just getting excited about becoming parents when we

found out it was an ep. I went to the emergency room because I was having sharp

pains in my left side, but we just thought it was my stomach because I have

irritable bowl syndrome. Well we found out later that night that it was an ep. I

had to have emergency surgery, because I had already ruptured and I still feel

unsure about everything that was done to me.The doctor who operated on me was

really less than helpfull. I am sorry that you had to find us but if you ever

need anything one of us, I am sure could help.----Keri


> Hello,

> I have just joined this group...my name is Terri. I

> received my second methotrexate injection on 2/28 for

> an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed on 2/21. I'm 35, and

> had just started trying to get pregnant at the first

> of the year, expecting it to take several months. I

> was surprised but overjoyed to find out I was

> pregnant, but three days later began bleeding. I saw

> my dr. the next day, who did serial hcg levels, which

> of course were abnormal. By that time, I had right

> sided abdominal pain and tenderness. A vaginal u/s

> confirmed the ectopic pregnancy.

> I have read and heard such conflicting information

> about my prognosis, and I guess there is no way to

> know what lies ahead. I am so terrifed, I don't even

> know if I want to try to get pregnant again. I wish I

> knew what, if anything, is wrong with my tube(s). I'm

> just so worried and scared; everyone seems to equate

> this with a miscarriage and it is not the same thing.

> I'm sure you all understand.

> Anyway, I'm glad I found you and I look forward to

> reading about your experiences and feelings.

> Terri





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Guest guest

Terri, Hello my name is Keri, That's kind of funny, our names, anyway. I had an

ep on Dec.7 2000 and I felt alot like you do right now. It was me and Heath's

(dp) first baby and we were just getting excited about becoming parents when we

found out it was an ep. I went to the emergency room because I was having sharp

pains in my left side, but we just thought it was my stomach because I have

irritable bowl syndrome. Well we found out later that night that it was an ep. I

had to have emergency surgery, because I had already ruptured and I still feel

unsure about everything that was done to me.The doctor who operated on me was

really less than helpfull. I am sorry that you had to find us but if you ever

need anything one of us, I am sure could help.----Keri


> Hello,

> I have just joined this group...my name is Terri. I

> received my second methotrexate injection on 2/28 for

> an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed on 2/21. I'm 35, and

> had just started trying to get pregnant at the first

> of the year, expecting it to take several months. I

> was surprised but overjoyed to find out I was

> pregnant, but three days later began bleeding. I saw

> my dr. the next day, who did serial hcg levels, which

> of course were abnormal. By that time, I had right

> sided abdominal pain and tenderness. A vaginal u/s

> confirmed the ectopic pregnancy.

> I have read and heard such conflicting information

> about my prognosis, and I guess there is no way to

> know what lies ahead. I am so terrifed, I don't even

> know if I want to try to get pregnant again. I wish I

> knew what, if anything, is wrong with my tube(s). I'm

> just so worried and scared; everyone seems to equate

> this with a miscarriage and it is not the same thing.

> I'm sure you all understand.

> Anyway, I'm glad I found you and I look forward to

> reading about your experiences and feelings.

> Terri





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I am so sorry about your loss and you are right, it is not like a

m/c. People will talk about it like it is, but they don't realize all

the things that go on with your body afterward. I've talked to lots

of women on this site and others who have had an ep and then went on

to have children. Both of my husband's bosses lost their tubes

through the process (how ironic is that--that they happened to be his

bosses when this happened to me?), but then they had several children

afterward. And they have older children, so this happened to them

before a lot of the new technology. You'll find alot of hope and

helpful information here. Just give yourself plenty of time to grieve.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

> of the 12-step program. One therpaist I knew had done years and years

> of 12-step and told me her higher power was blueberry cheesecake, and

> she wasn't joking, but illustrating what got her through it. But I'm

Please accept my comments as humble despite the sarcasm (I'm still in a

major " questioning the 12 steps " phase):

So did she really think that a blueberry cheesecake would " remove all

these defects of character/shortcomings? " Did she have to eat it or

just stare at it?

Oooo, this one gets messy:

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact

with blueberry cheesecake, praying only for knowledge of blueberry

cheesecake's will for us and the power to carry that out.

Conscious contact with blueberry cheesecake....how do you improve that?

I'm not trying rip on her or you...I am actually still in my 12-step

fellowship, but until somebody really read me the steps with a " silly "

higher power filled in there, I was buying it. They told me it can be

anything, but then they never substituted the proper nouns for

me...it's a little misleading, IMHO. It took " anti- " AA people to help

me see that...

Welcome to the group!



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> of the 12-step program. One therpaist I knew had done years and years

> of 12-step and told me her higher power was blueberry cheesecake, and

> she wasn't joking, but illustrating what got her through it. But I'm

Please accept my comments as humble despite the sarcasm (I'm still in a

major " questioning the 12 steps " phase):

So did she really think that a blueberry cheesecake would " remove all

these defects of character/shortcomings? " Did she have to eat it or

just stare at it?

Oooo, this one gets messy:

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact

with blueberry cheesecake, praying only for knowledge of blueberry

cheesecake's will for us and the power to carry that out.

Conscious contact with blueberry cheesecake....how do you improve that?

I'm not trying rip on her or you...I am actually still in my 12-step

fellowship, but until somebody really read me the steps with a " silly "

higher power filled in there, I was buying it. They told me it can be

anything, but then they never substituted the proper nouns for

me...it's a little misleading, IMHO. It took " anti- " AA people to help

me see that...

Welcome to the group!



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