Guest guest Posted October 18, 2000 Report Share Posted October 18, 2000 , I guess you were not on the list when Geoff first introduced the group to RA SPES. It is a herbal formula that worked wonders for some people who were in the group at that time, allowing them to get on with their life while the AP did it's job. The problem was, it was just too expensive for most people. Geoff was finally able to negotiate a lower price through a less than satisfactory arrangement with a third party and this worked for a time, but then that door closed. It's taken a while, but Geoff has finally been able to start a small non-profit business on the net to make lower pricing of RA SPES available to anybody else in the group who can afford it. Yes, it allows him to purchase the product cheaper for himself, but it also let's the group take advantage of lower pricing as well. Geoff hopes to be able to offer other products at discount people in the group may be using. was formed mainly for the benefit of this group. Geoff has been a valuable contributor to this group. His intentions are honorable. I'm sorry you were offended. This same company has another product, PC SPES, now touted by the doctor who developed the PSA test, as a primary treatment for prostate cancer. It is an amazing product. It too is available at a discounted rate from Neither of these products cure the disease, but they are certainly worth a try if the patient can afford them. Ethel KPSB2@... wrote: > > In a message dated 10/18/2000 3:35:51 AM Pacific Daylight Time, > jrtrick@... writes: > > << The enzyme Geoff is referring to here is DNase1. Mention of it is made > in the article you sent us about an enzyme being the cause of Lupus on > 5/31/00. J >> > > Well, it certainly does not ring a bell with me. I just do not want people > here to be confused for I see a great sales pitch being pulled here on the > list which is upsetting to me, and then when the same person draws my name > into a conversation after subjecting all of us to a sales pitch for his own > business, well it makes me feel used, angry, pissed off and I want to make > darn sure no one here thinks That I recommend any other product than > antibiotics for the treatment of these diseases. So my post came from a long > frustrating day doing my email and having to read sales pitches from someone > who says the antibiotics does not work for them. > As one of the people here who is 97% recovered I do not in any way want my > name linked to RASpecs, A lupus enzyme, or any other thing which could > confuse people about how I feel about people coming and selling their own > products on this list. It makes me very angry. It would be ashamed if this > list was reduced to fodder for some person to earn a living out of others > peoples quest for life, and perhaps their death if they make the wrong > choices. It is unethical, uncalled for and I have a strong desire not to be > the object of emails pulled from 6 months ago. > Thank you in advance for your understanding of how this makes me feel > which is icky. > > > > To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2000 Report Share Posted October 21, 2000 , I think that you have misunderstood something in Geoff's posting. Geoff does not make/manufacture RA Spes. It is produced by a company called Botaniclab <>. I have been taking RA Spes for over a year. I have been on antibiotics for over two and a half years. Unfortunately, I have not been as lucky as you in that I am still not in remission. I have been trying to get off prednisone but before Geoff told the group about RA Spes, I was just getting worse and worse and facing the possiblity of increasing the prednisone or going on gold or some other equally toxic drug to keep functioning. After Geoff told us about his success with RA Spes, I decided to focus my " medical spending dollars " on RA Spes to give it a try. It was a life saver for me. Within two days of starting it, I was able to walk without pain and without hanging on to the walls. With the help of RA Spes, I was able to reduce my prednisone from 10 mg./day to 7 mg./day - a major victory for me. Unfortunately, I had to go off of it because of surgery (knee replacement) which caused me to flare. I'm back up on prednisone but have hopes that the RA Spes will help me get this flare back under control and get weaned off the prednisone. I'm telling you all this because of your reference to RA Spes as " snake oil " . Several in this group have benefited greatly by using it. I didn't read anything in Geoff's post suggesting that RA Spes be taken instead of minocycline. If someone suggests using this herb or that vitamin supplement because it has benefited them, do you call that " snake oil " and take them to task for mentioning it to the group? Some things work for some but don't work for others. The only problem with RA Spes, other than the usual one of not working for everyone, is the price. This is a completely separate issue from the product itself. Don't denigrate the product when your gripe is with Geoff selling it. You could be denying someone an option that could make a hugh difference. Criss Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2001 Report Share Posted February 27, 2001 Dear Ms. Alder... Please accept my apologies. The year in these sentences: " I have been taking RA Spes now since July 7, 1988. " " In '88 I couldn't walk 10 feet... " " be a surrogate father to in 1988 as I... " Should read 1998, not 1988. Geoff Crenshaw Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2001 Report Share Posted February 27, 2001 I've only been on this list a couple of months. I am unaware of the numerous conversations that may have taken place regarding this product. I am not saying it is laced with anything. I am only expressing my concerns that have arisen out of my " very " favorable experience with the product as well as my md's experience with RA Spes. I am thrilled that you credit your recovery to this product and I am saddened to hear that a product you depend for wellness on may no longer be available. One point that I would like to stress is that I rely on numerous various herbals in my regime. I also use homeopathics and allopathic medicines. I agree that it would be wonderful if we could finally find a way to cure these dreaded diseases with natural substances alone. RA Spes may be the cure-all. But I use this board in order to exchange ideas and concerns. Those subjects may not be subjects that everyone wants to hear, but all the same I think we should be free to discuss them if needed. kathy Re: RA Spes > >you suggest this herbal as being laced with undisclosed controlled drugs >in violation State and Federal criminal laws. You further suggest >serious previously undisclosed complications of an unknown kind but > " possibly " one of two horrid diseases. > >There is no evidence to support either of these suggestions. The herb >has been analyzed by independent labs and found not to contain any >undisclosed materials as compared with the label. > >For nearly three years now members of this list have been trying to >compound a " clone " of this herb with negative results. > >Why? > >Either all of us and the herbalists our members have flocked to are >idiots, or indeed there is something very special about either these >herbs themselves, or the processing of them, or the compounding of them, >or some combination of these that is not so " common " as one might think. >The recent issue arising involving the WTO and PRC and the supply-chain >problems suffered by BotanicLab in the manufacture of this herbal tend >to bear this out. > >Like it or not, there are indeed differences between a hot-house plant >and the very same plant grown in the wild. There are differences between >harvests and drying techniques, humidity and a myriad host of other >items all of which effect the final product. Dr. Cass Ingram addresses >this very issue with a specific " wildcrafted " oregano, contrasting it to >ANY other oregano, and its healing properties. > >Whatever it is that makes this herbal compound so special, casual >unfounded accusations by people bereft of any other " explanation " as to >its efficacy within the limits of their own understanding and experience >are just that, casual and unfounded. > >>From my perspective it is sad that we as a people would prefer to take >drugs we know for a fact will hurt us rather than those which - when >looked at through the VERY SAME LENS of disclosure and testing - will >not hurt us simply because the care givers we employ are familiar with >the injurious and ignorant of the safe. > >Our trust indeed is not in our own ability to understand, but instead >has been given to a group of people who are no less self-serving than >any other group of people such that when an alternative arises which >offers hope rather than embrace it, we scoff, mock and howl. > >Regards, ----------------------- >Geoff ** Usual Disclaimers ** > ----------------------- >How can you have hope? >Get under the blood of the Passover Lamb. > EXO 12:7-3 / MAR 14:24 / REV 12:11 > > Nonprofit: Herbs, Homeopathics & supp's. > Make money & travel! > Over a MILLION travel deals! > > > >To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 27, 2001 Report Share Posted February 27, 2001 on 2/26/01 11:52 PM, O'Connor at RNMSW@... wrote: > A former lister had it analyzed. No steroids. There are plant sterols. > I don't understand why this keeps coming up. I don't hear the same thing > about other supplements that work. I think one reason folks over-react about RA Spes and assume it's " spiked " is because some Chinese herbal remedies--products produced and packaged in China, with Chinese labels-- have legitimately been found to be spiked or tainted. The important distinction to make here is that although the herbs used by BotanicLab come from China, RA Spes and other Botaniclab products are made by BotanicLab of Brea, California, USA. RA Spes is produced in the USA, not China. BotanicLab's cancer product PC Spes is currently being studied at a number of major cancer research centers, including the National Institutes of Health. From everything I have been able to learn, the folks at BotanicLab are serious researchers and clinicians with nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by doing anything so foolish as undermining their credibility by " spiking " one of their products for quick monetary gain. Unfortunately, there is no such research being done on RA Spes that I can find. If anyone would like to read more about a serious research center's investigations into PC Spes, I would suggest UCSF Cancer Center's fascinating page at <> Jean Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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