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Knee story to share

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Hi Hi group

I'm back now with the latest lab test.

Maybe today my wife and I have some indication for her knee troubles.

Because I did not tell you yet but after 4 years we still have to know what's wrong with it!

Let's start from the beginning.

First she is now 47

- in 1995 my wife had a knee ligaments sprain while skiing - after one month she recovered perfectly

- in 1997 for unknown reasons same knee started to pain swell warm etc..., in 2 weeks time max knee flexion and extension was drammatically reduced

- due to a slight click and because nothing was found by X-ray and NMR 3 orthopedics told us they suspected a meniscous damage and suggested an arthroscopy.

- while taking decision about arthroscopy she had 3 knee infiltrations of some sort of cortisone with no benefit at all

- in 1998 we were convinced that knee had to be cecked from inside !

With much surprise the operation confirmed no meniscous damage but a big quantity of chondro grains which were then remouved. Unfortunately even after this with no improvement. So that the orthopedics opinion was to remouve the synovia. Of course we did not accept it.

- till end of 1998 lab test were all negative

- in 1999 she went for a special blood test that showed:

Herpes simplex 1 IgG positive

IgM negative

Anti Epstain Bar IgG positive

IgM negative

Anti citomegalovirus IgG 46 eu/ml

IgM negative

wide immunoactivation of T cells and low CD4 level

For this the rheumy put her on meds (sort of syntesis immunoglobulin) for 6 months. I must say my wife used to be quite often sick on winter. Since then she is very well indeed from the general view point.

This notwithstanding the knee is still warm, painfull, swell, with same disability.

- and here the latest lab test

all negative ( ... Waaler rose - C reactive protein <5 - RF <30 - ESR 7- ....)

but sero positive for antinuclear antibody

positive antitissue antibody for smooth muscles

Shortly we will see a new rheumy.

Meanwhile please let me know your comments on this if any especially in connection to the AP as no doctor has ever thought about antibiotics and mycoplasma.

Thanks , Luigi /Italy

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