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Re: *bump to val*no one can help me, advice please?

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> >

> > I am suspicious of hypopituitarty issues for you. Are you stil on HC?

> > From the one serum lab oyu ha I think you needed alo more than 20mg and

> > the ACTH confirms secondry whch means your pituitary is nt functioning

> > correctly. Thsi wil cause thyroid and sex hormones to also not be

> > correct. YOu need to find a doctor that will treat and test ALL yoiur

> > hormnes. That fasting glucose of 50 in 2008 is a scary number. in the

> > 50's you are hypoglycemic and actually havign brain damage from it. This

> > could have caused your pituitry to malfunction.

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >


> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/

> >


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Val, Thank you! re: the vitamin d, it was 18. A question about thyroid: how come

every time I take thyroid meds, I feel MUCH worse (tired, depressed, gain

weight, and my stomach bloats like I am pregnant, NO exaggeration) I look

horrible. I do not have ANY hyper symptoms at all nor adverse reactions to the

meds, but it makes me feel worse. I can't decide if my problems are truly

thyroid or adrenal/sex hormones, or what.


> ACTH stim, May 09:

> > Cortisol Basal 11.1

> > Cortisol Reference Range: AM = 3.4-26.9, PM = 0.9-15.8

> > Cortisol 30 min 24.6

> > Cortisol 60 min 25.3

> > InterpretationACTHST ACTH Stimulation Test normal response to cortrosyn: An

absolute incrememt of 8

> > ug/dL and a peak value of at least 18 ug/dL.

> >

> > Blood:

> > ACTH 14 8-42 pg/mL FYI: I drank coffee at 6:30am, drove 3 1/2 hrs for the

stim test, and the test was done at 11am)


> OK FIRST they did not do the STIM correctly. The ranges are titrated for 8am

ONLY done at 11 it throws the results off and it is hard to tell what is going

on. The reason you passed the stil is your cortios more thn doubled from

baseline. That si ALL they look at, never mind the fact that it was way too low

to begin wiht and the fact that between 30 & 60 minutes it STOPPED which it

shoudl not in normal stimulation. This shows low output and NO reserves., I

still feel you have an underfucnctioning pituitary gland, but treatment is the

same for it as for just having low hormones all together, You are probably going

to need at least 30mg HC a day. Lesss than that is not going to allow your body

to funciton normally and thus the pother homron4s wil make you feel worse as

oyur body cannto use them corretly., I woudl NEVER recommend DHEA with cortisl

this low! I am certain that was the worst of the side effect you felkt from the

ther homrones. Your Testosterone is not horrible so I would leave it off for now

but the estrogen MUST come up. I would raise it FIRST, then after a couple weeks

supplementing estrogen I woudl start 100mg Progesterone in the evenings days

12-26 of your cycle. This should encourage normal cycles and if not the doses

need tweaking by labs. You probably need Betaine HCL wiht every meal and dose of

meds to absorb thekm orally With lwo cortil stomach acid is often too low to

absorb things whiech is why you are low in the vitamins. A good B100 supplement

and separate sublingual B12 -2500mg a day woudl be advisable. Vitamin D shoud be

tested and I am sure you wil find it too low and need to take that as well. Thsi

all would be a good start, and if oyu need sources for these, we can help you.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


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