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JMT (Jaffe-Mellor Technique) -longish

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Hi Everyone,

There was some talk a few weeks back about the Jaffe-Mellor Technique

for clearing Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Crohn's Disease and others. My

accupuncturist/NAET practitioner had brought this technique to my

attention about a year ago. She had been waiting since last November to

take the JMT training, which finally happened this November.

As many of you know, I have been on antibiotics for over two years now

with great success! I started out with Zithromax (500mg 2 days a week)

and Minocycline (100mg BID everyday) After several months, I switched

Docs to Dr. Philip Kempf who requested I stop taking Zithromax. Within 2

weeks I felt better than i had since I contracted RA! Several more

months later I found a doctor willing to prescribe Flagyl/Clortimazole

following the Blout/Wyburn-Mason treatment protocol. With in weeks I had

seen another dramatic step forward. I continued to take mino and

clotrimazole (the clotrimazole in 6 week cycles, 6 weeks on, 6 weeks

off) and after 6 months, I was at 90% recovered and holding!

Then I tried to add zithromax back in during the clotrimazole off cycle.

Major flare (herx, maybe, but I am not 100% convinced it wasn't stirring

up yeast or some other factor causing a flare and not a real herx). I

would then stop z-max and after a month I would recover. Later I would

try again, and again I would get the bad flare (again I do not think

this a herx because I did not get the fever, the chills, the nausea,

just a nasty nasty flare). I was coming to the conclusion that zithromax

may not be a drug my body needs and perhaps it is even causing some


So i went to my NAET practitioner (Molly) and told her what was

happening and she decided to do muscle test with my various antibiotics.

Sure enough, I test positive towards minocycline and clotrimazole and

negative towards zithromax. Molly concluded that my body does not want

the z-max and she suggested I consult with my doctor to stop using it.

Being hard headed as I am, last month I once more tried to incorporate

zithromax into my AP and again I went into a nasty flare. These flares

have been especially hard for me to deal with since for the better part

of the last year I have been at 90% recovered (note, I was very very

very sick, so 90% sounds great and it is, but I still had a ways to

go....) For a month since I took the z-max I had been in a bad flare. I

was having special trouble with my knees. Previously to restarting the

z-max I had been doing so well I spent 2 weeks in Europe and 2 of my 3

traveling companions had trouble keeping up with me! But now I was back

to crawling up stairs and had even had a few days where I had " pain at

rest " , something I had not experienced in a year!

Then Molly called to tell me that she had completed training in JMT and

wondered if I still wanted to be her " guinea pig " . You bet I did! Even

if I had not been in a flare, the theory behind JMT is to " train " the

body to not deal with mycoplasmas and other stealth pathogens as foreign

invaders. In other words, just ignore them, after all, they really don't

eat much ;) and the RA will go away.

If this works then taking mino for life may not be necessary....

On Monday, I began treatment. It is a fairly simple procedure, very

similar to NAET. Molly does a bunch of muscle testing, then performs a

series of accupressure techniques, then applies acupuncture needles to

help " set " the clearing.

Within minutes I started feeling " funny " (for lack of a better term). I

felt " funny " the rest of the day. This indicated to me and Molly that

she had indeed stirred something up.

By that evening I noticed that my knees felt better than they had in

over a month! I was thrilled. The next day I still felt pretty great. I

went for my second treatment. This time she did not acupuncture me as

she wanted to see if I felt " funny " due to the needles or the JMT

treatment. I still felt funny all day.

This morning I woke up feeling great. No pain at rest and just a little

pain in my knees when I stress them (i.e. getting out of bed). I

felt/feel so good I did not take any pain meds today at all! No Vioxx,

no tylenol, nothing! I think I am at 98% (my knees are a little weak,

but that could be the erosive damage that has already occurred) as I sit

here typing I have ZERO pain. None at all. (color me impressed)

I do not really know what all this means. It could be coincidence

because I did feel I was on the upswing, but I would not have expected

the flare to be gone this quickly, no where near this quickly, but

none-the-less I still have some doubts. But for now I am enjoying the


I have another treatment today and another on Saturday. I will keep you

all posted about my progress and will give out Molly's address and phone

numbers to any who would like to contact her (I OKed this with her


If the treatments seem to hold, sometime after christmas, Molly will

retest me to see if my body still wants the antibiotics. If my body says

no, it no longer needs them, then I will have to decide how much faith I

have in the JMT treatment. I guess I'll cross that bridge sometime next


I received an article on JMT that appeared in the November 2000 edition

of " Alternative Medicine " from Molly that was poorly photocopied. I was

able to scan the pages and use Adobe Acrobat to capture the article into

a PDF format. It is kind of ugly, but it is readable (if you have the

acrobat reader: www.adobe.com, the reader is free). I have posted the

file on the " files " section of , it is available right now.

If enough people want to read it, I can attach teh PDF in a message to

the group, but be warned, the file is about 500k (1/2 a megabyte) so it

might take a few minutes for those with modems to download.

Anyway, I guess that is all I have for today. I'd love to hear from

anyone else who has tried JMT. Since I am Molly's first RA patient, we

are kind of muddling through, not really sure what to expect, but so far

it looks pretty darn good.

I will keep everyone posted....

Great health to all!



ph A. Graff

Manager, Information Services

Litho-Impressions, Inc.

(301) 423-2022

" The truth will set you free, but

first it will make you miserable "

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