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Re: Bummed after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

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Hi Ingrid. You and I are age cohorts; I am also 48. It was 5 yrs. ago that I

had treatment for br. ca. Taxol was in its research stages at that time, though

it was used with a few people, one that I knew from my br. ca. group in

Minnesota. (I am now in Illinois.) I had A/C-- I think this is what the group

has been calling the kind of chemo I had. I had complete -- all body -- hair

loss, but I didnt have any pain or any other skin symptoms w/ hair loss. The

wig was fun at first, but then it got uncomfortable after a couple of months.

Nonetheless I kept wearing it becasue I was keeping my chemo a secret-- there

were too many well-wishers (and commenters) at my work place so I told everyone

I wasnt getting chemo. They knew about the radiation which I did first. I hope

your hair stays! Please let us know. I am losing hair just recently because I

had my thyroid " dinked around with, " i.e. eventually removed -- 6 months ago. I

started losing lots of hair from the thyroid business; it was coming out by the

roots when I would comb it. Back onto the br. ca. theme, Unfortuneately with

hair loss, our situation becomes advertized, and then people think they have

license to comment. I got a few who even suggested the br. ca. was my fault

(even though I had a sister with it). Apparently I didnt have the " right

energy " so it was able to come and get me. They didnt say this from knowing me

personally, but that was their philosophy about why, naturally -- OTHER --

people get cancer. Just wait till one of these folks gets it too -- not that I

wish bad things to happen, but unless one is in the " cancer shoes " one shouldn't

make comments. That is the part of hair loss I was trying to avoid, the waving

a flag -- even to strangers -- that I have/had cancer. All the people I was

acquainted with knew I had cancer, and these are the folks that gave unsolicited

advice and diagnoses about why. Lots and lots of unsolicited advice (did this

happen to any of you?) It was a long time ago, now. Good luck to you with all

your endeavors, and I really hope the hair product works. That would be such a

gift to people that will undergo chemo. Also, I hope you can get the least

amount of surgical intervention, and that it will work. My thoughts are with


Have a great day,

Hello Ladies,

Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday.

I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of

Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I

would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.

So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)


Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he

wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right.

Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will

agree. I am still " bummed " though. I was hoping to have all this

done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of

9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of


Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but

today said " maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees " . In the beginning I

was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him

saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is

now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta

do what I gotta do.

One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I

understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not.

As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut

short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)

recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have

the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and

balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL

Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a

really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had

started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but

the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK.

I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great


" Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming... " -Dori ( " Finding Nemo " )

(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months

ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every

treatment, etc.)


Grandma in Indy

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Hi Ingrid,

If your 2 docs are working close together I am sure they have your best interest in mind. I would go with what they say. My tumor was 2.5cm and I had a mastectomy and have never regretted it. It was a little over 15 yrs ago. I will keep you in my prayers.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

"Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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I have only done chemo but do know of 3 of my friends that went off of chemo and did alternative treatments and they are no longer here. They actually had a better chance than I did. From what I hear radiation isn't bad at all. It takes more time driving back and forth than the actual treatment. Just ask for something for your skin should you burn a little.

Are you sure you want to wait that long to start chemo? Mine was started almost immediately. Within a week or so of my surgery. Good thoughts coming your way.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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I have only done chemo but do know of 3 of my friends that went off of chemo and did alternative treatments and they are no longer here. They actually had a better chance than I did. From what I hear radiation isn't bad at all. It takes more time driving back and forth than the actual treatment. Just ask for something for your skin should you burn a little.

Are you sure you want to wait that long to start chemo? Mine was started almost immediately. Within a week or so of my surgery. Good thoughts coming your way.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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You are a great lady. I like that quote from "Finding Nemo".....it make you ....nice..? funny...? cool.? great....? I am sorry, the ladies here know that I have still some "languages barriers" in my brain (what brain.?), hope you got what I meant.

Have a great day, you are in my prayers, and thanks for sharing.

Lucillagrandma_in_indy wrote:

Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me

lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss

of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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You are a great lady. I like that quote from "Finding Nemo".....it make you ....nice..? funny...? cool.? great....? I am sorry, the ladies here know that I have still some "languages barriers" in my brain (what brain.?), hope you got what I meant.

Have a great day, you are in my prayers, and thanks for sharing.

Lucillagrandma_in_indy wrote:

Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me

lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss

of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein



I have only done chemo but do know of 3 of my friends that went off of chemo and did alternative treatments and they are no longer here. They actually had a better chance than I did. From what I hear radiation isn't bad at all. It takes more time driving back and forth than the actual treatment. Just ask for something for your skin should you burn a little.

Are you sure you want to wait that long to start chemo? Mine was started almost immediately. Within a week or so of my surgery. Good thoughts coming your way.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein



I have only done chemo but do know of 3 of my friends that went off of chemo and did alternative treatments and they are no longer here. They actually had a better chance than I did. From what I hear radiation isn't bad at all. It takes more time driving back and forth than the actual treatment. Just ask for something for your skin should you burn a little.

Are you sure you want to wait that long to start chemo? Mine was started almost immediately. Within a week or so of my surgery. Good thoughts coming your way.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein



I have only done chemo but do know of 3 of my friends that went off of chemo and did alternative treatments and they are no longer here. They actually had a better chance than I did. From what I hear radiation isn't bad at all. It takes more time driving back and forth than the actual treatment. Just ask for something for your skin should you burn a little.

Are you sure you want to wait that long to start chemo? Mine was started almost immediately. Within a week or so of my surgery. Good thoughts coming your way.



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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I think it would be great to go some where special after your treatment is over. You deserve it. Let some of the relatives come to you for a change!



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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I think it would be great to go some where special after your treatment is over. You deserve it. Let some of the relatives come to you for a change!



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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I think it would be great to go some where special after your treatment is over. You deserve it. Let some of the relatives come to you for a change!



Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Lifehttp://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.html

Check out my breast cancer ornaments at:http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.htmlalso check out my other ornaments and lots of nice gifts at:http://www.cancerclub.com

RE: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

LOL Ingrid, I want my own Dori. I was about to post an update on myself. I saw the oncologist for the first time today. Has anyone else tried anything other than chemo? Don't get upset, just thought I'd ask. I was really upbeat until today. I mean not that she thought my chances were poor or anything, she was really encouraging actually. I guess the reality just hit me. I'm not familiar with all the terms yet but I'll start chemo on Oct 20th, which she's not happy with but we already have a planned trip to AR and won't be back until the 18th. Tomorrow I go in for a pet to make sure I don't have any other cancer problems lurking about and next week they're going to check and make sure my heart is strong enough to handle the chemo treatments she's choosing for me. So, it'll be chemo every 3 weeks for about 6 or 7 months, the 7 weeks of radiation. I don't know which I'm more frightened of.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Hello Ladies,Well I have 3 rounds of A/C down and #4 scheduled for next Tuesday. I just left the surgeons office and he wants me to have 4 rounds of Taxol also before surgery. My medical (read chemo) Oncologist said I would only need Taxol if the the sentinal node biopsy was not clear.So far my nodes have appeared clear on PET scan and on (hands on)exam. Surgeon said if I were 70 he would not do taxol but since I am 48 he wanted me to have all the benefit I can get. I suppose he is right. Both of these docs work very closely together so I am sure she will agree. I am still "bummed" though. I was hoping to have all this done by the end of the year. Guess I better get used to the idea of 9 more weeks of toxic drugs, then surgery, then 6 1/2 to 8 wks of rads.Surgery, that's another thing. He originaly told me lumpectomy but today said "maybe a lumpectomy, no guarantees". In the beginning I was prepared for a mastectomy but was pleasantly surprised by him saying I only needed a lumpectomy. My tumor started at 5.5 cm and is now much less that 3 cm. I have a hard time finding it. Well, gotta do what I gotta do.One other thing. I may have a great tip for hair loss. From what I understand I should be as bald as a cucumber right now but I am not. As a matter of fact, my hair is actually growing. I did have it cut short (spiked) shortly after starting chemo. My hair stylist (ha,ha)recommended a professional hair care product called Nioxin. I have the scalp cleanser and scalp treatment. It is made for thinning and balding heads. Something we all know nothing about, right? LOL Evidently it works for me anyway. It has puzzled everyone. It has a really pleasant mint fragrance and is very cooling. Wish I had started it sooner. The loss of hair doesn't bother me so much, but the act of losing it did. The mess and the scalp pain. YUK. I have written too much already for one post. Everyone have a great day."Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming..." -Dori ("Finding Nemo")(Yes, June I adopted this saying shortly after diagnosis 4 months ago. I have a talking, plush Dori that accompanies me to every treatment, etc.) IngridGrandma in Indy

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sorry I think you are having really a great day because FINALLY you have become selfish and desire to TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN NEEDS and go for real vacations, and not duty with relatives....(gee I hated that so much !! )

I think is pretty good.


I come to that too after cancer.

Italy...? I come from Italy, needs advices, let me know.

Caribbean........??? hey !! I am coming too !!!!!! LOL

take care

LuJune wrote:

We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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sorry I think you are having really a great day because FINALLY you have become selfish and desire to TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN NEEDS and go for real vacations, and not duty with relatives....(gee I hated that so much !! )

I think is pretty good.


I come to that too after cancer.

Italy...? I come from Italy, needs advices, let me know.

Caribbean........??? hey !! I am coming too !!!!!! LOL

take care

LuJune wrote:

We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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sorry I think you are having really a great day because FINALLY you have become selfish and desire to TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN NEEDS and go for real vacations, and not duty with relatives....(gee I hated that so much !! )

I think is pretty good.


I come to that too after cancer.

Italy...? I come from Italy, needs advices, let me know.

Caribbean........??? hey !! I am coming too !!!!!! LOL

take care

LuJune wrote:

We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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June, I finished chemo one year ago and I didn't do bad. I couldn't start right away either because I had an infection from the mastectomy and had to wait for that to heal. I think it put it off for 2 weeks also. My Dr wasn't to happy either but it all worked out. I didn't have radiation just chemo, I was stage 1 but I had three tumors in the left breast, no nodes and they were all small the biggest was only 1.2 cm. I lost my hair but I didn't get sick. I was just really tired and after the 3rd treatment I got winded but he checked my heart and it was fine.

I just had an expander put in today for the second time. When I had the mastectomy I had a tram flap done but the tissue died at the end of surgery and then in March I had an expander put in but got infection and had to have it removed.found out I had gotten a staph infection from one of my surgeries and that is by I kept getting infections. So they treated that and this time he wasn't taking any changes he gave me 2 antibiotics in the iv during surgery today and even gave the expander an antibiotic bath and my incision too. Now on clindamycin too.

Oh well enough about me, don't worry everything will be fine and you will get through everything.




Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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June, I finished chemo one year ago and I didn't do bad. I couldn't start right away either because I had an infection from the mastectomy and had to wait for that to heal. I think it put it off for 2 weeks also. My Dr wasn't to happy either but it all worked out. I didn't have radiation just chemo, I was stage 1 but I had three tumors in the left breast, no nodes and they were all small the biggest was only 1.2 cm. I lost my hair but I didn't get sick. I was just really tired and after the 3rd treatment I got winded but he checked my heart and it was fine.

I just had an expander put in today for the second time. When I had the mastectomy I had a tram flap done but the tissue died at the end of surgery and then in March I had an expander put in but got infection and had to have it removed.found out I had gotten a staph infection from one of my surgeries and that is by I kept getting infections. So they treated that and this time he wasn't taking any changes he gave me 2 antibiotics in the iv during surgery today and even gave the expander an antibiotic bath and my incision too. Now on clindamycin too.

Oh well enough about me, don't worry everything will be fine and you will get through everything.




Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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June, I finished chemo one year ago and I didn't do bad. I couldn't start right away either because I had an infection from the mastectomy and had to wait for that to heal. I think it put it off for 2 weeks also. My Dr wasn't to happy either but it all worked out. I didn't have radiation just chemo, I was stage 1 but I had three tumors in the left breast, no nodes and they were all small the biggest was only 1.2 cm. I lost my hair but I didn't get sick. I was just really tired and after the 3rd treatment I got winded but he checked my heart and it was fine.

I just had an expander put in today for the second time. When I had the mastectomy I had a tram flap done but the tissue died at the end of surgery and then in March I had an expander put in but got infection and had to have it removed.found out I had gotten a staph infection from one of my surgeries and that is by I kept getting infections. So they treated that and this time he wasn't taking any changes he gave me 2 antibiotics in the iv during surgery today and even gave the expander an antibiotic bath and my incision too. Now on clindamycin too.

Oh well enough about me, don't worry everything will be fine and you will get through everything.




Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Thanks for making me laugh Lu. My ancestry is in Italy, a town called Arc (sp?). What part of Italy are you from?

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

sorry I think you are having really a great day because FINALLY you have become selfish and desire to TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN NEEDS and go for real vacations, and not duty with relatives....(gee I hated that so much !! )

I think is pretty good.


I come to that too after cancer.

Italy...? I come from Italy, needs advices, let me know.

Caribbean........??? hey !! I am coming too !!!!!! LOL

take care

LuJune wrote:

We are waiting that long because we had already planned this trip to my dh's 30 year HS reunion and the surgeon said it would be okay. The oncologist said she wished she could start sooner but according to the onc the cancer is not a real aggressive one and I don't see what difference 2 weeks will make. I would have started late next week, probably the 6th, because of the other tests she wants me to take before she proceeds and the results won't be ready on one of them until at least the 4th or 5th. I actually start on the 20th, 2 weeks from the 6th so is there really that big a difference? I don't know and the Onc didn't seem too overwhelmed by it. From what I've read this will be the last time I can travel once I start treatments. I just wish it was to someplace better than to the land of my ILs, like, you know, the Caribbean or Germany, Italy would be nice.

When I'm on the other side of this crap and feeling better from all the treatments I'm going to force the issue of going to Europe or taking a cruise. I'm sick of spending all our travel time and $$$ feeling obligated to visit relatives and friends. My dh says we're going back to AR next year for his parents 50th. Fine, he can go celebrate with them, I'm going to take my son and go someplace special. Selfish you say. Damn straight I am!!! I mean, when I think about it we've been dealing with cancer for 6 years, by the time I'm done who knows how long we'll have been through surgeries, treatments, misery and whatnot between the 2 of us. I think it's time, and you know what else, I think all these damn relatives that we've been spending a fortune on going to see all these years ought to chip into the pot and help us go on a pleasure trip. Harrumph!!!

Don't mind me, I'm not having a great day thinking about the next year of my life so I think maybe I'm entitled to be a bit grumpy about where we get to travel next year.

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Thanks everyone for all the input. It helps and I feel calmer, though I'm sure I'll have more panic times too. I'm very new to this so I'll probably have a lot of questions. I've read a lot about breast cancer over the years but you don't really pay attention until you have it, KWIM? So a lot of it is new.

What's and expander?

Has anyone done reconstruction. I'm not really caring one way or the other just now but a lot of people have asked me if I intend to and I just tell them I'll know in a year. I'm just not sure I'd want to go through anymore surgery if I don't have to and dh and I really don't care one way or the other sexually or looks wise. It's not that big a deal other than I could get reduction surgery in my remaining breast only if I have reconstruction, for insurance to pay for it that is. I'm just curious how other people feel about reconstruction.

I'm kind of glad I'm 3+ weeks out to the start of therapy. It gives me time to do some research and feel like I know more about my treatments and my choices down the road. I have a lot of research to do.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----From: breastcancer2 [mailto:breastcancer2 ]On Behalf Of DONNA HAGANSent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:44 PMTo: breastcancer2 Subject: Re: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

June, I finished chemo one year ago and I didn't do bad. I couldn't start right away either because I had an infection from the mastectomy and had to wait for that to heal. I think it put it off for 2 weeks also. My Dr wasn't to happy either but it all worked out. I didn't have radiation just chemo, I was stage 1 but I had three tumors in the left breast, no nodes and they were all small the biggest was only 1.2 cm. I lost my hair but I didn't get sick. I was just really tired and after the 3rd treatment I got winded but he checked my heart and it was fine.

I just had an expander put in today for the second time. When I had the mastectomy I had a tram flap done but the tissue died at the end of surgery and then in March I had an expander put in but got infection and had to have it removed.found out I had gotten a staph infection from one of my surgeries and that is by I kept getting infections. So they treated that and this time he wasn't taking any changes he gave me 2 antibiotics in the iv during surgery today and even gave the expander an antibiotic bath and my incision too. Now on clindamycin too.

Oh well enough about me, don't worry everything will be fine and you will get through everything.




Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Thanks everyone for all the input. It helps and I feel calmer, though I'm sure I'll have more panic times too. I'm very new to this so I'll probably have a lot of questions. I've read a lot about breast cancer over the years but you don't really pay attention until you have it, KWIM? So a lot of it is new.

What's and expander?

Has anyone done reconstruction. I'm not really caring one way or the other just now but a lot of people have asked me if I intend to and I just tell them I'll know in a year. I'm just not sure I'd want to go through anymore surgery if I don't have to and dh and I really don't care one way or the other sexually or looks wise. It's not that big a deal other than I could get reduction surgery in my remaining breast only if I have reconstruction, for insurance to pay for it that is. I'm just curious how other people feel about reconstruction.

I'm kind of glad I'm 3+ weeks out to the start of therapy. It gives me time to do some research and feel like I know more about my treatments and my choices down the road. I have a lot of research to do.

LICS June "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----From: breastcancer2 [mailto:breastcancer2 ]On Behalf Of DONNA HAGANSent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:44 PMTo: breastcancer2 Subject: Re: "Bummed" after visit w/ Surgical Oncologist (long, sorry)

June, I finished chemo one year ago and I didn't do bad. I couldn't start right away either because I had an infection from the mastectomy and had to wait for that to heal. I think it put it off for 2 weeks also. My Dr wasn't to happy either but it all worked out. I didn't have radiation just chemo, I was stage 1 but I had three tumors in the left breast, no nodes and they were all small the biggest was only 1.2 cm. I lost my hair but I didn't get sick. I was just really tired and after the 3rd treatment I got winded but he checked my heart and it was fine.

I just had an expander put in today for the second time. When I had the mastectomy I had a tram flap done but the tissue died at the end of surgery and then in March I had an expander put in but got infection and had to have it removed.found out I had gotten a staph infection from one of my surgeries and that is by I kept getting infections. So they treated that and this time he wasn't taking any changes he gave me 2 antibiotics in the iv during surgery today and even gave the expander an antibiotic bath and my incision too. Now on clindamycin too.

Oh well enough about me, don't worry everything will be fine and you will get through everything.




Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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