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Re: Associated anomalies

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Yes, Sanna. My daughter was born with a cleft palate as well as the club


God Bless You!

Sally in PA, mom to Hannah (20 mo., bcp, repaired 6/20/02, bilateral club

feet), Rebekah (5), (7), and (11)

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Yes, Sanna. My daughter was born with a cleft palate as well as the club


God Bless You!

Sally in PA, mom to Hannah (20 mo., bcp, repaired 6/20/02, bilateral club

feet), Rebekah (5), (7), and (11)

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Yes, Sanna. My daughter was born with a cleft palate as well as the club


God Bless You!

Sally in PA, mom to Hannah (20 mo., bcp, repaired 6/20/02, bilateral club

feet), Rebekah (5), (7), and (11)

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Hello Sanna,

Our little guy also has Spina Bifida and " had " severe clubfeet. Corrected

to the amazement of the Orthopedic doctor using the Ponseti Method beginning

at 6 weeks old. He is in the DBB for 18 hours a day now.

He has additonal burdens with mobility because he is totally paralyzed

from the knee down and has varying degrees of weakness in the upper legs. He

is 6 months old and just started to turn over when the DBB is off. Apparently

the weight of the DBB and his weakness was too much to overcome just yet. We

are hoping he will walk with the use of crutches as he gets older.


Mom to 7-01-02 Bilateral clubfoot and Spina Bifida

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Cole was only born with clubfeet, but I remember his first orthopedic

doctor looked him over really thorough to make sure that was the only thing

wrong. He even said something like, " it's great that he ONLY has clubfeet

since we usually see other problems accompanying it (clubfeet.) "


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Cole was only born with clubfeet, but I remember his first orthopedic

doctor looked him over really thorough to make sure that was the only thing

wrong. He even said something like, " it's great that he ONLY has clubfeet

since we usually see other problems accompanying it (clubfeet.) "


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Cole was only born with clubfeet, but I remember his first orthopedic

doctor looked him over really thorough to make sure that was the only thing

wrong. He even said something like, " it's great that he ONLY has clubfeet

since we usually see other problems accompanying it (clubfeet.) "


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My son Dylan also has unilateral cleft lip & palate.


mom to Dylan, born 2/24/01

bilateral clubfoot (repaired - DBB nighttime only)

unilateral cleft lip & palate (repaired)

> Hi,


> Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here whose child has some

> other anomalies in addition to clubfoot/feet?


> Sanna, mom to Veeti 6.5.02 left clubfoot and webbed fingers

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My son Dylan also has unilateral cleft lip & palate.


mom to Dylan, born 2/24/01

bilateral clubfoot (repaired - DBB nighttime only)

unilateral cleft lip & palate (repaired)

> Hi,


> Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here whose child has some

> other anomalies in addition to clubfoot/feet?


> Sanna, mom to Veeti 6.5.02 left clubfoot and webbed fingers

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My son Dylan also has unilateral cleft lip & palate.


mom to Dylan, born 2/24/01

bilateral clubfoot (repaired - DBB nighttime only)

unilateral cleft lip & palate (repaired)

> Hi,


> Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here whose child has some

> other anomalies in addition to clubfoot/feet?


> Sanna, mom to Veeti 6.5.02 left clubfoot and webbed fingers

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Hi.I typically just read the posts,as I am pretty busy because we have 3 kids

and our child who had club feet has many other issues,too.When he was first

born,the only thing the geneticist saw was bilateral club feet,2 ear tags on

his right ear and hypospadias.He thought he had a cluster of anomalies not a

syndrome.At 1 month he had inguinal hernia repair and had problems with

obstructive apnea for 3 months.Ear tags can be associated with kidney

problems and hearing loss,both of which our darling child has.He has a

profound loss in his right ear and a moderate-severe in his left.He also had

reflux from the bladder to the kidney aand had that repaired in Sept.He had a

large Atrial Septal defect and a small PDA.Both were repaired last year.He

also has moderate dysphagia,a swallowing problem.He also has hypotonia,low

muscle tone.He gets about 9 hours of therapy a week.

Writing all of these things down makes it sound like poor Henry.But,he is

amazing,an inspiration.Our family won't let Henry's challenges define him,we

let his gentle,caring,loving,tenacious spirit do that.


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Hi.I typically just read the posts,as I am pretty busy because we have 3 kids

and our child who had club feet has many other issues,too.When he was first

born,the only thing the geneticist saw was bilateral club feet,2 ear tags on

his right ear and hypospadias.He thought he had a cluster of anomalies not a

syndrome.At 1 month he had inguinal hernia repair and had problems with

obstructive apnea for 3 months.Ear tags can be associated with kidney

problems and hearing loss,both of which our darling child has.He has a

profound loss in his right ear and a moderate-severe in his left.He also had

reflux from the bladder to the kidney aand had that repaired in Sept.He had a

large Atrial Septal defect and a small PDA.Both were repaired last year.He

also has moderate dysphagia,a swallowing problem.He also has hypotonia,low

muscle tone.He gets about 9 hours of therapy a week.

Writing all of these things down makes it sound like poor Henry.But,he is

amazing,an inspiration.Our family won't let Henry's challenges define him,we

let his gentle,caring,loving,tenacious spirit do that.


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Hi Lauri,

It is nice to hear from you and Henry.

and (3-17-99)

> Hi.I typically just read the posts,as I am pretty busy because we

have 3 kids

> and our child who had club feet has many other issues,too.When he

was first

> born,the only thing the geneticist saw was bilateral club feet,2

ear tags on

> his right ear and hypospadias.He thought he had a cluster of

anomalies not a

> syndrome.At 1 month he had inguinal hernia repair and had problems


> obstructive apnea for 3 months.Ear tags can be associated with


> problems and hearing loss,both of which our darling child has.He

has a

> profound loss in his right ear and a moderate-severe in his left.He

also had

> reflux from the bladder to the kidney aand had that repaired in

Sept.He had a

> large Atrial Septal defect and a small PDA.Both were repaired last


> also has moderate dysphagia,a swallowing problem.He also has


> muscle tone.He gets about 9 hours of therapy a week.

> Writing all of these things down makes it sound like poor

Henry.But,he is

> amazing,an inspiration.Our family won't let Henry's challenges

define him,we

> let his gentle,caring,loving,tenacious spirit do that.

> Lauri





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Thanks, .We have you to thank concerning going to Dr.Ponsetti.You have

done an amazing job educating parents and doctors about it.Thanks

again.Actually,a doctor here,Capella,who now practices the Ponsetti

Method,and Dr.Ponsetti have said how hard it would have been for Henry's feet

in particular to recover from surgery,because of his loose joints and low

tone.So thank you soooo much.


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--- Anyone else have a child w/clubfoot with similar problems? Would

love to hear from someone! It is hard to feel like you are not alone

at times. The important thing that keeps us going is that our son is

such a happy little boy, despite all of the therapy, surgeries, and

tests he has gone through in his first year of life, he has such a

little determined spirit, I already admire him so much for that


> Regards,


> Hi ...

Wow! That is a lot to deal with--

We know, because we are also dealing with a few of the same

conditions, and some others, which in order of intensity, are

probably a lot less stressful, but difficult in their own ways? Who

knows what we will deal with as we raise the little guys? (Maybe we

will get lucky and miss out on some of the really yucky teenager hard

days?! :0) I am hoping that God has a way of balancing it all, and

our little guys will be perfect angels then, because they have gone

through so much!? Wouldn't that be nice?! )

It is so interesting in our case-- we just switched pediatricians

(Eli is 21 months old) and the first meeting with this new dr. she--

very sweetly-- recommends genetic investigation! 'Never heard

anything about that before! We had some questions, but we were

comfortable not even going there... but here we go on that adventure!?

Eli has:

*unilateral clubfoot (corrected by Dr. P),

*umbilical hernia,

*exotropia (his one eye wanders out),

*he is VERY small (19 pounds, 1 oz)--possibly considered failure to


*some webbed toes

*what the ped. called* abnormal facial features--??? we think he is

darling!!-- but does look a little " elfish " :0)

We have an appointment in 2 weeks to work on the eye problem, and

then an appointment in 2 months (soonest we could get in) to work on

the genetics evaluation. We don't even know what to expect from

that? And because he was adopted, and we have little info from

birthparents, he may really be put through the ringer?!

But you know what? God is really big! And He has put a love for our

children in our hearts, and I know we wouldn't trade him for any

child-- even one who was " PERFECT " ?! HA HA! Has there ever been one

of those created? Definitely NOT!

You must be awesome parents-- keep holding onto that sweet little boy

for your strength, and trust God to carry you as you raise him. And

take it all one thing at a time.

I would love to stay in touch- e-mail me privately if you like, if

you need some encouragement- actually, we may really need one

another, if this gets really rough! Hang in there.


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--- Anyone else have a child w/clubfoot with similar problems? Would

love to hear from someone! It is hard to feel like you are not alone

at times. The important thing that keeps us going is that our son is

such a happy little boy, despite all of the therapy, surgeries, and

tests he has gone through in his first year of life, he has such a

little determined spirit, I already admire him so much for that


> Regards,


> Hi ...

Wow! That is a lot to deal with--

We know, because we are also dealing with a few of the same

conditions, and some others, which in order of intensity, are

probably a lot less stressful, but difficult in their own ways? Who

knows what we will deal with as we raise the little guys? (Maybe we

will get lucky and miss out on some of the really yucky teenager hard

days?! :0) I am hoping that God has a way of balancing it all, and

our little guys will be perfect angels then, because they have gone

through so much!? Wouldn't that be nice?! )

It is so interesting in our case-- we just switched pediatricians

(Eli is 21 months old) and the first meeting with this new dr. she--

very sweetly-- recommends genetic investigation! 'Never heard

anything about that before! We had some questions, but we were

comfortable not even going there... but here we go on that adventure!?

Eli has:

*unilateral clubfoot (corrected by Dr. P),

*umbilical hernia,

*exotropia (his one eye wanders out),

*he is VERY small (19 pounds, 1 oz)--possibly considered failure to


*some webbed toes

*what the ped. called* abnormal facial features--??? we think he is

darling!!-- but does look a little " elfish " :0)

We have an appointment in 2 weeks to work on the eye problem, and

then an appointment in 2 months (soonest we could get in) to work on

the genetics evaluation. We don't even know what to expect from

that? And because he was adopted, and we have little info from

birthparents, he may really be put through the ringer?!

But you know what? God is really big! And He has put a love for our

children in our hearts, and I know we wouldn't trade him for any

child-- even one who was " PERFECT " ?! HA HA! Has there ever been one

of those created? Definitely NOT!

You must be awesome parents-- keep holding onto that sweet little boy

for your strength, and trust God to carry you as you raise him. And

take it all one thing at a time.

I would love to stay in touch- e-mail me privately if you like, if

you need some encouragement- actually, we may really need one

another, if this gets really rough! Hang in there.


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Yes, our son was born with a right club foot, torticollis (his neck tilts to the

right), infantile scoliosis, missing and or fused ribs, and cross fused renal

ectopia ( two kidneys on one side instead of one on each side) with reflux into

the kidneys. His genetic tests came back negative, and his doctor has ruled out

any applicable syndromes. We too feel so blessed by him. He is otherwise a

happy, chunky, healthy baby that is loved beyond words. We have three older

children ages 10, 6, and 3 who were born with no anomalies. Life is busy!

Bethany ( R club foot 09/10/02)

Re: Associated anomalies

--- Anyone else have a child w/clubfoot with similar problems? Would

love to hear from someone! It is hard to feel like you are not alone

at times. The important thing that keeps us going is that our son is

such a happy little boy, despite all of the therapy, surgeries, and

tests he has gone through in his first year of life, he has such a

little determined spirit, I already admire him so much for that


> Regards,


> Hi ...

Wow! That is a lot to deal with--

We know, because we are also dealing with a few of the same

conditions, and some others, which in order of intensity, are

probably a lot less stressful, but difficult in their own ways? Who

knows what we will deal with as we raise the little guys? (Maybe we

will get lucky and miss out on some of the really yucky teenager hard

days?! :0) I am hoping that God has a way of balancing it all, and

our little guys will be perfect angels then, because they have gone

through so much!? Wouldn't that be nice?! )

It is so interesting in our case-- we just switched pediatricians

(Eli is 21 months old) and the first meeting with this new dr. she--

very sweetly-- recommends genetic investigation! 'Never heard

anything about that before! We had some questions, but we were

comfortable not even going there... but here we go on that adventure!?

Eli has:

*unilateral clubfoot (corrected by Dr. P),

*umbilical hernia,

*exotropia (his one eye wanders out),

*he is VERY small (19 pounds, 1 oz)--possibly considered failure to


*some webbed toes

*what the ped. called* abnormal facial features--??? we think he is

darling!!-- but does look a little " elfish " :0)

We have an appointment in 2 weeks to work on the eye problem, and

then an appointment in 2 months (soonest we could get in) to work on

the genetics evaluation. We don't even know what to expect from

that? And because he was adopted, and we have little info from

birthparents, he may really be put through the ringer?!

But you know what? God is really big! And He has put a love for our

children in our hearts, and I know we wouldn't trade him for any

child-- even one who was " PERFECT " ?! HA HA! Has there ever been one

of those created? Definitely NOT!

You must be awesome parents-- keep holding onto that sweet little boy

for your strength, and trust God to carry you as you raise him. And

take it all one thing at a time.

I would love to stay in touch- e-mail me privately if you like, if

you need some encouragement- actually, we may really need one

another, if this gets really rough! Hang in there.


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Yes, our son was born with a right club foot, torticollis (his neck tilts to the

right), infantile scoliosis, missing and or fused ribs, and cross fused renal

ectopia ( two kidneys on one side instead of one on each side) with reflux into

the kidneys. His genetic tests came back negative, and his doctor has ruled out

any applicable syndromes. We too feel so blessed by him. He is otherwise a

happy, chunky, healthy baby that is loved beyond words. We have three older

children ages 10, 6, and 3 who were born with no anomalies. Life is busy!

Bethany ( R club foot 09/10/02)

Re: Associated anomalies

--- Anyone else have a child w/clubfoot with similar problems? Would

love to hear from someone! It is hard to feel like you are not alone

at times. The important thing that keeps us going is that our son is

such a happy little boy, despite all of the therapy, surgeries, and

tests he has gone through in his first year of life, he has such a

little determined spirit, I already admire him so much for that


> Regards,


> Hi ...

Wow! That is a lot to deal with--

We know, because we are also dealing with a few of the same

conditions, and some others, which in order of intensity, are

probably a lot less stressful, but difficult in their own ways? Who

knows what we will deal with as we raise the little guys? (Maybe we

will get lucky and miss out on some of the really yucky teenager hard

days?! :0) I am hoping that God has a way of balancing it all, and

our little guys will be perfect angels then, because they have gone

through so much!? Wouldn't that be nice?! )

It is so interesting in our case-- we just switched pediatricians

(Eli is 21 months old) and the first meeting with this new dr. she--

very sweetly-- recommends genetic investigation! 'Never heard

anything about that before! We had some questions, but we were

comfortable not even going there... but here we go on that adventure!?

Eli has:

*unilateral clubfoot (corrected by Dr. P),

*umbilical hernia,

*exotropia (his one eye wanders out),

*he is VERY small (19 pounds, 1 oz)--possibly considered failure to


*some webbed toes

*what the ped. called* abnormal facial features--??? we think he is

darling!!-- but does look a little " elfish " :0)

We have an appointment in 2 weeks to work on the eye problem, and

then an appointment in 2 months (soonest we could get in) to work on

the genetics evaluation. We don't even know what to expect from

that? And because he was adopted, and we have little info from

birthparents, he may really be put through the ringer?!

But you know what? God is really big! And He has put a love for our

children in our hearts, and I know we wouldn't trade him for any

child-- even one who was " PERFECT " ?! HA HA! Has there ever been one

of those created? Definitely NOT!

You must be awesome parents-- keep holding onto that sweet little boy

for your strength, and trust God to carry you as you raise him. And

take it all one thing at a time.

I would love to stay in touch- e-mail me privately if you like, if

you need some encouragement- actually, we may really need one

another, if this gets really rough! Hang in there.


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Yes, our son was born with a right club foot, torticollis (his neck tilts to the

right), infantile scoliosis, missing and or fused ribs, and cross fused renal

ectopia ( two kidneys on one side instead of one on each side) with reflux into

the kidneys. His genetic tests came back negative, and his doctor has ruled out

any applicable syndromes. We too feel so blessed by him. He is otherwise a

happy, chunky, healthy baby that is loved beyond words. We have three older

children ages 10, 6, and 3 who were born with no anomalies. Life is busy!

Bethany ( R club foot 09/10/02)

Re: Associated anomalies

--- Anyone else have a child w/clubfoot with similar problems? Would

love to hear from someone! It is hard to feel like you are not alone

at times. The important thing that keeps us going is that our son is

such a happy little boy, despite all of the therapy, surgeries, and

tests he has gone through in his first year of life, he has such a

little determined spirit, I already admire him so much for that


> Regards,


> Hi ...

Wow! That is a lot to deal with--

We know, because we are also dealing with a few of the same

conditions, and some others, which in order of intensity, are

probably a lot less stressful, but difficult in their own ways? Who

knows what we will deal with as we raise the little guys? (Maybe we

will get lucky and miss out on some of the really yucky teenager hard

days?! :0) I am hoping that God has a way of balancing it all, and

our little guys will be perfect angels then, because they have gone

through so much!? Wouldn't that be nice?! )

It is so interesting in our case-- we just switched pediatricians

(Eli is 21 months old) and the first meeting with this new dr. she--

very sweetly-- recommends genetic investigation! 'Never heard

anything about that before! We had some questions, but we were

comfortable not even going there... but here we go on that adventure!?

Eli has:

*unilateral clubfoot (corrected by Dr. P),

*umbilical hernia,

*exotropia (his one eye wanders out),

*he is VERY small (19 pounds, 1 oz)--possibly considered failure to


*some webbed toes

*what the ped. called* abnormal facial features--??? we think he is

darling!!-- but does look a little " elfish " :0)

We have an appointment in 2 weeks to work on the eye problem, and

then an appointment in 2 months (soonest we could get in) to work on

the genetics evaluation. We don't even know what to expect from

that? And because he was adopted, and we have little info from

birthparents, he may really be put through the ringer?!

But you know what? God is really big! And He has put a love for our

children in our hearts, and I know we wouldn't trade him for any

child-- even one who was " PERFECT " ?! HA HA! Has there ever been one

of those created? Definitely NOT!

You must be awesome parents-- keep holding onto that sweet little boy

for your strength, and trust God to carry you as you raise him. And

take it all one thing at a time.

I would love to stay in touch- e-mail me privately if you like, if

you need some encouragement- actually, we may really need one

another, if this gets really rough! Hang in there.


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Welcome to our group. My son (who'll be 5 this weekend) doesn't have

any other " problems " other than his bilateral clubfeet. However, I was

born with craniosynostosis (I'm not sure which type).

" lydiamarandola " wrote:

> ---

> Hello,


> I am a new memeber. My son has a right clubfoot ranked pretty severe

> ( on a scale from 1 to 10 a 7 ). Apart from this condition he has

> hipospadias, sagittal craniosynistosis and a trigger thumb. I would

> like some answer to the probable causes and it seems to be difficult

> to obtain one.


> I am suprised to know that some children with clubfeet condition have

> hypospadias.

> Would you kindly refer me to any source of book or medical journals.



> Thank you


> Lidia

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Welcome to our group. My son (who'll be 5 this weekend) doesn't have

any other " problems " other than his bilateral clubfeet. However, I was

born with craniosynostosis (I'm not sure which type).

" lydiamarandola " wrote:

> ---

> Hello,


> I am a new memeber. My son has a right clubfoot ranked pretty severe

> ( on a scale from 1 to 10 a 7 ). Apart from this condition he has

> hipospadias, sagittal craniosynistosis and a trigger thumb. I would

> like some answer to the probable causes and it seems to be difficult

> to obtain one.


> I am suprised to know that some children with clubfeet condition have

> hypospadias.

> Would you kindly refer me to any source of book or medical journals.



> Thank you


> Lidia

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When my son was first born,I poured over medical journals(my brother and

sister-in-law our doctors)and consulted many specialists.I could not find an

answer in the medical books,club feet can be associated with many

syndromes.All of the doctors kept saying that our son was a puzzle.all

genetic testing has come back normal.From what the doctors told us,Sometimes

you can have a cluster of anomalies,unrelated problems that just occurred

simultaneously because of the point in development inutero at which time the

problem occurred.Apparently,for our son's issues happened around 5 weeks

gestation.Even though the club feet did not show up until 20 weeks.

When they told us at about 20 weeks that Henry had club feet,they said there

were hundreds of syndromes it could be associated with,but all of the other

children I have met with club feet do not have any other problems.The vast

majority of kids on this site do not either.

It is interesting that of the children that do have other issues,hypospadias

seems to be one....

Good luck finding answers,just keep asking questions.

The next time we see the geneticist I will mention this.


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