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Re: Has the BPD in your life ever made you feel physically ill?

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The migraines I have are surely stress related. I was sick for months with

bizarre symptoms and a constant headache and my DD and DH hounded me to see a

neurologist because they feared a brain tumor. Turns out I had non-stop

migraines with olfactory and visual auras and vertigo etc, and I finally bad to

go on a seizure med as a preventative.

The migraines appeared at the height of dealing with demented nada and the

falls, ER visits, nursing home admission and all that.

They do say stress causes disease - we are proof.


Sent from my blueberry.

> Yes ma'am, the migraines started in 3rd grade. Puberty didn't help and they

> advanced to daily. My parents didn't get help for me as a kid and it got

> worse and worse. Became daily headaches with serious pain. Same time lots of

> visual symptoms. Allergies. And now full blown fibromyalgia.


> That's one big therapy goal is that by remodeling the inside of my brain, I

> can physically feel better. Nothing so far, but I can hope. I " m turning 36

> soon. That's a lot of years of pain.






>> Wow Em, I'm sorry to hear that =\ It's awful how this seems to effect so

>> many of us.


>> Mia



>> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:03 PM,


>> wrote:




>>> Always. I have fibromyalgia, which I attribute to a lifetime of

>> suppressing

>>> feelings. I flare up when dealing with my mother and her affairs. Visits

>> to

>>> the nursing home even now sometimes trigger migraines.

>>> I used to get sick to my stomach after eating with her, almost as if the

>>> food didn't digest but just lay there.

>>> It happens to my daughter too.


>>> Em




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For sure Em, we are proof. Sad proof!

I think I should bill nada for all the years of therapy & some of these

other medical bills!




> The migraines I have are surely stress related. I was sick for months with

> bizarre symptoms and a constant headache and my DD and DH hounded me to see

> a neurologist because they feared a brain tumor. Turns out I had non-stop

> migraines with olfactory and visual auras and vertigo etc, and I finally bad

> to go on a seizure med as a preventative.

> The migraines appeared at the height of dealing with demented nada and the

> falls, ER visits, nursing home admission and all that.

> They do say stress causes disease - we are proof.


> Em


> Sent from my blueberry.


> On Jan 3, 2011, at 6:32 PM, Girlscout Cowboy


> wrote:


> > Yes ma'am, the migraines started in 3rd grade. Puberty didn't help and

> they

> > advanced to daily. My parents didn't get help for me as a kid and it got

> > worse and worse. Became daily headaches with serious pain. Same time lots

> of

> > visual symptoms. Allergies. And now full blown fibromyalgia.

> >

> > That's one big therapy goal is that by remodeling the inside of my brain,

> I

> > can physically feel better. Nothing so far, but I can hope. I " m turning

> 36

> > soon. That's a lot of years of pain.

> >

> > On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Justi3


> wrote:

> >

> >>

> >>

> >> Wow Em, I'm sorry to hear that =\ It's awful how this seems to effect so

> >> many of us.

> >>

> >> Mia

> >>

> >>

> >> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:03 PM,


> <darkalleye%40aol.com>>

> >> wrote:

> >>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Always. I have fibromyalgia, which I attribute to a lifetime of

> >> suppressing

> >>> feelings. I flare up when dealing with my mother and her affairs.

> Visits

> >> to

> >>> the nursing home even now sometimes trigger migraines.

> >>> I used to get sick to my stomach after eating with her, almost as if

> the

> >>> food didn't digest but just lay there.

> >>> It happens to my daughter too.

> >>>

> >>> Em

> >>>

> >>

> >>

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Thanks mia,

Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and the

pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it because

the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm not

sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the physical

pain when I went NC.

I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I continued to

live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I find

my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am fully

human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.

One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.

How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about your

surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you can dive

in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make you


Night everyone



> (((( Girlscout )))) Yes, that is a lot of years of pain & I can relate =(

> I'm 33 and have had horrid pain from the endo since I was 13. And the

> fibro pain, good lord did that take forever to get diagnosed! I used to get

> headaches a lot too, I wouldn't call them migraines though. Maybe tension

> headaches is what I thought, my doctor said they sound more like cluster

> headaches though. I don't get them too much anymore. Actually... seems

> like they've lessened dramaticly since I went NC with nada. LOL. Well, that

> was one way to get rid of headaches ;-)


> It's a shame, a damned shame, that so many of us are reporting physical

> pain. It isn't super surprising to me know. One thing I have learned in

> nursing school that I relate to COMPLETELY is that when any one area of

> your

> health is not well, it can effect the others.


> We were taught that nursing is holistic in the sense that our goal is to

> care for the entire patient. To care for their physiological health,

> emotional health, spiritual health & social health.


> How many times when you're feeling the emotional black hold of nada has any

> one of those other aspects of health gone awry? Same with physical pain...

> it has absolutely impacted my emotional, spiritual & social healt as well!


> Sorry to ramble, I find it sad that so many have had to deal with this, but

> it is interesting. Maybe one day more physicians & practitioners will start

> to realize that emotional pain is just as serious as physical pain. I hate

> hearing that something is all in my head. Maybe in some ways it is, but

> really, it's not. My body is damaged from having to deal with all that

> stress, anxiety & emotional pain for so many years.


> I'll shut up now. lol.


> Mia



> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Girlscout Cowboy <

> girlscout.cowboy@... <girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>

> > wrote:


> > Yes ma'am, the migraines started in 3rd grade. Puberty didn't help and

> they

> > advanced to daily. My parents didn't get help for me as a kid and it got

> > worse and worse. Became daily headaches with serious pain. Same time lots

> > of

> > visual symptoms. Allergies. And now full blown fibromyalgia.

> >

> > That's one big therapy goal is that by remodeling the inside of my brain,

> I

> > can physically feel better. Nothing so far, but I can hope. I " m turning

> 36

> > soon. That's a lot of years of pain.

> >

> > On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 12:52 PM, Justi3


> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > Wow Em, I'm sorry to hear that =\ It's awful how this seems to effect

> so

> > > many of us.

> > >

> > > Mia

> > >

> > >

> > > On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 2:03 PM,


> <darkalleye%

> > 40aol.com>>


> > > wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Always. I have fibromyalgia, which I attribute to a lifetime of

> > > suppressing

> > > > feelings. I flare up when dealing with my mother and her affairs.

> > Visits

> > > to

> > > > the nursing home even now sometimes trigger migraines.

> > > > I used to get sick to my stomach after eating with her, almost as if

> > the

> > > > food didn't digest but just lay there.

> > > > It happens to my daughter too.

> > > >

> > > > Em

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately and all

the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.

I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15 months.

Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but I

loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually happening.

See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was encouraged

to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me time

to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I get

for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this surgery,

but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid at

all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no idea

if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my pre-op

apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to not

hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is good

news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about for 10

years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5 kids

first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.

The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I have

doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because trust

me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you can

even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying to

work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even with a

balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I can

afford what they'll want.

Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be on

it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy & " sucking

it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went on,

but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I can

finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I say,

" What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish my

degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have developed

this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when it

comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I really

don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

accelerated program. I am so scared.

Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right now.

I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be finished

with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You " right

when I just don't need it to.

Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time of

year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.



On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <girlscout.cowboy@...

> wrote:

> Thanks mia,

> Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and the

> pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it because

> the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm not

> sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> physical

> pain when I went NC.


> I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I continued

> to

> live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I find

> my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am fully

> human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.


> One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.


> How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about your

> surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you can

> dive

> in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make you

> worry.


> Night everyone


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I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately and all

the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.

I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15 months.

Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but I

loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually happening.

See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was encouraged

to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me time

to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I get

for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this surgery,

but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid at

all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no idea

if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my pre-op

apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to not

hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is good

news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about for 10

years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5 kids

first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.

The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I have

doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because trust

me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you can

even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying to

work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even with a

balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I can

afford what they'll want.

Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be on

it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy & " sucking

it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went on,

but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I can

finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I say,

" What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish my

degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have developed

this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when it

comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I really

don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

accelerated program. I am so scared.

Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right now.

I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be finished

with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You " right

when I just don't need it to.

Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time of

year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.



On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <girlscout.cowboy@...

> wrote:

> Thanks mia,

> Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and the

> pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it because

> the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm not

> sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> physical

> pain when I went NC.


> I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I continued

> to

> live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I find

> my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am fully

> human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.


> One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.


> How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about your

> surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you can

> dive

> in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make you

> worry.


> Night everyone


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I'm sorry hon - but you rock and I love your attitude!! Your gonna get back

on top, I know it!!!



> I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

> invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately and

> all

> the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.


> I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15 months.

> Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but I

> loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

> November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

> today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually happening.

> See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was encouraged

> to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

> something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me time

> to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I get

> for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this surgery,

> but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid at

> all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

> forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

> preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no idea

> if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my pre-op

> apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to not

> hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is good

> news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

> it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about for

> 10

> years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5 kids

> first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.


> The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I have

> doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because trust

> me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

> Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you can

> even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying to

> work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even with a

> balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

> guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

> limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I can

> afford what they'll want.


> Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be on

> it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy & " sucking

> it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went on,

> but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I can

> finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

> yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I

> say,

> " What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish my

> degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

> under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have developed

> this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when it

> comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I really

> don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

> accelerated program. I am so scared.


> Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right now.

> I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

> couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be finished

> with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You " right

> when I just don't need it to.


> Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

> stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time of

> year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.


> Sorry.


> Mia



> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <

> girlscout.cowboy@... <girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>

> > wrote:


> > Thanks mia,

> > Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and the

> > pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it

> because

> > the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm not

> > sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> > physical

> > pain when I went NC.

> >

> > I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> > damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I continued

> > to

> > live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I

> find

> > my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am fully

> > human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.

> >

> > One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.

> >

> > How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about your

> > surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you can

> > dive

> > in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make you

> > worry.

> >

> > Night everyone

> >



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Thanks I hope so. And aparantly no news IS good news because my doc said

today that she has not heard otherwise regarding the surgery being denied,

so that means it's a go!

How weird is it that that makes me happier? No, I don't want to have major

surgery, but yes, I want my LIFE back!


On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <

girlscout.cowboy@...> wrote:

> I'm sorry hon - but you rock and I love your attitude!! Your gonna get back

> on top, I know it!!!




> >

> >

> > I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

> > invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately and

> > all

> > the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.

> >

> > I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15 months.

> > Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but I

> > loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

> > November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

> > today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually happening.

> > See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was

> encouraged

> > to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

> > something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me

> time

> > to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I

> get

> > for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this

> surgery,

> > but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid at

> > all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

> > forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

> > preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no idea

> > if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my

> pre-op

> > apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to not

> > hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is

> good

> > news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

> > it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about for

> > 10

> > years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5 kids

> > first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.

> >

> > The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I

> have

> > doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because trust

> > me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

> > Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you can

> > even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying to

> > work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even with

> a

> > balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

> > guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

> > limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I can

> > afford what they'll want.

> >

> > Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be

> on

> > it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy &

> " sucking

> > it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went on,

> > but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I

> can

> > finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

> > yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I

> > say,

> > " What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish

> my

> > degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

> > under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have developed

> > this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when it

> > comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I really

> > don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

> > accelerated program. I am so scared.

> >

> > Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right now.

> > I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

> > couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be finished

> > with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You " right

> > when I just don't need it to.

> >

> > Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

> > stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time of

> > year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.

> >

> > Sorry.

> >

> > Mia

> >

> >

> > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <

> > girlscout.cowboy@... <girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>

> > > wrote:

> >

> > > Thanks mia,

> > > Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and the

> > > pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it

> > because

> > > the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm not

> > > sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> > > physical

> > > pain when I went NC.

> > >

> > > I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> > > damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I

> continued

> > > to

> > > live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I

> > find

> > > my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am

> fully

> > > human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.

> > >

> > > One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.

> > >

> > > How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about

> your

> > > surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you can

> > > dive

> > > in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make you

> > > worry.

> > >

> > > Night everyone

> > >

> >

> >

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Yes, all the time.

I often feel nauseous and dizzy after dealing with my mother, and I have

occasionally even had heart palpitations/ panic attacks.


> Just wondering. I had that experience last night after fiance had to deal

> with his likely BPD ex wife. I've also felt nauseous in the past after

> dealing with my nada.


> Just wondering if I'm alone or if others have had this unpleasant

> experience.


> Mia




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Yes, all the time.

I often feel nauseous and dizzy after dealing with my mother, and I have

occasionally even had heart palpitations/ panic attacks.


> Just wondering. I had that experience last night after fiance had to deal

> with his likely BPD ex wife. I've also felt nauseous in the past after

> dealing with my nada.


> Just wondering if I'm alone or if others have had this unpleasant

> experience.


> Mia




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Yes, all the time.

I often feel nauseous and dizzy after dealing with my mother, and I have

occasionally even had heart palpitations/ panic attacks.


> Just wondering. I had that experience last night after fiance had to deal

> with his likely BPD ex wife. I've also felt nauseous in the past after

> dealing with my nada.


> Just wondering if I'm alone or if others have had this unpleasant

> experience.


> Mia




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> Thanks I hope so. And aparantly no news IS good news because my doc said

> today that she has not heard otherwise regarding the surgery being denied,

> so that means it's a go!


> How weird is it that that makes me happier? No, I don't want to have major

> surgery, but yes, I want my LIFE back!


> Mia


> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <


> girlscout.cowboy@... <girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>> wrote:


> > I'm sorry hon - but you rock and I love your attitude!! Your gonna get

> back

> > on top, I know it!!!

> >

> > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Justi3


> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

> > > invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately

> and

> > > all

> > > the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.

> > >

> > > I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15

> months.

> > > Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but

> I

> > > loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

> > > November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

> > > today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually

> happening.

> > > See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was

> > encouraged

> > > to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

> > > something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me

> > time

> > > to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I

> > get

> > > for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this

> > surgery,

> > > but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid

> at

> > > all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

> > > forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

> > > preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no

> idea

> > > if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my

> > pre-op

> > > apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to

> not

> > > hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is

> > good

> > > news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

> > > it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about

> for

> > > 10

> > > years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5

> kids

> > > first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.

> > >

> > > The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I

> > have

> > > doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because

> trust

> > > me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

> > > Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you

> can

> > > even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying

> to

> > > work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even

> with

> > a

> > > balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

> > > guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

> > > limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I

> can

> > > afford what they'll want.

> > >

> > > Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be

> > on

> > > it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy &

> > " sucking

> > > it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went

> on,

> > > but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I

> > can

> > > finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

> > > yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I

> > > say,

> > > " What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish

> > my

> > > degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

> > > under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have

> developed

> > > this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when

> it

> > > comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I

> really

> > > don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

> > > accelerated program. I am so scared.

> > >

> > > Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right

> now.

> > > I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

> > > couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be

> finished

> > > with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You "

> right

> > > when I just don't need it to.

> > >

> > > Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

> > > stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time

> of

> > > year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.

> > >

> > > Sorry.

> > >

> > > Mia

> > >

> > >

> > > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <

> > > girlscout.cowboy@...


> 40gmail.com>


> > > > wrote:

> > >

> > > > Thanks mia,

> > > > Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and

> the

> > > > pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it

> > > because

> > > > the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm

> not

> > > > sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> > > > physical

> > > > pain when I went NC.

> > > >

> > > > I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> > > > damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I

> > continued

> > > > to

> > > > live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I

> > > find

> > > > my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am

> > fully

> > > > human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.

> > > >

> > > > One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.

> > > >

> > > > How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about

> > your

> > > > surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you

> can

> > > > dive

> > > > in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make

> you

> > > > worry.

> > > >

> > > > Night everyone

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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> Thanks I hope so. And aparantly no news IS good news because my doc said

> today that she has not heard otherwise regarding the surgery being denied,

> so that means it's a go!


> How weird is it that that makes me happier? No, I don't want to have major

> surgery, but yes, I want my LIFE back!


> Mia


> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <


> girlscout.cowboy@... <girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>> wrote:


> > I'm sorry hon - but you rock and I love your attitude!! Your gonna get

> back

> > on top, I know it!!!

> >

> > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Justi3


> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

> > > invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately

> and

> > > all

> > > the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.

> > >

> > > I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15

> months.

> > > Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but

> I

> > > loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

> > > November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

> > > today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually

> happening.

> > > See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was

> > encouraged

> > > to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

> > > something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me

> > time

> > > to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I

> > get

> > > for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this

> > surgery,

> > > but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid

> at

> > > all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

> > > forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

> > > preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no

> idea

> > > if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my

> > pre-op

> > > apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to

> not

> > > hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is

> > good

> > > news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

> > > it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about

> for

> > > 10

> > > years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5

> kids

> > > first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.

> > >

> > > The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I

> > have

> > > doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because

> trust

> > > me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

> > > Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you

> can

> > > even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying

> to

> > > work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even

> with

> > a

> > > balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

> > > guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

> > > limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I

> can

> > > afford what they'll want.

> > >

> > > Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be

> > on

> > > it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy &

> > " sucking

> > > it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went

> on,

> > > but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I

> > can

> > > finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

> > > yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I

> > > say,

> > > " What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish

> > my

> > > degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

> > > under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have

> developed

> > > this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when

> it

> > > comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I

> really

> > > don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

> > > accelerated program. I am so scared.

> > >

> > > Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right

> now.

> > > I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

> > > couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be

> finished

> > > with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You "

> right

> > > when I just don't need it to.

> > >

> > > Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

> > > stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time

> of

> > > year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.

> > >

> > > Sorry.

> > >

> > > Mia

> > >

> > >

> > > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <

> > > girlscout.cowboy@...


> 40gmail.com>


> > > > wrote:

> > >

> > > > Thanks mia,

> > > > Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and

> the

> > > > pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it

> > > because

> > > > the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm

> not

> > > > sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> > > > physical

> > > > pain when I went NC.

> > > >

> > > > I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> > > > damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I

> > continued

> > > > to

> > > > live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I

> > > find

> > > > my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am

> > fully

> > > > human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.

> > > >

> > > > One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.

> > > >

> > > > How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about

> > your

> > > > surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you

> can

> > > > dive

> > > > in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make

> you

> > > > worry.

> > > >

> > > > Night everyone

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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> Thanks I hope so. And aparantly no news IS good news because my doc said

> today that she has not heard otherwise regarding the surgery being denied,

> so that means it's a go!


> How weird is it that that makes me happier? No, I don't want to have major

> surgery, but yes, I want my LIFE back!


> Mia


> On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <


> girlscout.cowboy@... <girlscout.cowboy%40gmail.com>> wrote:


> > I'm sorry hon - but you rock and I love your attitude!! Your gonna get

> back

> > on top, I know it!!!

> >

> > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Justi3


> wrote:

> >

> > >

> > >

> > > I am very nervous. Very. I had smaller surgeries, this one is much more

> > > invasive & major... but I think with all the fleas I'm having lately

> and

> > > all

> > > the other stress... yep. I'm super stressed out.

> > >

> > > I was in an accelerated nursing program - 1 class a month for 15

> months.

> > > Doesn't sound like much but trust me... it sure was a LOT of work, but

> I

> > > loved every minute. I was a 4.0 student. I've been sitting out since

> > > November due to pain & waiting for surgery. My pre-op appointments are

> > > today and hell, I still don't know if the surgery is actually

> happening.

> > > See, my PTSD & depression were so severe that 3 years ago I was

> > encouraged

> > > to apply for disability. I did & was approved (amazingly). That was

> > > something I didn't want to do but I'm glad I did because It's given me

> > time

> > > to start healing. But, this means I have medicare... and due to help I

> > get

> > > for school, medicaid too. Medicare would have no problem with this

> > surgery,

> > > but even though they are my primary insurance, because I have medicaid

> at

> > > all... they could say " nope. Not gonna happen " . So I have been waiting

> > > forever for people to get the ball rolling on a 4 - 6 week process of

> > > preauthorization. My surgery is scheduled for next week... I have no

> idea

> > > if I've been pre-approved or not. I am half expecting to go into my

> > pre-op

> > > apt today & hear " sorry, it's a no-go " or " we have to postpone due to

> not

> > > hearing back yet " . I'm trying to go by the old addage that " no news is

> > good

> > > news " but yes, It's horribly stressful. I really feel I need this done,

> > > it's something I've been TRYING to get a doctor to listen to me about

> for

> > > 10

> > > years now, but I always heard, " You're too young " Or " Have your 2.5

> kids

> > > first " ... even though I don't want bio kids.

> > >

> > > The recovery is 6 - 8 weeks. I can't go near that school again until I

> > have

> > > doc's blessing that I'm fit for duty. Which is a good thing because

> trust

> > > me, an LPN's job (and a student LPN's job) is toooough work physically.

> > > Plus, I owe around 5 grand which normally you have to pay before you

> can

> > > even set foot back in a classroom or clinical site... they are trying

> to

> > > work with me & make good things happen so that I can come back even

> with

> > a

> > > balance because, " You're our 4.0 nursing student! " . BUT there is no

> > > guarantee... plus, it will make what I all ready pay out of pocket on a

> > > limited budget every month increase. I'm not sure, to be honest, if I

> can

> > > afford what they'll want.

> > >

> > > Plus my disability all just came up for review. No, I do NOT want to be

> > on

> > > it forever, no no no. And I am NOT just sitting back being lazy &

> > " sucking

> > > it up " like some people might suggest. I was severely ill when I went

> on,

> > > but now I have improved somewhat. Will they give me one more year so I

> > can

> > > finish school? I don't know. My T says I'm not ready to go back to work

> > > yet... says they will prob reapprove another year or maybe 3 but then I

> > > say,

> > > " What's the difference between now & let's say Novemeber, when I finish

> > my

> > > degree? " Will I really be ready then? SHe thinks having the education

> > > under my belt will help. I agree to some extent because I have

> developed

> > > this weird thing called " confidence " since in school... at least when

> it

> > > comes to school related stuff. But I still just don't know. And I

> really

> > > don't know if I could pull off working part time & school with this

> > > accelerated program. I am so scared.

> > >

> > > Everything.... all of it, is hanging by a very delicate thread right

> now.

> > > I'm so angry too at this disease for rearing it's ugly head NOW. Why

> > > couldn't it have waited till after June, when I was slated to be

> finished

> > > with this nursing program? It always has a way of saying " F*** You "

> right

> > > when I just don't need it to.

> > >

> > > Anyway, yeah sorry... I just dumped =( All of this. It's insanely

> > > stressful. It's no wonder I have fleas right now too... plus this time

> of

> > > year I always have fleas. No idea why but I do.

> > >

> > > Sorry.

> > >

> > > Mia

> > >

> > >

> > > On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Girlscout Cowboy <

> > > girlscout.cowboy@...


> 40gmail.com>


> > > > wrote:

> > >

> > > > Thanks mia,

> > > > Yeah, I'm not sure I can draw a direct correlation between nada and

> the

> > > > pain. I'm 8 years NC and I still have it. So either I still ahve it

> > > because

> > > > the emotional issues remain - or maybe I'm permanently damaged? I'm

> not

> > > > sure. Weird though, it really didn't get a lot better regarding the

> > > > physical

> > > > pain when I went NC.

> > > >

> > > > I think my T would say that I removed myself physicaly from my FOO's

> > > > damaging behavior - but the mental patterns were ingrained so I

> > continued

> > > > to

> > > > live in their world. Now I'm relearning. She seems to think that as I

> > > find

> > > > my " voice " and am able to stand up for myself and believe that I am

> > fully

> > > > human like everyone else that the pain will start to fade.

> > > >

> > > > One can hope. I'll see if I can talk to her about it on Monday.

> > > >

> > > > How are you doing Mia? It sounds like you are quite concerned about

> > your

> > > > surgery. Terrible to have it looming over you - not here yet so you

> can

> > > > dive

> > > > in and do it, but just looming and threatening. A great way to make

> you

> > > > worry.

> > > >

> > > > Night everyone

> > > >

> > >

> > >

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Absolutely relate to the weight issue.

When I was 8 my nada took me to our doctor who always seemed taken with my nada

and they would, as I see it now, flirt back and forth outrageously. Forget he

was married to someone else and she was married to my father! Anyway she took

me there for 'diet pills' because I was 'fat'. The doctor weighed me and

pronounced I was 5 lbs. overweight for my large frame and my nada went ballistic

in front of him calling me 'fatso' and how she was 'so embarrassed by me' as she

was 'such a good mother and a perfect role model for me and how could I be fat

when she controlled every little thing I ate. She didn't have to beg the doctor

for diet pills though as he willingly gave them to her to give to me. These

were, of course, amphetamines and as it turned out very dangerous to give a

child of 8. Nada didn't care. She force fed me two a day (I was supposed to

take only one the doctor said) and yes I lost the five pounds and then some

because she took me back to the doctor a month later to 'check on it'. In the

meantime I was hyper (something I never was); couldn't sleep; very nervous; it

gave me crying jags for no reason (for which nada would beat me for as she was

'knocking the tears out of me' 'you are not to express yourself in any way

emotionally do you HEAR me " she would say. I couldn't concentrate at school. I

was a mess. She asked the doctor for more diet pills for me and he refused this

time saying I was 'too thin'. I had never been 'too thin' and nada was angry at

him. She slammed his office door and took me out of there. When I got home,

she gave me a beating she said I would never forget because I had 'embarrassed

her' and now she couldn't take me there. Huh?

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Absolutely relate to the weight issue.

When I was 8 my nada took me to our doctor who always seemed taken with my nada

and they would, as I see it now, flirt back and forth outrageously. Forget he

was married to someone else and she was married to my father! Anyway she took

me there for 'diet pills' because I was 'fat'. The doctor weighed me and

pronounced I was 5 lbs. overweight for my large frame and my nada went ballistic

in front of him calling me 'fatso' and how she was 'so embarrassed by me' as she

was 'such a good mother and a perfect role model for me and how could I be fat

when she controlled every little thing I ate. She didn't have to beg the doctor

for diet pills though as he willingly gave them to her to give to me. These

were, of course, amphetamines and as it turned out very dangerous to give a

child of 8. Nada didn't care. She force fed me two a day (I was supposed to

take only one the doctor said) and yes I lost the five pounds and then some

because she took me back to the doctor a month later to 'check on it'. In the

meantime I was hyper (something I never was); couldn't sleep; very nervous; it

gave me crying jags for no reason (for which nada would beat me for as she was

'knocking the tears out of me' 'you are not to express yourself in any way

emotionally do you HEAR me " she would say. I couldn't concentrate at school. I

was a mess. She asked the doctor for more diet pills for me and he refused this

time saying I was 'too thin'. I had never been 'too thin' and nada was angry at

him. She slammed his office door and took me out of there. When I got home,

she gave me a beating she said I would never forget because I had 'embarrassed

her' and now she couldn't take me there. Huh?

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In my opinion, frankly, that doctor should have had his license to practice

medicine yanked for prescribing " diet pills " for an 8 year old child, even if

the child was morbidly obese, which you obviously were not.

It seems so blatantly obvious how incredibly mentally ill your mother was/is:

way too dysfunctional to be raising a child.

What continues to stagger me, though, is how blind and deaf other adults choose

to be, even professionals who should be mandated reporters, to the obvious

irrational, emotionally dysregulated, abusive behaviors of mentally ill parents

towards their children.

My nada didn't take me in to get diet pills, but as far as she was concerned my

weight was never OK. I was too thin as a child, and too fat once I hit puberty.

When I see photos of myself as a child and a teen, I was simply a normal weight,

neither too fat nor too thin.

It was just another projection on her part: she was never happy with her own

weight or looks, so, that got projected onto me and gave me a lifetime

adversarial relationship with food and weight issues and even alienated me from

my own body.

Its just so sad that so much emotional abuse and emotional damage was inflicted

on us as kids, with NO intervention by those in a position to observe it and

intervene: the other, non-pd parent, or other relatives, or mandated reporters.



> Absolutely relate to the weight issue.


> When I was 8 my nada took me to our doctor who always seemed taken with my

nada and they would, as I see it now, flirt back and forth outrageously. Forget

he was married to someone else and she was married to my father! Anyway she

took me there for 'diet pills' because I was 'fat'. The doctor weighed me and

pronounced I was 5 lbs. overweight for my large frame and my nada went ballistic

in front of him calling me 'fatso' and how she was 'so embarrassed by me' as she

was 'such a good mother and a perfect role model for me and how could I be fat

when she controlled every little thing I ate. She didn't have to beg the doctor

for diet pills though as he willingly gave them to her to give to me. These

were, of course, amphetamines and as it turned out very dangerous to give a

child of 8. Nada didn't care. She force fed me two a day (I was supposed to

take only one the doctor said) and yes I lost the five pounds and then some

because she took me back to the doctor a month later to 'check on it'. In the

meantime I was hyper (something I never was); couldn't sleep; very nervous; it

gave me crying jags for no reason (for which nada would beat me for as she was

'knocking the tears out of me' 'you are not to express yourself in any way

emotionally do you HEAR me " she would say. I couldn't concentrate at school. I

was a mess. She asked the doctor for more diet pills for me and he refused this

time saying I was 'too thin'. I had never been 'too thin' and nada was angry at

him. She slammed his office door and took me out of there. When I got home,

she gave me a beating she said I would never forget because I had 'embarrassed

her' and now she couldn't take me there. Huh?



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In my opinion, frankly, that doctor should have had his license to practice

medicine yanked for prescribing " diet pills " for an 8 year old child, even if

the child was morbidly obese, which you obviously were not.

It seems so blatantly obvious how incredibly mentally ill your mother was/is:

way too dysfunctional to be raising a child.

What continues to stagger me, though, is how blind and deaf other adults choose

to be, even professionals who should be mandated reporters, to the obvious

irrational, emotionally dysregulated, abusive behaviors of mentally ill parents

towards their children.

My nada didn't take me in to get diet pills, but as far as she was concerned my

weight was never OK. I was too thin as a child, and too fat once I hit puberty.

When I see photos of myself as a child and a teen, I was simply a normal weight,

neither too fat nor too thin.

It was just another projection on her part: she was never happy with her own

weight or looks, so, that got projected onto me and gave me a lifetime

adversarial relationship with food and weight issues and even alienated me from

my own body.

Its just so sad that so much emotional abuse and emotional damage was inflicted

on us as kids, with NO intervention by those in a position to observe it and

intervene: the other, non-pd parent, or other relatives, or mandated reporters.



> Absolutely relate to the weight issue.


> When I was 8 my nada took me to our doctor who always seemed taken with my

nada and they would, as I see it now, flirt back and forth outrageously. Forget

he was married to someone else and she was married to my father! Anyway she

took me there for 'diet pills' because I was 'fat'. The doctor weighed me and

pronounced I was 5 lbs. overweight for my large frame and my nada went ballistic

in front of him calling me 'fatso' and how she was 'so embarrassed by me' as she

was 'such a good mother and a perfect role model for me and how could I be fat

when she controlled every little thing I ate. She didn't have to beg the doctor

for diet pills though as he willingly gave them to her to give to me. These

were, of course, amphetamines and as it turned out very dangerous to give a

child of 8. Nada didn't care. She force fed me two a day (I was supposed to

take only one the doctor said) and yes I lost the five pounds and then some

because she took me back to the doctor a month later to 'check on it'. In the

meantime I was hyper (something I never was); couldn't sleep; very nervous; it

gave me crying jags for no reason (for which nada would beat me for as she was

'knocking the tears out of me' 'you are not to express yourself in any way

emotionally do you HEAR me " she would say. I couldn't concentrate at school. I

was a mess. She asked the doctor for more diet pills for me and he refused this

time saying I was 'too thin'. I had never been 'too thin' and nada was angry at

him. She slammed his office door and took me out of there. When I got home,

she gave me a beating she said I would never forget because I had 'embarrassed

her' and now she couldn't take me there. Huh?



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In my opinion, frankly, that doctor should have had his license to practice

medicine yanked for prescribing " diet pills " for an 8 year old child, even if

the child was morbidly obese, which you obviously were not.

It seems so blatantly obvious how incredibly mentally ill your mother was/is:

way too dysfunctional to be raising a child.

What continues to stagger me, though, is how blind and deaf other adults choose

to be, even professionals who should be mandated reporters, to the obvious

irrational, emotionally dysregulated, abusive behaviors of mentally ill parents

towards their children.

My nada didn't take me in to get diet pills, but as far as she was concerned my

weight was never OK. I was too thin as a child, and too fat once I hit puberty.

When I see photos of myself as a child and a teen, I was simply a normal weight,

neither too fat nor too thin.

It was just another projection on her part: she was never happy with her own

weight or looks, so, that got projected onto me and gave me a lifetime

adversarial relationship with food and weight issues and even alienated me from

my own body.

Its just so sad that so much emotional abuse and emotional damage was inflicted

on us as kids, with NO intervention by those in a position to observe it and

intervene: the other, non-pd parent, or other relatives, or mandated reporters.



> Absolutely relate to the weight issue.


> When I was 8 my nada took me to our doctor who always seemed taken with my

nada and they would, as I see it now, flirt back and forth outrageously. Forget

he was married to someone else and she was married to my father! Anyway she

took me there for 'diet pills' because I was 'fat'. The doctor weighed me and

pronounced I was 5 lbs. overweight for my large frame and my nada went ballistic

in front of him calling me 'fatso' and how she was 'so embarrassed by me' as she

was 'such a good mother and a perfect role model for me and how could I be fat

when she controlled every little thing I ate. She didn't have to beg the doctor

for diet pills though as he willingly gave them to her to give to me. These

were, of course, amphetamines and as it turned out very dangerous to give a

child of 8. Nada didn't care. She force fed me two a day (I was supposed to

take only one the doctor said) and yes I lost the five pounds and then some

because she took me back to the doctor a month later to 'check on it'. In the

meantime I was hyper (something I never was); couldn't sleep; very nervous; it

gave me crying jags for no reason (for which nada would beat me for as she was

'knocking the tears out of me' 'you are not to express yourself in any way

emotionally do you HEAR me " she would say. I couldn't concentrate at school. I

was a mess. She asked the doctor for more diet pills for me and he refused this

time saying I was 'too thin'. I had never been 'too thin' and nada was angry at

him. She slammed his office door and took me out of there. When I got home,

she gave me a beating she said I would never forget because I had 'embarrassed

her' and now she couldn't take me there. Huh?



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