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Confused about latest DNA stool test results

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We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5

year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we

first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally

clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good

bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic

bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means

we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And

both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we

still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may

still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any

viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can

anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because

I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently

than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his

sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his

ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when

he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still

seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the

results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing,

although he loves to read and " write " books and cards. He just gets frustrated

with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated

and he had delayed fine motor skills.

So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor

skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently

give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his

antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has

die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he

doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh

and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes

something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off

the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking

he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days

into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox

which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and

varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know


The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was

one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including

various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash

on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test

which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that

didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the

Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to

go in circles, lol.

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What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not

titers, is it?


> > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our

5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we

first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> >

> > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back

totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all

good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic

bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means

we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And

both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we

still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may

still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any

viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can

anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because

I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> >

> > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more

frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a

virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom

(swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets

wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but

we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting

for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with

writing, although he loves to read and " write " books and cards. He just gets

frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him

evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> >

> > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor

skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently

give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his

antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has

die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he

doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh

and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes

something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the

Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he

could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days

into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox

which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and

varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know


> >

> > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he

was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things

including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a

red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the

test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that

didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the

Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> >

> > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't

have to go in circles, lol.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not

titers, is it?


> > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our

5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we

first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> >

> > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back

totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all

good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic

bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means

we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And

both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we

still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may

still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any

viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can

anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because

I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> >

> > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more

frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a

virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom

(swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets

wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but

we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting

for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with

writing, although he loves to read and " write " books and cards. He just gets

frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him

evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> >

> > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor

skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently

give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his

antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has

die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he

doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh

and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes

something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the

Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he

could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days

into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox

which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and

varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know


> >

> > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he

was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things

including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a

red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the

test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that

didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the

Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> >

> > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't

have to go in circles, lol.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more

recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more

frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go

off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid

swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA

stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more

recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more

frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go

off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid

swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~~@Gryffins_Tail~

A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA

stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more

recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more

frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go

off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid

swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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Well, the test is usually covered by insurance and you can do it through a local lab so it shouldn't cost a ton of money. And if you have titers, you'll at least know something. If you don't have titers, then you know as much as you knew before and you'll need to go by symptoms. I would probably do it.But waiting for a toilet tank to be filled before flushing is a good thing. :) I'm kidding, I know what you mean. OCD always screams PANDAS to me.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~~@Gryffins_Tail~

Cherly,My son started waiting for the toilet tank to be filled completely after flushing. He also wants to close every single door in the house. He started turning the lights on even when it is sunny outside. I know it screams PANDAS but I do not want to run a test which does not really mean much. Is it a good idea to just go ahead and treat for strep infection. Or should I wait for these symptoms to pass. They come and go all the time. Obsessions change shapes. One day it is lights,one day toilet,one day something else. Any ideas? Thanks


already gave you the list for viral titers. A starter test for PANDAS is ASO titers and AntiDnase titers. Titers are antibodies, not specific to viruses or bacteria only but rather to a specific *thing*. Their called titers no matter what you are testing.

Keep in mind that coming up negative on any of these doesn't always mean much.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~


What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?


> > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> >

> > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> >

> > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> >

> > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!

> >

> > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> >

> > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Well, the test is usually covered by insurance and you can do it through a local lab so it shouldn't cost a ton of money. And if you have titers, you'll at least know something. If you don't have titers, then you know as much as you knew before and you'll need to go by symptoms. I would probably do it.But waiting for a toilet tank to be filled before flushing is a good thing. :) I'm kidding, I know what you mean. OCD always screams PANDAS to me.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~~@Gryffins_Tail~

Cherly,My son started waiting for the toilet tank to be filled completely after flushing. He also wants to close every single door in the house. He started turning the lights on even when it is sunny outside. I know it screams PANDAS but I do not want to run a test which does not really mean much. Is it a good idea to just go ahead and treat for strep infection. Or should I wait for these symptoms to pass. They come and go all the time. Obsessions change shapes. One day it is lights,one day toilet,one day something else. Any ideas? Thanks


already gave you the list for viral titers. A starter test for PANDAS is ASO titers and AntiDnase titers. Titers are antibodies, not specific to viruses or bacteria only but rather to a specific *thing*. Their called titers no matter what you are testing.

Keep in mind that coming up negative on any of these doesn't always mean much.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~


What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?


> > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> >

> > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> >

> > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> >

> > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!

> >

> > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> >

> > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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Well, the test is usually covered by insurance and you can do it through a local lab so it shouldn't cost a ton of money. And if you have titers, you'll at least know something. If you don't have titers, then you know as much as you knew before and you'll need to go by symptoms. I would probably do it.But waiting for a toilet tank to be filled before flushing is a good thing. :) I'm kidding, I know what you mean. OCD always screams PANDAS to me.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~~@Gryffins_Tail~

Cherly,My son started waiting for the toilet tank to be filled completely after flushing. He also wants to close every single door in the house. He started turning the lights on even when it is sunny outside. I know it screams PANDAS but I do not want to run a test which does not really mean much. Is it a good idea to just go ahead and treat for strep infection. Or should I wait for these symptoms to pass. They come and go all the time. Obsessions change shapes. One day it is lights,one day toilet,one day something else. Any ideas? Thanks


already gave you the list for viral titers. A starter test for PANDAS is ASO titers and AntiDnase titers. Titers are antibodies, not specific to viruses or bacteria only but rather to a specific *thing*. Their called titers no matter what you are testing.

Keep in mind that coming up negative on any of these doesn't always mean much.

Cheryl ~http://www.gryffins-tail.blogspot.com~


What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?


> > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> >

> > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> >

> > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> >

> > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!

> >

> > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> >

> > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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If it is a first case (often the child is younger) then a one time course of antibiotics works. However, the autistic kids have compised immune systems so exposures to viruses and bacteria stress their damaged immune system. It reallly depends on the child and how they respond to treatment.....they may need long term antibiotics or not.....they may need to stay on a weekly dose or not.....they may need steroids or not....they may need IVIG and stay on antibiotics.


What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would

think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty

fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some

sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head

(he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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If it is a first case (often the child is younger) then a one time course of antibiotics works. However, the autistic kids have compised immune systems so exposures to viruses and bacteria stress their damaged immune system. It reallly depends on the child and how they respond to treatment.....they may need long term antibiotics or not.....they may need to stay on a weekly dose or not.....they may need steroids or not....they may need IVIG and stay on antibiotics.


What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would

think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty

fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some

sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head

(he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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can't get LDN these parts :( . might have some success with the full strength stuff, but can't get a prescription unless you're a drug addict... infuriating. son's been largely bonkers the last 2 monthsTo: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:36:47Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

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where are you located,we fax px from our gp to new york and we are in ireland,would you know any doc who would help,completely differnt dose for drug addicts def not low dose like for our kids .makes me mad we have to fight so hard for something that could really help our kids


can't get LDN these parts :( . might have some success with the full strength stuff, but can't get a prescription unless you're a drug addict... infuriating. son's been largely bonkers the last 2 months

To: mb12 valtrex

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:36:47

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results


you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares.  LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM


From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results


For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough.  I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though.  I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first.  I honestly don't know.  Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.





A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results


Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.



What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and " write " books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!

> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

-- Cotter4 Pollerton ManorCarlow059 9134964087 2637921

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Can you get a prescription for a month of daily Azithromycin? (Our PANDAS Dr.

told me he thinks the 3 antibiotics for PANDAS are Azithromycin, Omnicef,

Augmentin, but of course, it can vary)

My experience: My child fit the PANDAS clinical diagnosis to a 'T'

We did a month of Azith. daily dose, and gave ibuprofen 2x a day-(for thet

inflammation part of PANDAS) took copious, detailed notes.

It was a WOW for us-but we can't get to a baseline with it, because my dd5 has

been dealing with it untreated for years.

We also did a blood test through a research university for PANDAS, and my

daughter scored high/almost to severe for PANDAS.

The month long trial of Azith. and ibuprofen nailed it.

(Now we are still on Azith., and doing a 4 day steroid treatment next weekend.)






> can't get LDN these parts :( . might have some success with the full strength

> stuff, but can't get a prescription unless you're a drug addict...


> son's been largely bonkers the last 2 months



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That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to somebody else, but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign on with him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters, webinars, he answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom that uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos from him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you. Good luck!-TammyTo: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wed, February 16, 2011 6:12:06 AMSubject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

where are you located,we fax px from our gp to new york and we are in ireland,would you know any doc who would help,completely differnt dose for drug addicts def not low dose like for our kids .makes me mad we have to fight so hard for something that could really help our kids

can't get LDN these parts :( . might have some success with the full strength stuff, but can't get a prescription unless you're a drug addict... infuriating. son's been largely bonkers the last 2 months

To: mb12 valtrex

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:36:47

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were

given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!

> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

-- Cotter4 Pollerton ManorCarlow059 9134964087 2637921

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That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to somebody else, but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign on with him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters, webinars, he answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom that uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos from him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you. Good luck!-TammyTo: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wed, February 16, 2011 6:12:06 AMSubject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

where are you located,we fax px from our gp to new york and we are in ireland,would you know any doc who would help,completely differnt dose for drug addicts def not low dose like for our kids .makes me mad we have to fight so hard for something that could really help our kids

can't get LDN these parts :( . might have some success with the full strength stuff, but can't get a prescription unless you're a drug addict... infuriating. son's been largely bonkers the last 2 months

To: mb12 valtrex

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:36:47

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently.

> > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it.

> > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.

> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were

given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!

> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.

> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

-- Cotter4 Pollerton ManorCarlow059 9134964087 2637921

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But doesn't he write the prescriptions for your current local Dr.?

Like a recommendation?

I only mention this because with our current insurance medical Dr.'s, I'd be

laughed out the door.

I thought to get prescriptions you have to actually 'see' a Dr. in person, or at

least 1x a year in person...


> That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to somebody


> but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign on


> him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters, webinars,


> answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom that

> uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos from

> him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you. Good

> luck!


> -Tammy




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a magor reason they compound is that it can have things kids are allerigic to as well like be in a soy based verses the recommended emu oil

From: Cotter

Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 6:56 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

we use irmats pharmacy in new york its recommended by dr bahardi who came up with LDN ,the reason being that they compund it themselves and that if not properly compounded it just does not work,you should look up the LDN offical website lots of info there,maybe you could print some off for your gp,we have only 2 dans here in ireland but my gp helps me out with pxs so maybe

you could try that.my brother in law is working in malaysia ,loves it cant see him ever coming back to ireland

I'm in Malaysia... there are NO Dans here. My GP is largely depending on info I pass him. thought of getting it from India (they don't ask for a px there), and diluting to the required strength, which I do not know as yet.

May I know who you place the order with? Am surprised that they accept a faxed px. Might try this approach.

Tks, .

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 19:12:06

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

where are you located,we fax px from our gp to new york and we are in ireland,would you know any doc who would help,completely differnt dose for drug addicts def not low dose like for our kids .makes me mad we have to fight so hard for something that could really help our kids

can't get LDN these parts :( . might have some success with the full strength stuff, but can't get a prescription unless you're a drug addict... infuriating. son's been largely bonkers the last 2 months

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:36:47

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

you treat when you flare OR there is also the thought process of doing prophatic antibiotics to PREVENT flares. LDN keep flares away for us (and it's cheep) but we miss ONE night and boom we have a flare the next AM

From: cheryl biomed.mom

Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:05 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

For Pandas kids, no, one course is generally not enough. I'm not very fluent in PANDAS information, though. I know some treat as flares come but I think they don't even get to that point until they've done some long term treatment first. I honestly don't know. Christel knows more about PANDAS than I do, she's actually dealing with it.




A question on pandas and strep: in most cases, do the treatments need to be repeated periodically, or is one course normally sufficient to address the issue?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 7:35:31Subject: Re: Re: Confused about latest DNA stool test results

Yes, you do need to treat for strep and see how he responds. Where do you live? There are very few knowledgeable PANDAS docs.

What test would I request for that? Strep is a bacteria, so I assume it's not titers, is it?> > > We recently did the Metamtrix DNA stool test with our 2 and 5 year olds. Our 5 year old had battled with Clostridia and yeast since he was at least 3 when we first knew to test him with an OAT and another stool test more recently. > > > > So you would think it would be good news to have a stool test come back totally clear of everything!! But instead, I am confused. He is colonizing all good bacteria (not all high, but it's there none the less), has NO opportunistic bacteria, NO yeast and NO parasites!! So yes, I am very glad for this, it means we totally eradicated the Clostridia which was a NASTY bug to deal with. And both my husband and I have commented on how well he's been doing lately, BUT we still have some weird things happening with him and I beginning to think we may still be contending with viral problems, but we have never actually done any viral titer testing. I think this may be a good time to consider doing so. Can anyone tell me what titers to have pulled and if it's really expensive, because I am sure our insurance won't cover it. > > > > This is what we are still noticing with him: he is getting sick more frequently than he used to (although he fights them pretty fast), when he gets a virus his sensory stuff comes back and what I thought was a yeast symptom (swatting at his ears and head) may not even be a yeast sign. He also gets wildly moody when he's sick. His moods are much better than they used to be, but we are still seeing an occasional low frustration threshold and we are waiting for the results of a handwriting evaluation, because he seems to struggle with writing, although he loves to read and "write" books and cards. He just gets frustrated with himself. About two years ago when this all started, we had him evaluated and he had delayed fine motor skills.> > > > So I guess I don't know, if some of this is (aside from the delayed motor skills) normal or not and if we should be addressing virals more. We currently give him 500mg of OLE two to three times a day. He's also still reacting to his antimicrobials, meaning, if we go off them (like for the stool test) he has die-off of some sort when going back on them. Why would this happen, if he doesn't have yeast or bacteria, can virals cause that same sort of reaction? Oh and I tried to add Monolaurin in a few times and even one pellet causes something, die-off or mood swings. Reminds me of when we started killing off the Clostridia. He did have the MMR and varicela vaccinations so I was thinking he could have a measles or rubella infection. When we started the OLE, ten days into using it, he broke out in a rash all over his trunk, like the chicken pox which is how he also reacted to his vaccinations. Unfortunately, the MMR and varicela were given at the same time....I know, if only I knew then what I know now!> > > > The other thing I am considering here is Lyme. He was tested once when he was one and reacted to his 12 month vaccinations with a month of things including various rashes and fevers, his eyelid swelled up, etc. I had noticed a red rash on his head (he's VERY blonde, so it was hard to miss) so they did the test which was negative. The rash wasn't a bullseye, just a round red spot that didn't stick around long. Should we reconsider this route? I would expect the Lyme bacteria to react to his antimicrobials which are GSE, OoO and OLE.> > > > Sorry for the long message, trying not to leave anything out so we don't have to go in circles, lol.> > > > > > > >>

-- Cotter4 Pollerton ManorCarlow059 9134964087 2637921

-- Cotter4 Pollerton ManorCarlow059 9134964087 2637921

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Hi- I just checked Dr. Woeller's website.

You can print the prescription he recommends, but you need to take it to an MD

near you for their signature/agreement for the prescription.

If someone has a local Dr. that is willing to follow this protocol, take

direction from another Dr., it would work well, I would think--

Personally, my medical insurance Dr.'s here in CA.- I have taken them diagnosis

and testing done by my DAN!, and they ripped it all apart and will not help me

in the slightest---

I thank God for our DAN!/PANDAS Dr., but I tell you what-- it is not cheap

(preaching to the choir here, I am sure)



> >

> > That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to somebody

> >else,

> >

> > but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign on

> >with

> >

> > him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters, webinars,


> >

> > answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom that

> > uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos from

> > him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you. Good

> > luck!

> >

> > -Tammy

> >

> >

> >


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Hi- I just checked Dr. Woeller's website.

You can print the prescription he recommends, but you need to take it to an MD

near you for their signature/agreement for the prescription.

If someone has a local Dr. that is willing to follow this protocol, take

direction from another Dr., it would work well, I would think--

Personally, my medical insurance Dr.'s here in CA.- I have taken them diagnosis

and testing done by my DAN!, and they ripped it all apart and will not help me

in the slightest---

I thank God for our DAN!/PANDAS Dr., but I tell you what-- it is not cheap

(preaching to the choir here, I am sure)



> >

> > That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to somebody

> >else,

> >

> > but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign on

> >with

> >

> > him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters, webinars,


> >

> > answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom that

> > uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos from

> > him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you. Good

> > luck!

> >

> > -Tammy

> >

> >

> >


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Hi- I just checked Dr. Woeller's website.

You can print the prescription he recommends, but you need to take it to an MD

near you for their signature/agreement for the prescription.

If someone has a local Dr. that is willing to follow this protocol, take

direction from another Dr., it would work well, I would think--

Personally, my medical insurance Dr.'s here in CA.- I have taken them diagnosis

and testing done by my DAN!, and they ripped it all apart and will not help me

in the slightest---

I thank God for our DAN!/PANDAS Dr., but I tell you what-- it is not cheap

(preaching to the choir here, I am sure)



> >

> > That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to somebody

> >else,

> >

> > but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign on

> >with

> >

> > him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters, webinars,


> >

> > answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom that

> > uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos from

> > him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you. Good

> > luck!

> >

> > -Tammy

> >

> >

> >


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@ sarah- I am reading this post and I an also in California and desperately

seeking a pandas Dr. for my son. If you dont mind could you please post the info

for the pandas/Dan Dr. That you have taken your son too. Thank you so much.

Amy wrote:

>We use Dr. Woeller and he has prescribed MB12 shots, Diflucan, LDN, Armour,

ordered tests we want run, you name it. No taking the Rx to another doctor. We

have never " seen " him except through our Skype consults. (we do have to pay for

those out of pocket, but I don't care, because he's worth it) He is fantastic

and I definitely recommend him.





> Hi- I just checked Dr. Woeller's website.

>> You can print the prescription he recommends, but you need to take it to an

MD near you for their signature/agreement for the prescription.

>> If someone has a local Dr. that is willing to follow this protocol, take

direction from another Dr., it would work well, I would think--

>> Personally, my medical insurance Dr.'s here in CA.- I have taken them

diagnosis and testing done by my DAN!, and they ripped it all apart and will not

help me in the slightest---

>> I thank God for our DAN!/PANDAS Dr., but I tell you what-- it is not cheap

(preaching to the choir here, I am sure)

>> &

>> 5



>> > >

>> > > That just burns me up....I know I just mentioned it last night to


>> > >else,

>> > >

>> > > but you guys might want to check out Dr. Kurt Woeller's website and sign


>> > >with

>> > >

>> > > him. It's $40/month. You get access to his site, his news letters,

webinars, he

>> > >

>> > > answers e-mails, does phone consultations and writes rx's. I know a mom


>> > > uses him and she's very happy with him. I've watched a number of videos


>> > > him - he seems to really know his stuff. It might be an option for you.


>> > > luck!

>> > >

>> > > -Tammy

>> > >

>> > >

>> > >

>> >




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