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RE: hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

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--- You wrote:

Does anyone know if this is fact or legend? I tried searching the archives

but the thread must be too old.

--- end of quote ---

Hi Daphne - I asked our audiologist about this when we were chatting about it

all that time ago and I'm nearly sure she said there was no correlation between

odd/even and left and right.

BUT both boys have an earmold visit tomorrow so I'll have Hugh ask about

it and let you know!

What a bad experience - can you email Phonak and complain? That's pretty



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Thanks Barbara,

It was by far the worst customer service experience I've had with them, and

has been wearing Phonak hearing aids for 4 years. I'm disappointed if

someone at Phonak is instructing their reps to be so impossible, but I

suspect I just got a " bad egg " . I have our local rep's card and will call

him tomorrow if I don't get an answer in the morning.

Thanks for helping check this out!


> Re: hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??



> --- You wrote:

> Does anyone know if this is fact or legend? I tried searching the archives

> but the thread must be too old.

> --- end of quote ---

> Hi Daphne - I asked our audiologist about this when we were

> chatting about it

> all that time ago and I'm nearly sure she said there was no

> correlation between

> odd/even and left and right.


> BUT both boys have an earmold visit tomorrow so I'll have Hugh

> ask about

> it and let you know!


> What a bad experience - can you email Phonak and complain? That's pretty

> bad....


> Barbara



> All messages posted to this list are private and confidential.

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There is a recommended way to do the odd and even serial #'s, however I

cannot remember what it is. Not only that but not everyone does it. I will

try and call an Audiologist friend tomorrow to find out.

Shame on Phonak for treating you that way.



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There is a recommended way to do the odd and even serial #'s, however I

cannot remember what it is. Not only that but not everyone does it. I will

try and call an Audiologist friend tomorrow to find out.

Shame on Phonak for treating you that way.



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There is a recommended way to do the odd and even serial #'s, however I

cannot remember what it is. Not only that but not everyone does it. I will

try and call an Audiologist friend tomorrow to find out.

Shame on Phonak for treating you that way.



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Security. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963

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<<Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.>>

I have had terrible problems with Phonak when asking very simple questions about

the Microlink we used to have. Since you've usually done okay with them, though,

I have to assume you just got someone having a bad day. (I'm trying to be

generous, here!)

Phonak can give you this info in a heartbeat, as it's on their computer. I

believe all the manufacturers keep these databases in the same way. We bought

our Oticon aids through one audi and our current audi merely needed to make a

simple call and provide our name to get the serial number info she needed. (Our

audi says this is the norm.) If you have the person's name who gave you a bad

time, call back and ask to speak to her supervisor. When you get that person on

the line, ask for the information you need. If the supervisor wants to know why

you called them directly, explain that the person you spoke to yesterday didn't

understand how to do it and perhaps they need some additional training.

If, for some reason, they still will not provide the info, tell them you need

the spelling of their names for the lawsuit you will file when your son's

improperly set hearing aid damages the ear it should not be in.

Okay, I don't know how practical all my advice is but this stuff just makes my

blood boil!

Carol - mom to , 7.11, mod to profound, LVAS

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<<Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.>>

I have had terrible problems with Phonak when asking very simple questions about

the Microlink we used to have. Since you've usually done okay with them, though,

I have to assume you just got someone having a bad day. (I'm trying to be

generous, here!)

Phonak can give you this info in a heartbeat, as it's on their computer. I

believe all the manufacturers keep these databases in the same way. We bought

our Oticon aids through one audi and our current audi merely needed to make a

simple call and provide our name to get the serial number info she needed. (Our

audi says this is the norm.) If you have the person's name who gave you a bad

time, call back and ask to speak to her supervisor. When you get that person on

the line, ask for the information you need. If the supervisor wants to know why

you called them directly, explain that the person you spoke to yesterday didn't

understand how to do it and perhaps they need some additional training.

If, for some reason, they still will not provide the info, tell them you need

the spelling of their names for the lawsuit you will file when your son's

improperly set hearing aid damages the ear it should not be in.

Okay, I don't know how practical all my advice is but this stuff just makes my

blood boil!

Carol - mom to , 7.11, mod to profound, LVAS

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<<Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.>>

I have had terrible problems with Phonak when asking very simple questions about

the Microlink we used to have. Since you've usually done okay with them, though,

I have to assume you just got someone having a bad day. (I'm trying to be

generous, here!)

Phonak can give you this info in a heartbeat, as it's on their computer. I

believe all the manufacturers keep these databases in the same way. We bought

our Oticon aids through one audi and our current audi merely needed to make a

simple call and provide our name to get the serial number info she needed. (Our

audi says this is the norm.) If you have the person's name who gave you a bad

time, call back and ask to speak to her supervisor. When you get that person on

the line, ask for the information you need. If the supervisor wants to know why

you called them directly, explain that the person you spoke to yesterday didn't

understand how to do it and perhaps they need some additional training.

If, for some reason, they still will not provide the info, tell them you need

the spelling of their names for the lawsuit you will file when your son's

improperly set hearing aid damages the ear it should not be in.

Okay, I don't know how practical all my advice is but this stuff just makes my

blood boil!

Carol - mom to , 7.11, mod to profound, LVAS

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Guest guest

--- You wrote:

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

--- end of quote ---

It does matter if the left ear and the right ear have different losses....


Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

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Guest guest

--- You wrote:

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

--- end of quote ---

It does matter if the left ear and the right ear have different losses....


Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

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Guest guest

--- You wrote:

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

--- end of quote ---

It does matter if the left ear and the right ear have different losses....


Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

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My son wears analog aides for a conductive loss. The aides are

interchangeable. However, the settings are different for each ear. Since his are


aides, I could reset those levels quite easily if the aides were to become

confused. According to our audi, there is no reason why our aides would go in


right or left ear, aside from the settings being appropriate.

We never send in Ian's aides at the same time. He hates being completely

without aides. So, we send them in for their yearly check-up one-at-a-time. That

way he always has at least the one.

-- Jill

In a message dated 3/30/2004 6:55:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dfpotter@... writes:

My audi works at a big hospital and getting in touch with her is hard. For 7

years I have been calling Phonak with these minor problems and they have

been very helpful in helping me out.

Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.

It may be days before my audi can get back to me. My son has been using his

oooold analog aids and we miss his Claros dearly. Does anyone have any




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My son wears analog aides for a conductive loss. The aides are

interchangeable. However, the settings are different for each ear. Since his are


aides, I could reset those levels quite easily if the aides were to become

confused. According to our audi, there is no reason why our aides would go in


right or left ear, aside from the settings being appropriate.

We never send in Ian's aides at the same time. He hates being completely

without aides. So, we send them in for their yearly check-up one-at-a-time. That

way he always has at least the one.

-- Jill

In a message dated 3/30/2004 6:55:26 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dfpotter@... writes:

My audi works at a big hospital and getting in touch with her is hard. For 7

years I have been calling Phonak with these minor problems and they have

been very helpful in helping me out.

Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.

It may be days before my audi can get back to me. My son has been using his

oooold analog aids and we miss his Claros dearly. Does anyone have any




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Guest guest

--- You wrote:

Ok, They have never said anything to me, but on my son's hearing aids, you

can adjust the volume on what you want it to be.

--- end of quote ---

Hi Sue - welcome! Colin or someone more up on equipment could better explain

all this to you, but basically it depends on the hearing aid your child has. I

have two boys - 11 and 9 - who have hearing loss. My older son, Tom, has a

severe loss; Sam has a profound loss. They both wear digital programmable

hearing aids - so their audiologist actually programs their hearing aids

according to their hearing loss. For the most part, the settings are static,

although Sam's also does have a volume control - but it's not meant to control

the hearing aid but he can turn it up or down depending on the setting. My

boys both have sensorineural losses....

There are also analog hearing aids - some may have a volume control - that

basically are off/on with a loudness setting that the wearer can control. Then

there are analog programmables that - again - are programmed by the


So it depends on the hearing aid and the child wearing it. My boys' hearing

loss is fairly identical from the left to right ear but not everyone's is. My

brother actually has a unilateral loss - he has a moderate loss in one ear and

hears fine in the other.

Hope this helps!



Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

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Guest guest

--- You wrote:

Ok, They have never said anything to me, but on my son's hearing aids, you

can adjust the volume on what you want it to be.

--- end of quote ---

Hi Sue - welcome! Colin or someone more up on equipment could better explain

all this to you, but basically it depends on the hearing aid your child has. I

have two boys - 11 and 9 - who have hearing loss. My older son, Tom, has a

severe loss; Sam has a profound loss. They both wear digital programmable

hearing aids - so their audiologist actually programs their hearing aids

according to their hearing loss. For the most part, the settings are static,

although Sam's also does have a volume control - but it's not meant to control

the hearing aid but he can turn it up or down depending on the setting. My

boys both have sensorineural losses....

There are also analog hearing aids - some may have a volume control - that

basically are off/on with a loudness setting that the wearer can control. Then

there are analog programmables that - again - are programmed by the


So it depends on the hearing aid and the child wearing it. My boys' hearing

loss is fairly identical from the left to right ear but not everyone's is. My

brother actually has a unilateral loss - he has a moderate loss in one ear and

hears fine in the other.

Hope this helps!



Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

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Guest guest

--- You wrote:

Ok, They have never said anything to me, but on my son's hearing aids, you

can adjust the volume on what you want it to be.

--- end of quote ---

Hi Sue - welcome! Colin or someone more up on equipment could better explain

all this to you, but basically it depends on the hearing aid your child has. I

have two boys - 11 and 9 - who have hearing loss. My older son, Tom, has a

severe loss; Sam has a profound loss. They both wear digital programmable

hearing aids - so their audiologist actually programs their hearing aids

according to their hearing loss. For the most part, the settings are static,

although Sam's also does have a volume control - but it's not meant to control

the hearing aid but he can turn it up or down depending on the setting. My

boys both have sensorineural losses....

There are also analog hearing aids - some may have a volume control - that

basically are off/on with a loudness setting that the wearer can control. Then

there are analog programmables that - again - are programmed by the


So it depends on the hearing aid and the child wearing it. My boys' hearing

loss is fairly identical from the left to right ear but not everyone's is. My

brother actually has a unilateral loss - he has a moderate loss in one ear and

hears fine in the other.

Hope this helps!



Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

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Guest guest

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

, mother of 5 yr. son with profound-severe hearing loss

-- hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

Long ago on Listen-Up, there was a thread about HA serial numbers, and

whether there was a correlation between odd-numbered serial numbers being on

the left aid and right-numbered serial numbers being on the right aid.

Does anyone know if this is fact or legend? I tried searching the archives

but the thread must be too old.

We got our refurbished hearing aids back from Phonak today & they shipped

them straight to my house as I live in another state from our audi. Contrary

to the audi's written request, they sent the FM boots separate from the

hearing aids, so I can't tell anymore which hearing aid is the left and

which is the right (the boots have little blue & red dots to help

distinguish the aids). The serial numbers on the aids are new because the

hearing aids were totally overhauled.

My audi works at a big hospital and getting in touch with her is hard. For 7

years I have been calling Phonak with these minor problems and they have

been very helpful in helping me out.

Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.

It may be days before my audi can get back to me. My son has been using his

oooold analog aids and we miss his Claros dearly. Does anyone have any




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Guest guest

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

, mother of 5 yr. son with profound-severe hearing loss

-- hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

Long ago on Listen-Up, there was a thread about HA serial numbers, and

whether there was a correlation between odd-numbered serial numbers being on

the left aid and right-numbered serial numbers being on the right aid.

Does anyone know if this is fact or legend? I tried searching the archives

but the thread must be too old.

We got our refurbished hearing aids back from Phonak today & they shipped

them straight to my house as I live in another state from our audi. Contrary

to the audi's written request, they sent the FM boots separate from the

hearing aids, so I can't tell anymore which hearing aid is the left and

which is the right (the boots have little blue & red dots to help

distinguish the aids). The serial numbers on the aids are new because the

hearing aids were totally overhauled.

My audi works at a big hospital and getting in touch with her is hard. For 7

years I have been calling Phonak with these minor problems and they have

been very helpful in helping me out.

Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.

It may be days before my audi can get back to me. My son has been using his

oooold analog aids and we miss his Claros dearly. Does anyone have any




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Guest guest

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

, mother of 5 yr. son with profound-severe hearing loss

-- hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

Long ago on Listen-Up, there was a thread about HA serial numbers, and

whether there was a correlation between odd-numbered serial numbers being on

the left aid and right-numbered serial numbers being on the right aid.

Does anyone know if this is fact or legend? I tried searching the archives

but the thread must be too old.

We got our refurbished hearing aids back from Phonak today & they shipped

them straight to my house as I live in another state from our audi. Contrary

to the audi's written request, they sent the FM boots separate from the

hearing aids, so I can't tell anymore which hearing aid is the left and

which is the right (the boots have little blue & red dots to help

distinguish the aids). The serial numbers on the aids are new because the

hearing aids were totally overhauled.

My audi works at a big hospital and getting in touch with her is hard. For 7

years I have been calling Phonak with these minor problems and they have

been very helpful in helping me out.

Today they refused to tell me which hearing aid was which. They also told

me that sending me the hearing aids separated, with no identification of

which hearing aid was which was *exactly the right thing to do*. After

arguing with this customer service rep for awhile, I finally asked to speak

with her supervisor and she " dropped " the call.

It may be days before my audi can get back to me. My son has been using his

oooold analog aids and we miss his Claros dearly. Does anyone have any




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Guest guest

Ok, They have never said anything to me, but on my son's hearing aids, you

can adjust the volume on what you want it to be.

-- Re: hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

--- You wrote:

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

--- end of quote ---

It does matter if the left ear and the right ear have different losses....


Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

the intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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Guest guest

Ok, They have never said anything to me, but on my son's hearing aids, you

can adjust the volume on what you want it to be.

-- Re: hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

--- You wrote:

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

--- end of quote ---

It does matter if the left ear and the right ear have different losses....


Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

the intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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Guest guest

Ok, They have never said anything to me, but on my son's hearing aids, you

can adjust the volume on what you want it to be.

-- Re: hearing aid serial numbers-- left vs right??

--- You wrote:

I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear. They have never said anything about it to me

but I will ask and see.

--- end of quote ---

It does matter if the left ear and the right ear have different losses....


Barbara Mellert

Manager, Social Science Computing

Kiewit Computing Services

Dartmouth College

13A Silsby Hall; HB 6121

Hanover NH 03755

Telephone: 603/646-2877

URL: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~ssc

All messages posted to this list are private and confidential. Each post is

the intellectual property of the author and therefore subject to copyright


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Guest guest

>>I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear "

This would be the case as long as the hearing loss is symmetrical - if it is

not then each hearing aid is designed for a specific ear.



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>>I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear "

This would be the case as long as the hearing loss is symmetrical - if it is

not then each hearing aid is designed for a specific ear.



Check out MSN PC Safety & Security to help ensure your PC is protected and

safe. http://specials.msn.com/msn/security.asp

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>>I don't think it really matters which aid is which, as long as the right

ear mold is in the correct ear "

This would be the case as long as the hearing loss is symmetrical - if it is

not then each hearing aid is designed for a specific ear.



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safe. http://specials.msn.com/msn/security.asp

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