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Re: Weigh in... and more

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Ohhhhh.....ok....well then...darn...lemme thing...actual start weight

would be 317 pounds...some time in November. *deep breath*

Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

being 'the fat chic'.

Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel better

about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

that waves....?

I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over 300


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Ohhhhh.....ok....well then...darn...lemme thing...actual start weight

would be 317 pounds...some time in November. *deep breath*

Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

being 'the fat chic'.

Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel better

about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

that waves....?

I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over 300


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Ohhhhh.....ok....well then...darn...lemme thing...actual start weight

would be 317 pounds...some time in November. *deep breath*

Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

being 'the fat chic'.

Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel better

about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

that waves....?

I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over 300


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In a message dated 6/7/2003 4:39:48 PM Central Daylight Time,

no_reply writes:

> Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel better about

> yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes ONLY, or avoid

> sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm that waves....?


> I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over 300

> pounds...

I dunno...I am one of those crazy fat people who has really ever struggled

with body image if that makes any senses. I mean I am NOT the fat chick wearing

inappropriate clothes or anything like that but at the same time I have never

been afraid to draw attention to myself either. But at the same time I havent

worn a sleeveless shirt in god knows how long!!! I think when we make major

changes to our bodies it DOES take awhile for our brains to catch up. I have

been working my body HARD the last several months and yet it still catches me

offguard when Im laughing or doing something and I can FEEL my abs tighten up or

FEEL the muscles in my legs. You will probably be 300+ in your head for a

while yet and thats ok..eventually your brain will catch a clue ;)



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> Ohhhhh.....ok....well then...darn...lemme thing...actual start


> would be 317 pounds...some time in November. *deep breath*


> Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

> being 'the fat chic'.


> Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel


> about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

> ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

> that waves....?


> I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over 300

> pounds...

I hear you there! I have days like that as well! I was talking to

my mom about this very thing the other day, she has lost about 150

pounds in the last year or so, and she still has days that she looks

in the mirror and sees the fat chick looking back at her, even

though nothing could be farther from the truth! I think its

something that all of us that have ever struggled with our weight go

through. I got very used to slipping under the radar, I became a

pro at not being noticed, and now that I am losing weight, I am

starting to get noticed...sometimes its uncomfortable, and other

times its nice!


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> Ohhhhh.....ok....well then...darn...lemme thing...actual start


> would be 317 pounds...some time in November. *deep breath*


> Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

> being 'the fat chic'.


> Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel


> about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

> ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

> that waves....?


> I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over 300

> pounds...

I hear you there! I have days like that as well! I was talking to

my mom about this very thing the other day, she has lost about 150

pounds in the last year or so, and she still has days that she looks

in the mirror and sees the fat chick looking back at her, even

though nothing could be farther from the truth! I think its

something that all of us that have ever struggled with our weight go

through. I got very used to slipping under the radar, I became a

pro at not being noticed, and now that I am losing weight, I am

starting to get noticed...sometimes its uncomfortable, and other

times its nice!


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> > Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

> > being 'the fat chic'.

> >

> > Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel

> better

> > about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

> > ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

> > that waves....?

> >

> > I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over


> > pounds...

Oh that is SO true! I am tormenting myself with that now. But I am

finding myself doing something I never though I'd ever do.

You've seen on tv where the girl tries on EVERYTHING in her closet

and then flings it all over the place searching for something,

ANYTHING to wear? (of course we observers are all thinking - who

cares - all the outfits are fine, just grab one)....well - that's

where I'm at. Every day, same thing. Some days I feel ok in

something, and the next day I feel rediculas in it and can't believe

I wore it out of the house last week.

But it's better than before. Use to be I had 3 pair of XXXL sweat

pants and 3 or 4 XXXL shirts - all of which looked horible and worn

out/stained/a hole here or there/stretched out....at least I'm

makeing some progress. My cloths aren't all looking like something

you'd wear on holloween to imitate a hobo on skid row.


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> > Ya know...weight loss is so mental...meaning...I got so used to

> > being 'the fat chic'.

> >

> > Do ya'll notice that even as you lose weight and start to feel

> better

> > about yourself that you still wear black, or up and down stripes

> > ONLY, or avoid sleeveless shirts cuz of that thing under your arm

> > that waves....?

> >

> > I cannot get over it...it's like in my head I still weigh over


> > pounds...

Oh that is SO true! I am tormenting myself with that now. But I am

finding myself doing something I never though I'd ever do.

You've seen on tv where the girl tries on EVERYTHING in her closet

and then flings it all over the place searching for something,

ANYTHING to wear? (of course we observers are all thinking - who

cares - all the outfits are fine, just grab one)....well - that's

where I'm at. Every day, same thing. Some days I feel ok in

something, and the next day I feel rediculas in it and can't believe

I wore it out of the house last week.

But it's better than before. Use to be I had 3 pair of XXXL sweat

pants and 3 or 4 XXXL shirts - all of which looked horible and worn

out/stained/a hole here or there/stretched out....at least I'm

makeing some progress. My cloths aren't all looking like something

you'd wear on holloween to imitate a hobo on skid row.


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My aunt (the one that had the stomach surgury to make it the size of

an egg and take out some of her intestines)...she was always almost

as big around as she was tall (she's only like 4')...but even though

she was alot larger than me, she always looked alot better. Shirts

tucked in!!!! Belts!!!! Dresses with waist lines. Now see - I

couldn't do that, I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my

size <like that realy helped>. Hmmm....To think I was once an

intelligent normal person. Do you think my brain got fat too? Maybe

the fat just pushed all the 'good' brain cells right out of the way

and left me with mush.


> I dunno...I am one of those crazy fat people who has really ever


> with body image if that makes any senses. I mean I am NOT the fat

chick wearing

> inappropriate clothes or anything like that but at the same time I

have never

> been afraid to draw attention to myself either. But at the same

time I havent

> worn a sleeveless shirt in god knows how long!!! I think when we

make major

> changes to our bodies it DOES take awhile for our brains to catch

up. I have

> been working my body HARD the last several months and yet it still

catches me

> offguard when Im laughing or doing something and I can FEEL my abs

tighten up or

> FEEL the muscles in my legs. You will probably be 300+ in your head

for a

> while yet and thats ok..eventually your brain will catch a clue ;)


> Hugs

> Shan




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Yeah yeah that's it! People start to approach you and you question

their motives. Are they gonna flirt with you or tell

you...ahem...you eatin' some cheese girl? Ya know? It's so

weird...I am a DJ,...always in the public eye (I do clubs etc) and so

many apporach me anyway. But you get in this mental state. I think

even at your top weight that you should try not to become comfy in

your fat. That sounds weird. But if you get used to it, it won't

matter if you are a size 5. You will always see yourself as fat. So

don't. Easier said then done I know...

I hear you there! I have days like that as well! I was talking to

my mom about this very thing the other day, she has lost about 150

pounds in the last year or so, and she still has days that she looks

in the mirror and sees the fat chick looking back at her, even

though nothing could be farther from the truth! I think its

something that all of us that have ever struggled with our weight go

through. I got very used to slipping under the radar, I became a

pro at not being noticed, and now that I am losing weight, I am

starting to get noticed...sometimes its uncomfortable, and other

times its nice!


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FEEL the muscles in my legs. You will probably be 300+ in your head

for a

while yet and thats ok..eventually your brain will catch a clue ;)



**LOL Shan...but I want my braint to catch up NOW! Ahhhh the

patience required for weight loss and weight control.

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FEEL the muscles in my legs. You will probably be 300+ in your head

for a

while yet and thats ok..eventually your brain will catch a clue ;)



**LOL Shan...but I want my braint to catch up NOW! Ahhhh the

patience required for weight loss and weight control.

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FEEL the muscles in my legs. You will probably be 300+ in your head

for a

while yet and thats ok..eventually your brain will catch a clue ;)



**LOL Shan...but I want my braint to catch up NOW! Ahhhh the

patience required for weight loss and weight control.

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ACK! I sooooo do that! CLothes are everywhere. Fat clothes, skinny

clothes....dark colored up and down striped clothes. Some days I

will feel so good...I may wear a skirt and heels. But 5 minutes

later I am all of a sudden having a fat flash (like a hot flash only

different) and on go the baggy jeans. Sigh. I'll get over it.

LOL But I never thought I would look like one of those clothes horse

women...taking an hour to pick uot my clothes when jeans and a tee

shirt were all I used to need.

Whine whine whine/

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ACK! I sooooo do that! CLothes are everywhere. Fat clothes, skinny

clothes....dark colored up and down striped clothes. Some days I

will feel so good...I may wear a skirt and heels. But 5 minutes

later I am all of a sudden having a fat flash (like a hot flash only

different) and on go the baggy jeans. Sigh. I'll get over it.

LOL But I never thought I would look like one of those clothes horse

women...taking an hour to pick uot my clothes when jeans and a tee

shirt were all I used to need.

Whine whine whine/

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:) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too. I have not yet made it

to tucking in my shirt...oh the day that happens. But I had a C-

section...so that poochy thing is an icon for me now. Belts may be a

thing of the past!

So...Alot of you have this problem. That we see who we have been for

so long and not who we have become. Even 5 pounds of weight loss is

a visible change.

So....how can someone depogram their eyes??

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:) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too. I have not yet made it

to tucking in my shirt...oh the day that happens. But I had a C-

section...so that poochy thing is an icon for me now. Belts may be a

thing of the past!

So...Alot of you have this problem. That we see who we have been for

so long and not who we have become. Even 5 pounds of weight loss is

a visible change.

So....how can someone depogram their eyes??

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I am no way comfortable wearing belts because I hate tucking in my

shirts. But I think when I do dress up and wear belts, they actually

slim me down a bit. i really like how they look on me.

> :) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too. I have not yet made


> to tucking in my shirt...oh the day that happens. But I had a C-

> section...so that poochy thing is an icon for me now. Belts may be


> thing of the past!


> So...Alot of you have this problem. That we see who we have been


> so long and not who we have become. Even 5 pounds of weight loss


> a visible change.


> So....how can someone depogram their eyes??

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I am no way comfortable wearing belts because I hate tucking in my

shirts. But I think when I do dress up and wear belts, they actually

slim me down a bit. i really like how they look on me.

> :) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too. I have not yet made


> to tucking in my shirt...oh the day that happens. But I had a C-

> section...so that poochy thing is an icon for me now. Belts may be


> thing of the past!


> So...Alot of you have this problem. That we see who we have been


> so long and not who we have become. Even 5 pounds of weight loss


> a visible change.


> So....how can someone depogram their eyes??

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I was the opposite I got fat but my brain still thoguht I was thin.

What a wake up I had the morning I woke up and realized I was huge.

> :) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too.

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It works in reverse too. For years I didn't know I was fat. REALLY!

I thought of myself as I was....I was shocked one day to see myself

in a store window. It was horrible. I was going into a store and

saw my reflextion...I cried. I was so embarrised and shocked to see

it was me - that big huge sloppy fat lady was me. I didn't even go

shopping, I went back to the car and went home. I was so humiliated

and ashamed. It was about a week later - after hiding myself from

the world that I started this " change for the better "


> :) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too. I have not yet made


> to tucking in my shirt...oh the day that happens. But I had a C-

> section...so that poochy thing is an icon for me now. Belts may be


> thing of the past!


> So...Alot of you have this problem. That we see who we have been


> so long and not who we have become. Even 5 pounds of weight loss


> a visible change.


> So....how can someone depogram their eyes??

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It works in reverse too. For years I didn't know I was fat. REALLY!

I thought of myself as I was....I was shocked one day to see myself

in a store window. It was horrible. I was going into a store and

saw my reflextion...I cried. I was so embarrised and shocked to see

it was me - that big huge sloppy fat lady was me. I didn't even go

shopping, I went back to the car and went home. I was so humiliated

and ashamed. It was about a week later - after hiding myself from

the world that I started this " change for the better "


> :) Ang...I like that. My brain got fat too. I have not yet made


> to tucking in my shirt...oh the day that happens. But I had a C-

> section...so that poochy thing is an icon for me now. Belts may be


> thing of the past!


> So...Alot of you have this problem. That we see who we have been


> so long and not who we have become. Even 5 pounds of weight loss


> a visible change.


> So....how can someone depogram their eyes??

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>> I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my size

UGH! I resemble that remark! LOL I keep telling myself that I need to

seriously re-evaluate my wardrobe, even BEFORE I lose weight. For years now

I have refused to wear anything that is remotely form-fitting. The weight is

slowly coming off though, so hopefully I can shed that bad habit too...


Re: Weigh in... and more

> My aunt (the one that had the stomach surgury to make it the size of

> an egg and take out some of her intestines)...she was always almost

> as big around as she was tall (she's only like 4')...but even though

> she was alot larger than me, she always looked alot better. Shirts

> tucked in!!!! Belts!!!! Dresses with waist lines. Now see - I

> couldn't do that, I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my

> size <like that realy helped>. Hmmm....To think I was once an

> intelligent normal person. Do you think my brain got fat too? Maybe

> the fat just pushed all the 'good' brain cells right out of the way

> and left me with mush.

> Ang

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>> I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my size

UGH! I resemble that remark! LOL I keep telling myself that I need to

seriously re-evaluate my wardrobe, even BEFORE I lose weight. For years now

I have refused to wear anything that is remotely form-fitting. The weight is

slowly coming off though, so hopefully I can shed that bad habit too...


Re: Weigh in... and more

> My aunt (the one that had the stomach surgury to make it the size of

> an egg and take out some of her intestines)...she was always almost

> as big around as she was tall (she's only like 4')...but even though

> she was alot larger than me, she always looked alot better. Shirts

> tucked in!!!! Belts!!!! Dresses with waist lines. Now see - I

> couldn't do that, I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my

> size <like that realy helped>. Hmmm....To think I was once an

> intelligent normal person. Do you think my brain got fat too? Maybe

> the fat just pushed all the 'good' brain cells right out of the way

> and left me with mush.

> Ang

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>> I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my size

UGH! I resemble that remark! LOL I keep telling myself that I need to

seriously re-evaluate my wardrobe, even BEFORE I lose weight. For years now

I have refused to wear anything that is remotely form-fitting. The weight is

slowly coming off though, so hopefully I can shed that bad habit too...


Re: Weigh in... and more

> My aunt (the one that had the stomach surgury to make it the size of

> an egg and take out some of her intestines)...she was always almost

> as big around as she was tall (she's only like 4')...but even though

> she was alot larger than me, she always looked alot better. Shirts

> tucked in!!!! Belts!!!! Dresses with waist lines. Now see - I

> couldn't do that, I had to try to hide it under things 3 times my

> size <like that realy helped>. Hmmm....To think I was once an

> intelligent normal person. Do you think my brain got fat too? Maybe

> the fat just pushed all the 'good' brain cells right out of the way

> and left me with mush.

> Ang

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