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Welcome, Debbie,

I am curious as to whether AJ nurses a lot at night? If he does, then he

makes up for the difference in the daytime. It could be that he is an

efficient eater and doesn't need much time to complete his meals. Does he

produce 6 or so wet diapers a day? How is his weight gain?

If your answers are all affirmative you are in good shape. Otherwise, I

hope others have clues on how to increase his eating. That was never a need

for me.

Amy Lynn M.

mother of 2/10/00 and 1/25/98

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Welcome! To alleviate nipple pain make sure Adam latches on correctly at

every feeding. Otherwise break his suction and start him again. This works

best if you don't wait for him to cry to eat. Start him when he begins to

root or suck on his (fist) and he'll be more patient with doing it right.

For the pain you are experiencing you can take acetaminophen (Tylenol)

and/or ibuprofen (Motrin) at regular dosages and intervals to make yourself

more comfortable.

I had to do this with my first and it was a long road to hoe. We survived

and went on to nurse for 21 months.

Amy Lynn M.

mother to 2/10/00 and 1/25/98

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Welcome! To alleviate nipple pain make sure Adam latches on correctly at

every feeding. Otherwise break his suction and start him again. This works

best if you don't wait for him to cry to eat. Start him when he begins to

root or suck on his (fist) and he'll be more patient with doing it right.

For the pain you are experiencing you can take acetaminophen (Tylenol)

and/or ibuprofen (Motrin) at regular dosages and intervals to make yourself

more comfortable.

I had to do this with my first and it was a long road to hoe. We survived

and went on to nurse for 21 months.

Amy Lynn M.

mother to 2/10/00 and 1/25/98

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No he doesn't really eat A LOT at night even. He does eat about 6 times a

day total. Like 1am, 4:30am, 6:30am, 11am, 4pm, 7pm, and 10pm but for only

about 10 minutes total each time. I know I produce a lot and end up having

to pump about 4-6 ounces out mid morning to relieve the pressure. He

probably has about 6 wet diapers a day. One day his dirty diapers were

super GREEN like I have never seen before even back when he had jaundice

they weren't that green...

When I get home at lunch to feed him, even tho it has been 4.5 hours seen

his last feeding, he doesn't appear to be THAT hungry and still only eats

about 10 mins. I mean he eats, but he just sits there and kinda sucks

gently and watches me and keeps crackin little smiles and losing his suction

then relatches and does that over and over again. Same thing after work. He

isn't crying and acting like he is starving or anything. He refuses to take

the bottle in between feedings and just screams if you try to force him to.

Now his weight gain hasn't been that good lately...Over all he started at 7

lb 4 oz and is 13 lbs 9oz and he is 4 months old today. BUT over the last 5

weeks he has only gained a total of 8 oz which doesn't seem like enough to


Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by any

means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and happy,

always a smilin' away.



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No he doesn't really eat A LOT at night even. He does eat about 6 times a

day total. Like 1am, 4:30am, 6:30am, 11am, 4pm, 7pm, and 10pm but for only

about 10 minutes total each time. I know I produce a lot and end up having

to pump about 4-6 ounces out mid morning to relieve the pressure. He

probably has about 6 wet diapers a day. One day his dirty diapers were

super GREEN like I have never seen before even back when he had jaundice

they weren't that green...

When I get home at lunch to feed him, even tho it has been 4.5 hours seen

his last feeding, he doesn't appear to be THAT hungry and still only eats

about 10 mins. I mean he eats, but he just sits there and kinda sucks

gently and watches me and keeps crackin little smiles and losing his suction

then relatches and does that over and over again. Same thing after work. He

isn't crying and acting like he is starving or anything. He refuses to take

the bottle in between feedings and just screams if you try to force him to.

Now his weight gain hasn't been that good lately...Over all he started at 7

lb 4 oz and is 13 lbs 9oz and he is 4 months old today. BUT over the last 5

weeks he has only gained a total of 8 oz which doesn't seem like enough to


Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by any

means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and happy,

always a smilin' away.



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Thank you - that does help - I just read all this stuff and it makes me

paranoid I think - Just looking at him he seems fine tho...so you are

probably right, I guess I just needed someone else help confirm my own




>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: " 'breastfeedingegroups' " <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: RE: Introduction

>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 11:37:32 -0400


><< Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by

>any means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and

>happy, always a smilin' away.>>


>I think that this sentence tells the whole story. Numbers on the

>scale are a very small piece of a puzzle and the fact that is a happy,

>healthy, baby means more than those numbers. As long as there are wet

>diapers and poopy ones, then he isn't starving or dehydrated.






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Guest guest


Thank you - that does help - I just read all this stuff and it makes me

paranoid I think - Just looking at him he seems fine tho...so you are

probably right, I guess I just needed someone else help confirm my own




>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: " 'breastfeedingegroups' " <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: RE: Introduction

>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 11:37:32 -0400


><< Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by

>any means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and

>happy, always a smilin' away.>>


>I think that this sentence tells the whole story. Numbers on the

>scale are a very small piece of a puzzle and the fact that is a happy,

>healthy, baby means more than those numbers. As long as there are wet

>diapers and poopy ones, then he isn't starving or dehydrated.






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Guest guest


Thank you - that does help - I just read all this stuff and it makes me

paranoid I think - Just looking at him he seems fine tho...so you are

probably right, I guess I just needed someone else help confirm my own




>Reply-To: breastfeedingegroups

>To: " 'breastfeedingegroups' " <breastfeedingegroups>

>Subject: RE: Introduction

>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 11:37:32 -0400


><< Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by

>any means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and

>happy, always a smilin' away.>>


>I think that this sentence tells the whole story. Numbers on the

>scale are a very small piece of a puzzle and the fact that is a happy,

>healthy, baby means more than those numbers. As long as there are wet

>diapers and poopy ones, then he isn't starving or dehydrated.






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<< Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by

any means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and

happy, always a smilin' away.>>

I think that this sentence tells the whole story. Numbers on the

scale are a very small piece of a puzzle and the fact that is a happy,

healthy, baby means more than those numbers. As long as there are wet

diapers and poopy ones, then he isn't starving or dehydrated.


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<< Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by

any means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and

happy, always a smilin' away.>>

I think that this sentence tells the whole story. Numbers on the

scale are a very small piece of a puzzle and the fact that is a happy,

healthy, baby means more than those numbers. As long as there are wet

diapers and poopy ones, then he isn't starving or dehydrated.


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<< Now he looks healthy, he has chubby little legs but he isn't fat by

any means...and is about 25 inches long. He seems very content and

happy, always a smilin' away.>>

I think that this sentence tells the whole story. Numbers on the

scale are a very small piece of a puzzle and the fact that is a happy,

healthy, baby means more than those numbers. As long as there are wet

diapers and poopy ones, then he isn't starving or dehydrated.


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Nursing six times a day is enough to maintain your supply and fill your

little guy up. He is probably efficient at nursing so he doesn't need much

more than his 10 minutes to fill up.

Your needing to pump is a symptom of time apart rather than DS not eating

enough. Store what you pump for use later.

If he was really hungry DS would decide to take the bottle, so don't worry

about that.

Once babies pass three months their weight gain can slow down. In the first

3 months, a weight gain of an ounce a day, or two pounds per month, is

pretty normal. Into their fourth month, the weight gain can slow to 1/2 to

1 pound per month.

It sounds like your DS is okay, but try to give him more attention when you

are at home in the evenings--lots of cuddles, talking, laughing together.

It sounds like this is what he misses during the day. You can also talk to

him during the day and let him know that that is the time for eating, and

when you get home after work there will be more time for play and see how he


At this point I will suggest to just make sure he has plenty of wet diapers

(around six) everyday. If this is short, come back for more hints.

Enjoy your smilin' boy,

Amy Lynn M.

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Nursing six times a day is enough to maintain your supply and fill your

little guy up. He is probably efficient at nursing so he doesn't need much

more than his 10 minutes to fill up.

Your needing to pump is a symptom of time apart rather than DS not eating

enough. Store what you pump for use later.

If he was really hungry DS would decide to take the bottle, so don't worry

about that.

Once babies pass three months their weight gain can slow down. In the first

3 months, a weight gain of an ounce a day, or two pounds per month, is

pretty normal. Into their fourth month, the weight gain can slow to 1/2 to

1 pound per month.

It sounds like your DS is okay, but try to give him more attention when you

are at home in the evenings--lots of cuddles, talking, laughing together.

It sounds like this is what he misses during the day. You can also talk to

him during the day and let him know that that is the time for eating, and

when you get home after work there will be more time for play and see how he


At this point I will suggest to just make sure he has plenty of wet diapers

(around six) everyday. If this is short, come back for more hints.

Enjoy your smilin' boy,

Amy Lynn M.

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In a message dated 6/21/00 4:59:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dlweller@... writes:

<< So he has about 4 hours between feedings (does this sound

reasonable?) Even when I get home at lunch he doesn't appear to be THAT

hungry and doesn't really eat that long...same thing after work. He just

doesn't appear to be a real big eater...any ideas on how to increase his

appetite? >>

Wow I don't know how to increase his appetite but that seems along time

between feedings for me. My girl who is 5.5 months eats every 1-2.5 hrs and

has basically since birth. She can barely go 3 hrs with out getting super

hungry. All babies are diff so mabye that's just how he is??

Come vote for Chauncy at: <A

HREF= " http://www.20ishparents.com/kcontest/contest.shtml " >20ish Parents Cute

Kids Contest</A> Misty SAHM to my wild and crazy girl


HREF= " Rae</A> born 9/96

and my

beautiful breast fed baby <A

HREF= " Joy</A>

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In a message dated 6/21/00 4:59:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dlweller@... writes:

<< So he has about 4 hours between feedings (does this sound

reasonable?) Even when I get home at lunch he doesn't appear to be THAT

hungry and doesn't really eat that long...same thing after work. He just

doesn't appear to be a real big eater...any ideas on how to increase his

appetite? >>

Wow I don't know how to increase his appetite but that seems along time

between feedings for me. My girl who is 5.5 months eats every 1-2.5 hrs and

has basically since birth. She can barely go 3 hrs with out getting super

hungry. All babies are diff so mabye that's just how he is??

Come vote for Chauncy at: <A

HREF= " http://www.20ishparents.com/kcontest/contest.shtml " >20ish Parents Cute

Kids Contest</A> Misty SAHM to my wild and crazy girl


HREF= " Rae</A> born 9/96

and my

beautiful breast fed baby <A

HREF= " Joy</A>

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>Wow I don't know how to increase his appetite but that seems along time

>between feedings for me. My girl who is 5.5 months eats every 1-2.5 hrs


>has basically since birth. She can barely go 3 hrs with out getting super

>hungry. All babies are diff so mabye that's just how he is??

Mine is almost three months and goes 2 1/2 to 5 hours between feedings.


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>Wow I don't know how to increase his appetite but that seems along time

>between feedings for me. My girl who is 5.5 months eats every 1-2.5 hrs


>has basically since birth. She can barely go 3 hrs with out getting super

>hungry. All babies are diff so mabye that's just how he is??

Mine is almost three months and goes 2 1/2 to 5 hours between feedings.


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>Wow I don't know how to increase his appetite but that seems along time

>between feedings for me. My girl who is 5.5 months eats every 1-2.5 hrs


>has basically since birth. She can barely go 3 hrs with out getting super

>hungry. All babies are diff so mabye that's just how he is??

Mine is almost three months and goes 2 1/2 to 5 hours between feedings.


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Welcome to the list!

I am (28) married to Dan (31) for 9 years. We live in Indiana. We

have four boys, Christian 8, Caleb 6 1/2 and Kiernan 2 1/2 and our newest

edition, Isaac (4/10/00).

My Dh loves nursing bras. LOL He thinks they are umm..convienent. lol

Happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you!

W. <A HREF= " http://reminisce71.tripod.com/familypages " > Family


Christian 8, Caleb 6 1/2, Kiernan 2 1/2 & Nick 11 weeks

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Guest guest

Welcome to the list!

I am (28) married to Dan (31) for 9 years. We live in Indiana. We

have four boys, Christian 8, Caleb 6 1/2 and Kiernan 2 1/2 and our newest

edition, Isaac (4/10/00).

My Dh loves nursing bras. LOL He thinks they are umm..convienent. lol

Happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you!

W. <A HREF= " http://reminisce71.tripod.com/familypages " > Family


Christian 8, Caleb 6 1/2, Kiernan 2 1/2 & Nick 11 weeks

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Welcome to the list. :D



breastfeeding info & resources


I just signed up, and have already sent in a few responses, so figured that

I'd better introduce myself.

My name is Lynn, my dh is Troy, and dd born 8-16-99 is (Vee). She

is our first, and thankfully we have wonderful extended family who also dote

on her :) So our trick is to keep her from becoming spoiled, but every

family should have that problem.

Although it was mostly an act of will the first few months, we perservered

with bf and now love it! She loves to nurse and I can't imagine her ever

being ready to wean. My dh tolerates it :) We recently had an interesting

discussion, where decided that he wanted me to continue full time bf (I

planned to drop to just morning and bedtime so that I wouldn't have to pump

at work) so that we wouldn't have to buy formula. However, he resents the

time and energy bf takes, hates nursing bras, etc. Probably pretty typical

of husbands..

So I am still full time bf for at least a few more months. I pump at work,

using a PIS. I work a compressed work week, and dh is self employed, so

between the two of us we care for dd at home with occasional help from my


How that is all I needed for my intro. I will be writting often, I am sure




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Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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Welcome to the list. :D



breastfeeding info & resources


I just signed up, and have already sent in a few responses, so figured that

I'd better introduce myself.

My name is Lynn, my dh is Troy, and dd born 8-16-99 is (Vee). She

is our first, and thankfully we have wonderful extended family who also dote

on her :) So our trick is to keep her from becoming spoiled, but every

family should have that problem.

Although it was mostly an act of will the first few months, we perservered

with bf and now love it! She loves to nurse and I can't imagine her ever

being ready to wean. My dh tolerates it :) We recently had an interesting

discussion, where decided that he wanted me to continue full time bf (I

planned to drop to just morning and bedtime so that I wouldn't have to pump

at work) so that we wouldn't have to buy formula. However, he resents the

time and energy bf takes, hates nursing bras, etc. Probably pretty typical

of husbands..

So I am still full time bf for at least a few more months. I pump at work,

using a PIS. I work a compressed work week, and dh is self employed, so

between the two of us we care for dd at home with occasional help from my


How that is all I needed for my intro. I will be writting often, I am sure




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Search over 550 million names and trace your family tree today. Click here:



Give the Gift of Life Breastfeed!


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