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Re: New and Confused...

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A discovery today - I am low in potassium. I was looking through the labs I had

done in ER last week and noticed that potassium was low - just a notch below low

normal but low regardless. No one in ER even thought to mention this to me -

they wanted to put me on beta blockers which I can't take. Could no one say

'hmmmm' - they amaze me in their thought processes.

I called an old doc friend of mine and he said to go on low dose supplements and

2 bananas a day - that PVCs were definitely connected to low potassium. Low

enough and a heart attack could occur.

My current doc poo poo things and said to go ahead and take the potassium but he

was skeptical but to retest in 2 weeks. His comment was that until things

dropped to around 1.7 - then they take notice. By then, a person could have

blasted heart attack!!!!!!!

In research, I read that low potassium can inhibit thyroid med uptake into the

cells. THAT was definitely interesting.

Will see how the potassium issues does on both PVCs and future thyroid



> Hi - I am new and confused. I have been hypo/Hashi's for 27+ years - treated

for 26 years with Synthroid. I went off Snythroid Nov 08 to prep for nodule

testing and then went on Armour 60 mg Dec 08. I raised to 90 mg in January 09

and did really well.


> Late summer, mild symptoms began to return and tests revealed low Free T4 0.81

(0.93 to 1.70) and normal TSH 2.95 (0.27 to 4.20). Also, TPO antibody test

revealed >1000 (<35), TG <20 (<20). I felt pretty good despite these readings.


> Doc increased me to 105 mg Armour, and I haven't done well since that raise 5

weeks. Latest labs are as follows: TSH 0.59 (0.40 to 4.50), Free T4 0.8 (0.8 to

1.8); Free T3 289 (230 to 420 pg/dL); Reverse T3 22 (11 to 32 ng/dL); and

Ferritin 15 (10 to 232). I am still waiting for the saliva cortisol test

results. Doc says labs are fine - but I don't think so.


> I have developed (after an ER trip this week) PVCs - something I never had

with all my time on Armour. I feel tired yet unable to sleep soundly, very cold

one moment, very hot the other (NOT hot flashes), my chest feels tight, BP

higher than normal then dropping to high normal - just feel crappy. My current

doc doses to labs, my ex doc suggests dosing to symptoms - and HE feels I should

back down to the 90 mg for awhile.


> Does anyone have any suggestions? I am at my wits end on this Armour thing -

never had these problems with Synthroid.






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My ferritin was 15. Can low iron trigger PVCs and ventricular tachycardia? Is

it safe to add iron supplements if you having daily PVCs?

I will be having a cortisol test soon - I had one but they sent to the wrong lab

and by the time it was all done, the vials were considered untestable. I have

new vials but just haven't done the test again.

I will check to see if I am having a temp drop about that time.


> >I am hopeful that the supplements will help - I already know I was low in

potassium and on the very low end of normal on ferritin. We wll see how things



> What was the Ferritin reading, you need 70-90 if you have thyroid

> issues.


> The issues 2 hours after Armour can be low cortisol, not necessarily

> high T3. If they are accompanied by a drop in temperature this is

> almost certainly the case


> Nick


> --


> for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


> www.thyroid-rt3.com


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