Guest guest Posted January 21, 2011 Report Share Posted January 21, 2011 speaking of ammonia: According to Dr. Sutter, adrenal fatigue is actually caused by ammonia from parasites. Taking supplements and playing with the endocrine system is a waste of time and effort if you don't address the root problem. Parasites secrete ammonia which is an adrenal stimulant. If you stimulate the adrenals long enough... they burn out.Please comment on what you think of his theory.------------------------------------------ Parasites secrete ammonia as a normal biological waste product. If you've ever smelled smelling salts you know what ammonia smells like. Ammonia is a strong adrenal stimulant. It stimulas the adrenals to secret adrenalin. Well adrenalin is mostly used for the fight or flight machanism we've all heard about. But when there's nothing to fight or flee from it's called a panic attack. I sufferd with them for years and they do ruin your life.So, once the bugs are gone - no more ammonia - no more adreal stimulation - no more panic attacks. It's great.Doc Sutter -------------------------------------------Ammonia. The parasites secrete ammonia when they are alive, not dead. The ammonia stimulates the adrenals and makes you feel pretty darn good for a while. As the bugs die you no longer have that abnormal stimulation from the ammonia from the bugs. Very similar to anyone coming off speed. It's a problem. And depression is part of that problem., I never looked at the adrernal extracts that close. But I know if the adrenals are a problem the bugs and liver must be addressed. And the adrenals won't get beck to normal until the liver is debugged and decongested. Until then life sucks. Adrenal fatigue is miserable to have. Dc fatigue IS adrenal burnout. Which would be antiparasite program, liver decongestion and good nutrition. And plenty of rest. The parasites stimulate the adrenals to secrete adrenaline. I went down that road. Well, the adrenals can only do that for so long and then they shut down. You get the chronic fatigue because the adrenals normally supply the body with a nice steady supply of fuel. So chronic fatigue equals adrenal fatigue. Kill the bugs, good nutrition and plenty of rest and the adrenals will come back.Doc -------------------------------------------The adrenals are the carborator - the thyroid is the spark plugs. If you're not getting any energy from the adrenals the thyroid can't do it's job burning the energy you need to live life. Caused by prolonged stress or parasite infestation. Prolonged stress will resolve when the stress has been significantly reduced. Then you collapse and sleep for a month.Parasites secrete ammonia as their normal biological byproduct. Ammonia stimulates the adrenals to secrete adrenalin. That's why they use it in smelling salts. It WILL wake you up. Of course with the continued secretion of adrenalin from the ammonia stimulating the adrenals you aren't going to be able to sleep. Eventually the adrenals burn out and there goes your life. Chronic fatigue, panic attacks, paranoia, headaches, listlessness, insomnia, fear of impending doom, nutritional deficiencies, etc. So a three month program of a good antiparasite protocol is recommended. While you're at it clean the colon and decongest your liver. It's easy to do all three of them at the same time. For sure the anti-parasite program. I recommend Barefoots DeWormer. It's the adrenal fatigue that is causing the cortisol variations. So until the adrenal fatigue is successfully handled any single thing to treat the cortisol levels will not terminatedly resolve the problem. Add To Favorites! Reply FCK TinyMCE Korhal Notifications AgreeDisagree Re: Adrenal fatigue caused by ammonia from parasites by socalgrl 19 mon 931 People with AF can have parasites but I don't believe it is the ultimate cause of AF. Dr Sutter makes a good argument and a lot of what he says rings true. It is true that: #1 Adrenals and Thyroid go hand in hand - you can't have AF without some type of Thyroid problem#2 Life DOES suck when you have AF. I know, I have been there.Rather than put the entire blame on parasites IMO one would need to look at the entire picture of their life. Diet, environment, and stress levels ie work and family or lack of any thereof. AF is caused by a concomitant buildup of ingestion of bad/junk foods which weaken the immune system and exposure to toxins in the air and water which also weaken the immune system. If we add stress of everyday life - work and family problems - this builds upon an already heavy load for the body to undertake. If you then add a major catastrophic event in a person's life (divorce, job loss, death of close family or friend etc) or more than one over a short period of time without ample recovery in between then it TRULY is a recipe for AF. Some people will succumb to AF with only one level of stress like bad food while others can keep going until they add all ingredients into the mix. Still other people will never get AF no matter what life throws at them. EXAMPLE: Each of us are carrying a " life " bucket around. We fill up that bucket with each problem that comes our way. Some people will have buckets that are more shallow and can't take a small amount of stress put upon them. Other people will have much deeper buckets and can take more stress. Once the bucket is full and we can't take it anymore the body breaks down. We either have Thyroid/AF or we get some other auto immune dis-ease. Add To Favorites! Reply FCK TinyMCE socalgrl Notifications AgreeDisagree Have you done a parasite cleanse socalgrl? n/t by Korhal 19 mon 770 Reply FCK TinyMCE Re: Have you done a parasite cleanse socalgrl? n/t by socalgrl 19 mon 780 I have the Humaworm but have not started it yet. I have been doing a series of CE along with CO, garlic and tons of raw salads. I don't want to start anything too hard on the system yet without building up my adrenals. I heave heard so many positive things about a parasite cleanse but OTOH I hear people say NOT to do one. So for now I will wait until I am stronger.I just started taking Adrenal Caps by Solaray this week and feel better than I have in a long time. I credit the CE for releasing a lot of the toxins and it is easier on my system than the LF. I am also taking liquid Bioflavanoids, Vit C, Mag Citrate, liquid B-12, KyoGreen, Celtic Sea Salt , Concentrace, lemon and water and of course lots of EVOO & ACV. I am sneaking in some Liver Tonic Herbs as well. Add To Favorites! Reply FCK TinyMCE socalgrl Notifications AgreeDisagree Re: Adrenal fatigue caused by ammonia from parasites by Ruffneck 19 mon 757 yes but excess ammonia causes fainting spells and may require hospital attentionso personally i don't believe his theory Add To Favorites! Reply FCK TinyMCE Ruffneck Notifications AgreeDisagree Re: Adrenal fatigue caused by ammonia from parasites by Hveragerthi 19 mon 812 yes but excess ammonia causes fainting spells and may require hospital attentionso personally i don't believe his theory I totally agree. The entire hypothesis makes absolutely no sense. First of all we produce ammonia as part of our own metabolism throughout the day from the breakdown of amino acids from food and old cells. So why doesn't everyone have adrenal fatigue? High ammonia levels also can put someone in to a coma, which is why our bodies have ways to deal with ammonia, such as conversion to uric acid, which is then hydrolyzed in to urea and passed off as urine. As for the claim that smelling salts are an adrenal stimulant, this is rather misleading. The ammonia in the smelling salts is a LOCAL irritant. In other words it irritates the nasal membranes. As with other sources of irritation/pain there is a signal sent to the adrenals that stimulate them to release hormones and neurotransmitters in response. For example, if you hit your thumb with a hammer your epinephrine levels are going to go up from the pain. Does this mean that being exposed to hammers will cause adrenal fatigue? Of course not. The ammonia does not have the time to reach the adrenals to cause such a reaction. Keep in mind that the ammonia would have to travel through the bloodstream to get to the adrenals. And the most common use of smelling salts is for fainting, in which there is lowered circulation. So it would take even longer than normal to reach the adrenals. Bottom line is that it is the local irritation leading to nerve impulses, not ammonia, reaching the adrenals that cause the release of epinephrine. Add To Favorites! Reply FCK TinyMCE Hveragerthi Notifications AgreeDisagree Re: Adrenal fatigue caused by ammonia from parasites by Imtired 19 mon 754 I also think the Ammonia idea is rather over simplified. I am very sensitive and have only recently realized that ammonia is poison. It doesn't seem to stimulate me, but then I don't seem to feel much adrenaline. Cortisol makes alot of difference. Coffee, chocolate, sugar,ephedrine are stimulants that give false energy.I know exactly why my thyroid and adrenals went down.Parasites can really mess you up if not dealt with, but my problem was candida yeast...another parasite. Supplements don't seem to do anything unless the infections are eliminated.Cleansing only goes so far with the candida present and the healthy flora in demise. No cure is permanent until the candida is permanently gone. When the toxins are eliminated, the physiological stress level goes down. Supplements and good food have limited effect as long as the glands arent producing sufficiently. Now I am very sensitive to everything around me and plan on moving to Antartica, but it does get better if you do these things. Also the almalgams with their mercury may be a big problem. (down-load free book) has a nec. book and good supplements, which I took for 6 months til I found Himalayan goji) Add To Favorites! Reply FCK TinyMCE Imtired Notifications AgreeDisagree Re: Adrenal fatigue caused by ammonia from parasites by iloveamma 19 mon 722 It is certainly one cause, but not the only cause.It can also be caused by ongoing traumas, or childhood abuse among many other things. Add To Favorites! 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Taking supplements and playing with the endocrine system is a waste of time and effort if you don't address the root problem. Parasites secrete ammonia which is an adrenal stimulant. If you stimulate the adrenals long enough... they burn out.Please comment on what you think of his theory.------------------------------------------ Parasites secrete ammonia as a normal biological waste product. If you've ever smelled smelling salts you know what ammonia smells like. Ammonia is a strong adrenal stimulant. It stimulas the adrenals to secret adrenalin. Well adrenalin is mostly used for the fight or flight machanism we've all heard about. But when there's nothing to fight or flee from it's called a panic attack. I sufferd with them for years and they do ruin your life.So, once the bugs are gone - no more ammonia - no more adreal stimulation - no more panic attacks. It's great.Doc Sutter -------------------------------------------Ammonia. The parasites secrete ammonia when they are alive, not dead. The ammonia stimulates the adrenals and makes you feel pretty darn good for a while. As the bugs die you no longer have that abnormal stimulation from the ammonia from the bugs. Very similar to anyone coming off speed. It's a problem. And depression is part of that problem., I never looked at the adrernal extracts that close. But I know if the adrenals are a problem the bugs and liver must be addressed. And the adrenals won't get beck to normal until the liver is debugged and decongested. Until then life sucks. Adrenal fatigue is miserable to have. Dc Selected AdsHeart Worms? ia Parasites Cleanse: Black Walnut, Cloves & Wormwood$10 off Oxy-Powder® 1 time use only. 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