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<To Liane> Cures in the Kitchen from Third Age

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Thanks Dearest Liane for this..i have copied this and will forward it to all my friends.

With All my Lurve,


----- Original Message -----

From: Liane Legey

Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 12:34 AM

Subject: [] Cures in the Kitchen from Third Age


The Cures in Your Kitchen

By Epstein Most of us keep the bathroom cabinet stocked with remedies for common ailments, but we could just as well look in our kitchen cupboards instead. Many everyday ingredients can double as home cures for a host of complaints, from toothache to sciatica -- and with no worry of side-effects. Here, we round up 25 of the best home remedies ...

Mouth UlcersChamomile tea can help soothe the pain of mouth ulcers, according to London practitioner Dr. Rob Hicks. Allow the herbal brew to cool with the tea bag in, then swill liquid around the mouth before swallowing. Do this every couple of hours. It is thought the herb contains substances that relieve inflammation.

Urinary InfectionsTo relieve the pain of a urinary tract infection, such as cystitis, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in an 8oz glass of water and drink, says Dr. Jenni Byrom, a gynecologist at Birmingham Women's Hospital. This changes the pH level of the acidic urine so that it will burn less when passing water. Do this once or twice a day at the first sign of infection.

Drinking a glass of homemade cranberry juice twice a day can also help, she says. Cranberry juice contains chemicals which inhibit the activity of E. coli, the bacteria most often responsible for cystitis. To make the juice, boil fresh or frozen cranberries until soft, liquidize when cool and drink a standard glass. This way, you know you are getting the benefit of pure fresh fruit, unlike with a commercial drink which may be diluted and contain added sugar.

EczemaAn oatmeal bath can help if you suffer from eczema or dry, itchy skin, says Dr. Griffiths of the Blemish Clinic in Manchester, UK. This is because oats contain anti-inflammatory compounds known as avenanthramides, which also have an antipruritic (anti-itch) effect.

Fill a piece of muslin or cheesecloth with several tablespoons of oats and then let the water run through this as you fill the bath. Olive oil can also be used to relieve eczema, as it contains mild antibacterial agents which may help contain skin outbreaks.

VerrucaTaping the inside of the peel from an overripe banana to a verruca may help the healing process, says podiatric surgeon O'Neill. This is due to the anti-viral properties in the mucilage (the sticky substance inside the peel). Apply the peel before you go to bed and do this every night until the verruca has gone.

Leg CrampsA glass of tonic water before going to bed can help prevent cramping, says Dr. Mike Dixon, visiting professor of integrated health and care at the University of Westminster, London. Tonic water contains naturally-occurring quinine (the ingredient that gives it its bitter taste), which prevents the muscles from going into spasm and causing the pain of a cramp.

Keep a spoon by your bed, too. If you wake with leg cramps and this makes your leg feel hot, put the spoon on your limb. The coolness of the metal will draw heat from the body, relieving the cramp.

SciaticaThe muscular pain caused by sciatica can be relieved by standing against a wall, with a potato placed strategically against the part of the buttocks where the pain originates.

"By pressing against this, the potato acts like a fulcrum on the muscles, providing a pivot over which they can stretch," says Robin Shepherd, acting chairman of the General Osteopathic Council. "This will relieve the muscular tension associated with sciatica." The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the spinal cord and down the back of each leg.

"The potato digging into the tender muscles in the buttocks will relieve the pain running down the leg," Mr. Shepherd says. For greatest relief, repeat several times every day.

Cuts, Grazes and BlistersManuka honey contains a powerful antiseptic to prevent infection and can be applied in small amounts to treat cuts, grazes and blisters, says Dr. Dixon. Use the lowest strength Manuka honey (basic factor 10-15).

Nutritionist Jane e adds that the honey has also been shown to have strong anti-viral properties, and taking a teaspoon of Manuka honey twice a day may help speed up recovery after a viral infection.

Cold and Flu SymptomsRelieve a stuffy nose, ear infection or congestion of the chest by eating something spicy -- such as a hot curry dish, says Dr. Griffiths. This makes the nose and eyes run, loosening the mucus.

Garlic, which is often used in Indian food, helps break down mucus and is antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and an antioxidant, so will help fight infection and boost the immune system.

Body OdorSprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda in your armpits or on your feet, says Dr. Rob Hicks. A natural antiperspirant, this reduces the amount of moisture normally produced in a day.

HayfeverCold, wet tea bags wrapped in paper towels can help soothe itchy eyes caused by a cold or hayfever, says Manchester-based Dr. Simenoff. It is thought the tannic acid in tea can help reduce the itch.

Smearing Vaseline up each nostril can also help, says Dr. Dixon. The pollen catches on the sticky jelly, preventing it from travelling further up the nose and triggering an allergic reaction. Remove the Vaseline every two hours with a tissue, and then repeat the process.

NauseaGinger can help, because compounds in the spice have anti-sickness properties. A study involving Danish naval cadets found that taking just 1g of powdered ginger before embarkation reduced symptoms of seasickness -- including dizziness -- by almost 40 percent, and slashed the frequency of vomiting by more than 70 percent.

It's also good for morning sickness.

According to Dr. Hicks, pregnant women may get greater benefit from eating ginger biscuits. These have the added benefit over powdered ginger of helping to maintain blood sugar levels, and nausea is often caused by low blood sugar.

ArthritisTo ease the joint pains caused by arthritis, mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of cider vinegar and take with breakfast, says Dr. Dixon. Both ingredients are natural anti-inflammatories.

Ingrown ToenailDraw out the infection from a septic ingrown toe nail by making a poultice from bread mashed in milk, suggests O'Neill. Apply it to the toe with cling film and leave it on for at least 20 minutes. Repeat this until the pus begins to come out. "The heat of the warmed milk widens the blood vessels and draws the infection to the surface," says Mr. O'Neill.

Discolored TeethPrevent discoloration of the teeth by having a piece of sugarless gum after drinking tea or coffee, says dentist Dr. Phil Stemmer of the Teeth For Life Clinic in London. Chewing gum causes an increase in the production of saliva, which will help to wash away such liquids before they have a chance to stain your teeth.

SplintersTo remove a splinter, take a piece of sticky tape, press on the area firmly and then remove by pulling from the opposite direction to the way the splinter is embedded, advises Rob Hicks. The splinter should come out on the tape.

HeadacheAt the first sign of a headache, have a cup of tea, suggests nutritionist Jane e. "Headaches are caused by changes in the blood vessels: they either contract or expand. A small dose of caffeine seems to reverse these changes."

Ear WaxSoften ear wax by applying a few drops of olive oil into the ear four times a day, advises Dr. Byrom. "This is as effective as anything you can buy over the counter for ear wax."

Athlete's FootTake a clove of raw garlic and apply to the affected area.

Active chemical compounds known as ajoenes in the garlic act as potent antifungals and may stop the growth of a range of common fungal infections, including thrush and athlete's foot.

Mr. O'Neill adds that mixed to a paste and applied between the toes and on the sole, baking soda can also help prevent athlete's foot.

WartsSoak an infected hand or foot in diluted vinegar to get rid of unsightly warts, advises Sheffield-based practitioner and orthopaedic physician Dr. Rav Naik. "The acid in vinegar will destroy the viral particles in the wart," he says.

Soak for at least 15 minutes every day and repeat until warts clear.

ToothacheYou can get swift relief from a toothache by dipping a cotton ball in oil of cloves and applying it directly on to the area, says dentist Dr. Philip Stemmer.

Cloves have natural pain-killing properties. Indeed, doctors in Germany have recently devised a quick-acting anaesthetic based on the plant.

Be careful, though, not to leave the cotton ball on for more than a couple of minutes, as it can cause irritation to the gums. You can buy oil of cloves from health food shops.

Wasp StingsTreat a wasp sting by rubbing with a slice of onion, says Dr. Simenoff. This will reduce the swelling and pain and speed up the recovery time. There are enzymes in fresh-cut onion that help break down the compounds in a sting that cause inflammation.

Upper Back PainTo relieve upper back pain, place a rolling pin on the floor and lie on top of it so that it runs across the back, positioned between your shoulder blades, and forms a T-shape with your spine, says osteopath Robin Shepherd.

"By rolling the body over it up and down, this will arch the spine and so relieve the tension in the muscles which causes back pain." Always contact your doctor if the problem persists.

Source: Daily Mail; London (UK). Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. Powered by YellowBrix.

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