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Higher Vibrational People

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Vibrational People



Although they have been on Earth since the dawn of

humanity in small numbers, the Higher Vibrational People have been appearing

more and more rapidly in the past decade. Among them are the Indigo, Crystal,

and Cusp Crystal (also known as Shifted or Indigo-Crystal) children, but also

the less well known Blue and Violet people.

They are called higher vibrational because of the way

their auras work. All colors (and all things, for that matter, since everything

is made of some kind of energy) vibrate at different levels. The higher an

object’s vibration, the less connected it is to this physical world. Colors

such as Red, Green, Orange, and Magenta are low level vibrations and so they

associate more closely with the physical world. Yellow, Tan, and Lavender are

examples of Central colors (between a low vibration and a high one) and Indigo,

Crystal, Blue and Violet are known as the Higher vibrations.

Just as the lower vibrational people are connected to the

physical world, higher vibrational people are connected to things outside of

our reality. Although they all vibrate at a high level, each color has a

different level at which they reverberate. This makes each one different.

The Blues were the first HV color to come to Earth. They

came to spread love, forgiveness, generosity, trust and peace. They are often

powerful empaths and almost always know how to help people. Their empathy also

causes them to be very emotional at times.

Because they have the lowest vibration of the higher

group, they have a strong bond with humanity. They can feel the pain another is

experiencing as if it were their own, and therefore often cannot see another

suffer. They often give up things to help others, and have been known to become

‘Runaway-Healers’ (a person who unknowingly sends out healing energy to

everyone they see. It often results in exhaustion or venerability to illness on

the part of the healer).

Like the Blues, a Violet is a social person who cares

greatly for the lives of others. While the Blues are kind and generous givers

who could never think of fighting, the Violets are a little more forward. These

people are very attached to their moral beliefs and will fight for what they

believe in. They protect what they believe to be right and won’t give up until

all has been fixed.

The Violets are protestors, environmentalists, and human

rights activists. Because they care for the planet and all its inhabitants,

they won’t rest if they think someone or something is being treated wrongly.

The next vibration is the Indigo ray. The Indigos are the

most well known color in the entire aura spectrum. This is because of how their

minds work. The Indigos are not connected to this world in many ways. Like the

Blues, they are emotional, yet, as the Violets are, they will fight to protect

others. But unlike either of the previous colors, they are equipped with


Indigos have found a way to tap into the divine knowledge

that all humans have access too, but have forgotten how to use. They were born

for an important reason: to tear down the useless systems of life that merely

hinder humanity’s progress. They refuse to bow down to ridiculous rules or

pathetic forms of authority. They know when a so-called truth is actually a lie

and will not hesitate to point it out. They are extremely determined and often

teach the wisest of adults a thing or two about the world. Because their minds

reach into the ‘Knowledge of Infinity’, they are often little philosophers and

know many things about the world.

Indigo is the color of the Third-Eye Chakra, so it is no

surprise they are born with powerful psychic abilities! Clairvoyance,

telekinesis (also known as PK) and telepathy are not unknown among them.

The most recent, and probably most amazing, color is not

a color at all… but a pure vibration! The Crystalline children were what the

Indigos were preparing for. The Crystals are extremely attuned to the spiritual

world. They are protected by many angels and guides (and often have little

trouble seeing or hearing them) and are able to commune with God easily (sadly,

humans have forgotten they can do this!).

Although they are very impressive psychics, philosophers

and empaths, they are powerless to energies all around. Unnatural foods,

pollution and even negative feelings can have adverse affects on these

children. Because they operate at such a high vibration they are hypersensitive

to any vibrations. Sounds, light, electronic fields, and emotions are easily

picked up by the Crystals.

Although they are seemingly weak, they are the most

powerful of all the colors. While the Indigos had knowledge, the crystals have

the ability to understand the knowledge. Like little angels, they forgive,

heal, love and give as much as they can. Whether it is an animal, plant, human

or non-living, the Crystals will show as much affection as they would for their

own parents.

And just as the Indigos before them were, they are born

with potent psychic gifts and memories of times before they were born. They are

healing, telekinetic, telepathic (many parents say their Crystal children talk

to them while in the womb), clairvoyant (many children see their angels or

guides), clairaudient (even more hear their guides), and just overall powerful.

The last color is a transition point between Indigo and

Crystal. The Cusp-Crystals were born with indigo traits, but later ‘evolved’

into Crystals. Because of this, they retain their warrior spirit and

determination, but gain the sensitivity and understanding of the Crystals. With

both Knowledge and Understanding, they can fight for their beliefs and

understand the views of the opposing side.

Because of their high vibrations they are role models for

all people, and although many think they are supposed to ‘lead us to the new

world’ it is obvious that is not the case. They are showing us the capabilities

of ALL humans! The other vibrations must realize this to see how to become like


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This was great! Thank you! I have spent

the last four or five years working with indigo and crystal children, and their

parents. Giving them tools to apply in situations, like a crowded store or

class room. (as an example) I know how much I appreciated someone helping me

when I was a child while not discrediting my experiences.

Again thank you for this wonderful



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