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> , I am done doctor-shopping. I have had consults with three

>of big names in this business, two with the French procedure, one

>with the Italian procedure. My head is spinning with information

>overload. but I am leaning towards Dr. Natale. He has just, simply,

>done more than anyone else. Tell me what you think.



I too am done doctor shopping. I have also had consults with 3 big

names in the EP field, Natale of the CC, Morady of U of M and Haines

of Beaumont Hospital, in Michigan>

I have narrowed my choices to Natale or Haines and if I lived closer

to the CC I'd definitely go with Natale if he assured me that he

himself with his own hands would be doing the procedure. The benefit

of having the thing done close to home is that in the event that you

needed ER treatment after the operation you'd have the local doctor

who did the procedure there for you. What type of protocal does

Natale do, the French or Italian?

P <Michigan>

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> , I am done doctor-shopping. I have had consults with three

>of big names in this business, two with the French procedure, one

>with the Italian procedure. My head is spinning with information

>overload. but I am leaning towards Dr. Natale. He has just, simply,

>done more than anyone else. Tell me what you think.



I too am done doctor shopping. I have also had consults with 3 big

names in the EP field, Natale of the CC, Morady of U of M and Haines

of Beaumont Hospital, in Michigan>

I have narrowed my choices to Natale or Haines and if I lived closer

to the CC I'd definitely go with Natale if he assured me that he

himself with his own hands would be doing the procedure. The benefit

of having the thing done close to home is that in the event that you

needed ER treatment after the operation you'd have the local doctor

who did the procedure there for you. What type of protocal does

Natale do, the French or Italian?

P <Michigan>

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> , I'm curious to know why you wouldn't choose Dr. Morady, you

> being so close in terms of distance. I'm also curious as to why you

> don't know which procedure Dr. Natale performs, the French or the

> Italian, if you went and talked to him.


I really didn't like the U of M for several reasons which I'm not

going to get into on a public message board. Plus the wait for

Morady is as long as the wait for Natale who said he could get to me

sometime in February 2005.

And the CC, in my opinion, is a world class operation. I say that

after a long history of coronary artery disease and expierence with

several different hospitals. I'd put Beaumont Hospital in Michigan

right up there with the CC. Also I'm very close to Beaumont Hospital

and a Dr Haines who makes differet burn patterns then Natale or

Morady. According to what I've been told by a couple EP's " no one

can tell you which pattern is better because there have been no

direct studies done to compare them. "

When I talked to Natale I had a bunch of questions written down to

ask him but I forgot several of them including the one about what

type of burn patterns he makes. Like you said in your message " My

head is [was] spinning with information overload. " Our conversation

quickly turned to my taking Amiodorone which got me off track. As a

matter of fact one of the first questions he asked was about the

Amiodorone and then that opened up a whole other set of questions for

which I wasn't prepared for. His nurse? gave me her number

to call if I needed more info or just to tell her how I was doing. I

did call and left a message but I haven't received a return call as

of yet.

P <MI>

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> , I'm curious to know why you wouldn't choose Dr. Morady, you

> being so close in terms of distance. I'm also curious as to why you

> don't know which procedure Dr. Natale performs, the French or the

> Italian, if you went and talked to him.


I really didn't like the U of M for several reasons which I'm not

going to get into on a public message board. Plus the wait for

Morady is as long as the wait for Natale who said he could get to me

sometime in February 2005.

And the CC, in my opinion, is a world class operation. I say that

after a long history of coronary artery disease and expierence with

several different hospitals. I'd put Beaumont Hospital in Michigan

right up there with the CC. Also I'm very close to Beaumont Hospital

and a Dr Haines who makes differet burn patterns then Natale or

Morady. According to what I've been told by a couple EP's " no one

can tell you which pattern is better because there have been no

direct studies done to compare them. "

When I talked to Natale I had a bunch of questions written down to

ask him but I forgot several of them including the one about what

type of burn patterns he makes. Like you said in your message " My

head is [was] spinning with information overload. " Our conversation

quickly turned to my taking Amiodorone which got me off track. As a

matter of fact one of the first questions he asked was about the

Amiodorone and then that opened up a whole other set of questions for

which I wasn't prepared for. His nurse? gave me her number

to call if I needed more info or just to tell her how I was doing. I

did call and left a message but I haven't received a return call as

of yet.

P <MI>

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> , I'm curious to know why you wouldn't choose Dr. Morady, you

> being so close in terms of distance. I'm also curious as to why you

> don't know which procedure Dr. Natale performs, the French or the

> Italian, if you went and talked to him.


I really didn't like the U of M for several reasons which I'm not

going to get into on a public message board. Plus the wait for

Morady is as long as the wait for Natale who said he could get to me

sometime in February 2005.

And the CC, in my opinion, is a world class operation. I say that

after a long history of coronary artery disease and expierence with

several different hospitals. I'd put Beaumont Hospital in Michigan

right up there with the CC. Also I'm very close to Beaumont Hospital

and a Dr Haines who makes differet burn patterns then Natale or

Morady. According to what I've been told by a couple EP's " no one

can tell you which pattern is better because there have been no

direct studies done to compare them. "

When I talked to Natale I had a bunch of questions written down to

ask him but I forgot several of them including the one about what

type of burn patterns he makes. Like you said in your message " My

head is [was] spinning with information overload. " Our conversation

quickly turned to my taking Amiodorone which got me off track. As a

matter of fact one of the first questions he asked was about the

Amiodorone and then that opened up a whole other set of questions for

which I wasn't prepared for. His nurse? gave me her number

to call if I needed more info or just to tell her how I was doing. I

did call and left a message but I haven't received a return call as

of yet.

P <MI>

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> When I talked to Natale I had a bunch of questions written down to

> ask him but I forgot several of them including the one about what

> type of burn patterns he makes.

I may be wrong and/or out of date but I seem to remember reading

awhile ago that Dr. H in France makes individual ( " broken " ,

segmental) burns about the openings while Dr. Natale makes a

continuous burn. I think there were competing papers. It's also

possible that I have this backwards :-) If someone motivated wanted

to search on the net, they could probably find the papers.

One thing I do besides take a list of questions with me is I put a

little box next to each question and check it off when it gets

answered. Then I do a quick look over the boxes before I leave to

make sure I haven't missed any important ones. I still think the

recorder someone mentioned is a great idea. Answers really fall out

of my head, probably from stress or my " senior moments " and then

sometimes I find my notes unintelligible.

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> When I talked to Natale I had a bunch of questions written down to

> ask him but I forgot several of them including the one about what

> type of burn patterns he makes.

I may be wrong and/or out of date but I seem to remember reading

awhile ago that Dr. H in France makes individual ( " broken " ,

segmental) burns about the openings while Dr. Natale makes a

continuous burn. I think there were competing papers. It's also

possible that I have this backwards :-) If someone motivated wanted

to search on the net, they could probably find the papers.

One thing I do besides take a list of questions with me is I put a

little box next to each question and check it off when it gets

answered. Then I do a quick look over the boxes before I leave to

make sure I haven't missed any important ones. I still think the

recorder someone mentioned is a great idea. Answers really fall out

of my head, probably from stress or my " senior moments " and then

sometimes I find my notes unintelligible.

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Hi , I know the feeling you are going through, hang in there

and by all means do not give up.

I had the ablation and thought about the maze and going to

sweden for the procedure. Instead I went to france and had

the PVA. there is a data base on the site take a look at all

of us who have had this procedure.



>Hi everyone, I am just wondering how many people out there


>thought of having an ablation for their afib or perhaps even


>maze proceedure? I myself am going crazy been now in afib

for about

>2 weeks. I think at this point I am going to try anything


>this. Can I ask you for some feedback on this question?









Hornchurch Essex England

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> Hi everyone, I am just wondering how many people out there have

> thought of having an ablation for their afib or perhaps even the

> maze proceedure?


Hi lynne, of the 468 entries in my database 87 have ticked ablation

http://www.dialsolutions.com/af/database/index.html?Adv=1 & _ablation=1#results

8 have ticked MAZE

http://www.dialsolutions.com/af/database/index.html?Adv=1 & _maze=1#results

not a very scientific answer but about 1 in 5 :)

I'm guessing that in reality it will be quite a lot less than 20% of the

whole AF population.

(I wouldn't be surprised if dropping the zero would be nearer the mark)

Non of this though should have any influence on what is the right

track for you. If you are a good candidate for an ablation it really

doesn't matter if you are 1 in a million or 1 in ten, doing what's right for you

is the right thing to do :) I hope that talking to the professionals will

take you down the right road.

All the best.



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