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Prayers and healing needed

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From: *~Karma*

Date: Nov 30, 2007 9:22 PM

This has been one of the hardest prayer request that I have had to put together!!My dearest Bothers and Sisters of this loving light we share,My Best Friend, a sister I never had.. She is ill with Cancer!!Her name is Robin Warren Daggett..We have been friends since the age of 10 or 12.. She has been told that even with treatment that her life here on earth will only be extended by this treatment for a maximum of 9 months.. And this is only if she responds to the treatment.. She has Cancer of the Pancreas and Liver and the ducts that flow through these areas, and a portion of her stomach.. I have been spending weeks upon weeks in prayer and meditation.I have also been on the Internet, this web of life trying to find a cure to save my very Best Friend on this earth.. What I have found is this is all they can do for her.. Just extending her life long enough for her to get things in order before she passes.. She is a special person to so many!! Unconditional love is what she is all about.. Always giving and giving.. to anyone in need... I come to you all... All of you healers, All of my dear friends here of this loving light.. For prayer, healing prayer, prayer for her to have comfort,Prayer for her not to endure suffering..I love her so!!!As I know you do to.. and that is because I know you love me.. As I do you!!This is hard for me to put together.. as I become blocked with emotions.. I know she will be going home..I know it will be a place where we all long to be...I just humbly come to you at this time to take a moment and pray for her by her name.. Send your loving prayers out into the Universe and to your Source, Creator, God..And to also give comfort to her family.. Love, and peace to them as well.. I will also have a prayer candle at the bottom of this bulletin, if you wish to light out of love, and thoughts, and prayers.. I am so grateful that Robin has been my friend here all these years.. And I am grateful for you reading this plea...I love you all.. And I thank you from my heart!!Here is a short prayer.. Please take just a moment to read it out loud so that you loving vibration.. your heart felt prayers will travel through the Universe.. Place Robin's name in this prayer.. God, hear my prayer,And let my cry come to You.Turn to me and speedily answer my prayer.Eternal God, Source of healing,Out of our distress we call upon You.Help Robin sense Your presenceAt this difficult time.Grant her patience when the hours are heavy;In hurt or disappointment give her courage.Keep her trustful in Your love.Give her strength for today, and hope for tomorrow.When asleep and when awake. You are with herMay the One who was a source of blessing for our ancestors, bring blessings of healing upon (Robin Warren Daggett), a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care they are entrusted be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may they be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing.Blessings to you my good and loving Brothers and Sisters.. Again I am in humble gratitude!!!Thank you!Please Repost this.. so that prayers can be given from all over the world..Please Click Here To Light a Candle For RobinLove~All~Ways*~Karma*

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