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Hi group,

Cathie has rewritten her story to keep it up to date. Cathie's dermatomyositis

was extremely severe and she has completely recovered on antibiotic therapy

and other supportive measures.

I thought you'd like to read her updated medical history. The formatting on

this work email may not come out too well, so you may want to read it at




CATHIE, dermatomyositis

My birth name is Cathie but I also go by the name of " The Fairylady " . I am a

48year old female who has successfully recovered from a nasty, rare Connective

Tissue disease named Dermatomyositis. I consider myself to be 100% recovered


IN TOTAL REMISSION and very lucky. I have no symptoms of Dermatomyositis or

Fibromyalgia anymore! I'm completely off antibiotics. My improvement is

reflected not only by the way I feel but by in my blood work results.

February 1996 - SED rate: 57

December 2000 - SED rate: (normal), CPK: 116

December 2000 - CPK (normal)

February 1996 - mycoplasma (positive)

June 2000 - mycoplasma (negative)

Manual muscle strength test scores February 1996 - 2s (0 being paralyzed and


being normal)

December 2000 - all 5s (normal) (some of my muscles are actually above normal

now - my muscles are stronger than most of the doctors!).

February 1996 - unable to do 1 sit up or lift shoulders off bed

September 2001 - able to do 60 or more fullsitups

February 1996 - very difficult to walk from house to car

September 2001 - able to ballroom dance for 4 hours straight several times a


February 1996 - could not get up from a squat position

September 2001 - able to get up from a squat position without blinking an eye

I would like to share with you some things that I have learned:

- hope is everything

- energy is a precious gift - spend it wisely

- " dis-ease " brings us to our knees to give us a different view on life and


is really important

- the body can heal itself of anything if you feed it properly

- listen to your body it will lead you to a diagnosis and recovery

- nurture your soul during your recovery be creative during your rest periods


read, write, paint, doodle or meditate

- love yourself like you were your own best friend

- read about your illness and medications - knowledge is power

- doctor shop - don't stop searching until you find the one that feels right

- use your doctor as a resource/aid not as a cure - challenge them and ask many


- a person with a chronic illness needs support - seek counseling from a

professional therapist and join a support group.

My primary illness was Dermatomyositis. I also suffered from several secondary

illnesses: Clinical Depression, Sjogrens, Fibromyalgia and Raynauds.

Dermatomyositis is a connective tissue disease that if left untreated could

cause death within 3 - 5 years. Inflammation occurs in the joints, muscles and

sometimes organs. This inflammation causes muscle wasting and atrophy. The main

areas that are affected are the shoulder and hip girdle and the throat. Having

weakened hip girdle muscles creates difficulty getting up from the floor when

you are lying or sitting down. Plus you have to use your hands for support when

you get up from a soft chair or couch. Having weakened shoulder girdle muscles

creates difficulty doing things like hanging up a heavy coat or holding your

arms up to curl your hair. When the throat is affected you frequently feel a

choking sensation and have a problem swallowing. One's skin develops a rash


is red, splotchy and very itchy. This rash is usually found on the chest, arms,

hands, face and scalp. Fatigue is a big problem and sometimes you can only do

one thing a day - like you can't make a meal and eat it to - you're just too


Brief Medical history:

I went into a severe clinical depression August 1994. One year later August


I fell off an 8 foot ladder and landed on my hip and hand. Immediately after


fall I suffered from symptoms of Fibromyalgia plus I noticed a red, itchy chest

rash, difficulty keeping my balance, falling down and difficulty getting up.


found it more and more difficult to keep up in Step Aerobics class and other

physical activities. In December of 1995 I collapsed and had to quit my 50-70

hour a week job of Event Coordinating. At my annual check up in February 1996


doctor noticed that something was really wrong - my muscles fell away from the

bone - my connective tissues were affected. I began the " medical test roller

coaster ride " and after every blood and urine test known to man, an EMG and

finally a muscle biopsy I was diagnosed in April 1996. I started taking the

traditional method of treatment for one year. I then started on the " Road Back "

in May 1997.

Initial course of traditional medications:

Started traditional therapy of steroids - (20 mg. Medrol) and chemotherapy -

(7.5 mg. Methotrexate) in May 1996.

Increased Methotrexate to 18mg by August 1996.

Tapered off of steroids slowly over months and finally took my last pill on

March 24, 1996.

Discontinued Methotrexate " cold turkey " and took the last injection on April



What I experienced the year I was on traditional treatment:

Although these medications helped with reducing the inflammation and cleared


the rash it was achieved at great personal cost. After 2 months of being on

steroids I went into a " medication induced " clinical depression.

The following are the side effects I experienced: moon face, gained 1000000

pounds, depression, inability to concentrate or think clearly, facial hair

growth, breast enlargement, abdomen distention (moon tummy) and stretch marks,

muscle weakness and numbness in arms and hands and legs and feet to the point

that if I had continued I would have been wheelchair bound. Also lung damage,

dry cough, shortness of breath and reduction of air capacity, glaucoma,

cataracts, reflux stomach acid, " medication induced " early menopause, acne,


blood pressure and high cholesterol.

After stopping these medications eventually everything, except for the cataracts

have returned to normal.

Behind every cloud there is a silver lining.

" The Fairylady " story.

I had been blessed with pleasant looks and great legs. As a result of these

drugs and disease I felt fat, deformed and ugly - my self-esteem plummeted to


all time low. I was desperate to find beauty somewhere within this foreign body.

There is always a silver lining behind each cloud. I started searching within

myself and found my soul and my very frightened inner child. I needed to nurture

that soul and comfort that inner child. I wandered into a craft store one day

and fell in love with a picture of a flower fairy - it reminded me of what I

looked like back in the hippie days when I had long blond hair, and was slim


attractive. I wanted to recreate that beauty and that fairy and found the tools

to do it and went at it full steam ahead. Now I had something else to focus


besides my pain. Each time I would paint her I felt such love. What a gift -


discovered something much more important than physically beauty - I discovered

inner beauty. I decided to share my love and started to sell my " goods " as a


of nurturing other souls - thus the birth of " The Fairylady " . My career of a

crafter was very short lived by choice and I no longer paint her - but I wear


" Fairylady T-shirt " with pride and it is a reminder to me of where I have come

from and how far I've gone. I look at my body now through different eyes - I


longer see the flaws such as slightly chubby thighs - I see legs that are in

perfect working condition.

I felt that traditional therapy was not serving me well so I began my search.


fellow myositis sufferer named Lianne, introduced me to a book called the

" Arthritis Breakthrough " by Henry Scammell and McPherson Brown. I will

always be eternally grateful to her for her encouragement. I read it and it


sense - finally something that addressed the cause of my illness and not just

the symptoms. I joined the online support group (rheumatic )


observed and connected with the people that were soon to become my life line

support. I connected deeply with the leader of the group, Ethel Snooks, and


recommended that I seek out professional help to guide me on my journey. I

remember the words - " If you were my daughter I'd have you in Dr. Franco's

office tomorrow " . Based on her advice I went to see Dr. Franco, Riverside,

California (Al Franco, 4000 14th Street, Suite 511, 92501 USA phone

#909-788-0850) - who is the most experienced rheumatologist in treating

arthritic diseases with the antibiotic therapy. I had to travel to another

country, at my own expense, at a time that I didn't even want to get out of


but it was the best move I ever made. He tenderly examined me and gave his full

attention - I felt like I was his top priority in life then thoroughly answered

all my questions and prescribed meds, supplements, diet and exercise

specifically for me. He stressed the importance of dealing with this condition

holistically - not one thing was going to make the difference but a combination

of things. The importance of having body, mind and spirit in balance. The most

important thing he did for me was he gave me hope. His approach was so different

from any other medical person I had previously contacted. All of a sudden the

death sentence I'd been given faded away and my healing began.

I was very lucky to have a primary caregiver here in Canada that was somewhat

willing to go along with my non-traditional treatment. I then started on the

antibiotic therapy of doxycycline 200 mg. (Vibratabs) on May 22, 1997. I had


therapy in December 1997 to December 1999 - intravenous clindamycin 300mg,

600mg, 900mg, in a 7 day cycle every 4 weeks as well as the supplements

prescribed by Dr. Franco:

*Omega 3 & 6 oils (9 per day in divided doses with food)

*Collagenics (6 per day in between meals) (which is a specially prepared mix


Vitamins and Herbs

Pycnogenol (depends on your weight - I use the cream form)

Acidophilus - Enteric coated (4 at 7 a.m.)

Vitamins E 400mg of d-alpha, d-beta, d- gamma tocapherols (1 at dinner)

Ester- C (3 per day with 2 meals and at bedtime)

a multivitamin (no iron) (1 at noon)

Calcium /Magnesium*(2 per day at noon and dinner)

1000 mg of Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite)

*Fibroplex (for Fibromyalgia)

digestive enzymes (1-3 before each meal)

Slippery Elm (2 at dinner) for leaky gut)

L-glutamine (2 at 7 a.m. and 2 in the afternoon)

Chlorophyll (eye dropper full in a large glass of water with morning pills)

Vit B complex (1 per day at noon)

Amino Acids (4 per day - 2 at noon and dinner)

*I used Candida Plus herbal supplement to help rid myself of Candida infection

(brand name T & K Natural which includes Tamarind, Circe, Oregon Grape Root,


D'Arco, Echinacea, Garlic.

products marked * are purchased through Dr. Franco's office.

I recommend people seek proper advice from a Herbalist/Naturopath regarding

supplement/vitamins etc. These are specific to each individual and should not


taken lightly. Ensure you purchase a good brand - some are less superior than

others. These are as important as prescription medication. The purpose of these

are to boost your immune system to assist the antibiotics in destroying the

mycoplasma infection.

I made changes to my diet according to Dr. Mercola's and Dr. Franco's

recommendations. Examples of diet changes:

- consume lots of organic fresh veggies and fruit

- buy fresh organic field greens instead of lettuce

- spice up your food with fresh herbs such as fresh mint, oregano, parsley,

cilantro instead of dried herbs

- eliminate refined sugar intake and substitute small amounts of raw

unpasturized honey or Eco sugar

- use homemade fruit syrup instead of " Old Tyme " syrup

- buy/make Kamut or Spelt organic bread products instead of supermarket wheat


- use whole grain pastas such as Brown rice, Kamut or Spelt instead of regular

- choose short grain brown rice instead of white rice

- consume rice cakes, spring roll rice skins and rice, rye or sesame crackers

instead of wheat products

- consume small amounts of soy milk, rice dream or almond milk instead of dairy

- consume tofu, tempeh, miso soup - they can be used for breakfast, lunch or


Body work I received on a very regular basis: full body massages, reflexology,

Japanese acupressure - Shiatsu. These treatments help in pain management and

toxin release. I can't say enough good things about body work - I feel it

mandatory for survival. I found it very helpful to get " hands on " feedback about

the condition of my body - they always noticed the improvements and that

comforted me. The healing, nurturing touch from trained hands is a precious


of love.

Exercise - Acquasizes - I could do them even when it was too difficult to walk


you can do almost anything in warm water. I found this exercise to be an

excellent way to keep my joints " oiled " . I attended Fibromyalgia aqua classes

which are gentle exercises that include cardio and stretching. I have worked


to attending deep water acquasizes 2 classes per week and can perform the

exercises with ease. I am totally addicted to ballroom dancing and dance

everything from the Cha Cha to Quick Step several times a week. I can literally

do any exercise I want and am thrilled at how my sleep and mood has improved.

Stretching - very important to keep range of motion - do it everyday. Slow pace

walks - start slow but be consistent every day - outdoors if possible. I started

off having trouble walking from the house to the car, now I am able to work


at the gym - 30 minutes at a good clip (sometimes even a jog) on the treadmill,

15 minutes on the stationery bike, 10 minutes. on cross trainer and go for 60

minute fast paced walks.

I kept a medical journal of my progress of the first year on the antibiotic

treatment . This year was full of ups and downs - 2 steps forward, 3 steps back.

I included the highlights and the struggles.

Overall review: I had 2 not bad months, then 3 really bad months, then again


good month, followed by 3 pretty bad months, then 2 much better months. My herx

reactions were months in duration and my good periods lasted 1 month or more


a time.

June 1997

After I returned from Riverside I was told by my Canadian Rheumatologist that


was crazy for considering this treatment and in fact he predicted that in 3

months I would be so ill that I would have to be put in the hospital requiring

emergency care. I would be put on high doses of steroids, Imuran and all sorts

of other equally toxic medications as a form of crisis management. I fired that

doctor and to this day I have never been admitted to the hospital nor did I

require any crisis intervention. The very itchy, splotchy, red rash came back

and spread to my face, arms, hands and fingers. I felt nauseous - hangover like.

My muscles were very sore and my joints were stiff and achy. My feet hurt to

walk, throat very weak and had a hard time swallowing. I was drop dead tired


required lots of sleep and rest.

July 1997

The " herx " reaction was very apparent in my brain. Cognitive problems such as

poor concentration, brain fog and word mix ups were getting worse. Brutal

fatigue - needed lots of sleep. My eyelids turned purple and started to droop

again. I was diagnosed with Sjogrens - glandular swelling of cheeks, neck,

general sinus area, dry mouth and eyes. Sun exposure worsened the rash.

Squeezing pressure in chest that made it hard to get enough air into lungs.


found it hard to swallow. I was depressed and my spirits low so I increased


Anti-depressant medication (Luvox) to 250 mg.) Highlight - one day I got off


the wrong bus stop - I was 1/2 mile from home - YIKES! Without even thinking


started to walk home then part way home I stopped and said - I can't do this!

Reality set in, I didn't really have a choice either I lay down on the sidewalk

or walk so I walked 1/2 mile home. Guess what, I made it and realized that my

muscle strength was getting better which confirmed that yes, this therapy was

really working! I went to the doctor and my manual muscle strength test score

" 3s " and " 4s " , an improvement.

August 1997

Big time Herx reaction. Overall a bad month. Went on vacation down to the lake.

I was in a basic funk. I started losing the hair on my head again.

September 1997

Overall a bad month. I suffered from panic and anxiety attacks and poor sleeps.

I was low in energy and very tired - would have preferred to stay in bed. It


hard to even do my stretching exercises in the mornings. The pain in my muscles

felt similar to that of excess lactic acid and every joint burned. I was sore

from head to toe but not as bad as flare up in March. Emotionally I was numb,

had brain fog , memory loss and crying jags. The hair loss continued but at


slower rate. The rash spread relentlessly -my scalp was very itchy, the skin


my arms very rough, thick and tough. My stomach burned and I was nauseous. My

chest felt tight - like a " Mac " truck had parked on it. I suffered from throat

spasms that often happened in public places. I experienced ringing in my ears.

Highlights - I now could do 2 things a day - anything more and I got very

overtired. I went for a 30 minute slow walk in the park - major progress. My

blood work showed I now had a normal Sed rate of 20.

October 1997

Overall a bad month. I felt sluggish and very tired. My muscles felt like

cement. Although my blood work didn't reflect it my liver and kidney felt like

they were in distress. The joint pain became tolerable. The throat spasms scared

me. My stomach really burned from stomach acid reflux. I changed my medication

to coated doxycycline " Vibratabs " - that helped. I had major fluid retention.


breasts hurt - the shower even hurt. The rash still bad and it spread to my

thighs. I was sick to death of my thinning hair so dyed it bright pink - then

when I looked in the mirror, I didn't see thinning hair - I saw bright pink


and that made me laugh. I didn't like the way I felt emotionally dead, so I

reduced my Luvox back down to 200 mg and my spirits picked up.

November 1997

Overall a pretty good month. I had a constant dull headache. My rash spread


my lower legs and was very itchy. I still had an anxiety problem and continued

to have panic attacks. I still required lots of rest. Highlights - swallowing

was getting easier. My head was clearer I experienced some reprieve from the

pain. My spirits were good. I had more energy and was able to be more active.

December 1997

Overall a pretty bad month. I felt brain dead and very depressed. I had sinus

pain and my knees hurt and my muscles felt like cement. I started the first

round of IV cycle. The herx reaction started 2 days after the 7 day cycle was

completed. I woke up with a very puffy face, rash very itchy, and required

continuous sleep for days - I thought I had the plague. I suffered a bit from

cramps and loose stools and sore throat. The herx reaction lasted for 10 days

then disappeared.

January 1998

Overall a pretty bad month. I had sore feet and a sore, red, raw throat. I was

still fatigued and required lots of sleep. Emotionally I was low and felt tense.

I had a PICC line inserted into arm for IV treatment. My body rejected it and


Fibro flared up - I had it removed. The herx reaction was different in that


felt very tired after each daily treatment and needed to nap for couple of hours

or more. The heart burn increased and became very uncomfortable. My rash flared

up and was especially itchy on my scalp and lower legs.

February 1998

Overall a pretty bad month. Stomach acid was at its all time worst and I started

taking Prevacid a stomach acid neutralizing medication with success. The throat

spasms were still bothersome. My joints hurt and I had a dull headache. I was

depressed. The herx reaction was similar to the January cycle. I was very tired

after each IV's injection and required lots of sleep. Highlight - after the


reaction subsided my rash faded even more and it was completely gone on my chest

and upper arms.

March 1998

Overall a good month. My breathing problems persisted and I'd wake up in early

morning completely out of breath and had to gasp for air. I felt more dehydrated

than normal even though I was still drinking tons of filtered water. I still


fitful sleeps and increased anxiety. The herx reaction was a little different


I felt tired after each cycle but only took a couple of naps. My sleep pattern

seemed to be disrupted and I was unable to achieve a refreshing sleeps. The

itching was less severe this time. This herx reaction included more chills and

hot spells. Highlights - less tired and able to be more active. My joints were

less stiff. My spirits certainly improved. My muscle strength test scores were

now " 5s " and " 4.5 " . I was finally able to do 3 sit ups. I commented to my

rheumatologist - " and they say this treatment doesn't work - I beg to differ " .

My doctor's response was - " well, what can I say? " I started feeling more

sociable and was in good spirits.

April 1998

Overall a good month. Highlights - after the herx reaction subsided my rash

faded even more but still itchy scalp. I was diagnosed with a Candida infection

- I treated it successfully with a herb called " Candida plus " , Candida diet


colon cleansing. I was able to be more physically active and accomplish a number

of things in a day as long as I really paced myself. My rash is almost gone


exception of lower arms, hands and fingers. The throat spasms were not as


The second year of my healing journey was full of more " ups " than " downs " .

It is now December 2000 and would like to share with you my current status and


Emotional Health

I believe that depression has an organic cause and if the physical problem is

addressed the emotional problem will improve. Now that the disease in under

control the depression has finally lifted and I am back to being a happy, social

butterfly, enjoying life. The emotional healing was achieved through intensive

psychotherapy which addressed a number of unresolved emotional issues and taught

me healthier behavioral patterns. I really benefited from taking Cognitive

Behavior Therapy to learn new practical ways to think. I surround myself with

loving, nurturing people and have given up my old unhealthy lifestyle. I have

read many informative books on depression, anxiety and fears. Books like " Feel

the Fear and do it Anyway " by Jeffers and " The Good News About Depression "

by Mark Gold were very helpful. I highly recommend reading the book " Hoffers


of Natural Nutrition " by Dr. Abram Hoffer and " 7 Weeks to Emotional Healing

" by

Joan Mathews Larsen.

Spiritual Health

I have reclaimed my spirit - I am now at peace with myself and have nurtured


soul back to health. I attended weekly group meditation and yoga sessions and

have benefited from this practice. I have read many inspiring books by authors

such as Louise Hay , Caroline Myss and Patch , " Celestine Prophecy " and

" Eastern Body Western Mind " which have helped me in my healing.

Physical Health

I am physically active and accomplishing many activities in a day. I'm currently

working 2 part time jubs. My energy level has increased dramatically. I am able

to enjoy working out at the gym, yoga, art and cooking lessons, swimming,

walking , dancing, Pilates (especially good for regaining tummy muscle strength)

and traveling. My rash only remains slightly on my hands and face but is not

itchy anymore and I have a healthy full head of hair. My upper body muscle tone

has returned to normal. My swallowing problems have disappeared. My weight has

returned to normal. The Fibromyalgia symptoms have completely disappeared- I'm

sleeping well and my muscles don't hurt. I no longer have joint pain but

occasionally my hips ache after too much dancing - I have to pace myself. All


blood work is back normal with the exception of my ANA which is still positive.

I am back at school and studying to be a Registered Nutritional Consultant and

am looking forward to returning to work full time.

Recommended books: " The New Arthritis Breakthrough " by Henry Scammell and " The

Arthritis Bible " by Craig Weatherby and Leonid Gordin.

I happily support people that suffer from myositis and want to learn about the

antibiotic treatment Feel free to contact me via email

cathieturner1@.... Due to my current work schedule it may take some


to get back to you - much appreciate your patience. Spreading hope to others


my passion and consider it an honor to have been chosen for this purpose. I


that a natural cure for these diseases is right around the corner but until


this therapy is by far the kinder and gentler treatment. My strong will has

contributed greatly to my success and I look forward to a long and healthy life

and many more life adventures.



You can reach me at cathieturner1@...

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


<dis-ease " brings us to our knees to give us a different view on

<life and what is really important.

We all have different views on why we are chronically ill, but I

truly believe the above statement. I have just read a wonderful

book called 'The Healer Within' by Nick Bamforth, which primarily

deals with sufferers of ME but is also highly recommended for anyone

living with chronic illness. As the name suggests 'disease' is 'dis-

ease' with ourselves, including our body and mind, and the book aims

to put you in touch with your higher self.

I know from personal experience that RA has given me a much clearer

insight into who I am and where I'm at in life. I was drifting

aimlessly before chronic illness and now I view life in a totally

different light. RA has forced me slow down and take stock. I

appreciate all the beauty life has to offer and I think I am a much

nicer person as a result. Not such a bad price to pay afterall!

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Hi all,

I just couldn't resist replying to this. Hello " purpleoranges " ! You said you

think you are a nicer person as a result and I was talking with my mother just

the other day about that same thing. I bet you weren't too bad before, but I

know what you mean. I am much calmer now, little things that go wrong just

aren't that important anymore. I accept things better and appreciate little

things more. It's surprising how many good things happen in a day if you look

for them.

Since I'm home alone most days I find keeping my mind busy with new things

lets me not concentrate on the constant pain. Since I can't afford to buy one

book after another and going to the library is difficult now I picked up my

Bible a few weeks ago and decided to actually read it from the beginning. I was

amazed at how little I actually knew and how interesting the stories are. Also,

I don't cook much but I dug out an old cookbook, the kind that actually

describes with pictures how to do things, and spent several hours learning some

simple thing to fix. ( that don't take much stirring, since hands don't work

well!) Then I come in here and read this lists e-mails and almost always get a

lift from it.

Life really isn't too bad, even if you have a disease, if you have people to

share it with. I have a wonderful family that helps me a lot, but I just wanted

to let everyone know how much I get out of hearing about your ups and downs,

and the things going on in your lives. It makes me feel better, more normal.

Hope you all have a good day today,

rheumatic RE: Cathie's Story


<dis-ease " brings us to our knees to give us a different view on

<life and what is really important.

We all have different views on why we are chronically ill, but I

truly believe the above statement. I have just read a wonderful

book called 'The Healer Within' by Nick Bamforth, which primarily

deals with sufferers of ME but is also highly recommended for anyone

living with chronic illness. As the name suggests 'disease' is 'dis-

ease' with ourselves, including our body and mind, and the book aims

to put you in touch with your higher self.

I know from personal experience that RA has given me a much clearer

insight into who I am and where I'm at in life. I was drifting

aimlessly before chronic illness and now I view life in a totally

different light. RA has forced me slow down and take stock. I

appreciate all the beauty life has to offer and I think I am a much

nicer person as a result. Not such a bad price to pay afterall!

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Hi Lee,

I loved your post and just got this message today in by e-mail. I

subscribe to Real Age and they send tips for healthier living every day.

This one fits very well:

" Friends and family make not only the good times better, but they also

can help take the edge off your pain, too.

A recent study revealed that people who were experiencing acute pain

reported less discomfort when another person was present to offer active

or passive support. The next time you are recuperating from something,

enlist a friend or family member to help you pass the time. "

That's why it's also wonderful to have a place to come and talk about

how we feel and get some help and understanding from those who have

walked in our shoes and KNOW how we feel. I find it very uplifting when

I'm feeling bad.


lee williams wrote:

>Hi all,

> I just couldn't resist replying to this. Hello " purpleoranges " ! You said you

think you are a nicer person as a result and I was talking with my mother just

the other day about that same thing. I bet you weren't too bad before, but I

know what you mean. I am much calmer now, little things that go wrong just

aren't that important anymore. I accept things better and appreciate little

things more. It's surprising how many good things happen in a day if you look

for them.

> Since I'm home alone most days I find keeping my mind busy with new things

lets me not concentrate on the constant pain. Since I can't afford to buy one

book after another and going to the library is difficult now I picked up my

Bible a few weeks ago and decided to actually read it from the beginning. I was

amazed at how little I actually knew and how interesting the stories are. Also,

I don't cook much but I dug out an old cookbook, the kind that actually

describes with pictures how to do things, and spent several hours learning some

simple thing to fix. ( that don't take much stirring, since hands don't work

well!) Then I come in here and read this lists e-mails and almost always get a

lift from it.

> Life really isn't too bad, even if you have a disease, if you have people

to share it with. I have a wonderful family that helps me a lot, but I just

wanted to let everyone know how much I get out of hearing about your ups and

downs, and the things going on in your lives. It makes me feel better, more

normal. Hope you all have a good day today,

> rheumatic RE: Cathie's Story



> wrote:

> <dis-ease " brings us to our knees to give us a different view on

> <life and what is really important.


> We all have different views on why we are chronically ill, but I

> truly believe the above statement. I have just read a wonderful

> book called 'The Healer Within' by Nick Bamforth, which primarily

> deals with sufferers of ME but is also highly recommended for anyone

> living with chronic illness. As the name suggests 'disease' is 'dis-

> ease' with ourselves, including our body and mind, and the book aims

> to put you in touch with your higher self.


> I know from personal experience that RA has given me a much clearer

> insight into who I am and where I'm at in life. I was drifting

> aimlessly before chronic illness and now I view life in a totally

> different light. RA has forced me slow down and take stock. I

> appreciate all the beauty life has to offer and I think I am a much

> nicer person as a result. Not such a bad price to pay afterall!




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