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Re:Highest Ranking Beings Of Light

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Hi Karmaqu

This is fascinating if it is true. Most of it rings true with what I have learned in my NDEs, except I disagree with or question one part of it. The name "Elohim" comes from the Aramaic original writings of the prophets of that language, and is also the same meaning in Hebrew. The exact meaning of "Elohim" means "The Gods" or "council of Gods" which could include a small council such as Father/Mother God and Jesus, or for all we know, there could be more Gods, but Elohim are the only HIGHEST creations with whom Earthlings have to deal.

The other thing is that all the Holy Books that I have studied (masters degree in world religions) say that humans have more power and glory than the angels, and therefore the angels are made to serve humanity, not humanity made to serve angels. Otherwise I am going to keep this chart, it really is fascinating and I would like to research this area further. Thanks for sharing it.

Sorry for my silence, just recovering from my parents both in the hospital at once, where Dad went into a coma, and I ended up planning the funeral twice, which took place on Saturday. I am terminally ill myself so it took a toll on my body, but I will come out of it and this year has been the greatest year of growth and ascension for me of all. I didn't even know about such things before July, and since then have learned how much of this information resonates as truth with my inner being, which is like being re-created!

Blessings, Sheila

Posted by: "karmarqu69" karmarqu69@... karmarqu69

Wed Dec 5, 2007 9:32 pm (PST)

~ 30 Highest Ranking Beings Of Light Realms~The Holy OnesAngels:Divine messengers of Mother/Father God. Immortal Beings of Light, orDivine Spirit. Entrusted to orchestrate the means by which Divine Planwill be carried out.Archangels:Highest ranking Beings of Light in Angelic Realms.In charge of the many tasks needed to carry out Divine Plan ofMother/Father God.Ascended Master:Being of Light that has had past life or lives on Earth During Earthtime, achieved full consciousness of highest level, merging spirit andbody into Oneness that transcended all elements of Physical Creation.This Oneness created Angel-like Being that broke the strictures of karmaand was able to serve as holy example for all humanity. Ascended Mastersnow serve on Holy Councils that assist humanity with its presentAscension process.Council of the Nine:Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light of SacredCreation. One of the Chief Councils of Lord Siraya. In this galaxy, thesacred Blue Lodge is housed in the Sirius-B star system.Creation:Infinite and continuous work of Mother/Father God. Consists of twoaspects: Physical Creation (the human realm) and Spiritual Creation (theinfinite dimensional realms of Spirit). Unfolds according to DivinePlan.Deva Kingdom:Physical Elementals who aid Angelic Realms and Councils of Elohim informulating and maintaining many elements that make up PhysicalCreation.Divine Plan:Holy and divine blueprint of Mother/Father God. Through it, the manyCreations are carried out.Elohim:Chief inter-dimensional Creator Beings. Take sacred spiritual energiesgiven by Angelic Realms and help Angels to formulate and maintainPhysical Creation, according to Divine Plan.Jesus Christ:Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came to teach humanity aboutworkings of Love and its corollary — power of forgiveness. Showedhow to use his teachings to ascend. One of the great prototypes for fullconsciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionateMother/Father God.Lord Buddha:Very high Ascended Master of Light. Came here to teach humanity aboutworkings of Compassion and how to use it to break constant cycle ofKarma and thereby ascend. One of the great prototypes for fullconsciousness sent to Earth by our loving and compassionateMother/Father God.Lord Kuwaya:Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of overseeing primary energies ofCreation that are needed to carry out Divine Plan. Supervises, alongwith Lord Siraya, unfolding of Divine Plan.Lord Metatron:One of major Archangels, as well as Chief Elohim. Assigned byMother/Father God to be in charge of this present Creation, which issixth of ten Creations provided for by Divine Plan.Lord :Magnificent Being of Light and major Archangel. Duty is to inform themany Archangels how best to carry out Mother/Father God's divine Plan.Lord Siraya:Aspect of Mother/Father God in charge of sacred Lineage and Councils ofHeaven, that carry out Divine Plan. All Divine minions of Heaven followhis holy pronouncements.Mother/Father God:Supreme Creative Force or Supreme Light of Creation. Consists of threeimmortal and powerful creative aspects, of which only two — LordSiraya and Lord Kuwaya — have been revealed. God's purpose is tounfold Creation according to Divine Plan.Spiritual Hierarchy:Sacred structure that represents holy lineage of Heaven. Consists of theAngelic Realms, the Deva Kingdom, the Ascended Masters, the many Ordersof the Elohim and the numerous Divine Councils of the Time Lords.Time Lords:Great Beings of Light whose orders are represented by many DivineCouncils. In charge of Time, which, along with Light, is one of the twoelements that compose Creation.Akashic Records:Life records of all souls that have spent lifetime in Physical Creation.Records document in great detail each event that occurred during allmoments of every lifetime.Ascension:Process whereby individual integrates physical body with spiritual(soul) and astral bodies, and which permits him to become fullyconscious.Astral Body:Non-physical body. Also refers to means whereby soul is attached tophysical body. Usually travels to lower realms of Astral Plane (higherphysical dimensions) during sleep or dream states.Aura:Electromagnetic field that surrounds body and is given off by Lifeenergies that vivify body.Chakra:Life energy centers of body. Bodies of limited conscious beings containseven major centers or chakras. In fully conscious beings, there areabout thirteen such major life energy centers located in and abovephysical body.Full Consciousness:State of unlimited reality where physical, mental, emotional andspiritual bodies are fully integrated. Denotes full use of now-untappedmental and spiritual capabilities: possession of light body and fullrange of psychic abilities, such as telepathy and telekinesis: capacityto instantly manifest what is physically desired: and full rapport withspiritual and other higher dimensions. Not as fully integrated withhigher dimensions as Ascended Master. Another term for fully consciousGalactic Human.Galactic Human:Fully conscious human being. Also called physical Angel, with fullrecall of its akashic records and true life purpose.Karma:Result of interactions with other sentient beings. Principal meanswhereby each lifetime is judged. Creates cycles that determine nature ofone's next lifetime. In the coming age, divine grace will break karmiccycle.Light Worker:Enlightened Earth dweller who works with Ascended Masters and AngelicRealms to bring message of Ascension and new Age of Light to generalpublic. Can be either an enlightened Earth soul (one who has been caughtin karma cycle of many Earth lifetimes) or a star seed.Merkaba:Another name for one's Light Body. Part of full consciousness, whenspiritual, astral and physical bodies are integrated. Allows self toshrink to baseball size and to travel anywhere, instantly.Ritual:Usually specific set of procedures done on regular basis, with definedpurpose or goal. Prime example of sacred ritual is group's orindividual's use of meditation or vision quest to achieve divinepurpose, e.g., to heal Earth or to better self.Spirit:Soul or non-corporeal part of every living thing. Also refers to Beingsof Light that assist in alleviating the daily struggles of humanexistence.Thought Form:Entity created by one's own thought, or by the thought of anotherindividual or group. Capable of affecting health or behavior ofunsuspecting (or unprotected) person.Love~All~Ways

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