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The What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are offered several times per month by viewing them here. Your financial support makes it possible to continue offering information on this website free of charge. Please make a donation.

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A brief note:

Unknown to me, about 90% of the e-mails I sent out in the last month

did not arrive at their destination. Evidently there was a problem with

the connection to my new ISP. So, I greatly apologize to anyone who

contacted me, as I am horrified that any thank-you’s for donations and

other correspondences appeared to be neglected. It has always been

extremely important to me to hand write a thank you note to each and

every one who donates through the mail, and to e-mail a thank you for

computer generated donations. You are all so greatly appreciated and

acknowledged. Even though, it was a great experience for me to feel

terrible as I am clearing my “over-responsibility†pattern, but perhaps

not so good for the e-mail recipients!

In addition, I have been asked by Sherri (my sister-in-law whom I mentioned in the last energy alert) to relate a message:


like to thank the tremendous number of readers who have responded to my

special Soul Chat offer. I am deeply touched, overwhelmed and

overjoyed all at the same time! Please know that I am responding as

quickly as I can while still trying to maintain a certain amount of

sanity in my life! At this time I am almost booked to the end of

January with many more email requests to respond to from those who have

given me their preferred dates/times for a chat. As long as I have

your request by mid January I would like to honor the discounted price

even if we schedule the session past the original offer date of Feb.


Thank you for your understanding and patience during this process. Spirit will connect us in divine right timing!

With much appreciation, love and JOY to you all,

Sherri â€


also says that she will get back to each and every one of you…she is

simply overwhelmed right now with mountains of e-mails! Below is the

latest energy alert:


the latest energy and spiritual evolutionary news, and I greatly look

forward to reporting it to you, as it involves the end of a long period

of transition and preparation. There will be news in this energy alert

as well about the portal of December 12.


was a rocky and challenging year for many…especially the latter six

month period after the solstice. And now, another solstice is due to

arrive, marking the final point of this deep transitional and

preparatory period.


deep period of excavation that lasted for so many months was vitally

necessary to our spiritual evolutionary process, as it prepared us for

the next level of spiritual hierarchy. And the best is yet to come…we have been preparing for it!

Higher vibrating key concepts and ways of being were integrated within

us, notably: learning and experiencing how to stay still and in our

center and how to harmonize with the energy of community.


we first arrive in a higher dimension or higher vibrating energy, it

feels glorious at first, as all our needs seem to be met and we seem to

be able to create much of anything instantly. As time progresses, we

find ourselves aligning with these newer higher realms, and this always

involves a clearing and purging of any energies or patterns within and

without which no longer match our new surrounding vibration. So we

first feel great and then we feel not so great.


as complicated as it may seem, our outside vibration does not dictate

our inside vibration alone. How we vibrate on the inside, also dictates

what occurs in our outside reality. So then, creation and evolution is

always a two edged process. It comes from the outside and it comes from

the inside, culminating in an alignment and burst of creation and

change, similar to the big bang theory.


process can create some confusion, chaos, and what may seem at times,

an unending roller coaster ride. We adjust our vibration within,

through clearing and letting go of lower vibrating energies (which is

initiated by the newly arriving outside energies!), and then the

outside reality feels downright unpleasant to be in, at times causing

depression and anxiety, and always, that no sense of place feeling.

This is because the outside physical manifestations no longer fit our

new inside vibrations.


to this the waiting times, as we need to wait for a critical mass to

catch up, in order to arrive at that culmination point for creating new

in the physical, and this results in the wading through quicksand

experience, the lethargy, and the lack of passion. All are typical

ascension experiences.


in addition, it seems that some of our beloved animal companions seem

to choose to depart the earth plane as well during these deep

transitional times, as they have chosen not to continue on to the next



then, how does all this relate to where we are now? We are most

certainly moving up the rungs of the ascension ladder, piece by piece,

and experience by experience. Currently, we have reached a new level,

and this involves the level of living in unity and within community.

This new level, as with all levels, also connects us more fully with

Source, or our souls, and this then, has most recently created the

adjustments involving being still and staying in our center.


a physical ailment or injury forces us to stay down, and thus creates a

situation where we must get out of the way, allowing Source to enter

more fully. Do you remember in months past when some of us re-visited

an old injury or physical malady that lasted several weeks? This was

why. If the right side of your body is continually aching, stiff, or

uncomfortable, or even if you experience injuries on your right side

only, your soul is making an attempt at re-aligning you with Source.

Making things happen by ourselves is not the way in the higher realms.

It is Source who does it all (or our souls), and this can readily

happen when the lower vibrating aspects of ourselves are out of the

way. Injuries or discomfort on the right side of our bodies indicates

an over-use of the old masculine.


are needing to evolve from the old male identity on the planet, to the

new identity embodying much more of the feminine. (None of this is new

news to most of you, just a recap here to assist in explaining our

current status.) And the feminine is needing an adjustment as well. We

are learning the true and higher ways of giving, supporting, allowing,

and receiving. All these adjustments within involve a way of staying

still, in our center, not extending, not doing it all, and the like.

When we are present and still, Source can then find us and we are then

within a portal or an alignment with the higher realms. And this is

where true creating occurs.


in communities? We have just gone through a massive clearing of

arrogance. This created a need to really look at ourselves, what our

patterns were which might have involved a disrespect for others, or any

dominance, etc. and a special time to fully examine how we had been

vibrating even though we may not have know that we needed to adjust a

thing within ourselves. We may not have seen our patterns before, but

now this light has illuminated much. It was grand opportunity indeed.

And know as well, that some of our old patterns were necessary in order

to survive on a planet that was vibrating in a much lower and denser



in community involves a special harmony. We each have a special gift

and contribution to make, and we are now finding that even though we

may indeed embody our gift right now, we need not be utilizing it 24/7.

If we do, we are then over-using our gift, and being “on†24/7 creates

a separation from the whole. It was meant that we enjoy ourselves the

remainder of the time…we make our contribution, we create according to

who we are and what we are here to contribute, and then we enjoy

ourselves with the remainder of the whole.


then, for the past several months we have been preparing for what is

due to arrive in January. I cannot emphasize this enough….January will

bring in the new in a very solid and grounded way. Things will be oh so

much better, and really take off for us. 2008 will be the year of new

beginnings, and in order to utilize them and be ready for them, we had

to be in alignment with them, and thus, this phase of deep preparation

for the past several months.


involve going deep. The days and nights are not equal. This creates the

excavating energy. Equinoxes involve moving forward, and reaping the

rewards we have generated. Phil and I are finding most certainly now,

through our work and observations at the ancient sites, along with our

communications with the ancient ones, that the ancients were very aware

of these fluctuations and timelines, and their inherent purposes. So

even if these patterns were not evident through experiencing the

energies alone, they would be known by observing the petroglyphs and

occurrences at the ancient sites.


the past several weeks, there has been massive darkness on the planet.

Horror, creepiness, and a vulnerability could be felt (especially if

you are a sensitive one). This is because much is being excavated and

is up and out, right in our faces. This phase also creates a feeling of

no sense of place, as we do not belong anywhere right now. We may feel

displaced, not know where in the world to go now, and feeling grossly

insecure. It may feel as if there is nowhere left to go. And who wants

to land somewhere when most of everything feels dark and creepy? This

temporary darkness can also cloud any judgments or clarity we may

desire. It can be difficult to make decisions, when we are not sure

what the darkness is indicating.


the darkness occurs, though a massive purging like this one, it seems

this is all we can see. We are thus looking through a filter that is

not real.


that there is an end to this phase, and very soon. We will again find

home. We will again see beauty. We will again feel good. We will again

experience caring, love, and a feeling of home and unity. It is this

that we have been preparing for. We needed to be in alignment with

these higher vibrating things before we could embody and experience

them, and they will be arriving for us in January.


will be huge. It will be solid. It will be real. It will be like a

massive bulldozer moving us forward…not excavating this time, but

moving us into and supporting us in our new spaces and in our new



last few pieces are now being wrapped up. These involve the solstice of

the 21st (some say the 22nd, but Phil and I are finding that it greatly

depends upon where you reside on the planet anyway), and the portal of

December 12, or 12/12.


will open us to opportunities. It will re-validate what we have been

wanting to create. It will align us with higher intentions and with our

soul’s direction. It will re-connect us. Do we need to intentionally do

anything on this date? My stance has always been “no.†Things will just

happen naturally. On the 12th, you may find that things seem to be

falling into place all of the sudden. You may find that situations seem

to be resolved. You may feel lighter. You may get clarity.


do you tell of the 12/12 portal on the exact day and not before, so

that we can prepare?†you might wonder in annoyance. It is because I

don’t think it really matters. Things always occur very naturally…we

need not force them or make them happen. And in addition, there is

always a window of energy around every alignment. If we wish, we can

write down what we wish to create for our futures on this day, or near

this day. But our souls know what is in store for us. It is always

there, hidden away, ready to be hatched, even though we may not always

be consciously aware.


we can place ourselves in a space of relaxation, joy, creativity,

simplicity, and happiness, all things align very naturally. In this

way, intentional ceremony is not necessary either. Just allowing is

enough. When Phil and I stand at pivotal points in ancient ruins at

solstice and equinox times, we can feel the alignments and the portal

openings. They all occur very naturally. And the alignments know what

our soul’s intentions are…they only serve to open them more fully.

In the last energy alert of December 2,

I spoke of a high energy pyramid hidden beneath the earth in the area

we just moved to. This pyramid will open when the surrounding energies

begin to vibrate at a certain pitch, or when the inhabitants of this

area begin to embody these higher energies. In this way, an activation

occurs very naturally. We need not intentionally activate a thing. If

we did, the very thing we were trying to activate would hold a higher

vibration for a short while, and then most likely not be able to

maintain it. Not really doing things intentionally is part of clearing

the arrogance.


we begin to vibrate higher, most things come from an intent of love and

caring, or joy and passion, and that alone places us in alignment with

the higher realms. It is always the emotion behind the creation that

fuels it’s ultimate destination.


staying still, not reaching or trying, not extending, but creating in

our joy, loving and being in the moment, and just being who we are, are

all that is necessary for aligning with the higher realms. If we can

maintain this state as much as possible, while not taking things

personally or being affected and reacting to outside energies, we can

much more easily go through the doorway to another dimension.


as we complete this very last phase of preparation and alignment within

ourselves, we can rest assured that a very new reality is on the very

near horizon.


and I will be spending a very quiet Christmas together with our cat and

dog, and a delicious meal, while we watch the snow fall and decorate

our tree. We are desiring a very simple Christmas together, and will

then be going on to California to visit relatives later on. So then,

the next energy alert may be posted a bit later than usual.

Wishing you a magical holiday season, with much love and joy, and many miracles in between….


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