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Fw: Airport evacuated over jars of honey + news about TSA body scanners

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----- Forwarded Message ----To: reikiladyinswok@...Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 1:30:52 AMSubject: Airport evacuated over jars of honey + news about TSA body scanners

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NaturalNews Tip of the day (from Mike): If you're traveling and forced to undergo a full-body scan (which emits radiation), here's some extremely valuable information you can use to protect your body from radiation damage:

Take rosemary and ginkgo before you fly. Antioxidants can also prevent DNA damage from radiation. Plus, they'll protect your immune system while you travel!

Did you know that an entire airport in California was recently shut down due to a gardener who was transporting four jars of honey?

The TSA agents searching his luggage thought they were explosives, and they claimed they smelled "chemicals" when they opened the jars.

Wow, are these people unable to recognize honey? The whole airport was evacuated and the FBI interrogated this gardener for hours.

Read all about it -- plus get the latest news on the privacy-invading full-body scanners in today's article:


Want to control your blood sugar? The Mediterranean Diet beats diabetes drugs!


More stories continue below on baked fish, tobacco smoke, caffeine and hypnosis...

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