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Re: Talked to Psychologist ... Told not to talk to my Mom anymore. I feel guilty.

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Oh rough times, I'm so sorry. Yes 100% agree cut contact with her. Sounds

like she might not give up easily (mine never even tried to have a

relationship with me after I cut contact), but I'd guess that you will need

to change your phone number at the least.

Also, if I were you, I'd make a plan of what to do when you feel the urge to

contact her. Maybe you could post here instead of calling her. You don't

want to go to the trouble of changing your number only to cave and call her

and then she'll start harassing you.

So glad you are getting help! Way to go




> Hey everyone!


> I havent posted in a long time due to severe clinical depression and

> thoughts of suicide. I began cutting myself awhile ago as well. I since have

> gotten help from a psychologist and was placed on meds that have helped a

> bunch! I am really tired so im going to be a little vague and will update

> respond as much as I can. :) I have been seeing my psychologist now for

> about a month and talked to him about how my mom and I have had a severe

> non-stop fighting the past week. (My mother has BPD in case you guys dont

> remember me) First my mom hates my boyfriend and posted an ad of Craigslist

> that I was looking to hook up with anyone, and I got a ton of emails and she

> even gave out my phone number...that was a mess, also around the time I told

> her I was cutting myself she gave me a knife to keep in my car " for

> protection " incase I get staled and someone tries to rape me...... Now that

> I look at it, it seems like she was taunting me.


> Anyways, to keep this short I was told by my psychologist to cut all

> contact with her or only talk to her 3 days a week at most. (she calls me

> multiple times a day just to bitch at me about my boyfriend or about

> anything she can find) (I hope you guys remember my past posts otherwise I

> can give you some reminders..... she holds knives to my sister and I,

> smothers us with pillows, calls me a slut and a worthless piece of shit...

> etc etc...)


> It was hard to hear that I had to cut contact with my mom, I think i knew

> it all along....I love her very much, but she is so cruel. He said if I

> didnt cut contact with her I will continue to lose control of my life and I

> will continue to get more ill. (he also said he would hospitalize me just to

> be sure I can cut contact with her if I wish)


> I guess im just looking for support because I dont know how to not take her

> calls or how to tell her I am cutting contact with her, or how to do it

> without telling her. I feel so guilty because she is all alone.


> Sorry this is so vague and not a lot is said in such a long post, Im just

> exhausted and worn out and dont know how to put my thoughts into words

> anymore.


> Thanks guys, I love you all.




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