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Re: can you help me please

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Hello love. Liane gave you some wonderful advice about past lives and

twin souls. She is very knowledgeable in many different areas. I would

like to add a few things for your consideration. First of all the

colors you are seeing around people are auras. The person's energy

field. It is a very real thing and can even be photographed. The one man you

saw with a dark aura probably was a very depressed

person, maybe even very sick (because our auras will reflect physically and mentally

what is going on with us).

I would study a bit about the Kundalini as well. Our Kundalini will usually start to release after a spiritual awakening, or life trauma. The Kundalini is a "river" of energy that starts at the base of our spine at the tail bone, and runs up out the top/crown of our heads. When the Kundalini is released people will start to feel a wide range of symptoms like restlessness, emotional ups and downs, tingling in certain parts of the body (especially head area), and heightened psychic senses. The psychic senses you've been experiencing from what you've written are the ability to see beings not of this world like the angels, seeing people's auras, having dreams of your past lives, and even seeing the insides of people when you pray for them is a part of using your psychic senses. Some healers see that very thing and "probe" for the illness. These are very strange, and sometimes frightening experiences. More and more people are releasing their Kundalini's because of the earthly ascension happening around us as well. This is, despite how it may feel at the time, a very natural process. There are ways to ease the symptoms so I would do some studying on this subject to understand it better. I would definitely keep a dream journal and record what experiences you're being given through your dreams. I've recently in the past year been experiencing many of the symptoms you are and keeping a journal has been invaluable to piecing certain things together I might have otherwise missed. I try not to obsess on the meaning of my dreams, but I pay attention to them. I find that I'm sent experiences and messages through dreams in a very strong way from my guides when I'm most in need of them.Also about your twin flame. If we haven't already found them in this lifetime then we all have a longing to find that other half of ourselves. But I wouldn't dwell on that as much as possible. Just let things be and if you find your twin flame in this lifetime then that's wonderful! But it is rare, so try not to give away too much of yourself in the longing for your flame. What I hear is if you meet your twin flame in life then you INSTANTLY know. It can't be mistaken. Like Liane said, there are so many other soul mates and soul family we have in this life that we can love with every ounce of ourselves as well. Even though what you're experiencing feels like you're going crazy, you're not love. You are for sure not alone. If you feel like you should go see a doctor, then you most definitely should that is your call alone. Also there's some amazing reading in our Files section that might help you understand more of what you're going through. Please don't be afraid to ask questions, we're all here for each other. Infinite love and respect to you,Stef

>> Im very sorry to bother any of you. please accept my apologies. I need to > know something. Ok Im asking some questions below. I dont know what is going on > but easier to ask anonymously here then to ask my family or doctor.. If you > think Im crazy..Tell me and I will go to doctor..These are just some of the > things that are happening with me.. and Im having more and more as time goes by.. > now I am embarrased, maybe you will think Im flakey. Maybe Im over tired but > with rest I still experience things. Months ago I asked the universe for > whatever it would have for me.. That i was opened and trusted completely.> thank you for any insight or advice...> blessings, Birdi (groovin60schic)> > Im having sorta like memories of some of my past lives.. Just bits and > pieces.> But i know that these are real, memory or not because it's like when I see > it, Im in the present because i can smell the things there... or sometimes it > feels like i was just there yesterday---- After years of being single and > commited to it. I sorta have a desire to find my twin flame (now this terrifies me > because I never wanted to get in a relationship again)--Im even feeling even > closer to my pets... like maybe we have a connection thru eternity----> sometimes i am so tired then have bursts of energy---or cant sleep-- > sometimes i have this blurry vision & periods of dizziness or feeling out of sync. > Then I moments of supreme joy and peace.. also sometimes see colors around > people...but one person I saw nothing but dark--black around him.. what was that > about????----------even more clairvoyant..I have vision or see things that are > going on with some people, people i dont know that well...and seeing those and > talking to who have previouly passed away---------------- I saw a real Angel, > I have seen angels before. But this one was right next to me. Im seeing spirit > being walk from room to room where the kids sleep at night.. Like they are on > patrol.-----and sometimes when I pray for people I can see their insides like > their blood vessels and organs and muscles--> ----Ive been majorly drawing bounderies with those who have been abusive to > me in the past-----sometimes I have this sense of impendingness or > dread-----VIVID dreams-----sometimes my heart races or my back hurts even worse than > usual- enough for now> > > > > > > > myspace.com/groovin60schic > love, blessings and respect> > > > > > > > > **************************************> See AOL's top rated recipes > (http://food.aol.com/top-rated-recipes?NCID=aoltop00030000000004)>

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Dear Sister Groovin; I see within your words fear. You are expanding, going beyond the sterotypical boxes we are comfortable with. We have always been here, here as in the universe sense. If and when a mind is ready to grow, we gain many things such as seeing beyond and recognizing past lives. I was fortunate in that I was seeing pictures of my last one since early age but it actually took me many years to put the puzzle together. Trust this please- The more you dwell and ponder on such things, the more lost you will become. Just relax and let it all come on it's own, at it's own pace, and most importantly... accept. Rearrange the word "fear" and change it to curiosity, subtle curiosity. There is nowhere to go beyond this body except expansion, and in many cases, this can be done still here (smiles). "We shall serve no wine before it's time". -Orsen Wells Compassion To All, Randy

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  • 1 year later...


> Hi everyone


> Just new to the group and hoping someone can help.


> I have kidney stone so thinking about what I might have to avoid to

> help stop them. I also have Hashimoto's so need to watch goitrogen

> foods. I already don't eat gluten or soy and have a small amount

of rice milk on my cereal. And obviously have candida. Have had it

for years and try lots of stuff but perhaps the diet has been an


+++Hi Margo. Welcome to our group. Kidney stones are caused by

mineral imbalances, mainly having too much calcium without magnesium

and also lacking other important minerals, along with " good " fats,

oil soluble vitamins, etc. which helps your body absorb and utilize

minerals properly - all of the nutrients your body requires to

balance out minerals are included in this diet and by taking all of

the supplements.

+++Since I recommend eating vegetables that are well-cooked (not raw)

or fermented there won't be hardly any goitergens in them, so don't

be concerned.

+++Rice milk isn't good to have since it contains " bad " oils, and it

is also starchy which turns into glucose in the body, feeding

candida. No grains are included on my program.


> I now realise with the diet that cereal is out so what does one

have for breakfast. I could have bacon everyday but doesn't matter

which bacon I pick it has some form of sugar on it. Even the

butcher. I am limited with organic products.

+++The best breakfast is Bee's Egg Drink:


+++But when you first start on it, start with 1 egg and lower amounts

of butter and coconut oil since they are antifungal, and only

gradually increase them, otherwise your die-off symptoms will be more



> I am just a bit lost with having limited foods. It seems

everything I eat is off the list apart from lettuce, celery,

cucumber, tomatoes, eggs and meat. I like cabbage, cauli, brocolli

but because they contain goitrogens I have to boil them alot to

reduce goitrogens.

+++You shouldn't eat any raw vegetables anyway, since they are hard

on digestion, and their nutrients aren't as available since our

bodies cannot break down cellulose cell walls of any plant foods.

You should be cooking all vegetables long enough.

+++Here's some menu ideas:


+++Here's lots of great recipes:


+++Ensure you read " How to Successfully Overcome Candida " and " Curing

Candida, How to Get Started " ;


+++Many people on this group have cured their thyroid, and have been

able to go off of all meds - see these Success Stories:





> The other thing I don't get is why take nystatin when it has

sucrose in it.

+++I took Nystatin over 23 years ago on my candida program, and back

then it did not contain sugar. However, you can buy nystatin powder

that doesn't contain sugar, but you have to doublecheck your

perscription. However, I believe natural antifungals are much better

than nystatin, i.e. unrefined coconut oil, raw garlic, oil of oregano

and clove oil.

+++In any case antifungals don't cure candida, since it is only cured

by building up the immune system with " proper nutrients " and by

eliminating foods and toxins that feed candida.

The best in health, Bee

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> Not so gloom and doom after all. I didn't think the veggies were

> eaten raw but did think they were to be lightly cooked so you

> didn't remove the goodness from them.

+++Hi Margo. As you now know, veggies lightly cooked does not break

down the cellulose cell walls of plant foods. Nutrients are released

once that cell wall is broken down, and our digestive system cannot

break it down.


> Your list is slightly different to the Candida Control Diet. I

> thought that was what your diest was called, I just want to check

> that I am eating the right foods.

+++It is a lot different than those other Candida Control Diets,

particularly the high ratio of " good " fats, and eliminating all foods

that feed candida, as well as damaging foods like grains, soy, bad

oils and fats, etc.

> I think I will stop the nystatin then and see if I can get it in

> powder form or just try other remedies. I have the Krusei

(spelling) species of candida, does this mean it is going to be

harder to treat?

+++No matter what species of candida, or what kind of bacteria you

have, this program will cure them. Candida isn't cured by " killing

it off. " It doesn't work that way. The only way to cure candida or

heal the body is by building up the immune system with mainly " proper

nutrients " that every human body requires in order to be healthy, and

by eliminating toxins and damaging foods. In fact you can cure

candida with only the diet and supplements (unrefined coconut oil is

considered part of the diet), and without taking any other kind of

antifungal, and without taking any probiotics. Your body will

normalize as it heals itself.

> Also how many eggs can one eat in a day?

+++You should gradually build up to 4 eggs per day. They contain

sulphur which is antifungal, so they need to be increased slowl.

However you can eat as many as you wish; one man was eating 25 eggs

per day - see this article:


> Thanks you have been very helpful

+++You are welcome Margo. Happy New Year to you and yours too!


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Thanks Bee for your reply. I have another couple of question if you

don't mind

For the last 3 days I have been very strick on the diet and last night

my stimach blew up like I was somwhat pregnant. Why would that be?

And also with some foods like onion, garlic and tomatoes I get some

sort of reaction, I think it is the one that is a lack of acid in the

stomach but I feel it right through my colon.

What helps to get the bowel cracking. Being hypo they are just not

mving. I have to take magnesium with physillum hulls in them otherwise

I don't go. Must say the 2nd day was the best day as I was not bloated

at all.

Thanks Margo


> +++You should gradually build up to 4 eggs per day. They contain

> sulphur which is antifungal, so they need to be increased slowl.

> However you can eat as many as you wish; one man was eating 25 eggs

> per day - see this article:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/eggs1.php


> > Thanks you have been very helpful


> +++You are welcome Margo. Happy New Year to you and yours too!


> Bee


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