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Living in Multi-Dimensional Reality * Mother Earth/Gaia through Pepper

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Living in Multi-Dimensional Reality * Mother Earth/Gaia through Pepper

Posted June 7th, 2007 by hiacynthia

Living in Multi-Dimensional RealityMother Earth/Gaia through Pepper April/May 2003 Dear Mother Earth Can you offer an expanded description of the different dimensions that are available to us? I have heard a lot and read a lot, but can only recall brief experiences that I would describe as beyond 3D. I would appreciate as much detail and depth as you would be willing to share.

J. KennedySherman Oaks, CA Dimensions are energetic environments and while each is unique the similarities far outweigh the differences. Each dimension has its own quality and each vibrates to its own frequency. Some frequencies

are lighter while others are more dense and some are imbued with physical attributes while others resonate better with non-physical experience.

Dimensions are like cooperative understandings between friends; there is no competition, only mutual admiration, support and encouragement for the beauty and purpose each provides.

More Is Not Always Better It is important to understand at the outset of this discussion that one dimension is not better than another; a larger or higher number does not indicate a more desirable experience. In linear experience more is often considered to be better. For instance, if $10 were good, $100 would be better. A larger home is indicative of more wealth and a penthouse apartment would be considered more valuable than one located on a lower floor. The more is better rule, however, does not extend to all areas. Linear experience must of necessity

include its opposite because it is subject to the laws of polarity. More debt, more pollution, higher taxes and higher insurance deductibles are fine examples we can cite.

When your spirit along with your desire to embody first descended into third dimensional experience you were exuberant and you could hardly contain your joy. You celebrated experience after experience and called upon your friends from distant places to come and join you. You found physical experience delightful and you reveled in sensory perceptions such as smell, taste and touch. You were so enthralled with your earth experience that you hardly even noticed the stars that greeted you each evening. The Birth of the Bigger-is-Better Illusion

Eventually, new visitors came here from far away. They also descended to earth as you once did, but in ships that were unfamiliar to you and in bodies that were unlike your

own. They had tools that were far more advanced than your own and you thought them magic. The visitors understood how to harness light and sound for many purposes and you marveled at this as well. It was not long before you came to think that they were superior to you although this was not the case. They told you about their world, which was far away and much larger than the earth, and in that moment you forgot that the unlimited rather than the limited was your home. When you called them gods they did not stop you and when you forgot that the infinite rather than the finite was your true source and creator they did not remind you. When these beings returned to their ships and to the skies from which they had come you watched in wonder and amazement. You envied them and wished to be as they were. You began to value what they had valued even though it had meant little to you prior to their arrival. You cultivated and consumed the foods that

they had eaten believing your body would become as theirs. Celebrating the many faces of nature was replaced with watching the night sky and the morning star for signs of their return. You built altars and idols to gods that never were and wrote histories based upon stories that were not your own. Taller became better because the visitors from far away were taller than you were and lighter color eyes were more desirable because they were also reminiscent of the visitors and of the sky. That which was smaller and less powerful than you was of little value and even less consequence; this was the example that had been set for you. This included children and women as well, because there had been fewer female visitors than male visitors. Bigger, better, more was born of illusion; a reality that belonged to others and unconsciously became your own. What you truly seek does not exist beyond the third dimension but through it, not in escape but in experience. Dimensions offer different ways to experience yourself and the reality that you choose to create. As environments of experience they each provide a different atmosphere or quality. In simplest terms you can experience a different dimension by moving from a solitary arid desert to an ocean community lifestyle. The ocean is not better than the desert, but its environment provides a different experience. Depending upon your purpose one may be more suitable than another. With our foundation now properly laid we can expand the scope of this discussion to include much more. First Dimension: Infinite Creation

The first dimension is as the last. It is first cause and original thought. Nothing exists before it or after it although all thought and all experience moves beyond it. The first dimension is the Will of the Creator and as a creator your will is your first cause and original thought. As

pure spirit you aligned with first cause and experienced yourself as the all and as the freedom to experience all. Choice is born of freedom and so you were presented with many choices and eventually settled upon a path that has brought you to this moment and will continue to expand beyond it. As the All the first dimension is always expanding, it is infinite as is its ability to create. As an extension of infinite creation you also have infinite ability to create and to be creative. Of necessity, creativity includes the ability to destroy. Second Dimension: Realm of Pure Consciousness

The second dimension is the beginning of separation and individualization; it is also the beginning of the return to oneness. It is where the formless first considers form and where creativity ponders manifestation. In simplest terms, it is where consciousness considers an idea for relative merit.

Individualization recognizes the Self as the Whole and the self as an aspect of the whole. In order to understand itself as the whole and return to Wholeness, the individual must seek direction and movement. It must recognize its creative self as awareness and purpose. The first dimension as pure consciousness is the first point of light, Source or First Cause. The second dimension as individualization is the second point of light or self-awareness. The distance between the first point of light and the second point of light defines the second dimension. It is the birth of space and time, movement and desire. It is the starting point from which one seeks knowledge and in so doing gains wisdom. The second dimension is the closest to Source in that it is only one point of light away from It, and yet it is also the furthest in that the distance between the first point and the second point can only be determined by the desire of the

individual to return to Source by understanding itself as Source. Herein we find one of the great difficulties in describing the dimensions as the unique quality of each can only be defined by individual experience. The experience of separation and individuality varies greatly within each being. Some will go to great lengths to have more individual experiences (lifetimes) while others will rue and lament any experience that seems outside of Source. Nothing is beyond the scope of Source for nothing could exist outside of it, but herein is the first paradox of individual existence. The second dimension is the realm of pure consciousness. Here we find the architectural plan for all creative thought and all creative movement. Birth and death take place here, not in the third dimension as many believe because all movement and experience begins and ends with thought. Your decision to return to a place of oneness

within Source takes places here, in the second dimension, confirming that higher is not always better because awareness is not linear but dimensional.

Third Dimension: Progressive Evolution The third dimension is the direct experience of cause and effect as a result of free will and choice. All of the awareness gained by the individual in second dimensional experience serves as the foundation for the third dimension. If the second dimension is the blueprint, the third dimension is the architecture. It is the building process of structure and form from both thought and thoughtlessness, as creativity makes no distinction between the two. From one perspective it can be said that the further the second point of light (individual) is from the first point of light (Source), the greater the distance from the second point of light is from the third point of light or dimension, but this can only be said from one

perspective and there are many. The third dimension is that of creatorship and authorship. It is the realm of dominion and responsibility. In the third dimension evolution is progressive, as advancement in consciousness becomes awareness and then self-awareness and finally source-awareness. Evolution is not linear; it is only the experience of time, which makes it seem so. As a sequence of measure, time is circular or spiral in nature and time seems to quicken as the dimensions increase or spiral. That is why time seems to be passing so much faster now than it did a few years ago. The earth and humanity is undergoing a leap in consciousness. It is currently in between the third and fifth dimension via a consciousness bridge or grid called the fourth dimension. If you think of a bridge as that which links two great expanses (of thought) or territories (mass) you will begin to see why this would be an unstable time in your history or

evolution. A bridge is only as stable as it has been engineered to be. Some will stand for a long time while others will fall prey to the seas of time. The current bridge is an unstable one or so it would seem and it will take a great deal of stamina, will and desire to raise the consciousness of humanity to a level of awareness sufficient to steady the bridge. Individual consciousness is as paramount as mass consciousness because all are standing on the same bridge. Individually, it would seem that it does not matter what your colleague, neighbor or family member is doing or thinking, but First Cause does not discriminate between any of its creations. It sees everything and everyone that either It or you has created as unique and deserving of consideration. This final phase of the third dimension offers an opportunity for all to do the same. The third dimension is first cause within First Cause. It is the experience of beingness within

Being. It is unconsciousness becoming consciousness; it is a process of distillation of spirit from form. It is measured in seasons, periods of dormancy or winter (unconsciousness), awakening or spring (birth), growth or summer (self-awareness), cultivation or autumn (surrender) and regeneration, rebirth, renewal and ascent of the spiral of being or becoming. How long, far, wide or large is the third dimension? It is as large as the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin as the saying goes. Fourth Dimension: Proving Ground

The fourth dimension is to the fifth dimension what the second dimension is to the third; it is that which makes it possible. It is the thought, blueprint and dimensional infrastructure of the creative mind that will assist in physicalizing the fifth dimension. The fourth dimension is perfected in the third, tempered so to speak. The fourth dimension is as a manual for the

fifth dimension. It is a teacher, which is why there are currently so many spiritual teachers who present theories for you to consider from this perspective. The theories presented are designed to allow you to stay the course or course correct if need be. The fourth dimension exists as possibility and probability; it is a resource within which to play out many scenarios without the need to experience them on the physical. The fourth dimension allows you to practice and pretend so that your plan will be worthy of the creative beingness that you are. It allows you to experience non-linear dimensional thought from a third dimensional perspective, that is one of the reasons it is called a bridge between worlds or schools of thought. The fourth dimension is the gateway to the fifth. It is where many of the veils that seem to separate or stop you exist. The veils simply prevent you from carrying incomplete experiences into the fifth dimension. It

is like a proving ground for thoughts and ideas and only those with expansive and creative frequencies are truly able to transit the dimensions. Each time that an individual or collective consciousness creative thought transits third, fourth and fifth dimensional thought, it becomes multi-dimensional and humanity moves one step further on its evolutional path to greater awareness. The fourth dimension, while inconsequential to some because it is both non-linear and non-physical, is that which stands ready to propel humanity to great heights. Fifth Dimension: Living in Circular Time

The fifth dimension is your near future. Instinctively, you are moving toward with it precision and grace even when it does not seem like it. The fifth dimension is not better than the third dimension, but it is clearer. The haze and the veils that clutter your present and prevent you from seeing the future will be greatly

diminished in the fifth dimension. Fifth dimensional experience is not the miracle that many are hoping for; it is a natural extension of that which you are becoming. It will allow you to think dimensionally as well as linearly which will seem almost instantaneous to you. For instance, imagine for a moment that you are considering relocating to another city. Using your current third dimensional linear thought you might make a list of possible destinations placing a plus or minus sign next to each potential city or town as you study the relative merit of each. You might consult a variety of resources while you wonder or fret how you will earn a living or make new friends. Multi (fifth) dimensional awareness will allow you to expand beyond the gaps and limitations of linear mind/time awareness. Presented with a creative thought you will experience all possibilities as creative probabilities and choose the one that best exemplifies your desired state of being. Creative

probability will take into consideration all facets of beingness including health, vitality, well-being, mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. The fifth dimension will allow you to experience life more fully because there will not be as great a need for trial and error. The fifth dimension will allow you to have linear experiences while living in circular or spiral time. While this may seem confusing or disconcerting to you now it will be much easier that the life of distraction you now lead. Currently, you are having experiences in the third, fourth and fifth dimensions. Sometimes life seems so accelerated that you wonder how you will complete what used to be one week's tasks in one day, and at other times you wonder why life seems to have come to a screeching halt. The effects of this dimensional shift will ease with time and awareness. Fifth dimensional experience does not require the mind to spend as much

time processing thoughts and fears; this will free both the mind and the heart to pursue more creative endeavors. Dimensional time is different because it takes place in full conscious awareness. Consciousness is not the mind and the mind is not consciousness. The mind makes consciousness possible and consciousness assists the mind to expand. Without consciousness, the mind would find itself in an interminable loop unable to escape the confines and boundaries of past traumas or future fears. Full consciousness assumes that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are both equal and creative partners. Theories that suggest left or right brain thinking will be obsolete other than in reference to linear thought. The Promise and Opportunity of the Fifth Dimension

Future generations will find that evolutionary genetic mutations of the brain will make adjustments less necessary and

more natural. History will eventually reflect that the present earth generations including the Indigo and the Violet races have borne the brunt of the burdensome evolutionary changes that were required of the human race. While fifth dimensional experience will be a natural experience for future generations, present earth generations will find that it will become easier with time and with attunements of body, mind and spirit. Just as today's generations have a greater longevity of life than those of the previous century, future generations will also have access to awareness and privileges unknown to most today. Greater clarity and understanding deepens compassion. Those who embrace fifth dimensional experience will have tired of war. The struggles of those who still hunger for power will go unheeded for they will be unwarranted and unsupported by those who have opened their hearts and minds to more peaceful opportunities. Again I will say

that the fifth dimension is not the purported miracle that has been paraded before you as the carrot that dangles enticingly before the eyes of the donkey.

Thoughts of war and warring will still exist and envy and jealously will still be your neighbors. Disagreement and discontent will still loom on the horizon, but so will the thought that the sun shines equally in all directions and the moon has as many faces as there are opportunities for peace. You will not forget these words then even if you do so now. The third dimension shouts, "Me First," and it demands it "Now!" It boasts, "I" and insists on its "Needs and Wants". The third dimension wants what it does not have and seeks what it cannot find, because both I and Me are found in We, and Need and Want both quietly at rest in a cradle called Have. Science, religion, politics and art have been pulling on the strings of polarity for so long that they have

become out of tune and out of sorts. Arms that were once outstretched are now stretched out and stressed out, but where the third dimension shouts, the fifth dimension will whisper and where the third dimension has made war the fifth dimension will make peace. Why? Because the long standing battle between the mind and the heart will finally be put to rest. Sixth Dimension: A Cosmic Bridge

The sixth dimension is often bypassed in favor of others. It is less understood than dimensions that offer instant change, access to information or portals to expanded experience. The sixth dimension can be thought of as a country back road rather than a well-traveled highway. Its etheric terrain is different, rough and bumpy, energetically speaking. It is the dimension of the seeker. It welcomes those who are willing to see beyond the obvious. While other dimensions may test your courage,

commitment or intent, the sixth dimension will assist you in examining your depth. The sixth dimension requires fortitude, because it asks you to be your own teacher. Here, there is no one to follow and no one to lead. This dimension invites the seeker to understand All That Is by understanding solitude. It exists just beyond the plane of the fifth dimension. Many who attain fifth dimensional enlightenment will seek no further. Content with their experience of All That Is, there is little motivation to challenge the soul. The sixth dimension is the realm of the teacher/master. It ensures that the seeker will discover what lies beyond and underneath purpose and destiny. Those who are interested in visiting other worlds as ambassadors and representatives often delve into the sixth dimension first, because it is like a cosmic bridge. It weaves understandings and wisdoms from a variety of dimensions and perspectives, presenting them as an

infusion of light from the One Source. It tempers and fine tunes, it asks much of the seeker but returns ten-fold what it asks. One need not experience the sixth dimension ever if that is the choice. It is not a spiritual requirement, but an unfoldment. Those who assist you as teachers and masters at this time are well qualified to do so having submitted themselves to the intrinsic properties and vibrational effects of the sixth dimension. Seventh Dimension: Good Fortune

Many beings find seventh dimensional experience very delightful. It is a creative dimension and somewhat magical at that. It is considered the dimension of good fortune because it is here that one truly learns the art of creative manifestation. The seventh dimension invites what can be called perfection, or better put, the art of seeing the perfection in and of all things. It is also called the dimension of the alchemist. It is the dimension

where true transformation takes place. Here, all elements are equal, even as the profundity and individual quality of each element is ranked unique.

The seventh dimension is somewhat like the fifth but it is less physical, its substance is finer and more gossamer like. There is less density in the seventh dimension; it can be experienced physically or not. Again I will say that light and density are one and the same. Truly it is a matter of choice just as some of you may find certain foods more appealing than others. The seventh dimension unites students with teachers and teachers with masters. It links musicians, artists and mathematicians. This dimension is often thought to be the patron of healers and the healing arts, because healing acknowledges beauty, perfection and magic. The seventh dimension erases barriers of separation and brings worlds of knowledge together. The phrase, "When the

student is ready the teacher will appear," could have been coined here, because quite literally that is what happens. This dimension is considered the favorite of many and it is easy to see why. The seventh dimension and the second dimension have a special relationship with one another just as the seventh chakra and the second chakra are in relation to one another. Five separates the two dimensions, but in sacred (spiritual) geometry five unites the two. The unique energy that both separates and unites is like the cosmic in breath and out breath of All That Is. In a different understanding, the second dimension (architecture of physical life and expression) finds its own perfection within and expresses it in the seventh dimension (building of spiritual and divine presence). The seventh dimension is the first portal to other dimensions within other universes of expression. In

order to experience other aspects of awareness it is important to be familiar with the corridors of space and time and how to best experience them. They are like platforms or pavilions where energies are exchanged and reinterpreted. This is an accelerated concept and not for those who are only vaguely interested in the process. Eighth Dimension: The Universal Traveler

The eighth dimension is the dimension of the universal traveler. It is here that many choices, exchanges and decisions are made. For instance, if you perchance express an interest in withdrawing from your physical body, an eighth dimensional being would assist you with that decision. This being may show you possibilities that you may not have considered given the limited experience offered by the other dimensions. You may be shown the greater alignment understood by your soul elsewhere so that your physical undertaking will seem more purposeful.

The eighth dimension is well traveled. It is a balanced corridor of energy meaning that one form of energy can be exchanged, balanced or neutralized by another harmlessly. Many ET's are familiar with this dimensional portal. It is here that they can don a physical human body when needed or receive an infusion of compatible energy that will sustain their own bodies within an earth matrix. It is the realm of science and chemistry. Many future discoveries that will be of benefit to the earth are already held here for you in what can be described as an escrow account. In due time, when certain criteria is met, it will belong to humanity. The eighth dimension allows that which is possible on other worlds to find compatibility on earth. In other words, essences or elements that may be beneficial elsewhere but toxic to the earth can be introduced with care here. Eighth dimensional energies support and sustain many

different energies, balancing and integrating them with frequencies and vibrations that are earth compatible. Not all energies become stable enough to be introduced upon the earth plane and some creative endeavors must be put off until another time or abandoned altogether. Those that are found to be compatible and beneficial are introduced at specific intervals of time that are aligned with the planet's evolutionary growth. Many physical varieties of plants and animals have arrived upon the earth in this way; the process of integrating non-physical properties is almost the same. When a member of the human kingdom eventually stumbles on a new discovery, it is often because a greater wisdom has seen to its perfection first. Energies, species and beings which choose to depart the earth plane energetically will often choose this dimension as a method of choice as well. The eighth dimension is somewhat soft, energetically speaking; it is less

abrupt and subtler than others. It is soothing and inviting, making it a perfect choice for beings that have just emerged from a harsher dimensional climate or for those who are on their way to one.

Ninth Dimension: The Final Exam This dimension invites completions, attainments and transformations of a permanent kind. It is the dimension of the final exam, but any perceived barriers or boundaries are only self-imposed. It is the dimension that invites checking and double-checking of all that one is or believes. It is the dimension of the Will. It is pleasant and accessible to all who present themselves, but few do unless and until there is purpose in doing so. The ninth dimension poses no threat and presents no surprises, but is guaranteed to reveal any perceived fears, illusions, paradoxes, or discomforts that exist at a soul level. Some call it the dimension of initiation for

this very reason. Consciously or unconsciously you interact with this dimension every time you encounter a milestone opportunity in your life.

The ninth dimension prepares you to meet your life's purpose by encouraging you to overcome your challenges. It is a very helpful dimension in that it will direct you to your greatest obstacles so that you can see them without having to face them. For instance, you may visit the ninth dimension in your sleep time to see what is coming up. You can evaluate different ways to proceed with a supposed problem. You might choose to test yourself and see if you are ready to turn the other cheek or walk away if need be. It is a proving ground. How mild or harsh the environment of this dimension becomes is completely up to you. You always move at your own pace here, there are no timed tests, pass or fail evaluations or ultimatums to live up to. It is the realm of growth via personal choice and awareness.

It is in the ninth dimension that you ultimately realize how devoted your soul is to what you have perceived yourself to be until that moment. It is very expansive and liberating. The ninth dimension offers you the opportunity to discard the need for physical embodiment; it is the door to many non-physical realities. In an effort to be of greatest assistance to you, the ninth dimension will invite experiences from the past or the future to join you. If you walked away from an experience without completing it, you will receive an opportunity to do so. If you long for an event or a future that is not aligned with your greatest purpose you will be invited to experience that desire holographically rather than playing out a reality that would not serve you. In the ninth dimension you can surrender your need to identify with a physical body. Here, the body is seen as a vehicle for the soul's awareness. When the personality aligns with the soul first and

the body second, the axiatonal lines of perfection are activated. The Ninth Dimension and the Axiatonal Lines of Perfection This spiritual response is similar to the activation of the kundalini energy within the physical realm. The axiatonal lines of perfection are energetic patterns that are specific and individual to each soul. They are like your cosmic link to All That Is. They carry the perfection of all that has ever been or ever will be you. They restore any and all aspects of the self that are perceived as less than whole. They are the true source of all healing. Any time you have been ill or close to death and have chosen to recover, it is because you have visited this dimension and chosen to align or realign with your perfection. It can never be otherwise and no other being can do this for you. The best healers will remind you of this and show you the way there. They

will care for your body and your personality while your soul rediscovers its perfection. Axiatonal lines are similar to the earth's ley lines in that they cannot be permanently damaged, only altered. You can discover more than one way to see or understand your own perfection, but it cannot be removed or taken from you. You cannot surrender your own perfection because it belongs to you and to All That Is, which holds you in a state of abiding devotion and deep love. Axiatonal lines are energetically tied to your intent and integrity. They support the purpose of your creativity in this life and all other lives, especially those in which you have been most conscious, aware and aligned with spiritual tenets. They help you to know that you are more than human and they are associated with the divinity you participate with in other realms. The earth's ley lines help it (me) to be aware of its conscious awareness,

they are perfectly placed within an energetic grid whose alignment shifts and changes as the earth does. Their placement is based upon a spiral evolution; a cosmic dance that has gone on for eons of time. They ley lines have little or nothing to do with geographic lines of location such as longitude or latitude, but by agreement there is relativity between them; a point of reference to assist those who are participate with both. The earth also relates to its own axiatonal lines. They allow a sentient earth to be aware and connected to the galaxy, the cosmos and the universe. They are a cosmic link between my senteience as a physical planet and my understanding of the nature of all celestial bodies and their cosmic purpose. The ninth dimension is also a continual source of assistance to those who have come to the earth from non-physical worlds. Here, they are able to receive cosmic attunements that allow them to remain (or return to) in their

physical bodies for extended periods of time without adverse affects to their natural state of being or their human health. This dimension is the closest to their cosmic home and the furthest from third dimensional earth, which makes it an ideal choice for those who do not wish to surrender their human bodies in order to receive the rest and restoration they require. Tenth Dimension: Beginnings, Paradoxes and Questions

Little will be said of this dimension and the next as well. The tenth dimension requires an understanding of the self as more than the self in order to be well understood. You cannot move to the tenth dimension from the ninth, because they are not linear as was said earlier. They are not natural progressions of one another or the next step on a cosmic ladder. They are purposeful accessible realms of energy, each relating to all others is unique and specific ways

that cannot be understood by the logical mind. You will not find a classroom or a teacher on this subject, but you will find many classrooms, teachers and other forms of assistance when you present yourself in any of these energetic areas. The tenth dimension is a place of energetic beginnings, it answers questions that are never asked and solves paradoxes that have not been experiencesd yet. As a simple example, imagine that you had already completed all of the experiences that you had set out to experience in this lifetime. Additionally, imagine that the objectives and purpose of this life had already been met, but curiously, you are certain that your time upon the earth and within your physical body was not yet complete. The wisdom available in the tenth dimension could assist you in redirecting your highest potential by redistributing your energetic makeup and aligning you with a new purpose. Those who

need the kind of assistance found within this dimension simply find themselves there, there is no other way to do so. You cannot, for instance, find that your purpose has become too difficult or distasteful and decide to go to the tenth dimension and exchange it for another purpose. That is one of the reasons it is highly inaccessible to your level of consciousness. This is not meant as a judgment, simply a statement of fact. Given the condition of the world and the current juxtaposed alignment of most souls with their unique purpose, the line of beings wishing to exchange, trade or return their purpose would be longer than a comet's trail! A Second Chance in the Tenth Dimension

The tenth dimension is the dimension of the second chance or new beginning. It can realign a being with a new purpose when specific criteria are met. Using another example, let's say that karmic purpose

has place you in prison for many years. During your imprisonment many things have been changed or altered relative to your original intent which is more inclusive than the obvious compensatory time in exchange for a crime committed. Imagine, for example, that those whom you had pledged devotion to in this life had already discovered the means within themselves to move forward without your assistance. Perhaps they found the forgiveness within themselves that allows others to be forgiven as well. In that case, there would be no purpose for you to fulfill upon your release, but a persistent and resolute yearning within you is still focused and determined to live a purposeful life. It is likely that your yearning would lead you to the tenth dimension. Walk-In experiences are often associated with this realm as are other somewhat tragic circumstances in which a soul becomes temporarily separated from its source chord (divine frequency). Very

brief lifetimes such as the ones that bring about a condition currently called crib death, are also associated with this dimension as are aborted lifetimes regardless of the reason or the source of choice for the abortion. Suicides and homicides are another matter altogether, they are often very relative to a purpose even when they do not appear to be so. A being does not receive a new life or a new purpose simply because they have terminated their own or had theirs terminated by another being. Eleventh Dimension: Supporting Angelic Energies

The eleventh dimension is the access point or place of intercession invoked by those of angelic origin. It is the dimension where prayers are answers, or better put, it is the dimension that creates the spheres of divine energy that offer angelic guidance and support. It would be improper to direct prayers to the eleventh dimension because they cannot be received here. The

eleventh dimension supports angelic energies that support physical and non-physical realities including those on the earth plane.

Angelic energies and beings are directed by specific frequencies that are attuned to perfections within All That Is. Angelic energy emanates from the mind of All That Is. It is created there and mandated to flow and follow within the plan of perfection of All That Is. Angelic frequencies are attracted to that which is perfect and that which is the opposite of perfection, that is why angels are most often experienced by what humanity would call saints and sinners. This does not mean that you must fit into one of these categories in order to receive assistance from the angelic realm, it does mean that you must be willing to receive assistance by placing yourself in an energetic state of receptive propriety and good will. In other words, you must be willing to participate in your own healing or your own miracle as

the case may be. That is why it sometimes seems that some prayers are answers while others are not. All prayers are received vibrationally and answered in the same way, how each being responds to what is received is another matter altogether and a subject upon which volumes could be written. The eleventh dimension is also an access point for earth angels, angelic beings in physical bodies. The light etheric nature of their beingness allows for easier transitions to and from other realms of experience if that is their choice. Most often, it is not. Earth angels are here to have human experiences that are very physical in nature. They did not sign on for the easy or tourist adventure of the earth plane. They are here to be of assitance to humanity by relating to humanity as no other beings could. They are among you in every facet of experience and life condition, and yes, they can even be found in the military.

The eleventh dimension holds the frequency for the miraculous. It is the field of all possibilities infused with purpose and presence. Although you cannot access or participate within this realm you can invite what seems impossible in your life to become possible. You can access its energy indirectly by assuming a position of faith, trust and hope in all of your desires and aspirations. While you cannot iinvoke or invite the eleventh dimension, you can certainly invite an angel to tea. Twelfth Dimension: The Universal Mind

The twelfth dimension blends mind, consciousness and awareness with heart, soul and purpose. In the twelfth dimension the mind no longer exists as an individual aspect of self, but as an expanded awareness of united purpose. This is the dimension of the universal mind which exists beyond the linear past, present or future. The twelfth dimension allows access

to all of your lifetimes as aspects of the grander self rather than the lower awareness of self. In this dimension you would experience your lifetimes and know that they were yours without feeling attached to them in any way. The twelfth dimension is an extension of the creative mind of All That Is. It is unlimited and rich in ideas and possibilities that are yours for the asking and taking. The twelfth dimension makes these creative expressions available to all who choose to participate in them. That is why it is possible that while you may have entertained an idea for a creative expression for a long time only to see another manifest it. It is an unlimited unconditional platform of expression. The twelfth dimension can be accessed at any time and from any other dimension of experience, yet few choose to do so because they do not consider themselves worthy of such preferential treatment. Many if not most

beings are well accustomed to working for and earning any and all experiences. This dimension offers no lesson and you need no pretext or secret password to gain admission. It is the dimension of the secret cave of Merlin and the wonders and treasures encountered by Aladdin. It is accessed via the desire to be in a state of creative oneness with Source, there are no other prerequisites. The twelfth dimension is the last dimension of imperfection or the first dimension of perfection depending upon your view. There are twelve experiences or layers of density within the twelfth dimension, each inspiring a subtle but specific aspect of creative divinity. When accessing the twelfth dimension you will automatically find yourself in the creative density that is most appropriate for you. Within each density there are also 360 degrees of aspects or alignments, and because the twelfth dimension is not linear in scope there is an infinite amount of

space between the alignments of creative energy. You can well begin to imagine the unconditional brilliance of this dimension while you ponder its relative significance in your life and creative endeavors.

Your Unconditional Connection to All That Is This dimension ensures that no being and no purpose is ever alike. It guarantees that you are unique among all others and so are your ideas, concerns, desires and perfections. The twelfth dimension is your unconditional connection to All That Is. All kingdoms access this dimension and perfect themselves through it. It is because of this dimension that a wolf knows when it should fear a human and a cow understands that it will one day be eaten. A tree knows where to place its roots and how high to stretch its limbs and a bird knows what song it will sing. Long ago the dinosaurs learned of their imminent transformation and humanity discovered its cosmic future.The

twelfth dimension is the key to the past and the future via the beauty and perfection of the present. It holds the cosmic code for all that you have been as well as the creative instruction for all that you can become. It is both your undoing and your becoming. The twelfth dimension is associated with the crystalline kingdom, it is the sentience or awareness of all the minerals and gemstones you hold dear. It is the perfection of the twelfth dimension that ensures humanity's transition into a crystallized version of perfection that cannot be shattered by any other reality. It is all that you could want or hope for at this time. Experience the Universe Infinitely

Although this universe is not infinite the ways in which you can experience it are. This paradox cannot be explained but it can be experienced because you are an aspect of Source and Source is infinite. The twelve

dimensions that have been described here are offered as an overview or initial understanding. They are not meant to limit or define that which can only be experienced. The unique nature of each being will expand upon the ideas offered here and confer upon you your own original understanding and truth. I offer you a dimensionless love coupled with a fathomless depth of devotion and consideration. © Pepper & The Peaceful Planet, 2003. This article is presented for your reading and enjoyment. It can also be shared in whole or in part with others who may find it of value as long as it is for personal use. All other reprints including electronic transmissions designed for commercial use must receive permission from the author. To receive further messages and/or be placed on our mailing list, please send an e-mail to or call (818) 713-1966. Source link to article above:


-- " Truth is something which can't be told in a few words. Those who simplify the universe only reduce the expansion of its meaning. "

~*Anais Nin " You are never asked to do more than you are able without being given the strength and ability to do it. " ~Eileen Caddy

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