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HEALTHY UPDATE- Your Online Health Resource -- December 11, 2007

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======================================================================HEALTHY UPDATE- Your Online Health Resource A HealthWorld Online PublicationVol. XVII, Issue 21 -- December 11, 2007======================================================================Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources onhealthy living, wellness and complementary & alternative medicine. A weeklyservice of HealthWorld Online (www.healthy.net).(View HTML version & archives: http://www.healthyupdate.com)======================================================================SPONSOR - LIQUID STEVIA FLAVORS - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================SWEETLEAF LIQUID STEVIA FLAVORS - NEW SPECIALS!SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia Flavors are all natural, zero calories, no carbs,and infinitely flavorful. At only a penny per drop, you can easily dress upthe taste of water, coffee, tea, yogurt, cocktails, whip cream, smoothies,ice cubes, and nearly anything else. The uses are endless! Try our originalflavors - Apricot Nectar, Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon Drop, English Toffee,Vanilla Creme, and Valencia Orange - and our great new flavors - MilkChocolate, Peppermint, Root Beer, Grape, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate!Great for holiday gatherings!Buy 6 Flavors and Get 1 Free (any combination)http://healthyshopping.com/stores/cart.asp?itemnumber=SL_Special_3Buy 12 and Get 2 Free plus 1 Box SteviaPlus Packetshttp://healthyshopping.com/sweetleaf/cart.asp?itemnumber=SL_Special_4To order individual flavors: http://healthyshopping.com/sweetleaf======================================================================HEALTH NEWS BRIEFS======================================================================THE HEALTH INDUSTRY'S SECRET HISTORY OF DELAYING THE FIGHT AGAINST CANCERWhat is the relationship between the mass production of synthetic chemicals, workplace chemical exposure, environmental pollution and rising cancerrates in the 20th and 21st centuries? It appears that not only are therelinks between these developments, but the industries responsible forproducing these chemicals and wastes have long been well aware of theseconnections and have sought, with much success, to downplay or dismiss them.http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?id=9545______________________________________________________________________ENDOMETRIOSIS DIMINISHED WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINEWomen of all ages and backgrounds can be affected by the condition ofendometriosis. The Western diagnosis and treatment for this condition areboth invasive. A non-invasive, more soothing approach to diminishingendometriosis is found using traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture,massage, and herbal therapy. http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?id=9549______________________________________________________________________CAM SERVICES INCREASED IN HOSPITALSComplementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is increasing in hospitals dueto patient's demands as more Americans are finding relief throughalternative forms of health care. According to a report released by theAmerican Hospital Association, more than a quarter of surveyed hospitalsare offering CAM programs to the patients they serve. CAM can includeacupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, chiropractic, dietand lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, and massage therapy among othertypes of non-Western treatments.http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?id=9541______________________________________________________________________MORE HEALTH NEWS.... To keep up-to-date with news in theworld of health and medicine, visit "Healthy News"http://HealthyNews.netand our Healthy News archive:http://healthynews.net/index.asp?archive=yesRSS Feed: We now offer an RSS feed. A convenient way to get Healthy News stories to your desktop.======================================================================EDITOR'S PICK - WHAT DOCTORS DON'T TELL YOU======================================================================A SECOND OPINION ON HEALTH YOU CAN TRUST & USE WITH CONFIDENCE Your health isn't a lottery. It isn't down to luck. It's about what youknow and what to do. What Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal thatgives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It offers acomplete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treating them.WDDTY is information you can trust and use - as many people have beforeyou. It's been published since 1989, and its in-depth research and insightshave earned it the highest praise from all over the world.Save 75% Off Print Subscription - New Digital Edition!https://www.healthy.net/News/WDDTY/WDDTYNewsLetter.asp======================================================================WELLNESS AND HEALTHY LIVING======================================================================JOIN US ON A 12-STAGE JOURNEY TO WELLNESSFor the next 12 weeks in Healthy Update, we will go on a journey into theheart of wellness. Each week we will feature one of the twelve key aspectsof wellness from the Wellness Inventory whole person assessment programbased on the pioneering work of W. , M.D., M.P.H., Each is acomponent of the Wellness Energy System. This week we will feature"Self-Responsibility & Love."http://wellnessinventory.net/overviews/section1.htm______________________________________________________________________SIMPLY WELLIn "Create a Bigger Picture of Health" W. , M.D., M.P.H.,cautions against overconcern for personal health, as obsession with healthcan be every bit as wasteful of your human potential as ignorance andcarelessness can be. He advocates creating a bigger vision where you putyour personal concerns in perspective, and are subsumed and fulfilled by agreater need, a greater possibility, a greater love.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=519______________________________________________________________________ASK DR. ORLOFF ABOUT INTUITIVE HEALINGWe all have a choice about our health. In "Step One of Intuitive Healing:Notice Your Beliefs" Judith Orloff, M.D. reminds us that our mind and bodyare linked by an intricate intuitive circuitry. Notice the pattern of anyrecurring beliefs or emotions that occur before an illness. They may wellbe premonitions. We need to be aware of our thinking, notice when feartakes over, and begin to reprogram our thoughts.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=538======================================================================AUDIO: BEGINNERS GUIDE TO YOGA - SHIVA REA======================================================================CREATE YOUR OWN PERSONAL YOGA PRACTICE AT HOMEWith over 20 million practitioners in the U. S. alone, yoga is more popularthan ever. For those interested in starting a practice of their own buthesitant about attending a class, Shiva Rea presents The Beginner's Guideto Yoga--the perfect introduction to hatha yoga. Complete with a 60-minuteguided session with yoga basics and simple poses-plus a detailed studyguide with instructional photographs-here is an easily accessible how-toprogram from one of the world's most respected yoga teachers.https://healthyshopping.com/stores/cart.asp?itemnumber=W746DListen to Audio Sample: http://tinyurl.com/2jzcng======================================================================WELLNESS INVENTORY CERTIFICATION TRAINING - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================WINTER CERTIFICATION TELE-CLASSES START FEBRUARY 13The Winter Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings begin on February13th and run for 13 weeks. Classes will be conducted as a live phoneteleclass. The goal of the certification training is to create competencein delivering the Wellness Inventory (www.WellPeople.com), a holisticassessment and life-balance program, to individual, group andorganizational clients. The training also focuses on the participants ownpersonal development. Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners,spa professionals, and corporate wellness professionals, the training isapproved by the International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Daytime orevening classes. Payment plans available.For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 orhttp://wellpeople.com/Certification.asp======================================================================NATURAL ALTERNATIVES======================================================================THIRD COLUMN FOR REIKI - A SPECIAL SERIES BY PAMELA MILESA Reiki practitioner at any level of practice, First degree, Second Degreeor Reiki master, can give hands-on treatment. A Second Degree practitioneror Reiki master can give distant treatment. Only a qualified Reiki mastercan initiate and train a student to practice Reiki. In "Finding andChoosing a Reiki Master or Practitioner" Pamela Miles not only explains howto locate a practitioner near you, she offers you suggestions for selectingthe best one for you.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=8137______________________________________________________________________WHAT DOCTOR'S DON'T TELL YOU - SPECIAL REPORTThe whole world seems to be going wireless. We're told it's inevitable bythe electronics industry. But beware. In "Wireless Technology: Something inthe Air" the What Doctors Don't Tell You staff shares strong anecdotalevidence of health conditions developed by numerous people in wirelessenvironments.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=890______________________________________________________________________INTEGRATIVE DENTISTRYIn "All About Teeth Whitening" Flora Parsa Stay, D.D.S. explains thedifference between over-the-counter teeth whitening systems and the onesyou get from the dental offices. She describes various options includingadvantages and disadvantages.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=467______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES (http://www.altmed.net)The herbal approach to detoxification is based upon the premise that thehuman body is a self healing and homeostatic organism. In "HerbalDetoxification" L. Hoffmann, B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H. explains thebody as a wonderfully effective and astoundingly complex mechanism forridding the body waste and poisons. This can be helped by using basic,simple and safe herbs as long as the eliminative process are addressed as awhole and not just the colon.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=1988______________________________________________________________________DR. CHRISTINE HORNER'S NATURAL SECRETS FOR BREAST HEALTHEstimates are that every year the average American eats almost his or herentire body weight in sugar. In "Breast Health Tip #21: Avoid Sugar" Horner, M.D., F.A.C.S reports that sugar and refinedcarbohydrates cause a surge in insulin and women with the highest insulinlevels have a 283% higher incidence of breast cancer. The more sugar youeat, the faster cancer cells grow and the greater the blow to your immunesystem.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=696______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY MAN (http://www.menshealth.net) A growing number of professional athletes and weekend warriors are spellingrelief H-O-M-E-O-P-A-T-H-Y. Although homeopathic medicines have areputation of helping people who are suffering from chronic diseases, thesenatural medicines are wonderfully effective in treating common sportsinjuries. In "Homeopathic Medicines For Sports Injuries" Dana Ullman,M.P.H. offers helpful information about single remedies vs. formulas,internal and external remedies, and frequency of doses.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=166______________________________________________________________________HOLISTIC HEALTHCARE FOR CHILDRENAre you dismayed by the unnecessary drugging of children, and the tendencyto prescribe more drugs for kids on an ongoing basis? In "Better Treatmentfor Pediatric Asthma and ADD" Randall Neustaedter, O.M.D. encourages allparents to investigate holistic alternatives before putting children ondrugs, and to consider transitioning children who take conventionalmedications to more effective and curative methods of treatment.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=892______________________________________________________________________FIND AN ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL(http://healthreferral.com)Looking for a practitioner specializing in progressive treatment of theeyes? Search the Vision Care/Vision Training section which includes theOptometric Extension Program member database in HealthWorld's Find aPractitioner Network. The network contains searchable directories with over17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional associations incomplementary/alternative and integrative medicine.http://healthy.net/asp/Associations/assocsearch.asp?AssocId=3======================================================================RECOMMENDED READING (http://healthyshopping.com/books)======================================================================DEFEATING DIABETES Recent scientific news supports a plant-based diet as the ideal diet forthose with type-2 diabetes. In "Defeating Diabetes: A No-Nonsense Approachto Type 2 Diabetes and the Diabesty Epidemic" , R.D. and TomBarnard, M.D. present a program of basic lifestyle changes that can vastlyimprove or completely restore the health of those who suffer from Type 2diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is not the result of a lack of insulin, but theproduct of diet and lifestyle choices that cause the body to becomeresistant to insulin. Readers will learn to take control of their bloodsugar levels, find out which carbohydrates and dietary fats are actuallygood for you, and find out how to achieve and maintain a healthy bodyweight.https://www.healthyshopping.com/books/Cart.asp?ItemNumber=1570671397======================================================================HEALTHY KITCHEN (http://healthy.net/Nutrit/kitchen)======================================================================NUTRITION TIPSYou normally think of using seasonings to enhance the flavor of food. In"Seasonings" Elson M. Haas, M.D. explains how many herbs and spices can beused for medicinal purposes, such as stimulating the appetite or aidingdigestion. He details salt, extracts, peppers, condiments, herbs andspices, and sweeteners.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=1977______________________________________________________________________FABULOUS FUNCTIONAL FOODSFabulous Functional Foods Chef Umahro Cadogan of Denmark is in lovewith sweet potatoes. They're full of carotenoids and other goodies for yourhealth, and please the palate as well as satisfy your appetite. What morecan one want from a food? His "Sweet Potato Mash with Lemon and BakedGarlic" recipe is lovely. The lemon juice and pepper make the sweet potatosweetness even more pronounced and the baked garlic, which has hints ofnuts in its taste, adds the final touch. Try serving it with a green saladand a piece of seared tuna or use it as spread in a sandwich.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=354======================================================================URI INTERNATIONAL INDEPENDENT MEMBER - ADVERTISEMENT====================================================================== THE FUTURE OF NUTRITION THE FEAST is what health conscious people are seeking. An all natural, convenient, great tasting, abundant supply of Live WholeFood Based "InstaFresh Juice" from fruits, berries, greens, vegetables,nuts, seeds, sprouts, including minerals, enzymes and probiotics. This is where the future of nutrition is heading so come and join our feast! http://www.joinourfeast.com======================================================================MIND-BODY-SPIRIT (http://mind-body.com)======================================================================MIND/BODY HEALTHCan one or two drinks a day actually be beneficial? In "Here's to YourHeart" S. Sobel, M.D. outlines the apparent correlation of moderatedrinking and a reduction of mortality from heart disease by about a third.Though even moderate alcohol consumption can have a downside, such as anincreased risk of breast cancer in women, it appears that the beneficialeffects on total mortality outweigh the harmful effects. http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=192______________________________________________________________________WHOLISTIC SPIRITUAL HEALINGIt is possible to know information without inputs through our five ordinarysenses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. We call these psychicimpressions. They provide another level for intuitive awareness.Researchers have dissected psychic abilities into theoretical components.In "Intuition (Part 3 of 5 parts)" J. Benor, M.D. details telepathy,clairsentience, precognition, retrocognition, and ESP.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=729======================================================================PHYSICIAN FORMULAS - ADVERTISEMENT====================================================================== MIND POWER RX - OPTIMAL MIND SUPPORT Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters:Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rxhelps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mentalstamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentratebetter. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rxsupport neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, supportenzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronalantioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left youunsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you doyourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected,doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanceddelicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support. http://healthy.net/asp/ads.asp?ad=1028======================================================================PROFESSIONAL'S CORNER======================================================================2008 WELLNESS INVENTORY CERTIFIED COACH TRAININGSThe next Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings begin on February 13,2008 and run for 13 weeks. Live phone teleclass format. The goal of thetraining is to develop coaching skills and competence in delivering theWellness Inventory program to individual, group and organizational clients.The training also focuses on the participants own personal development. TheWellness Inventory (www.WellPeople.com), is a holistic assessment andlife-balance program based on the work of wellness pioneer, W. ,MD, MPH. Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners, wellnessprofessionals and spa professionals. Approved by the International CoachFederation for continuing 20 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes (Wednesdays1:00-2:30 ET, Thursdays 7:00-8:30 ET). Space is limited. Payment plansavailable.Testimonials: http://WellPeople.com/Certification_Testimonials.aspFor more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or visit:http://wellpeople.com/Certification.asp_____________________________________________________________________WHAT DOCTORS DON'T TELL YOUWhat Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you theknowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is s the complete review ofhealth problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works andwhat doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine(CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned it the highestpraise from all over the world. Several national newspapers have describedit as "the best health journal in the world".And now it's available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, asavings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annualsubscription, and you'll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC asa downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. https://www.healthy.net/News/WDDTY/WDDTYNewsLetter.asp_____________________________________________________________________INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE SYMPOSIUMJanuary 17-19, 2008 -- New York, NY USAAt the Integrative Healthcare Symposium, you'll gain a whole perspectivewith full access to the most up-to-date, scientific and clinicalapplications in integrative medicine from top-notch industry expertsincluding: conference chair Woodson Merrell, MD; Bland PhD, FACN,CNS; Junger, M.D.; Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac.; Perlmutter,M.D., FACN; Bernie Siegel, M.D.; Silver, M.D. and many more. For more information contact McEwan at 207-842-5500 or http://www.ihsymposium.com_____________________________________________________________________MORE PROFESSIONAL RESOURCESBotanical Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbookshttp://HealthyShopping.com/ABCCompounding Pharmacy Directoryhttp://www.healthy.net/professionals/compound.aspDiagnostic Laboratory Directoryhttp://www.healthy.net/professionals/diagno.aspNutritional Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbookshttp://HealthyShopping.com/thirdlineThe Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicinehttp://www.NaturalStandard.com======================================================================GLOBAL HEALTH CALENDAR (http://healthcalendar.com)======================================================================-- FEATURED EVENT --Integrative Healthcare SymposiumNew York, NY USAJanuary 17-19, 2008Contact: Diversified Business Communications - 207-842-5500______________________________________________________________________-- UPCOMING HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENTS --5th Annual Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based UpdateSan Diego, CA USAJanuary 17-20, 2008Contact: Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine - 858-587-4404______________________________________________________________________Globe Sound Healing ConferenceLos Angeles, CA USAJanuary 26-28, 2008Contact: Global Institute - 415-777-2486______________________________________________________________________18th Annual ISSSEEM ConferenceBoulder, CO USAJune 19-26, 2008 Contact: The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine - 303-425-4625______________________________________________________________________For more leading health events visit http://www.healthcalendar.com======================================================================HEALTHY SHOPPING - PRODUCTS & SERVICES FOR HEALTHY LIVING======================================================================HEALTHY SHOPPING NETWORK http://HealthyShopping.comAmerican Botanical Council (Botanical Medicine Tests)http://HealthyShopping.com/ABCAquasana (Home Water Filtration Systems)http://www.healthyshopping.com/AquasanaBookstore (Health and Wellness)http://HealthyShopping.com/booksChildLife (Nutrition for Kids)http://HealthyShopping.com/childlifeHere, There and Beyond (Essential Oils)http://HealthyShopping.com/heretherebeyondInner Peace Music ( Halpern)http://HealthyShopping.com/innerpeaceMigraSpray (Natural Migraine Relief)http://HealthyShopping.com/MigraSprayNatur-Leaf (Anti-Aging Products)http://HealthyShopping.com/NaturLeafNutraceutics (Anti-Aging, Women's Health)http://HealthyShopping.com/nutraceuticsOla Loa (Drink Your Vitamins)http://HealthyShopping.com/OlaLoaPainDefense (Joint and Muscles Formula)http://HealthyShopping.com/paindefenseSounds True (Audios - Wisdom for the Inner Life)http://HealthyShopping.com/SoundsTrueSweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener)http://HealthyShopping.com/sweetleafTeeccino (All Natural Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternative)http://HealthyShopping.com/teeccinoThird Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD)http://HealthyShopping.com/thirdline======================================================================KEY HEALTHWORLD ONLINE SITES======================================================================Alternative Medicine Center http://www.altmed.net______________________________________________________________________Health Conditions Center http://www.diseases.net______________________________________________________________________Find a Professional http://healthreferral.com______________________________________________________________________Wellness Center http://bodymindspirit.com______________________________________________________________________Medline Search http://www4.infotrieve.com/newmedline/search.asp______________________________________________________________________Global Health Calendar http://healthcalendar.com______________________________________________________________________HealthWorld Online Advisory Board http://healthy.net/welcome/Advisory______________________________________________________________________EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Strohecker, Co-founder, President,HealthWorld Online - jim@...SENIOR EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global HealthCalendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, AssociationNetwork - swalter@...ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online - nancy@...SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue ofHealthy Update, contact sponsor@....SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS: We welcome your suggestions and comments to helpus provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestionsto info@....TELL A FRIEND about Healthy Update! Tell them to subscribe at:http://healthy.net/newsletter/subscribe.asp______________________________________________________________________HealthWorld Online, Inc. 4049 Lyceum Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066______________________________________________________________________"You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it." - Rumi

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