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holidays are a time of joy, love, family and friendship; though many of

us may not like to admit it, the holidays are also a time of stress.

Find out what measures you can take to manage the stress and heighten

the joy!The Stress Factor at Holiday TimeBetween the

physical demands of traveling and socializing, and the emotional

aspects of meeting with family, holiday time can potentially be very

taxing. Environmental factors, even on a subtle scale, can also influence the general mood. For

example, at family gatherings during the holidays, emotions from the

past often come up between family members. The abundance of sugar and

alcohol, paired with the insufficient daylight of short winter days can

further heighten emotional reactions and stress. Without

the proper outlook and adequate time-outs for relaxation, we get our

nerves and emotions wound up into a tight ball, leaving us stressed,

drained of energy, and in the wrong frame of mind to enjoy our loved

ones.This is the time of year when painful emotions can

overwhelm us if we do not stay alert. An unexpected setback can leave

us hopelessly resentful of the holiday mood we see about us. If

you would like to improve your chances of getting through the holidays

unscathed, try letting go of the past for a moment and consider what

might happen if you got a fresh start.Right now. Right here, as you sit reading this. Ask yourself this? If you could make one change in what you are doing. What would it be?If you can't think of a change without getting into heavy shame, blame and regret, you need to cut back on the gradient. For you, the right question might be, is there anything at all that you can do without making things worse?Assuming

that you are still able to read at this point, I want you to consider

what effect making this change or doing this thing would have on your

future. I also want you to consider how not doing it would affect your future. If

you have found something which will change your life for the better,

begin doing it immediately. Work out the details so that this becomes

part of your normal routine. Keep your attention on things

which contribute to a healthy state of mind. When the holidays are

over, see what effect this has had on your disposition. If you have been doing better, find something else you can change which will further improve your life and do it.If

you cannot think of any change you can make and everything seems

hopeless, find someone who needs help and actually do something to help

them!. This is a sure way to feel better about yourself when

all else fails. Help someone else. If you do this and you still feel

miserable, find more people to help and really help them. Somewhere along the line, you are going to feel good about what you are doing and your morale will improve. At this point, you might be able to contemplate making some slight change in your own life to give yourself a fresh start.The key to success is to keep things as light as possible. Do

not rehash the past while listening to the beautiful sadness of country

music, mournful ballads, or songs of lost loves, misery and betrayal. I know it hurts so good, but it's not good for you in the long run.Keep busy, stay creative if you can and by all means help somebody else! You will get through the holidays in better shape than you thought possible. And...you'll be more fun to be with. That can't hurt, can it?1. Slow Down and Lighten UpMost

of us make our holiday plans first and then figure out how we're going

to manage the logistics later. This sort of over-commitment and attempt

to please everyone is sure to lead to stress and hurt feelings. Realize

your limitations first and cut back on the commitments in your calendar

of events. The more you lighten your load, the more you will enjoy your

friends and family when you are at a gathering.2. Be in the PresentStart

off your day with an intention of being aware and in the present all

through the day. Create and declare an affirmation that will set the

tone of your whole day. For example: "Today I want to be clear in my

mind, so that I can make the correct decisions. I want to be healthy

and connected to my loved ones and myself." Not only will you

be better equipped to cope with stress, you might even find some new

perspectives that you didn't see before. When you start with awareness,

you have the opportunity to enjoy a healthy outlook and a good mood all

through the day. 3. Naptime: Not Just For ChildrenHow

many of us feel guilty when we are not constantly in motion? Most

parents know that overtired and hurried children are headed for a

breakdown. Unfortunately, adults are woefully unaware of the

impact of stress on their own emotional lives. Rest and relaxation are

crucial for renewal and balance, and never more than at holidays when

we are constantly conversing with family members and speedily traveling

from one place to the next with crowded throngs of other holiday-goers.Activities

for children like naptime and quiet time are designed to help them

rest. You can also benefit from structured times for relaxation. Even a

15-minute nap or meditation session by your self can reinvigorate you.4. Be ThankfulSometimes

when you are in a bad mood, it helps to put your life in perspective.

If your basic needs are being met, be thankful. If you are surrounded

by friends and loved ones, be thankful. Add up everything you are

thankful for in your head and see if your mood doesn't improve. 5. Hit Your Reset Button with Breathing ExerciseFor

thousands of years meditation has been practiced in the East as a tool

for inner peace and spirituality. This doesn't mean you have to be on a

remote mountaintop to meditate. You can do it anywhere and at any time;

all you really need is a quiet corner. Meditation is a great method to decompress and melt tension away during your busy day. Try this breathing exercise, adapted from Chinese qigong meditation. Slow

down and deepen each breath you take. With every exhalation, utter the

word calm in your mind and breathe out the tension from each part of

your body, beginning from the top of your head and working your way

down to your feet. Release the remaining tension through your toes and

the bottoms of your feet. You will be amazed at how energized you feel!I hope you have a joyful holiday season! Love~All~Ways*~Karma*

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