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HEALTHY UPDATE- Your Online Health Resource

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======================================================================HEALTHY UPDATE- Your Online Health Resource A HealthWorld Online PublicationVol. XVII, Issue 16 -- November 6, 2007======================================================================Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources onhealthy living, wellness and complementary & alternative medicine. A weeklyservice of HealthWorld Online (www.healthy.net).(View HTML version & archives: http://www.healthyupdate.com)======================================================================SPONSOR - DREXEL UNIVERSITY ONLINE======================================================================ADD COMPLEMENTARY AND INTEGRATIVE THERAPIES INTO YOUR PRACTICEEarn your Advanced Certificate of Study in Complementary and IntegrativeTherapies (CIT) ONLINE from award-winning Drexel University and you’ll beable to offer new, valuable healing methods to your patients. Thisconvenient evidence-based program is available entirely online – nocommuting and no interrupting your busy schedule. You’ll learn thecultural and theoretical basis for applying complementary and integrativetherapies while focusing on specific skills and techniques. All coursesare taught by clinical practitioners with credentialed expertise in CIT –the same world-class faculty as on-campus. Special tuition available foronline students. Apply today. Start this January. MORE: http://www.drexel.com/healthworld======================================================================HEALTH NEWS BRIEFS======================================================================DANGEROUS CHEMICALS IN COMMON BABY PRODUCTSEvery day through the use of personal care, kids are exposed to 27 chemicalingredients that have never been assessed for safety...not by industry, orby the government. A study found 89% of products labeled "recommended by adoctor" actually contain what one doctor considers dangerous chemicals.http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?id=9504______________________________________________________________________ASPIRIN: IT KILLS 20,000 AMERICANS EVERY YEARCommon over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin kill around 20,000Americans every year, and another 100,000 end up in hospital as a result oftaking the drug, new research reveals. Researchers realized that patientsweren't associating the painkiller with their stomach problems when theycarried out a survey among patients at a clinic that specializes ingastrointestinal disease. Around one in five of the patients was taking a painkiller, such as an aspirin, and was not reporting the fact to medicalstaff because they didn't regard it as significant.http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?id=9490______________________________________________________________________TOXIC CHEMICALS CONTRIBUTE TO WEIGHT GAINDuring the past 20 years there has been a significant increase in weightgain and obesity in the United States. One doctor suggests the root causeof all weight gain is directly related to our own natural weight controlsystem being overloaded and poisoned with toxic chemicals that we encounterthrough our skin care, food, cleaning products and general environment.Toxic synthetic chemicals are highly fat soluble therefore when the body isexposed to these substances it then gets busy creating fat tissue as astorehouse for those toxins that cannot be processed and eliminated fromthe body.http://healthy.net/scr/news.asp?id=9505______________________________________________________________________MORE HEALTH NEWS.... To keep up-to-date with news in theworld of health and medicine, visit "Healthy News"http://HealthyNews.netand our Healthy News archive:http://healthynews.net/index.asp?archive=yesRSS Feed: We now offer an RSS feed. A convenient way to get Healthy News stories to your desktop.======================================================================EDITOR'S PICK - HEALTHY TALK RADIO======================================================================HEALTHY TALK RADIO WITH DR. JULIAN WHITAKER AND DEBORAH RAYDr. n Whitaker, America's Wellness Doctor and Deborah Ray, America'sFirst Lady of Health are two of the most respected and well known names inthe natural health industry and you can hear them live on the radio 6 daysa week! Healthy Talk Radio is the longest running health talk radio showcelebrating 25 years.We take on conventional medicine, spread the word about safe, effective,and less expensive approaches to wellness, and offer you real solutions toyour health problems. We cut through the spin and bring you news,information, and recommendations that can truly make a difference in yourlife.Timely, topical, sometimes funny and always a must-listen! It is practicalinformation to help improve the quality of life for health consciousconsumers of any age. To listen live or to find out where you can hearHealthy Talk Radio near you go to http://www.healthytalkradio.com======================================================================WELLNESS AND HEALTHY LIVING======================================================================CONTINUING OUR 12-STAGE JOURNEY TO WELLNESSThis week our journey focuses on the power of FINDING MEANING, the 11th of12 keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole personassessment program. Finding meaning appears to be a unique human need. Itis one of the most complex uses of energy in that it involves almost all ofthe previous energy forms. Since the beginning of time philosophers haveasked these basic questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going?What do I want? What is real? What is true? This section encourages you tofind a deeper meaning in your life that can provide a powerful focus fordirecting your life-energy.http://wellnessinventory.net/overviews/section11.htm______________________________________________________________________SIMPLY WELLPeople tend to lose sight of the value of their work, getting so caught upin the details that they forget what they are doing or why they are doingit. In "Work Well" W. , M.D., M.P.H., provides tips for makingchanges in your relationship to your job so it will satisfy you more deeply.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=496______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY COMPUTINGDid you know that when you sit still and look around with only your eyesthat you are moving muscles in the back of your neck? Your eyes guide yourneck to move in the direction of visual focus. Using your eyes throughoutthe day without taking large movement breaks may slowly build up neck andshoulder tension as well as eye irritation. In "Eye-Neck Relaxation" Peper, Ph.D. gives you exercises to relax your tight neck.http://www.healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=885======================================================================AUDIO: THE ENERGY MEDICINE KIT - DONNA EDEN======================================================================BOOST YOUR ENERGY LEVELS - ENHANCE OVERALL HEALTHYour body is incredibly intelligent, teaches Donna Eden. If you guide itcorrectly, it will begin to vitalize and heal itself almost immediately.With The Energy Medicine Kit, this acclaimed healer and energy medicineexpert invites you to learn the unspoken language of your body to boostyour energy levels, address many specific health problems, and fosteroverall health. You begin by learning a powerful Daily Energy Practice thatcombines simple movements, pressure point massage, and breathwork to createa reservoir of vital life force that you can draw upon throughout the day. https://www.healthyshopping.com/stores/cart.asp?itemnumber=W858DListen to Audio Sample: http://tinyurl.com/2sbzs3 ======================================================================ORGANIC SPA MAGAZINE - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================BRINGING SPA WISDOM HOME - A LIFESTYLE, LIVE IT!Sophisticated and beautifully designed, Organic Spa Magazine bringsinspiration, insight and expert advice on how to live a more sustainableand meaningful life.Divided into four segments, At Home, At Work, At Play, and At Rest, OrganicSpa Magazine offers a plethora of information on how to help you find thatelusive balance we all seek.Launched in January 2007, Organic Spa Magazine has been one of the mostanticipated magazine launches of the year. As the only national, consumer,lifestyle magazine dedicated to bridging spa wisdom with the organic andsustainable lifestyle, and published simultaneously in digital and print,we have been embraced and revered by the upscale conscious consumer.Join our ever-expanding community of like-minded thinkers and influencersand enjoy a magazine that promises to be inspirational, educational and fun!Organic Spa Magazine. It's a lifestyle, live it!http://www.organicspamagazine.com======================================================================NATURAL ALTERNATIVES======================================================================NUTRITIONAL MEDICINE & LONGEVITYVitamin B12 does not fit the mold of the deficiency diseases theory, or theone-disease-one-drug model of medicine that is taught in medical schools.The most important medical fact about vitamin B12 is that deficiency doesnot show up only as anemia. In "Vitamin B12: Under Appreciated" A.Kunin, M.D. details important facts, including nerve and brain symptomswhich need to be treated promptly or the damage may be permanent.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=547______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES (http://www.altmed.net)Some 44 million Americans have trouble breathing during an attack ofallergies and asthma. Plus millions more have breathing problems because ofcigarette smoke and air pollution. In "Breathing Problems" the AmericanInstitute for Preventive Medicine offers preventive tips and clues for howyou evaluate whether an attack may require emergency care.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=1504______________________________________________________________________WOMEN'S HEALTH DETECTIVEThe healing therapy guided imagery became more widely used after hundredsof sound scientific studies found it works to improve our health. Thistechnique is the art of mentally concentrating on positive images toaccelerate healing. In "Powerful, Yet Simple Technique Increases YourHealing Ability" Nan Fuchs, Ph.D. states her case that if you'renot using this as part of your own health program, perhaps you should. Itcosts almost nothing and it works.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=842______________________________________________________________________HEALTHY WOMAN UPDATE (http://4womenshealth.com)An eating disorder may be defined, in a sense, as self-abuse. It can bejust as harmful to your health as substance abuse involving alcohol ordrugs. In "Women's Health: Eating Disorders (Anorexia & Bulimia)" theAmerican Institute for Preventive Medicine explains the differences andsimilarities of anorexia and bulimia. Both result from the fear ofovereating and gaining weight and reflect the mental/physical health of thesufferer.http://healthy.net/scr/Article.asp?id=1443______________________________________________________________________FIND AN ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL(http://healthreferral.com)Looking for a practitioner specializing in a mind/body approach? Search theMind Body Health section includes the Academy for Guided Imagery, AmericanSociety for the Technique, and Focusing Institute memberdatabases in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network. The networkcontains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20leading professional associations in complementary/alternative andintegrative medicine.http://www.healthy.net/scr/MainLinks.asp?id=135======================================================================RECOMMENDED READING (http://healthyshopping.com/books)======================================================================CONNECTIONS...THE SACRED JOURNEY BETWEEN TWO POINTS"Connections...The Sacred Journey Between Two Points" by Carol RossEdmonston is a moving and poetic story about one woman's journey throughtwo separate diagnois' of breast cancer and the spiritual transformationand healing that followed. It is beautifully combined with the artisticcreativity she discovered during that time. What started out as simpledoodles quickly became sophisticated graphic art. This art form became anopen-eyed meditation as she began to trust and have faith in the process,both with the art and in her medical adventure. She learned the importanceof embracing the preciousness of the present moment and living life onemoment at a time. This story is filled with inspiration and encouragement,inviting the reader to embrace whatever life offers, as a gift and onefilled with treasures to behold and wisdom to share.https://www.healthyshopping.com/books/Cart.asp?ItemNumber=0970068409======================================================================HEALTHY KITCHEN (http://healthy.net/Nutrit/kitchen)======================================================================NUTRITION TIPSIn "Beverages" Elson M. Haas, M.D. reminds us that we all need to consumeliquids to maintain life, and discusses why it is best for as much aspossible of our liquid intake to be water. He reviews other favoritebeverages, such as teas, fruit juices, coffee, vegetable juices, sodas,milk, and alcohol.http://healthy.net/scr/article.asp?id=1912______________________________________________________________________THERE'S A YOGI IN THE KITCHEN!Used for its bright yellow color in everything from prepared mustard andcanned soups to Indian curry, Turmeric has been used for many centuries forits many therapeutic qualities. Yogis and Ayurvedic healers know thatturmeric is a great internal healer, promoting healthy skin and mucusmembranes, good for creaky and painful joints, arthritis, the stomach, andliver. Its anti-fungal properties also make it helpful in treating yeastovergrowth. In "Turmeric, The Golden Healer" Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa includesrecipes for Turmeric Paste, Golden Milk and Golden Yogurt.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=335======================================================================LIQUID STEVIA FLAVORS - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================SWEETLEAF LIQUID STEVIA - EXCITING NEW FLAVORS!SweetLeaf Flavored Liquid Stevia is all natural, zero calories, no carbs,and infinitely flavorful. At only a penny per drop, you can easily dress upthe taste of water, coffee, tea, yogurt, cocktails, whip cream, smoothies,ice cubes, and nearly anything else. The uses are endless! Try our originalflavors - Apricot Nectar, Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon Drop, English Toffee,Vanilla Creme, and Valencia Orange - and our great new flavors - MilkChocolate, Peppermint, Root Beer, Grape, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate!Go to http://healthyshopping.com/sweetleafand scroll down to Liquid Stevia Flavors.======================================================================MIND-BODY-SPIRIT (http://mind-body.com)======================================================================MIND/BODY HEALTHA study on aging found that for men the frequency of sexual intercourse wasassociated with lower death rates. For women the enjoyment of intercoursewas associated with longer life. In "Sex May Prolong Life" S. Sobel,M.D. shows us studies exist to help us understand and enhance the healthbenefits of one of the most common, and certainly most pleasurableactivities we humans experience.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=190______________________________________________________________________MUSIC AND WELLNESS (http://www.healthy.net/music)In "Sounds Like Silence: And Chronic Pain" Barry Bittman, M.D. reminds usof the importance of having music in our lives, along with laughter andjoy. This is particularly important for those following an integrated,whole person approach to control of severe and chronic pain. One day in thenear future, instead of just receiving a few pain pills, you might besurprised with a healthy dose of music therapy.http://healthy.net/scr/column.asp?id=356======================================================================THE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND HEALING - ADVERTISEMENT======================================================================STAY INFORMED AND INSPIRED EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing is an interdisciplinary journalthat addresses evidence-based healing practices from a wide variety ofsources, including conventional, alternative, and cross-cultural medicine.Written for a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals, the journalexplores the healing arts, consciousness, spirituality, eco-environmentalissues, and basic science as these fields relate to health. In addition to research, features include: an editorial by Larry Dossey,MD; an interview with a prominent thought leader; columns on ethnomedicine,diet and health, environmental medicine, nursing, education, death anddying, and medicine on the front lines. For more information, please visithttp://www.explorejournal.com======================================================================PROFESSIONAL'S CORNER======================================================================2008 WELLNESS CERTIFICATION TRAININGSThe next Wellness Inventory Certification Training begins on February 20,2008. Classes will be conducted as a live phone teleclass and run for 13weeks. The goal of the certification training is to develop competence indelivering the Wellness Inventory (www.WellPeople.com), a pioneeringwellness and lifestyle program, to individual, group and organizationalclients. The training also focuses on the participants own personaldevelopment. Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners, spaprofessionals, and corporate wellness professionals, the trainingis approved by the International Coach Federation for continuing coachingcredits. Daytime and evening classes (Wednesdays 1:00-2:30 ET, Thursdays7:00-8:30 ET). Space is limited. Payment plans available. For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 orhttp://wellpeople.com/Certification.asp _____________________________________________________________________EXPLORE - THE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND HEALING EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing is an interdisciplinary journalthat addresses evidence-based healing practices from a wide variety ofsources, including conventional, alternative, and cross-cultural medicine.Written for a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals, the journalexplores the healing arts, consciousness, spirituality, eco-environmentalissues, and basic science as these fields relate to health. In addition to research, features include: an editorial by Larry Dossey,MD; an interview with a prominent thought leader; columns on ethnomedicine,diet and health, environmental medicine, nursing, education, death anddying, and medicine on the front lines. For more information, please visithttp://www.explorejournal.com_____________________________________________________________________MORE PROFESSIONAL RESOURCESBotanical Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbookshttp://HealthyShopping.com/ABCCompounding Pharmacy Directoryhttp://www.healthy.net/professionals/compound.aspDiagnostic Laboratory Directoryhttp://www.healthy.net/professionals/diagno.aspNutritional Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbookshttp://HealthyShopping.com/thirdlineThe Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicinehttp://www.NaturalStandard.com======================================================================GLOBAL HEALTH CALENDAR (http://healthcalendar.com)======================================================================-- FEATURED EVENT --Integrative Healthcare SymposiumNew York, NY USAJanuary 17-19, 2008Contact: Diversified Business Communications - 207-842-5500______________________________________________________________________-- UPCOMING HEALTH & WELLNESS EVENTS --National Wellness, Prevention and Fitness ConferenceFrom Case Management to Care ManagementWashington, DC USADecember 3-5, 2007Contact: Transmarx, LLC - 804-266-7422 ext 7408______________________________________________________________________5th Annual Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based UpdateSan Diego, CA USAJanuary 17-20, 2008Contact: Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine - 858-587-4404______________________________________________________________________For more leading health events visit http://www.healthcalendar.com======================================================================HEALTHY SHOPPING - PRODUCTS & SERVICES FOR HEALTHY LIVING======================================================================HEALTHY SHOPPING NETWORK http://HealthyShopping.comAmerican Botanical Council (Botanical Medicine Tests)http://HealthyShopping.com/ABCAquasana (Home Water Filtration Systems)http://www.healthyshopping.com/AquasanaBookstore (Health and Wellness)http://HealthyShopping.com/booksChildLife (Nutrition for Kids)http://HealthyShopping.com/childlifeHere, There and Beyond (Essential Oils)http://HealthyShopping.com/heretherebeyondInner Peace Music ( Halpern)http://HealthyShopping.com/innerpeaceMigraSpray (Natural Migraine Relief)http://HealthyShopping.com/MigraSprayNatur-Leaf (Anti-Aging Products)http://HealthyShopping.com/NaturLeafNutraceutics (Anti-Aging, Women's Health)http://HealthyShopping.com/nutraceuticsOla Loa (Drink Your Vitamins)http://HealthyShopping.com/OlaLoaPainDefense (Joint and Muscles Formula)http://HealthyShopping.com/paindefenseSounds True (Audios - Wisdom for the Inner Life)http://HealthyShopping.com/SoundsTrueSweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener)http://HealthyShopping.com/sweetleafTeeccino (All Natural Caffeine-Free Coffee Alternative)http://HealthyShopping.com/teeccinoThird Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD)http://HealthyShopping.com/thirdline======================================================================KEY HEALTHWORLD ONLINE SITES======================================================================Alternative Medicine Center http://www.altmed.net______________________________________________________________________Health Conditions Center http://www.diseases.net______________________________________________________________________Find a Professional http://healthreferral.com______________________________________________________________________Wellness Center http://bodymindspirit.com______________________________________________________________________Medline Search http://www4.infotrieve.com/newmedline/search.asp______________________________________________________________________Global Health Calendar http://healthcalendar.com______________________________________________________________________HealthWorld Online Advisory Board http://healthy.net/welcome/Advisory______________________________________________________________________EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Strohecker, Co-founder, President,HealthWorld Online - jim@...SENIOR EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global HealthCalendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, AssociationNetwork - swalter@...ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online - nancy@...SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue ofHealthy Update, contact sponsor@....SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS: We welcome your suggestions and comments to helpus provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestionsto info@....TELL A FRIEND about Healthy Update! Tell them to subscribe at:http://healthy.net/newsletter/subscribe.asp______________________________________________________________________UNSUBSCRIBEIf you do not wish to receive our Healthy Update email newsletter in thefuture, please visit the following link:http://www.healthy.net/newsletter/unsubscribe.asp?sl=uHealthWorld Online, Inc. 4049 Lyceum Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066______________________________________________________________________"You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Use it." - Rumi

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