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RE: A Dream Board … Where Your Dreams Become Reality!

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Oh what fun! I am going to do this!

Love and Light, Cheryl

May we learn to benefit the life of Earth with peace, humble in our needs,and generous in our giving.Joanne SunshowerCheck out AOL Money Finance's list of the hottest products and top money wasters of 2007.

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Dearest Hine -

Heartfelt thanks for very kindly sharing this beautiful message with us all - I am greatly looking forward to creating my Dream Board.

May all the hopes and dreams you have placed on your board be realised and bring much joy and peace.

Many blessings and much love -

Jayne xxx

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of hine2atchuSent: 26 November 2007 02:31 Subject: [] A Dream Board … Where Your Dreams Become Reality!

Another lesson I am currently working with...have fun!Much Love & gratitude to Dawn Abraham for this! :-)Creating a dream board is very similar to writing out your goals inlife. The main difference being it’s visual.This difference adds an interesting element that has proved to bepowerful for me and many others.I have used the goal setting technique quite often and it has alwaysproven successful. What I like about the “Dream Board†is, the artistview. This is where you are actually creating your board and what yourlife will look like. It invokes more emotion then simply writing outyour goals. Are you ready to start this exciting step in creating the life you want?!First Step:Get a large board like paper. Poster paper is perfect. You will needglue or two sided tape and scissors.Second Step:You will need lots of different types of magazines. You are going tolook for pictures that either show how you want to feel, where youwant to go or want you want to have.*Go crazy here, really go out on a limb. If you want to live on theocean in a beautiful house, find a picture of that house on the ocean.Look for pictures that really light you up inside when you look at them.If you want to lose weight find a picture of the physique you want tohave.If you want to travel cut out pictures of the places you want to go.Find pictures of someone doing the things you want to, sailing orskiing climbing a mountain or hiking.You can cut out words or sentences as well. Anything you cut out isgreat as long as it that inspires and motivates you. If you want toget married, cut out a bride and groom or a wedding picture.If you want to write a book, look for pictures of a computer withsomeone typing.Third StepGet a picture of yourself you really like, where you are happy andfeel good. You are going to paste this in the middle of the board.Fourth StepBefore you begin pasting all your pictures and words take a felt penor glitter and outline the poster board in yellow. This means you aresurrounding your Dream Board with the light it needs to manifest yourvision.Fifth StepOn the middle of the board on the bottom write in black , with a feltpen… This or something better now manifests for me in divine andappropriate timing.Sixth StepYou are now ready to start to create your dream board by pasting yourvision (pictures) on the board.Requirements:Have fun!!! This is really important. You are now taking an importantstep towards seeing and feeling the life you want.Really go for it here..this is your chance to have it all!!! Now thatyou have completed the board there are a few action steps for you to take.Action StepsPut this board somewhere you will see it everyday. Spend at least fiveminutes every morning and five minutes every night before bed lookingat your dream board.Really see the emotions in the pictures you have chosen. Look at thecolors that are on your board. The different places or events thatmake you smile.Now… expect these wonderful things or something better to happen inthe appropriate time. My Dream BoardI had so much fun designing my dream board. I look at it now and somany of the things I put on this board have either come true orsomething even better has happened. The magic from my board is stillgenerating and manifesting itself today.You see I didn’t fool around with my dream board. I went to town!! Itis full of all the wonderful places I intend on traveling and thepeople I want to meet and share my life with.I have yoga poses I want to achieve. I am meditating on the beachoverlooking the ocean at sunrise (I did that in Florida when studyingwith Deepak Chopra, it was incredible) I have inspiring affirmationsthat say:Affirmationsâ€ÂI Am RENEWEDâ€Â“I AM RELAXEDâ€Â“I AM CONFIDENTâ€Â“I AM UNSTOPPABLEâ€Â“I AM FOCUSEDâ€Â“I AM SELF AWAREâ€Â“I AM CALMâ€Â“I AM ENRICHEDâ€Â“I AM PLAYFUL†The sky is the limit. Anything you find that inspires you put that onyour dream board.I have to say that when I first made this board I thought thateverything would happen right away. Some of the things actually didhappen with in a short amount of time while others still had to growfor me. I look back and now realize that if every one of those thingshappened right away I wouldn’t have had time to appreciate and fullyexperience them all.Life is the journey and the journey is life….ENJOY IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com/Dream-Board.html

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