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Re: kind of OT - BPD baby momma drama

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PS she was VERY AWARE that he was looking into taking the 4 year old to a

child therapist. He told her and her mother when I was in the room. She's

claiming he never told her... sounds like typical BPD memory to me. She's

also saying the T is " putting thoughts into their heads " . Hm...

guilty/paranoid conscious?




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PS she was VERY AWARE that he was looking into taking the 4 year old to a

child therapist. He told her and her mother when I was in the room. She's

claiming he never told her... sounds like typical BPD memory to me. She's

also saying the T is " putting thoughts into their heads " . Hm...

guilty/paranoid conscious?




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PS she was VERY AWARE that he was looking into taking the 4 year old to a

child therapist. He told her and her mother when I was in the room. She's

claiming he never told her... sounds like typical BPD memory to me. She's

also saying the T is " putting thoughts into their heads " . Hm...

guilty/paranoid conscious?




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I'm not very familiar with custody laws, but aren't issues like when, where,

who, how often, under what conditions to take children in for non-emergency

medical treatment, psychological therapy, activities, lessons, etc., typically

spelled out in the divorce and custody agreements or mediated occasionally (as

the children's needs change) on an as-needed basis by the lawyers of both

parties? If your fiance's ex-wife is violating the custody agreement, then,

isn't that something for your fiance to take up with his lawyer? Sorry if these

are dumb questions.



> PS she was VERY AWARE that he was looking into taking the 4 year old to a

> child therapist. He told her and her mother when I was in the room. She's

> claiming he never told her... sounds like typical BPD memory to me. She's

> also saying the T is " putting thoughts into their heads " . Hm...

> guilty/paranoid conscious?


> Mia


> Mia

> >




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I'm not very familiar with custody laws, but aren't issues like when, where,

who, how often, under what conditions to take children in for non-emergency

medical treatment, psychological therapy, activities, lessons, etc., typically

spelled out in the divorce and custody agreements or mediated occasionally (as

the children's needs change) on an as-needed basis by the lawyers of both

parties? If your fiance's ex-wife is violating the custody agreement, then,

isn't that something for your fiance to take up with his lawyer? Sorry if these

are dumb questions.



> PS she was VERY AWARE that he was looking into taking the 4 year old to a

> child therapist. He told her and her mother when I was in the room. She's

> claiming he never told her... sounds like typical BPD memory to me. She's

> also saying the T is " putting thoughts into their heads " . Hm...

> guilty/paranoid conscious?


> Mia


> Mia

> >




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I'm not very familiar with custody laws, but aren't issues like when, where,

who, how often, under what conditions to take children in for non-emergency

medical treatment, psychological therapy, activities, lessons, etc., typically

spelled out in the divorce and custody agreements or mediated occasionally (as

the children's needs change) on an as-needed basis by the lawyers of both

parties? If your fiance's ex-wife is violating the custody agreement, then,

isn't that something for your fiance to take up with his lawyer? Sorry if these

are dumb questions.



> PS she was VERY AWARE that he was looking into taking the 4 year old to a

> child therapist. He told her and her mother when I was in the room. She's

> claiming he never told her... sounds like typical BPD memory to me. She's

> also saying the T is " putting thoughts into their heads " . Hm...

> guilty/paranoid conscious?


> Mia


> Mia

> >




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No, they're not dumb questions, Annie. I haven't seen the divorce papers,

so I have no idea what they say. According to him, the one thing he knows

they say is that he has the right to have the kids NO LESS than 2 days a

week. I would assume, if it is not spelled out who is responsible for

doctor care, etc, that whichever parent has them is responsible. I do

believe he is also responsible for having the kids on his insurance, so why

shouldn't he be allowed. Again, I don't know if it is specifically spelled

out or not. All the more reason for him to get a copy since he's lost his

somehow. He said he will go to the courthouse tomorrow to get them. Should

be a 10 or 20 dollar fee. Worth it.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 9:56 PM, anuria67854 wrote:



> I'm not very familiar with custody laws, but aren't issues like when,

> where, who, how often, under what conditions to take children in for

> non-emergency medical treatment, psychological therapy, activities, lessons,

> etc., typically spelled out in the divorce and custody agreements or

> mediated occasionally (as the children's needs change) on an as-needed basis

> by the lawyers of both parties? If your fiance's ex-wife is violating the

> custody agreement, then, isn't that something for your fiance to take up

> with his lawyer? Sorry if these are dumb questions.

> -Annie


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No, they're not dumb questions, Annie. I haven't seen the divorce papers,

so I have no idea what they say. According to him, the one thing he knows

they say is that he has the right to have the kids NO LESS than 2 days a

week. I would assume, if it is not spelled out who is responsible for

doctor care, etc, that whichever parent has them is responsible. I do

believe he is also responsible for having the kids on his insurance, so why

shouldn't he be allowed. Again, I don't know if it is specifically spelled

out or not. All the more reason for him to get a copy since he's lost his

somehow. He said he will go to the courthouse tomorrow to get them. Should

be a 10 or 20 dollar fee. Worth it.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 9:56 PM, anuria67854 wrote:



> I'm not very familiar with custody laws, but aren't issues like when,

> where, who, how often, under what conditions to take children in for

> non-emergency medical treatment, psychological therapy, activities, lessons,

> etc., typically spelled out in the divorce and custody agreements or

> mediated occasionally (as the children's needs change) on an as-needed basis

> by the lawyers of both parties? If your fiance's ex-wife is violating the

> custody agreement, then, isn't that something for your fiance to take up

> with his lawyer? Sorry if these are dumb questions.

> -Annie


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No, they're not dumb questions, Annie. I haven't seen the divorce papers,

so I have no idea what they say. According to him, the one thing he knows

they say is that he has the right to have the kids NO LESS than 2 days a

week. I would assume, if it is not spelled out who is responsible for

doctor care, etc, that whichever parent has them is responsible. I do

believe he is also responsible for having the kids on his insurance, so why

shouldn't he be allowed. Again, I don't know if it is specifically spelled

out or not. All the more reason for him to get a copy since he's lost his

somehow. He said he will go to the courthouse tomorrow to get them. Should

be a 10 or 20 dollar fee. Worth it.


On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 9:56 PM, anuria67854 wrote:



> I'm not very familiar with custody laws, but aren't issues like when,

> where, who, how often, under what conditions to take children in for

> non-emergency medical treatment, psychological therapy, activities, lessons,

> etc., typically spelled out in the divorce and custody agreements or

> mediated occasionally (as the children's needs change) on an as-needed basis

> by the lawyers of both parties? If your fiance's ex-wife is violating the

> custody agreement, then, isn't that something for your fiance to take up

> with his lawyer? Sorry if these are dumb questions.

> -Annie


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Nothing in all the world quite as dangerous as a psych major , or a college

freshman who just took psych 101. Knows just enough to be dangerous, not enough

to help.

Ever seen Miracle on 34th Street? In the original, Mr Sawyer, a man hired to

give aptitude tests, sets up as an amateur psychologist and creates all sorts of

havoc for everyone. Anything he has read, he becomes an instant expert on.

He turns a tiny bump on the head into a major felonious assault. He tries to

create the impression that Santa Claus is nuts, in order to defect attention

from his screw ups. He..

Hey! He is a BP!


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Nothing in all the world quite as dangerous as a psych major , or a college

freshman who just took psych 101. Knows just enough to be dangerous, not enough

to help.

Ever seen Miracle on 34th Street? In the original, Mr Sawyer, a man hired to

give aptitude tests, sets up as an amateur psychologist and creates all sorts of

havoc for everyone. Anything he has read, he becomes an instant expert on.

He turns a tiny bump on the head into a major felonious assault. He tries to

create the impression that Santa Claus is nuts, in order to defect attention

from his screw ups. He..

Hey! He is a BP!


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Nothing in all the world quite as dangerous as a psych major , or a college

freshman who just took psych 101. Knows just enough to be dangerous, not enough

to help.

Ever seen Miracle on 34th Street? In the original, Mr Sawyer, a man hired to

give aptitude tests, sets up as an amateur psychologist and creates all sorts of

havoc for everyone. Anything he has read, he becomes an instant expert on.

He turns a tiny bump on the head into a major felonious assault. He tries to

create the impression that Santa Claus is nuts, in order to defect attention

from his screw ups. He..

Hey! He is a BP!


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lol Doug, yep. I agree whole heartedly. And as a nursing student, I'd even

say that hell yes... nursing students are also dangerous in the same aspect!

I've said that before & I will say it again... I know just enough to be

dangerous, not enough to help!! LOL.

But, the BPD mentality here... " It's all about me " and " It's MY field of

expertise " . Ego too big to realize that she's not an expert, she does not

have letters behind her name and she's still pretty darn far (about 2 years

out) from having a Bachelors degree... a Bachelors degree in psych or

sociology will earn you a nice job flipping burgers at your local fast food

joint. So she is very far from being the say-all-be-all-end-all of the

psych field. Just like me with nursing... even when I'm done & licensed...

I will STILL HAVE A LOT to learn! God I'm not stupid enough or so full of

myself not to see & know that. Why is it so hard for BPDs to see that?

As for Miracle on 34th street, yes, I have seen it but not in a reaaaaaally

long time. Sounds BPDish to me, Doug!

Ugh I am so tired of this nightmare twisting and ripping lives apart. Tired

of the " I'm always right " mentality (read: baby momma's mentality... also

nadas). Heave that giant boulder of a chip off of your shoulder and

realize... you do not know it all... you never will.

Oh wait... I forgot that I'm talking about people who are most likely BPD.

Good luck with that. /cringe.


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At least with a nurse you don t treat patients until you pass your

boards. A person who has read a medical book doesnt stitch wounds in K

Mart. But words are easy to bandy about.

I can remember how nervous my daughter was before she tested for her

ACLS cert. She passed with flying colors, and then was in a cold sweat

because her nursing sup told her the next code ( she works ICU ) is all

yours. I ll be there if you need me, but YOU are going to run it.

Borderlines have NO such qualms.



> lol Doug, yep. I agree whole heartedly. And as a nursing student,

I'd even

> say that hell yes... nursing students are also dangerous in the same


> I've said that before & I will say it again... I know just enough to


> dangerous, not enough to help!! LOL.


> But, the BPD mentality here... " It's all about me " and " It's MY field


> expertise " . Ego too big to realize that she's not an expert, she does


> have letters behind her name and she's still pretty darn far (about 2


> out) from having a Bachelors degree... a Bachelors degree in psych or

> sociology will earn you a nice job flipping burgers at your local fast


> joint. So she is very far from being the say-all-be-all-end-all of


> psych field. Just like me with nursing... even when I'm done &


> I will STILL HAVE A LOT to learn! God I'm not stupid enough or so

full of

> myself not to see & know that. Why is it so hard for BPDs to see



> As for Miracle on 34th street, yes, I have seen it but not in a


> long time. Sounds BPDish to me, Doug!


> Ugh I am so tired of this nightmare twisting and ripping lives apart.


> of the " I'm always right " mentality (read: baby momma's mentality...


> nadas). Heave that giant boulder of a chip off of your shoulder and

> realize... you do not know it all... you never will.


> Oh wait... I forgot that I'm talking about people who are most likely


> Good luck with that. /cringe.


> Mia




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This is true, Doug.

I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand why

they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the ACLS

cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I had

pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing. Yuck.

I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!

I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for medical

treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be offering

to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm trying

to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating people

with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.


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This is true, Doug.

I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand why

they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the ACLS

cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I had

pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing. Yuck.

I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!

I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for medical

treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be offering

to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm trying

to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating people

with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.


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Sorry. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a Critical Care Rn.

Works ICU, and loves it


> This is true, Doug.


> I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand


> they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the


> cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I


> pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing.



> I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

> terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!


> I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for


> treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be


> to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm


> to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating


> with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.


> Mia




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Sorry. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a Critical Care Rn.

Works ICU, and loves it


> This is true, Doug.


> I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand


> they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the


> cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I


> pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing.



> I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

> terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!


> I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for


> treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be


> to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm


> to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating


> with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.


> Mia




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Sorry. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a Critical Care Rn.

Works ICU, and loves it


> This is true, Doug.


> I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand


> they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the


> cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I


> pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing.



> I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

> terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!


> I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for


> treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be


> to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm


> to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating


> with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.


> Mia




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AAAAh ok! So google lied to me lol. It said something about IV

certification. Also very important ;-)

But yes, ACLS.... very important!




> Sorry. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a Critical Care Rn.

> Works ICU, and loves it




> >

> > This is true, Doug.

> >

> > I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand

> why

> > they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the


> > cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I

> had

> > pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing.

> Yuck.

> >

> > I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

> > terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!

> >

> > I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for

> medical

> > treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be

> offering

> > to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm

> trying

> > to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating

> people

> > with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.

> >

> > Mia

> >

> >

> >

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AAAAh ok! So google lied to me lol. It said something about IV

certification. Also very important ;-)

But yes, ACLS.... very important!




> Sorry. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a Critical Care Rn.

> Works ICU, and loves it




> >

> > This is true, Doug.

> >

> > I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand

> why

> > they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the


> > cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I

> had

> > pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing.

> Yuck.

> >

> > I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

> > terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!

> >

> > I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for

> medical

> > treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be

> offering

> > to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm

> trying

> > to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating

> people

> > with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.

> >

> > Mia

> >

> >

> >

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AAAAh ok! So google lied to me lol. It said something about IV

certification. Also very important ;-)

But yes, ACLS.... very important!




> Sorry. Advanced Cardiac Life Support. She is a Critical Care Rn.

> Works ICU, and loves it




> >

> > This is true, Doug.

> >

> > I do bet your daughter was super nervous! I really don't understand

> why

> > they don't train us in school to run IVs (I had to look up what the


> > cert. was because I honestly didn't know LOL). I think the nurse I

> had

> > pre-op needed a refresher course due to two IVs she placed infusing.

> Yuck.

> >

> > I mean, I know it happens, that's for sure. I can also imagine how

> > terrifying it would be to be told " you run the next code " Oy!

> >

> > I am glad there are strong & stringent laws & ethics in place for

> medical

> > treatment, otherwise every BPD who did read a medical book would be

> offering

> > to stitch you up in K Mart! Ok, now that's not really fair, but I'm

> trying

> > to make a joke here. Baby momma would probably all ready be treating

> people

> > with psychiatric issues. Now THAT is one scary thought. /shudder.

> >

> > Mia

> >

> >

> >

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