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Let Goodness take its place

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message by Larry Merculieff

I have been asked to give you some messages from the spiritual leaders

of the Hopi and [also the] Maori people from New Zealand.

One thing to know before I start. The people who are here today are

here for a reason. It is no accident that you are going to be here to

hear this message, and it is up to you whether or not you want to use

this message of wisdom that has been given by the Hopi and Maori. If

you do not use it, I would ask you pass it along to others.

When I have to speak before a group, I never know what I am going to

say. The only thing I can do is clear my mind, clear my body, and pray

for the messages given from the people that I have been sent here to

give the messages for. And I pray to the Creator to help. When I came

here, I also prayed for the help of the Spirit of the land; The

Spirits of your ancestors; The Spirit of the river; The Spirit of the

animals; The Spirit of the trees; and The Spirit of the wind, because

each area of the world has their own guardian. Even this group now has

it's own guardians. They are here now they are sitting with us, and

so, I ask for their help when I talk.

The messages I carry, come from the Hopi, Maori and the Stony Elders,

who are part of the great Sioux Nation in Alberta, also from the White

Bison Society. I will explain what this is.

What the Hopi [and the] Maori wanted us to know here in Alaska and all

the villages, is that we are moving into the what they call the World

of the 5th Hoop. The Navajo called it moving into the 5th World. Maybe

amongst some of the elders of the Athabascan people there are similar

things that are being said about this time. It is a message of hope.

They know of the sicknesses that made them suffer. They know of the

fights that have been going on between the organization and the

villages. They know of the struggle between villages and within

regions and between regions. They know about the alcohol abuse and

accidental deaths due to alcohol, the suicides, the high blood

pressure, failing health, heart problems, all these things that our

people in Alaska have been facing. In my years working for my people,

I have traveled all over the State. And it is pretty much the same

everywhere... the kind of problems we are experiencing.

.. This message is a message of hope. They say that moving into this

time, of the World of the 5th Hoop, is a time when all the four sacred

powers are going to be reconnected. They are the

red-white-black-yellow. They wanted me to know that, among the Hopi,

they are the keepers of the sacred stone tablets for the sacred red

power - that includes all of us. They wanted me to know that they have

the sacred stone tablets in Tibet, in the mountains, kept by the

Tibetan Monks, in the same way that the Tibetans have their sacred

stone tablet with the Hopi.

There are four sacred stone tablets that were given. The sacred black

color has theirs in a small village in Africa. They cannot exchange it

with the sacred white color because they lost theirs. But the Hopi

wisdom keepers say that they are soon to find this stone. Very soon in

this time. If you look at the maps where the people of Hopi live and

Tibetans live, [it] is exactly on opposite parts of the world of the

Mother Earth. The Hopi word for love is the Tibetan word for hate. And

the Tibetan word for love is the Hopi word for hate. The same word,

but exactly opposite meanings. They say that this is necessary to help

keep the balance of Mother Earth. And that there are keepers of this

balance that are around the world like us.

In moving into this time of the World of the 5th Hoop, it is going to

be a time of great healing. There is going to be great healing that is

going to start, and the Hopi say that it is going to start in the

North. I have learned just recently that it is going to start in Alaska.

The Hopi told me that this time of great healing is going to be shown

by several signs. One is when a hoop of a hundred eagle feathers is


In this time of healing, the message of hope from the Hopi [and] Maori

and the Stony Elders, I was invited to Sacred Ceremony by the Stony

Elders. The youngest was 77 and the oldest was 106. No one spoke any

English during the whole time I was in the Sacred Ceremony, which

lasted 3 hours. . " We know that your people in Alaska, in many

villages, believe that they have lost their culture, the cultural

wisdom and their ways. We are praying to the Creator. We want you to

know of the message that has been given to us so that you would take

it back to Alaska.

The message that they received for us is that our cultures are not

dead. All the wisdom that has been collected in our cultures, since

time immemorial, is being kept for us, waiting for us, to awaken in

our spirits. We will awaken our spirits again. When that happens

things will be revealed of the old wisdoms. Things that have been

forgotten for a long time are going to be brought back; Art- Music-

Song- Dance- Storytelling- Spiritual- Wisdom- knowledge, and the

wisdom of how to work with Mother Earth, will all be restored.

They also want us to know that among the Hopi and Maori there are

people who do nothing but pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days

a year, every year of their lives. That is all they do. In rotation,

they pray around the clock for other people. In this prayer is where

they have seen some of these things that are about to happen. The

healing that is going to take place, the advice that has been given to

us, is " Seek not to fight evil-- do not fight it-- let goodness take

its place. " So when we see bad things happen and when we fight those

bad things, what we do hurts everybody. Fighting evil has spiritual

energies that go to the ends of universe, affects everybody in the


When I come into community, I can feel the energies that are created.

We are all affected by it. You know, sometimes you watch little kids

when a stranger walks into the room [and], all of a sudden, the child

just cries. Sometimes this happens, or, they love the stranger. What

they are doing is taking their God given, Creator given, way of

talents, skills, gifts, to feel the spirit of the other person.

Because everybody give out these energies. So we have to, they say, be

very careful. This is part of the wisdom amongst the great Athabascan

People and most indigenous people throughout the world. We must take

care of how we think-- how we feel.

The signs of this time of healing that is to start are:

When the children bring back the spirit to the village; when the young

start speaking with the wisdom of the elders; when the leadership

energies start shifting to the feminine side; when this hoop of the

100 eagles feathers gets completed. And when the White Bison shows up.

These are all the signs of the movement from the 4th to the 5th Hoop.

The center of the top of the energy entrance to the Earth Mother is

here through Alaska. The spiritual leaders say that a host, hosts of

angels, are coming through Alaska-- spreading out throughout the world

for this healing to take place.

There are some predictions in the sacred stone tablets among the

wisdom keepers about what is going to happen here in this World of the

5th Hoop. Not only are we going to have this healing but the Earth

Mother is going to shake in a way that it has never shook before. It

is going to move in a way it has never done before. There is going to

be a lot of fear because of this, and the wisdom keepers want me to

convey that, when this happens, we should not be afraid. Because, what

is happening is that the Earth Mother is trying to help us remove the

stuff that we have stuck in our bodies, inherited from the spiritual

sickness of generations and generations out. And one of the ways that

we do that is to scare the life out of us. This is why there is going

to be time for healers.

Healers are being called from all over.

Women are now taking their place as the original healers around the

world .

Not only [will there be] the shift to the feminine side of leadership,

but the women are going to start taking their place as healers. I

think this is an exciting time. The Dalai Lama went down to Yakutan

during the last change of the moon, with all the spiritual leaders, to

pray for this time of the shift, this time of healing. And he has

'chosen'-- and this is the words that they use, which are hard to

understand-- he has chosen to take the spiritual energies that they

have been keeping in Tibet and move them from Tibet and bring them

here to Alaska.

.. The reason they did this is because the Chinese are wiping out the

Tibetan Monks and destroying all the temples. So the Dalai Lama moved

its spiritual energy here to Alaska, because this is the place where

the healing is going to start. And this is the place where all the

Angels are coming in by hosts. This is the place where the hoop of a

hundred eagle feathers will be finished. And, interestingly enough,

some of the healing ways are being revived from all the cultures.

People are being woken up.

How do we start this healing? When you are quiet within yourself and

you sit next to the river-- ask. Do not be afraid to ask. Ask the

Creator. Ask whoever you feel is your higher power, " Please help me

find the way because I do not know how to heal. " " Make me your

history. " And when you ask that, with humility in your heart, you will

get it. You will find it. And it will be given to you, you will see

this healing starting to spread like wild fire. It is just exciting.

Exciting to see. And the key to it is staying here, now.

I know inside, you will recognize these words to be true. Your

intuition is going to tell you what I am saying is true. The world for

the last 4,000 or so years has been stuck in the male energy side. The

male energy is thinking from the brain. It is a management from the

top down. It is more aggressive. It does not use intuition or feelings

from the heart. It is a different kind of energy. It is not a bad

energy. It is just different than the female energy. Female energy is

healing, nurturing, loving, caring, touching, sharing. And that the

world spiritual leaders know now that these energies have been male

and now have shifted to the female side.

So, that is the message that I have brought to you. This is a message

of hope and a message of good wisdom. Remember, our cultures are not

lost. The wisdom of it is already here with us. We just do not know it

yet, because we are spiritually sleeping.

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