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Let the Spirit World Help You

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Let the Spirit World Help Youby Choquette, Ph.D. As

a person who grew up in a six-sensory world where there was virtually

no veil between the physical and non-physical worlds, it seemed only

natural to me to receive help from the spirit world. In addition to the

spirit helpers I met at home, I found even more evidence of spirit

helpers in my Catholic school on the west side of Denver. There, I was

introduced to angels and the saints, Mother , Jesus, of course, and

the biggest spirit of all, the Holy Spirit and told of their endless

love and support for me at all times.With all that in place I

knew I couldn’t miss. I went to mass every morning, lit candles to get

my spirit guides’ attention, and had heartfelt conversations imploring

them to intercede for me on all matters, including helping with tests,

getting a good seat in the lunchroom, and, of course, winning my

volleyball and basketball games. As far as I was concerned the

spirit guides listened. I did do well on tests. I did have unusual luck

in the lunchroom, and I did win an awful lot of volleyball games. And

why shouldn’t I. I not only prayed to the spirit helpers and guides for

assistance. I absolutely believed they responded. I felt their help and

their presence. I assumed everyone did, at least until third grade when

my best friend Susie complained about being unable to go to the local

swimming pool with my family because her mom said no, and I suggested

she ask her guides to help change her mother’s mind. She didn’t know

what I was talking about. When I explained it to her she said I was

weird.Not wanting to risk my already tentative social position

at school, I laughed off her comment and suggested we do something at

her house instead.From then on I realized that the rich world

of spirit from which I drew such comfort was virtually unknown to most

people around me. Over time I’ve also come to believe our disconnection

from the spirit world is a Western soul disease in which

industrialization and intellectualism have snatched us from our

heartsâ€"the place we meet and commune with spiritâ€"and planted as

squarely in our headsâ€"the place where our egos reign over us with

threats of isolation and annihilation.I believe disconnecting

from the spirit world and your inner guidance is an energetic

disturbance that is much like being a radio dial drifting from its

desired station. You begin to tune into a lot of static instead and get

confused and lost.The good news is that whatever the reason for the

separation, with a little effort you can reset your inner dial back to

your heart and reconnect once again. To begin, it’s important

to understand what you can expect to tune into when you join with your

spirit guides. You see, there are many levels of spirit guides and

non-physical entities and energies in the spirit world, all vibrating

on their unique frequencies, much like multiple radio stations

simultaneously sending out unique signals. Each guide has its own

frequency, some higher then others. We also have our own frequency and

vibration.Those of us who remember we are spiritual beings live

in our hearts and have a high vibration not too distant from the

spiritual frequencies of those in the non-physical plane making

connection with spirit guides easier.Those of us who have

forgotten we are spiritual beings and identify with our minds and

bodies have a lower vibration further on the frequency range from

spirit guides, so the connection is much more difficult to establish.

This is why some people are more aware of guides than others.Because

we are all physical and non-physical alike, our energy being in

vibrational motion, we can be characterized as different radio bands

broadcasting at different levels.The higher our vibration, the greater

the connection we can make with our spirit guides.There are

many kinds of guidance with which we can connect: guides who are people

who have once lived; guides of past family members; guides from past

lives you’ve shared; guides who come in as spiritual teachers to

oversee your path; healers who can assist your physical and emotional

care; helpers who make day-to-day living easier; nature spirits and

elementals to connect you with the earth; animal spirits to guide your

path; even joy guides to keep your own spirits up when life becomes too

heavy and hard. There are angels, saints, divas, masters, and God.In fact, the spirit world is as populated as oursâ€"myriad different guides working on different frequencies all the time.Because

every thing in the Universe is spirit, vibrating at different

frequencies, it is only natural that we, as spiritual beings, are able

to connect with other spirit frequencies. If we recognize ourselves as

spirit, we can more easily recognize the spirits of the non-physical

world as well.To begin connecting with your spirit guides,

start first by connecting with your own spirit. How would you describe

your spirit? Not your mind. Not your body. But the eternal fiery life

force called you. Can you describe your spirit? Is it gentle? Fiery?

Commanding? Tentative? Creative? Shy? Playful?

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