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Indigo Adults

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excerpts from'Indigo Adults'by Kabir Jaffe & Ritama son

Heightened emotional & energetic sensitivity

One of the primary qualities that Indigo Souls carry is a heightened sensitivity. What this means is you feel deeper on both an emotional and an energetic level. You sense the emotional currents and moods in yourself or in other people. And on an energetic level you can sense the subtle vibrations of a person or a location. You can sense the vibrations from nature, machines, animals, etc. You can sense beneath surface appearances to the "nuances" that are happening - if a person is sad or happy or collapsed - things like that. This gift allows you a deeper level of intimacy with life, because it allows you to be more fine-tuned in relating.At the same time, it brings you certain challenges. The majority of people are not aware of the energetic dimension of themselves. For example, something happens in an interaction and a person gets emotionally hurt. You ask them if they are okay, and they say that they are fine and nothing is wrong. But you can sense that they are hurt, that they are collapsed, that they are defensive, that something has shifted in them. You pick up these energetic subtleties quite accurately. However, most people don't register them so clearly, and are often in denial of them.It is often strange for you in communicating or interacting, because you want to relate to the truth of what is there, but the normal level of communication is based on the roles and masks that hide rather than reveal the truth. The result is that many Indigo Souls learn to distrust themselves. Instead of saying, "Well, I am seeing that this person is hurt, even if they are denying it.", you say to yourself, "Well, I must be imagining things, maybe I am just making it up". You may not trust yourself and your perceptions. This makes you a little bit insecure. Your gut level response is to the truth of what is there, but the situation makes you respond to the surface, and that is an untruth, it is a role, it is not solid.

Sense of "Calling" & "Purpose"

One of the most important forces inside of Indigo souls is your sense of "calling" or "purpose". It can be felt in many ways - you may have a sense that you are here for a reason, or that you have something to do, or that you have something to unfold in yourself, or that you have something to contribute to the world. Whatever its form, this calling is often one of the strongest driving forces within Indigos. In many ways it may be the central point around which your life revolves.In the beginning, this may not be so clear. There may just be a vague sense of longing or desire. There maybe a general sense of, "Oh I would like to do something more meaningful in my life". Or in many cases, it's felt not as a feeling of calling, but as a feeling of dissatisfaction. You are unhappy with living mundane, with living in a box. And even that is not often so clear - it may be just felt as restlessness or general dissatisfaction, or perhaps a light depression.In what ever way its felt, this sense of meaning is at the core of who you are. You cannot just live your life without meaning and purpose. You cannot just live selfishly. You can certainly live a "normal" life, normal meaning having a family, going to work etc., but within this situation there is a need for doing things in a way that uplifts your spirit, that matters to your heart. Things have to have a higher value that gives you the feeling that you are contributing to making the world a little bit better.That sense of making the world better is core to your purpose and your calling. It may take simple forms - perhaps making the world a little better by not doing other people harm, or helping people be a little happier in how you interact with them. Or perhaps your sense of purpose takes a more powerful form. Perhaps you desire to work in a profession that helps people, or to work with the environment, or a charity, or research for the greater good. There is a fundamental desire to do something with your life that makes a positive contribution. That feeling becomes more and more powerful over time.Some people are born with it as a powerful passion from early on. In other people it gradually unfolds, but in either case, your life becomes measured according to that standard. If you are living your life according to your calling, it brings a certain fulfillment. There is a feeling of, "I am living a right life", I am living what I am here for". If you are not living according to that, there is an emptiness, as if there is something missing, an "existential dissatisfaction".

Part of your purpose is to bea transformer of the world matrix

By reaching towards ideals you are transforming various energies and patterns that sit within your mind and psyche energy field. By wrestling with these patterns they are gradually shifting and transforming inside of you. We spoke about the matrix earlier, and how, though we feel ourselves as a separate isolated person struggling with our separate issues, in reality we are part of the great matrix, the great field of energy of the Earth.The Matrix has certain vibratory patterns and structures woven in it. Those energy patterns operate like a "cookie cutter" in which they stamp or mold certain parts of our psyche.Though you know this already, I want to again emphasize the point because it is so central to the expansion of consciousness process we are all in. When we were born and grew up, our psyche was being energetically molded by patterns within the collective matrix. Those patterns are in you, and those patterns are in millions and millions of other people. And not only are they in you, they are linked: my patterns are linked to your patterns through energetic threads that are invisible to the naked eye but are threads linking us together in the energy world. So as you are aspiring, and stretching, and reaching towards these ideals, what you are doing is transforming a piece of the collective energy pattern. It is not just your own energy transforming; you are actually transforming a piece of the world matrix.In a sense, one aspect of your purpose is to be a "human transformer". You are here, as the old alchemists used to say, "to change lead into gold", and that transformation is happening within your own body and energy field. As I mentioned earlier, by transforming it within yourself you are lifting the matrix a little bit. As millions and millions of people work on exactly the same issues that you are working on, you are working on yours, and they are working on theirs, then all together we are transforming this strand of energy that is woven through the collective. And as you do that, the collective energy starts vibrating at a higher frequency. It starts holding a new, lighter, more life supportive vibration. You begin to embody the ideals and the higher frequencies of energy that are living in your Soul, and you are bringing them down into this plane of reality.

So we could say that your purpose has several core factors:

1. To be a human transformerYou do that by working on your issues and patterns, your "stuff". A lot of us feel that "if I am a spiritual person, then I should feel good, and I should be happy, then I have arrived". I would like to say to you that what you actually should be doing is on a regular basis hitting stuff, and working with it, and transforming it. So the more imperfections you hit, the more stuff you hit, the more you are contributing to the light, to the building of the new. I am especially telling your critic this, so that your critic can give you a pat on the back every time you hit another imperfection. Then you can say, "Great, I have earned another ten points in terms of being a planetary energy transformer".2. Holding higher and higher frequencies of energyYour Soul holds immense qualities and frequencies of energies. What we are doing is transforming lower vibratory frequencies of energy into higher frequencies of energy. An essential part of this process is bringing the qualities of the Soul, which open through the Crown chakra, down into the Core Channel, into the chakras and the body. We call this process "holding light". You are here to hold light in yourself as an energy being.3. Holding and living new ways of BeingYour Soul holds ideals of new ways of Being. You hold pictures of the new forms of relating, which are more heartful, more authentic and have more depth. You hold pictures of new forms of communication, where we speak in more honest and authentic ways. You hold images of new ways of using power that have more heart and more respect. You hold ideals of the new relationship between the Soul and the body, between the Spirit and the Earth. You hold ideas concerning almost every area of life - healing, the body, business, child rearing, family, education, science, religion, etc.

Planetary Initiation & the 5th Kingdom

The Earth as an evolving entity has developed four kingdoms, the mineral, plant, animal and human. The human kingdom has now reached a point in its evolution where a next step can happen through it - a next step for the living entity of the Earth itself. We say that the Earth is evolving its next kingdom.This next kingdom is referred to as the fifth Kingdom, or the Kingdom of Souls. What this means is that for the first time, these many souls that have been a part of the inner dimension of the life of the Earth, can incarnate and retain the full consciousness of themselves as souls. Previous to this time, when a Soul would incarnate into the human vehicle, due to the limitations of the human vehicle, only a fragment of the soul's consciousness could be embodied. Though the soul was the indwelling and animating life of the body, the majority of the consciousness of the soul remained outside of and disconnected from the body, the personality and the mind. To a great extent, this "vehicle" of the body/personality, ran primarily on instinctual- bio- computer programs that had been built up over millions and millions of years of evolution.Let me use an example to help explain this. Most of you have had what are commonly called "spiritual experiences" - moments of a wider consciousness, moments of connection to "something higher". Perhaps you call it your higher self, your soul, the Masters or Angels, your guides or God. For a moment your consciousness was elevated into another level. And then you lost it again. When you were in that consciousness you saw the world differently, you felt differently, and you might have acted differently. You became a different person from who you normally are.What happened is that for a moment you went beyond the limited consciousness of the human vehicle and touched the plane of the soul and the higher consciousness of the inner world. But for various reasons which we'll look at in a moment, you couldn't hold that full connection for long. You then you fell back into a more normal consciousness, and certainly a more difficult consciousness - full of the normal spectrum of emotions and thoughts - the fears, greed's, insecurities, prejudices, reactions, etc. etc. which normally dominate our lives. Much of this is the instinctual-bio-computer programs of our evolution.What is happening at this point in the Earth's and our evolution is that the human vehicle has reached a sufficient level of development that more of the full consciousness of the Soul can be present when we are incarnate. This is referred to as the "Fifth Kingdom", because an entirely new consciousness is becoming manifest on the planet. This means new energies, new ways of perception, new energetic states, and on and on. This is a very significant shift. A radical shift. If we look back at the Earth's history, the Earth has evolved four kingdoms. Now the Earth is evolving a fifth. And this fifth kingdom is happening through the human kingdom. In the past the plant kingdom built upon the mineral kingdom. Then the animal kingdom emerged out of the plant kingdom. And the human kingdom emerged out of the animal kingdom. Now the kingdom of souls is emerging out of the human kingdom.This jump is taking place for the Earth as a whole, and therefore for the entirety of humanity. Though we have always had a few individuals who were able to retain soul consciousness while incarnate -these we've recognized as our great geniuses or the spiritually enlightened - they were a rare exception. The vast majority of people lived in the more limited instinctual-based consciousness. Now, the Earth is taking this step in the evolution of it's consciousness through the human kingdom.This is called a "Planetary Initiation". A Planetary Initiation is when the Earth as a whole takes a step in its consciousness, a quantum jump in its evolution. The Earth has taken four Initiations in its evolution, and at each Initiation brought form a new kingdom - the mineral, plant, animal and human, and now its ready to take it's fifth Initiation.As I mentioned previously, Initiation this happens through the human kingdom. That means you and me. Think about that for a moment. In you is happening a vast evolutionary unfoldment. Though we tend to think our spirituality, our personal growth, our issues and challenges are "mine", they are actually the reflection of a vast process at work.The mechanism through which this happens is via the Antahkarana, the cord that links the soul to the body/personality. The full consciousness of the soul sits in an eight chakra about one foot above the head. It can be visualized as a sphere of bright light above the head. When you look at a new born child this direct connection between the soul and the personality is still relatively intact. That is why you see such wisdom in a new born. You see a soul in such purity looking back at you. But very rapidly, due to three factors: the natural turning on of the instincts as the body comes into action; the dense vibrations that the soul encounters upon birth, and the conditioning process that the soul undergoes through interaction with people and life situations, the Antahkarana becomes smaller and the soul consciousness diminishes. Only a very little consciousness comes through it. What comes through primarily is the life energy.So this cord has two components - the life cord, and the consciousness cord. In the incarnation and growth process, we 'lose consciousness' and become identified with the body/ personality - with the mind, emotions, instincts and experiences, until we have almost entirely lost contact with soul consciousness. We forget ourselves as souls and come to identify with the body/personality. This is called falling asleep.But even though the Antahkarana diminishes and our consciousness falls asleep, the cord never disappears. It can be developed and opened. The consciousness of the soul can be re-accessed. That is what any authentic spiritual path is ultimately about. It builds the connection to our soul and a higher force. It builds the Antahkarana.This process has been always going on for a small number of people. But not the majority. But imagine what would happen when the consciousness cord is built in millions and millions of people. Great numbers of people start waking up to their Soul - they start becoming aware of themselves as non-physical spiritual/energetic entities.



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Color me Indigo. This speaks to me.

Thank you, Cheryl.





> excerpts from

> 'Indigo Adults'

> by Kabir Jaffe & Ritama son





> Heightened emotional & energetic sensitivity


> One of the primary qualities that Indigo Souls carry is a


> sensitivity. What this means is you feel deeper on both an

emotional and

> an energetic level. You sense the emotional currents and moods in

> yourself or in other people. And on an energetic level you can

sense the

> subtle vibrations of a person or a location. You can sense the

> vibrations from nature, machines, animals, etc. You can sense


> surface appearances to the " nuances " that are happening - if a

person is

> sad or happy or collapsed - things like that. This gift allows you


> deeper level of intimacy with life, because it allows you to be


> fine-tuned in relating.


> At the same time, it brings you certain challenges. The majority of

> people are not aware of the energetic dimension of themselves. For

> example, something happens in an interaction and a person gets

> emotionally hurt. You ask them if they are okay, and they say that


> are fine and nothing is wrong. But you can sense that they are


> that they are collapsed, that they are defensive, that something


> shifted in them. You pick up these energetic subtleties quite

> accurately. However, most people don't register them so clearly,

and are

> often in denial of them.


> It is often strange for you in communicating or interacting,

because you

> want to relate to the truth of what is there, but the normal level


> communication is based on the roles and masks that hide rather than

> reveal the truth. The result is that many Indigo Souls learn to


> themselves. Instead of saying, " Well, I am seeing that this person


> hurt, even if they are denying it. " , you say to yourself, " Well, I


> be imagining things, maybe I am just making it up " . You may not


> yourself and your perceptions. This makes you a little bit


> Your gut level response is to the truth of what is there, but the

> situation makes you respond to the surface, and that is an

untruth, it

> is a role, it is not solid.


> Sense of " Calling " & " Purpose "


> One of the most important forces inside of Indigo souls is your

sense of

> " calling " or " purpose " . It can be felt in many ways - you may have


> sense that you are here for a reason, or that you have something

to do,

> or that you have something to unfold in yourself, or that you have

> something to contribute to the world. Whatever its form, this

calling is

> often one of the strongest driving forces within Indigos. In many


> it may be the central point around which your life revolves.


> In the beginning, this may not be so clear. There may just be a


> sense of longing or desire. There maybe a general sense of, " Oh I


> like to do something more meaningful in my life " . Or in many

cases, it's

> felt not as a feeling of calling, but as a feeling of


> You are unhappy with living mundane, with living in a box. And

even that

> is not often so clear - it may be just felt as restlessness or


> dissatisfaction, or perhaps a light depression.


> In what ever way its felt, this sense of meaning is at the core of


> you are. You cannot just live your life without meaning and

purpose. You

> cannot just live selfishly. You can certainly live a " normal " life,

> normal meaning having a family, going to work etc., but within this

> situation there is a need for doing things in a way that uplifts


> spirit, that matters to your heart. Things have to have a higher


> that gives you the feeling that you are contributing to making the


> a little bit better.


> That sense of making the world better is core to your purpose and


> calling. It may take simple forms - perhaps making the world a


> better by not doing other people harm, or helping people be a


> happier in how you interact with them. Or perhaps your sense of


> takes a more powerful form. Perhaps you desire to work in a


> that helps people, or to work with the environment, or a charity,


> research for the greater good. There is a fundamental desire to do

> something with your life that makes a positive contribution. That

> feeling becomes more and more powerful over time.


> Some people are born with it as a powerful passion from early on.


> other people it gradually unfolds, but in either case, your life


> measured according to that standard. If you are living your life

> according to your calling, it brings a certain fulfillment. There

is a

> feeling of, " I am living a right life " , I am living what I am here

for " .

> If you are not living according to that, there is an emptiness, as


> there is something missing, an " existential dissatisfaction " .


> Part of your purpose is to be

> a transformer of the world matrix


> By reaching towards ideals you are transforming various energies


> patterns that sit within your mind and psyche energy field. By


> with these patterns they are gradually shifting and transforming


> of you. We spoke about the matrix earlier, and how, though we feel

> ourselves as a separate isolated person struggling with our


> issues, in reality we are part of the great matrix, the great

field of

> energy of the Earth.


> The Matrix has certain vibratory patterns and structures woven in


> Those energy patterns operate like a " cookie cutter " in which they


> or mold certain parts of our psyche.


> Though you know this already, I want to again emphasize the point

> because it is so central to the expansion of consciousness process


> are all in. When we were born and grew up, our psyche was being

> energetically molded by patterns within the collective matrix.


> patterns are in you, and those patterns are in millions and

millions of

> other people. And not only are they in you, they are linked: my


> are linked to your patterns through energetic threads that are


> to the naked eye but are threads linking us together in the energy

> world. So as you are aspiring, and stretching, and reaching towards

> these ideals, what you are doing is transforming a piece of the

> collective energy pattern. It is not just your own energy


> you are actually transforming a piece of the world matrix.


> In a sense, one aspect of your purpose is to be a " human

transformer " .

> You are here, as the old alchemists used to say, " to change lead


> gold " , and that transformation is happening within your own body


> energy field. As I mentioned earlier, by transforming it within


> you are lifting the matrix a little bit. As millions and millions


> people work on exactly the same issues that you are working on,

you are

> working on yours, and they are working on theirs, then all

together we

> are transforming this strand of energy that is woven through the

> collective. And as you do that, the collective energy starts


> at a higher frequency. It starts holding a new, lighter, more life

> supportive vibration. You begin to embody the ideals and the higher

> frequencies of energy that are living in your Soul, and you are


> them down into this plane of reality.





> So we could say that your

> purpose has several core factors:


> 1. To be a human transformer


> You do that by working on your issues and patterns, your " stuff " .

A lot

> of us feel that " if I am a spiritual person, then I should feel


> and I should be happy, then I have arrived " . I would like to say

to you

> that what you actually should be doing is on a regular basis


> stuff, and working with it, and transforming it. So the more

> imperfections you hit, the more stuff you hit, the more you are

> contributing to the light, to the building of the new. I am


> telling your critic this, so that your critic can give you a pat

on the

> back every time you hit another imperfection. Then you can

say, " Great,

> I have earned another ten points in terms of being a planetary


> transformer " .


> 2. Holding higher and higher frequencies of energy


> Your Soul holds immense qualities and frequencies of energies.

What we

> are doing is transforming lower vibratory frequencies of energy


> higher frequencies of energy. An essential part of this process is

> bringing the qualities of the Soul, which open through the Crown


> down into the Core Channel, into the chakras and the body. We call


> process " holding light " . You are here to hold light in yourself as


> energy being.


> 3. Holding and living new ways of Being


> Your Soul holds ideals of new ways of Being. You hold pictures of


> new forms of relating, which are more heartful, more authentic and


> more depth. You hold pictures of new forms of communication, where


> speak in more honest and authentic ways. You hold images of new

ways of

> using power that have more heart and more respect. You hold ideals


> the new relationship between the Soul and the body, between the


> and the Earth. You hold ideas concerning almost every area of

life -

> healing, the body, business, child rearing, family, education,


> religion, etc.





> Planetary Initiation & the 5th Kingdom


> The Earth as an evolving entity has developed four kingdoms, the

> mineral, plant, animal and human. The human kingdom has now

reached a

> point in its evolution where a next step can happen through it - a


> step for the living entity of the Earth itself. We say that the

Earth is

> evolving its next kingdom.


> This next kingdom is referred to as the fifth Kingdom, or the

Kingdom of

> Souls. What this means is that for the first time, these many

souls that

> have been a part of the inner dimension of the life of the Earth,


> incarnate and retain the full consciousness of themselves as souls.

> Previous to this time, when a Soul would incarnate into the human

> vehicle, due to the limitations of the human vehicle, only a

fragment of

> the soul's consciousness could be embodied. Though the soul was the

> indwelling and animating life of the body, the majority of the

> consciousness of the soul remained outside of and disconnected

from the

> body, the personality and the mind. To a great extent,

this " vehicle " of

> the body/personality, ran primarily on instinctual- bio- computer

> programs that had been built up over millions and millions of

years of

> evolution.


> Let me use an example to help explain this. Most of you have had


> are commonly called " spiritual experiences " - moments of a wider

> consciousness, moments of connection to " something higher " .

Perhaps you

> call it your higher self, your soul, the Masters or Angels, your


> or God. For a moment your consciousness was elevated into another


> And then you lost it again. When you were in that consciousness

you saw

> the world differently, you felt differently, and you might have


> differently. You became a different person from who you normally



> What happened is that for a moment you went beyond the limited

> consciousness of the human vehicle and touched the plane of the

soul and

> the higher consciousness of the inner world. But for various


> which we'll look at in a moment, you couldn't hold that full


> for long. You then you fell back into a more normal consciousness,


> certainly a more difficult consciousness - full of the normal


> of emotions and thoughts - the fears, greed's, insecurities,


> reactions, etc. etc. which normally dominate our lives. Much of

this is

> the instinctual-bio-computer programs of our evolution.


> What is happening at this point in the Earth's and our evolution

is that

> the human vehicle has reached a sufficient level of development


> more of the full consciousness of the Soul can be present when we


> incarnate. This is referred to as the " Fifth Kingdom " , because an

> entirely new consciousness is becoming manifest on the planet. This

> means new energies, new ways of perception, new energetic states,

and on

> and on. This is a very significant shift. A radical shift. If we


> back at the Earth's history, the Earth has evolved four kingdoms.


> the Earth is evolving a fifth. And this fifth kingdom is happening

> through the human kingdom. In the past the plant kingdom built

upon the

> mineral kingdom. Then the animal kingdom emerged out of the plant

> kingdom. And the human kingdom emerged out of the animal kingdom.


> the kingdom of souls is emerging out of the human kingdom.


> This jump is taking place for the Earth as a whole, and therefore


> the entirety of humanity. Though we have always had a few


> who were able to retain soul consciousness while incarnate -these


> recognized as our great geniuses or the spiritually enlightened -


> were a rare exception. The vast majority of people lived in the


> limited instinctual-based consciousness. Now, the Earth is taking


> step in the evolution of it's consciousness through the human



> This is called a " Planetary Initiation " . A Planetary Initiation is


> the Earth as a whole takes a step in its consciousness, a quantum


> in its evolution. The Earth has taken four Initiations in its


> and at each Initiation brought form a new kingdom - the mineral,


> animal and human, and now its ready to take it's fifth Initiation.


> As I mentioned previously, Initiation this happens through the


> kingdom. That means you and me. Think about that for a moment. In

you is

> happening a vast evolutionary unfoldment. Though we tend to think


> spirituality, our personal growth, our issues and challenges

are " mine " ,

> they are actually the reflection of a vast process at work.


> The mechanism through which this happens is via the Antahkarana,


> cord that links the soul to the body/personality. The full


> of the soul sits in an eight chakra about one foot above the head.


> can be visualized as a sphere of bright light above the head. When


> look at a new born child this direct connection between the soul

and the

> personality is still relatively intact. That is why you see such


> in a new born. You see a soul in such purity looking back at you.


> very rapidly, due to three factors: the natural turning on of the

> instincts as the body comes into action; the dense vibrations that


> soul encounters upon birth, and the conditioning process that the


> undergoes through interaction with people and life situations, the

> Antahkarana becomes smaller and the soul consciousness diminishes.


> a very little consciousness comes through it. What comes through

> primarily is the life energy.


> So this cord has two components - the life cord, and the


> cord. In the incarnation and growth process, we 'lose

consciousness' and

> become identified with the body/ personality - with the mind,


> instincts and experiences, until we have almost entirely lost


> with soul consciousness. We forget ourselves as souls and come to

> identify with the body/personality. This is called falling asleep.


> But even though the Antahkarana diminishes and our consciousness


> asleep, the cord never disappears. It can be developed and opened.


> consciousness of the soul can be re-accessed. That is what any


> spiritual path is ultimately about. It builds the connection to

our soul

> and a higher force. It builds the Antahkarana.


> This process has been always going on for a small number of

people. But

> not the majority. But imagine what would happen when the


> cord is built in millions and millions of people. Great numbers of

> people start waking up to their Soul - they start becoming aware of

> themselves as non-physical spiritual/energetic entities.


> www.indigoadults.com













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