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Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, Part 1 By DL Zeta

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Entering the Portal of Angelic Intervention, Part 1

Today we will describe some abilities that have become lost from many

in the vast sea of their life journeys. As an infinite, divine being,

you possess many qualities you attribute to the realm of angelic

beings. You may have forgotten how to fully engage your wings, but

they exist nevertheless within your energetic field. The body resides

within the soul. While on Earth you may perceive the body as the

container for the soul, the reverse is true.

To understand the true nature of angelic presence, we direct your

focus toward those artistic depictions of angelic beings. You see the

being surrounded by what appears to be wings. This is one way in

which a high-vibrational being appears to those on the physical plane.

When the human energy field is fully expanded with cosmic energy, it

takes on an angelic appearance. This comes into play when all the

subtle bodies of the physical system are aligned, allowing the flow of

cosmic energy to expand. This allows the " angelic wings " to unfold.

The subtle bodies are the angelic wings that are sometimes seen by people.

So who are these humans who are able to take in cosmic energy and

expand the flow throughout their physical system? They are

spiritually awake beings who remember their divinity and have released

the limitations and veils that shackle sleeping consciousness.

You Are Your Own Angels

As you spiritually awaken, your attention is guided toward those

actions you can take to further enlighten your existence. For the

spiritually aware, such actions are undertaken not just for the sake

of the self, but for the sake of all others. Understand, when one

being awakens to its true nature, the entire universe celebrates. The

awakening of one soul creates an energetic pathway many others may

pass through. The energetic code for awakening enters the collective

consciousness and is accessed through vibratory resonance via the Law

of Attraction.

The spiritually awakened being has a direct telepathic connection with

their higher self that brings much guidance and information on how

they can go about freeing their spirit. They may be guided to change

their diet, to take steps to fulfill their life purpose and to assist

others. Early on, the awakened being is guided to travel in

consciousness. In these early travels, they are directed toward those

points in the history of their own consciousness where they can bring

healing and release. As a being heals themselves across time, they

become a brighter light for others.

We will stretch your beliefs for a second to explain how at a future

point in your " arc of lifetimes, " you have achieved ascension

consciousness. To the extent that you are in resonance with this

" ascension self, " you are able to receive guidance and assistance from

this aspect of your self. This is one way in which what you perceive

as angels are aspects of your own consciousness traveling to time and

space to assist you. As you become increasingly familiar with your

inner landscape, it becomes easier to identify these vibratory fields.

The Journey of Angelic Intervention

To travel back in consciousness, you will need to bring your vibration

to a certain resonance. There are different means by which you may

attain this resonance. You may enter into a deep meditation through

the breath, through self-hypnosis, relaxation, or other means. When

both sides of the brain are synchronized, you experience the mind

pattern that creates the resonance to enter the realm of the

subconscious where your spirit resides. As you enter this realm, you

encounter the " gate keeper " of your emotions. If there are any

destructive or troubled emotions you need to clear, you will be guided

to undertake clearing at this time. As destructive emotional energies

are released, you are able to pass unimpeded through the gates of your

emotions into the realm of spirit. In this realm, you are able to

travel at will to the past or future, or to parallel realities within

your present moment.

As you enter the realm of spirit, your conscious mind fades to the

background. Your imagination appears to you in the form of a spirit

guide that directs you to the location in time that needs healing and

release. You undertake this journey surrounded in a golden light.

Inside this light, you receive a great surge of cosmic energy that

activates and expands your subtle energy centers. As your

consciousness expands, you experience a tremendous sense of love and

well-being. When you arrive at the point in time that needs healing,

your guide will signal it is time to begin. The moment will unfold

like a dream.

You will arrive at the location of your self in this timeframe. This

may be a past self from your present life, or a past life self that

exists in another timeframe dimension. Wherever this self exists,

know it is working on a spiritual understanding you are seeking to

complete in your present moment. It is this common purpose that

brings you into resonance with this self.

Remember as you approach this self that you will appear as a

high-vibrational presence. The form this presence takes will depend

on the belief system of the self you're assisting. You may appear as

a spirit guide, an angel, as Buddha, or any number of other beings.

You may not appear in form at all - you may just be a voice that

speaks in consciousness.

You have a telepathic communication with this past self, so you can

reassure the self that you are here to help. This self is calmed by

your presence. Let this self know you are here to help with the

situation it is working with. Ask this self if it is ready to release

the situation. If it says yes, you are ready to begin the release

process. If this self is uncertain, you can communicate with it

further to find out what concerns it has.

When the self is ready to release the situation, you can begin to

merge your consciousness. Within this space, you will experience the

deep core of emotional energy this self holds around the circumstance

that needs healing and release. You will recognize echoes of these

feelings within your present moment.

As you merge your consciousness with this past self, you are united

with your higher self, which holds the understanding you are seeking

to complete. Your past self is able to access this understanding of

your higher self through you. Your consciousness serves as a bridge.

The bright light of your higher self carries you and your past self

into a place of love. In this high and loving vibration, past,

present and future are healed. Once the healing is complete, thank

your past self for its willingness to assist you in this release. Let

your past self know it can always call upon you for assistance.

Now, begin returning to your own consciousness in the present moment.

As you return fully, you experience an emotional shift. The

experience of traveling back in time to release and heal your past

life has the effect of lightening your present emotional state and

freeing a part of your spirit that was trapped in the past. This part

of your spirit is now able to join you in the present. In this way,

you are able to become more present with less of your attention drawn

to the past.

As you heal and release aspects of your self throughout time, you

become a very bright light in the universe. That is because you are

no longer a scattered star whose light is fractured throughout time.

Through healing and release, you become one unified, brilliant light

capable of guiding and assisting others making their way across the

darkened path. When you reach this phase, you will find your self

called upon to assist others in consciousness. Next week we will

discuss this next phase within the Portal of Angelic Intervention.

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