Guest guest Posted April 27, 1999 Report Share Posted April 27, 1999 Reactive intestinal dysfunction syndrome (RIDS) caused by chemical exposures. Archives of Environmental Health 9-1-98 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- IN 1985, et al.[1] introduced a new disorder in their study entitled " RADS: Case Reports of Persistent Airways Hyper-reactivity Following High Level Irritant Exposures. " Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome was characterized by its rapid onset, specific relationship to a single environmental exposure, and the apparent lack of an allergic or immunologic etiology. In addition, there was no documented preexisting respiratory illness, and the respiratory symptoms and airway hyperreactivity persisted for at least 4 y after the initial incident. In their report, et al. suggested that acute high-level irritant exposures may produce an asthmalike syndrome in some individuals, with long- term sequelae of chronic airway disease. Meggs and Cleveland[2] reported that a measured increase in nasal upper-airway resistance occurred in 10 patients who had known chemical exposures and persistent multiple-chemical sensitivity. They reported that these patients suffered from an upper-airways syndrome analogous to RADS and termed it RUDS for Reactive Upper-Airway Dysfunction Syndrome. Although they did not know the appropriate physiologic parameters for this reactivity, they suggested that nasal airway resistance be studied and that inflammatory cells and mediators be measured in nasal washings. In this article, we describe eight patients who presented with acute onset of abdominal distress characterized by severe bloating or edema of the abdomen. Other systemic signs and symptoms occurred, but the intensity and severity of the gastrointestinal distress was so marked that they clearly suggested a recognizable pattern or syndrome. The cases were similar to the other previously described occupational and/or environmental clinical syndromes, RADS and RUDS, suggesting that other organs could be affected similarly. In this article, we add the third R, which we term Reactive Intestinal Dysfunction Syndrome (RIDS), to the recognized syndromes of RADS and RUDS. Clinical experience with occupationally and environmentally triggered patients reveals the smooth-muscle-lined urinary tract can also be a reactive responding organ; however, to our knowledge, this has never been described. Clinical differentiation between RIDS and gastrointestinal hypersensitivity- -a recognized disorder caused by an immunologic hyperresponsiveness of the gastrointestinal tract to specific antigens--may be difficult. Both conditions may have identical symptoms (e.g., nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, variety of extra-intestinal symptoms), and these symptoms are heterogeneous from patient to patient. An overview of our eight cases of RIDS demonstrated that, like RADS and RUDS, another organ system can be reactive following acute chemical exposures, and hyperresponsiveness can persist for years after the initial exposure. Six of our eight cases were related occupationally, and all cases had extra-intestinal symptoms that specifically included respiratory problems, fatigue, and neurocognitive dysfunction. Presentation of Cases Case 1. We present this case first because it was only after he was seen that we realized we were seeing something very special and, in retrospect, we had seen other very distended patients but had not recognized their significance. G.W. was a 64-y-old male long-distance hauler of tank trucks, which contained all kinds of chemicals. Frequently he was soaked with spills from his cargo. In September 1988, while he was hauling a load of alleged food-grade paraffin, he had a blowout on the road that resulted in an 8.5-h wait in his cab while the tanker underwent repairs. Within 1 h of the blowout, he developed an acute racking cough, pounding headache, and itchy throat. Coughing continued for a day and a half. Within 40 h of the event, swelling initially occurred in his feet, followed by his hands, and, finally, his abdomen. He was treated in an emergency room and was able to haul his tanker home, but he was in severe distress. He had no history of any similar occurrence. Angioedema persisted along with marked abdominal bloating, belching, heartburn, rectal itching, and gas. The bloating was so severe that it resulted in shortness of breath and chest pain. His abdomen remained chronically swollen and hard. Physical examination revealed a hard and markedly protuberant abdomen. Laboratory evaluation revealed abnormal liver function consistent with hepatotoxic injury and the following abnormal immunologic markers: elevated CD 26 cells; decreased T-suppressor cells; decreased natural killer cell; and three autoimmune markers (i.e., antinuclear antibody, anti-smooth-muscle antibody, and antithyroid antibody). These patterns were consistent with immunotoxicity.[3] G.W. was seen 1 yr after exposure, and he continued to manifest the earlier-described gastrointestinal distress, which intensified along with fatigue, weakness, arthralgia, and irritability following multiple chemical exposures. Case 2. J.R., a 48-y-old naval shipyard worker, presented for the first time with a constellation of signs and symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, and excessive bloating. She also complained of flu-like symptoms, fatigue, weakness, and headache. The problems began 1 mo after she began work at a different facility at the shipyard, where she had been employed as a production controller of ships for the previous 15 y. She noticed that she always felt " better " when she was away from the new building and felt " worse " upon reentry. J.R. was seen again many months later when she developed acute respiratory distress on exposure to paint at her worksite. This episode required treatment with adrenalin and oxygen. Subsequently, she developed multiple episodes of reactive upper-airway dysfunction in response to exposures to many unrelated chemicals, but especially following exposures to paints, perfumes, and tobacco smoke. She was placed on disability because of these recurrent episodes. This case was particularly interesting because she initially developed RIDS, which then spread to RUDS. Four years later, she continued to be disabled by her reactive disease to chemical exposures, characterized by onset of the following: cough, laryngeal spasm, difficult breathing, hoarseness to aphonia, unilateral headache of migraine intensity, bedridden fatigue lasting hours to days, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating. The significance of her reactive intestinal syndrome was not realized until several of the other patients had been seen. Case 3. D.S.C., a 39-y-old white woman, was employed as an assembly- line worker for an automotive parts company. Her work included exposure to epoxy, trichloroethylene, methylene chloride, triphenylmethane, isocyanates, and lacquer. She developed the following symptoms almost immediately after beginning work: abdominal distention, lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, and weakness. Subsequently, she lost 12.7 kg (28 lb), her tongue split and burned, and she had sensations of being constantly cold. She spent 3 mo in the coil department, after which she was placed in a job that involved less exposures to the earlier-mentioned chemicals; although her symptoms persisted, they were diminished. Upon return to her original work, her abdomen became distended again. She developed vertigo. She lost consciousness; became confused; began stuttering; developed a sore mouth; and had constipation to obstipation of 3-wk duration, and this condition did not respond to laxatives or enemas. A diagnosis of a " spastic colon " was made by a gastroenterologist. The patient took a 6-mo medical leave from work, the result of which was noted improvement in abdominal distress; however, the fatigue and weakness persisted. Upon return to work, abdominal distress, vertigo, tinnitus, and mental confusion reoccurred. During the workday, she felt that she had to defecate and had abdominal cramps but never had any bowel movements. She developed a persistent and chronic hyperresponsiveness of her gastrointestinal tract, with marked abdominal distention to multiple chemical exposures (e.g., perfumes, fragrances, cleaning agents). She could not tolerate the workplace, and she was forced to leave on disability. She continues to manifest abdominal distention, along with the other described signs and symptoms in response to exposures to multiple unrelated volatile and odorous chemicals. Case 4. R.L., a 33-y-old male landscaper, developed onset of nausea, abdominal cramps, and numbness after he worked for several months with the herbicide, Fenocil. He had a major toxic exposure when he accidentally sprayed the herbicide into his mouth and onto his face. He became sicker with each exposure, with progression of nausea, fatigue, stomatitis, anorexia, and weight loss. With each exposure to herbicide, he developed acute achiness, tremors, fatigue, sweats, and nausea. Medical evaluation revealed abnormal liver function, absent evidence of hepatitis A, B, C, or CMV. He was diagnosed with chemical hepatitis. He subsequently became markedly chemically sensitive, with a the following distinct pattern of reactivity upon exposure to multiple chemicals: (a) onset of Reactive Upper Airway Dysfunction Syndrome, with choking, voice cracking, throat mucous, and overt cacosmia; ( within 1-min of exposure, occurrence of an explosive watery, painful diarrhea, followed by weakness and lightheadness, all of which forced him to lie down; © chest tightness accompanied by difficult breathing and cough, developing into RADS; (d) mental confusion; (e) swelling of feet with associated knee pain and frozen thighs; and (f) weakness, which occurred for weeks, although the RUDS, RIDS, and RADS were of shorter duration. Case 5. M.P., a 53-y-old woman, worked as a cashier in a food supermarket. She had no known major chemical exposures. The syndrome of RIDS developed following the occurrence of a fractured hip, during which time she was exposed to multiple drugs and anesthetics. She had classical atopic allergy with eczema, asthma, and perennial and seasonal rhinitis. On exposure to multiple volatile chemicals, including rubber, polyurethane, plastics, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, and new carpet, she developed an urgency to defecate (without diarrhea) and acute chest and arm pains. Symptoms attenuated in the presence of fresh air. Case 6. G.P. was a 46-y-old press-room worker who had been exposed to toluene for 14 y. In 1994, a new press was installed, but for approximately 1 y it had a malfunctioning solvent-recovery system. The press room in which he worked had a toluene level of 300 ppm, and in his office the level was 240. (Sullivan and Krieger[4] reported the threshold limit value [TLV] of toluene to be set at 100 ppm.) This worker also used to wash his hands in toluene. Soon after the press began malfunctioning, he developed headaches with tinnitus, near fainting, weakness, slurred speech, difficulty pronouncing words, impaired vision, impaired thinking, a " bad sinking feeling, " and shaking. During these syncopal-like spells, his blood pressure and blood glucose were reportedly normal. Subsequent to his occupational exposures, he began having syncopal-like spells, even when he was not exposed at the workplace, characterized by a " high " that was identical to when he breathed toluene. These spells were associated with dizziness, pallor, weakness, disorientation, nausea, and a flu-like feeling, with the final phase of these reactions being characterized by explosive diarrhea. This worker had a long history of irritable bowel syndrome, with relatively mild alternating constipation and diarrhea, and the syndrome was seemingly unrelated to any environmentally triggered exposure. The attacks, however, were precipitated by any exertion that exceeded 3 or 4 min or by exposure to multiple volatile chemicals. He also experienced asthma-like attacks (RADS) whenever he was near a gas station. Case 7. S.M. was a 51-y-old case manager at a nursing and rehabilitation center. The interior of her house was sprayed with the organophosphates chlorpyrifos and diazinon. Carpets in her house were so saturated with pesticides that they took days to dry. After scrubbing the floors on her hands and knees, she began experiencing stomach cramps. Approximately 3 wk later, she experienced a sore bladder, kidney pain, extreme fatigue, breathing problems (i.e., as if something was sitting on her chest), and shortness of breath. Steam cleaning the carpets made her feel sicker. A month after pesticide sprayings, she moved out of her house and into a motel. A few days later, she returned to her house for 30 min, after which time she experienced abdominal cramping and breathing problems. Two weeks later, she was exposed to outgassing from a new carpet at work, and she experienced nausea and vomiting. Pesticide spraying on lawns near her home caused fatigue, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe headache. Four years after the events described, she still experiences respiratory distress, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea when she is exposed to low levels of pesticides and other multiple chemicals. Although these responses are consistent with the cholinergic reactions of cholinesterase inhibition, we included her case because the reactive intestinal symptoms occur with nonesterase inhibiting chemicals. Case 8. M.J., a 57-y-old woman, was exposed to carbonless copy paper for more than 10 y. When she was exposed to multiple chemical irritants, she developed headache, bloating, diarrhea (occasionally explosive), personality change with irritability, watery and runny eyes, and an overall feeling of weakness--especially in her arms and legs--for about 24 h. Exposures that elicited the most profound symptoms were carbonless paper, tobacco smoke, air fresheners, gasoline, perfumes, and fabric softener. Discussion In a normally functioning body, more than 99% of all sensory information is discarded by the brain as irrelevant and unimportant.[5] The nervous system achieves this modulation by a complex network of synapses, which can both facilitate and/or inhibit all or part of a sensory input. Some of this modulation is done by neuropeptides, which are neurotransmitters produced from neurons whose cell bodies lie in various sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia.[6] These neuropeptides include substance P,[7] neuropeptide Y,[8-11] galanin,[12] calcitonin gene- related peptide,[13] and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide.[14] The receptors of these polymodal neuropeptides are sensitive to a variety of stimuli, including noxious chemicals[6] and other environmental triggers; given that they are common to both the respiratory and digestive tracts, they may be responsible for producing these reactive disorders. Their signs and symptoms can be described as a manifestation of dysautonomia that results from a seemingly inappropriate autonomic nervous system function. Perhaps another explanation is that exposures to neurotoxins and irritants may further aggravate damage, and the dysautonomia may, in fact, be a physiologic mechanism designed to rid the body of further pollutants. For example, congestion in RUDS reduces particle inhalation; bronchospasm and cough in RADS reduces particle retention; and vomiting and diarrhea in RIDS reduces pollutant retention. Given that 95% of environmentally triggered disease involves the neurovascular system (i.e., the autonomic nervous system that connects to the vascular system[15]), the multisystem nature of these diseases is understood easily. Based on our clinical observations and findings, we conclude that this dysautonomia results from an inability of the body to suppress or discard irrelevant sensory information when exposures are of a low level, particularly when the body perceives it as injurious. This opinion best describes at least one of the physiologic mechanisms involved in the development and progression of chemical sensitivity and the reactive organ dysfunction syndromes described. Reactive Intestinal Dysfunction Syndrome may be to gastrointestinal hypersensitivity what RADS is to asthma. The former is considered nonimmunologic in origin, whereas investigators think the latter has immunologic mechanisms. It is more likely, however, that their origins are not mutually exclusive and that both mechanisms participate. Nonetheless, at this time, for purposes of classification it may be best for us to describe RIDS like RADS (as not classically immunologic in origin) and to use the diagnosis of gastrointestinal hypersensitivity when a clear allergic mechanism can be established. A possible explanation for a combined immunologic and nonimmunologic mechanism may be that of neurogenic switching, a hypothesis offered by Meggs[16] (i.e., stimulation of inflammation at one site can lead to inflammation at another site). Inasmuch as almost all of our cases were triggered via the respiratory tract, neurogenic switching might explain the subsequent triggering of the gastrointestinal tract as an alternative site. We can readily appreciate that because of the relatively large surface areas of both the lungs and the gut, both are especially vulnerable to the environments to which they are exposed constantly. Conclusion To the previously described clinical syndromes, Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS) and Reactive Upper Airway Dysfunction Syndrome (RUDS), we add the third R: Reactive Intestinal Dysfunction Syndrome (RIDS). The three syndromes appear to have the following in common: 1. An initial high level or significant environmental or occupational exposure to a chemical or irritant, resulting in an acute clinical illness; 2. Development of a persistent or chronic hyperresponsiveness to multiple chemicals and irritants; 3. A nonimmununologic mechanism mediated through inflammatory mediators, neuropeptides, and local tissue hyperresponsiveness for which an immune mechanism may also play a role. Neurogenic switching may explain the combined nonimmunologic and immunologic mechanisms; and 4. Their importance in producing disability from exposures to multiple chemicals and/or irritant triggers found in most industrial and occupational settings. We emphasize that a careful and comprehensive history of the events preceding the onset of these reactive disorders will often establish an environmental or occupational etiology. Submitted for publication May 30, 1997; revised; accepted for publication January 28, 1998. Requests for reprints should be sent to Allan D. Lieberman, M.D., Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 7510 Northforest Drive, North ton, SC 29420-4297. References [1.] SM, Weiss M, Bernstein IL. RADS: case reports of persistent airways hyper-reactivity following high level irritant exposure. J Occup Med 1985; 27(7):473-75. [2.] Meggs WJ, Cleveland CH Jr. Rhinolaryngoscopic examination of patients with the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome. 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BELL Departments of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Family and Community Medicine University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona and Department of Psychiatry Tucson Veterans Affairs Medical Center Tucson, Arizona Lieberman, Allan ; Craven, Ruth, Reactive intestinal dysfunction syndrome (RIDS) caused by chemical exposures.., Vol. 53, Archives of Environmental Health, 09-01-1998, pp 354(5). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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