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Masters of Love

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Masters Of Love

Masters of Love

In majesty I wait.In majesty the Master waits for the world to wake. And when it wakes he will be there to greet the day, the newborn day of each star stream that permeates the night of dreams gone by and lights the present moment of a new day birthed. Birthed in the Master's consciousness for him to claim as his own dream, or thought. His own creative play inclusive of the lights that play with him.

And so the Master waits, his Game his own and meaningless until another one shall come and play the counterpart. And when the Game is done the Masters shall unite their worlds, their plan and merge as One, and start again.

Waiting in Time and Space once more for worlds to blend, minds to expand and Master Craftsmen to present their skills uncoded and available to all who greet this day with peace and bare their hearts to dreams exposed, and truths unthought. Birthing a new and unclaimed Star of Love, and Hope and Wonder for the Gods to cherish, share and care for as she grows towards the Sovereignty that is her right. .

Creation Sings

I dance - and all Creation sings. Because Creation sings - I AM. Each footstep that alights on Earth is feeling toned of That Which Is.

The waterfalls, and ocean surf are Spirit singing to itself. The wingbeat of a goose in flight - is song. Moonlight that plays upon the ocean in motion fills the Silence that the song Creation sings may be observed.

And in the morning mist Creation sings a prelude to the rising sun, who bids the day awake. And in the morning chorus of my world in active playI dance - because Creation sings. Each step in rhythm with my Earth Star's heart. Each pirouette a point of power.

Because I dance, my Earth Star sings rising in joy - ascending on the waves of song and takes me with her through the Space Time of another realm - as all Creation sings. All this I AM, and more because Creation sings.

Pillars of Light

I AM a Pillar of Light, a Beam, an anchor offering stability. Offering freshness and clarity to those who would draw the Light through Me and benefit there from: And so I stand with others of the Starlight, as we have stood since Dawn began - holders of the Light. As candelabras hold a flaming beacon, so do we stand. Our arms outstretched, our eyes upon the Homeland, our hearts with the Earth we Serve. Ever in gentleness, purity and peace - so do we stand. Angels of the Dawn, Bringers of Light, anchors of Truth. So do we stand together as One. And so long have we stood, we did forget at times those who stood with us, and now the Dawn grows ever brighter and we wake - and oh the joy, the ecstasy, the delight, as we turn this way and that - and see our starry brethren all around. Reaching out upon the horizon, as far as eye can see, these Pillars of Light, these Beacons of the Dawn, these candelabras that hold the Starlight strong, are burning. Burning ever more brightly do they shine, through the mist and veils of forgetfulness that once surrounded us. To those of the Starlight I call. Angels of the Dawn. Bringers of Truth and Beacons of Light. Anchors of this Light, and Illuminators through time. Brothers and Sisters - I call to you:

Renew your strength, renew your pledge, and double your efforts to raise this Earth Star Terra in her dream. For she needs stabilizing in her progress through the waves and beams and rays of sound and light, that do bombard her all around it seems. She needs assistance to align and poise herself upon new ground.

And we shall see her through, and ride with her in active thought. Bringers of the Dawn are we, Heralds of this New Age, ready to sing our Song and blow the Trumpets of a future birthed in the now, the present moment. And so we sing and offer hope, and bring our vision of the motion to this present point of focus - in which we stand together, united as One most Holy Breath that has been held too long. Let us exhale together on Wings of Freedom in one silent Heartbeat to the Rainbow's end. Thus do we stand as we have stood since Dawn began and greet the rising Sun with joy.

Bird Tribes

And so I AM - a Great Being of Light who came to Earth to save the world. With others of my kind I came, from far beyond the Rainbow*. Bird Tribes are we - who sing our song at every Springtime as it bursts from wintery climes that held frail hearts in grip of ice and cold and fear, and by our Light we melt the snows, turn back the sheath that held these ones in darkness and expose the beauty and the hope that lies ahead.

Great Ones of Light are we - who came to Earth to save the world. The world as it is known to human kind who thinks it real. They do not know it is a shadow world for what is Truth - and we shall bare the lies that keep them bound, and aid them to emerge and see where they have been, where they may go, and what it is they leave behind. Great Ones of Light are we - who come to Earth to crack the codes, that knowledge may be free, and all may walk in grace and beauty once again.

Great Ones of Light are we - and filled with love so great, we came to share their world and be as they, and risked the locking of ourselves within, forgetting where we put the key. For only from the inside may the lock be turned, the doors be opened and the Springtime welcomed - the Springtime of Eternal Hope, the Springtime of a Greater Dream, the Springtime of a New Age dawned.

And the key that turns this lock is Love. But not the love that speaks in words of wealth and goods - and things to do and have. It is the Love of silent thoughts, unspoken words and starlight in the eyes of those who know. And it creates a field of energy, a force quite undefined as yet by scientific instruments and gage.

It is this Field of Force - as yet unknown in learned books, which turns the key and frees the door. It is a coding that releases its secret treasure, and allows the influx, a union of like matter that has been waiting, that has been building up, attaining critical mass and like a broken dam comes flooding in to seek its own amongst its kind. This Love is a force, an energy, and yet - it is an Intelligence that seeks its own. And when the union is complete, has magnetized unto itself the pieces of this whole it shall withdraw. And all it holds within itself it shall transport beyond the door, the rifted veil - the portal to a Radiance experienced not for many an age. And all who turn their backs and look the other way shall stay. And there shall be no pressure on these ones to change. It is their choice and they shall be allowed to choose.

*The Light or Ascended Body, also referred to as the Rainbow Body.

The Spirit of BeautyI am sitting amongst the White Pines, deep in meditation. Words come:I AM the center of my world, my universe. I AM the Hierarch, Creator-God of all that I survey. Observer of this my world, the world that I have made. And this my world I love as mine own Self, for it is made of Me, my inmost feelings expressed in thought, ideas and manifest creation. Then comes a time when I would share my joy with others, that they too may experience my Peace and Beautyfor Beauty too, the Spirit of Beauty, is anchored deep within my heart, my world this temple of the living God I AM.

And now I understand, this Beauty and this Peace I have created from the center of my Heart, my Temple, must now go forth in Service - to those whose Flame needs fuel.Thus That I AM puts forth the call to those whose hearts are pureand would remember in these waking daysthat Heaven on Earth is why they came,why they are here,and why they must be strong in purposeto express this hope, this truththat Heaven is a State of Gracewhich all may enter and make their own.

Full Moon

All who have honored my beauty, have honored the beauty within their heart. And all who would claim my power, have claimed the power that is their own. And all who would see in me the light of perfection, have seen it reflected from the heart that beats within their breast.

And I, who seem to shine so bright upon your world, would have you know, that you are as a gem within mine own. The world you think is yours - is mine.My world - on which I beam my light. Each night a different theme or mood created by the heavens wherein I dwell, through which I pass and influence your Earth because we are all One within a greater world that sings us into being, and plays the tune to which we dance. I am the moon - and you my star. I am the moon - and you my star.

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