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The Holographic World, Part Two By DL Zeta

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How Inner Fragmenting Helps Unite Heaven and Earth

As we have said in our previous discussion, the

separation and fragmenting of groups that exists within your world is a

reflection of the separation and fragmenting that exists within the vast

majority of those presently incarnated on earth. Individuals who are

fragmented and at war within themselves will not be able to join together with

others in a common dream for Earth's future until they have healed the

fragmenting and dissension within themselves.

The future changes many of you have glimpsed, spoken

of and longed for will manifest in collective reality when the majority of

those on earth heal the rifts within themselves and become

"whole." Only a whole being is able to create, share and

participate in energizing a new "mass" reality on the Earth plane.

We offer here some insights into the root causes of

this fragmenting and how it is at a subtle level assisting humanity in its

quest to unite Heaven and Earth.

The Childhood Dilemma of the Sacred Wound

Inner divisiveness first comes into play when a child

arrives in the world fresh from sessions with their guides and angels,

remembering their purpose here. You will notice this in very young children

filled with the joy and love of their stay in high-vibrational realms. This joy

and sense of purpose is quickly overtaken by the demands of the material world.

It is around this time that the "sacred wound" is created that they

will spend the rest of their lives healing.

The demands of the material world come into play when

children are handed packets of preprogrammed beliefs and are instructed in how

they are to be and exist in the world. This is well-intentioned but

oftentimes based in ignorance. We will emphasize there are no

"victims," and life circumstances are chosen by a soul before birth. So

why does a child choose to be born into limiting circumstances? The answer is

twofold. First, souls seek circumstances where the potential exists for needed

experiences. Secondly, souls return time after time to help bring about needed

healing and growth for all of humanity. It' is only by immersing oneself in the

misconceptions of the previous generation that a child is able to grow and

evolve past them, opening energetic pathways for the mass of humanity to also

move forward in their understandings.

So it is that a child becomes divided within

themselves, torn between the joyful and expanded realms from which they have

just arrived and the constricted world of limitations in which they now find

themselves. They are early on presented with the inner dilemma that is

the purpose for all beings on earth -- uniting Heaven and Earth. This

inner division represents the energetic chasm that exists between the higher

vibrational realms and the lower vibration of the Earth plane. As a child

grows and moves through her life, she is constantly working at various levels

to narrow the scope of this inner chasm and ultimately create unity and harmony

between the two, thereby uniting Heaven and Earth. When an individual reaches a

place of inner wholeness, their sacred wound is healed and their purpose


Unfortunately some individuals focus on the chasm

rather than its healing. Consequently, they remain stuck year after year.

Because the true meaning and purpose of human nature is not widely taught nor

understood, many individuals go through life divided within themselves, two

halves of a divided whole working against itself. The divisiveness they

observe in the world around them only compounds this vision of a fractured


Awareness is the Key to Healing Humanity

Awareness is the key to healing the fractured hearts

of humanity. We will offer in our next discussion some steps individuals can

take to heal the chasm within themselves to create inner peace and unity they

can project outward to the world.

For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org

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