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RE: Catching up!/comment

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Oh geez! I did mean whining. My fingers get going and guess I missed the H. Thanks n.



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Catching up!

Prayers for Kate's daughter, and Margaret's husband, and all on the listwho need them...Greetings and welcome to the new folks!Hope everyone is staying safe and warm- been having pretty decent weatherhere, after a nasty weekend (and more forecast for Monday).Got the pattern for a 6th sampler finished - now if we can just figure outthe best set-up for printing them, and get the Etsy shop up and running!Otherwise was kind of a bad week - came down last Saturday with a shinynew something, muscle spasms on the right side of my back, localized rightover the lower ribs, so strong and painful I couldn't stand upright or evenbreathe easily. Was like the hardest "stitch" ever! Muscle relaxants, painmeds, nothing touched it. When it came on really strong, my legs went outfrom under me as well....And then the middle of the afternoon yesterday, it just.... STOPPED. Notapering off, just bam, gone.Lord have mercy, hope that one STAYS gone...I'm afraid to move around toomuch.... Done whining now... in WY"You get a wonderful view from the point of no return..." http://www.flickr. com/photos/ liadains_ fancieshttp://practical- blackwork. blogspot. com http://practicalblackwork.com

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I wasn't very winning yesterday, but I intend to " be " today... :-)

And my misspelling is always " your firend " !

in WY

" You get a wonderful view from the point of no return... "    




Catching up!


Prayers for Kate's daughter, and Margaret's husband, and all on the list

who need them...

Greetings and welcome to the new folks!

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm- been having pretty decent weather

here, after a nasty weekend (and more forecast for Monday).

Got the pattern for a 6th sampler finished - now if we can just figure out

the best set-up for printing them, and get the Etsy shop up and running!

Otherwise was kind of a bad week - came down last Saturday with a shiny

new something, muscle spasms on the right side of my back, localized right

over the lower ribs, so strong and painful I couldn't stand upright or even

breathe easily. Was like the hardest " stitch " ever! Muscle relaxants, pain

meds, nothing touched it. When it came on really strong, my legs went out

from under me as well....

And then the middle of the afternoon yesterday, it just.... STOPPED. No

tapering off, just bam, gone.

Lord have mercy, hope that one STAYS gone...I'm afraid to move around too


Done whining now...

in WY

" You get a wonderful view from the point of no return... "    

http://www.flickr. com/photos/ liadains_ fancies

http://practical- blackwork. blogspot. com    


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Mine is "prople" instead of "people" ~*~Hugs~*~ ~*~Akiba~*~ -- Catching up! Prayers for Kate's daughter, and Margaret's husband, and all on the listwho need them...Greetings and welcome to the new folks!Hope everyone is staying safe and warm- been having pretty decent weatherhere, after a nasty weekend (and more forecast for Monday).Got the pattern for a 6th sampler finished - now if we can just figure outthe best set-up for printing them, and get the Etsy shop up and running!Otherwise was kind of a bad week - came down last Saturday with a shinynew something, muscle spasms on the right side of my back, localized rightover the lower ribs, so strong and painful I couldn't stand upright or evenbreathe easily. Was like the hardest "stitch" ever! Muscle relaxants, painmeds, nothing touched it. When it came on really strong, my legs went outfrom under me as well....And then the middle of the afternoon yesterday, it just.... STOPPED. Notapering off, just bam, gone.Lord have mercy, hope that one STAYS gone...I'm afraid to move around toomuch.... Done whining now... in WY"You get a wonderful view from the point of no return..." http://www.flickr. com/photos/ liadains_ fancieshttp://practical- blackwork. blogspot. com http://practicalblackwork.com

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