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Beloved Soul Family :

Dear Hearts, Good Evening my most beautiful and beloved soul sisters and brothers !! I'm so very thankful for your friendship. How are you all? I'm not doing too great. The last few days here have been rather cold and damp, and my osteoarthritis and also my sicatica have been acting up again. I'm still in alot of pain from this darn osteoarthritis. Also I miss my dear Baha'i Brother Zach so very much, and tomorrow Jan. 9th is his birthday and he would be 22, and the closer it gets to tomorrow the more I miss him. Between this darn pain from the osteoarthritis and missing Zach so very much I feel like I could start crying at any second. I'm very much need your loving thoughts and prayers right now.. Dam it, eeeeerrrrrrrr sorry loves it just that as I'm sitting here writing this I can feel the tears welling up inside of mean,and I know that I'm about to burst into tears at any second.

On a much happier note as I'm sure you already know I have decided that it's time to go back to school. Classes start at the end of this month. I'm really looking forward to going back. I had a fairly good Holiday season though I was quite busy with work as I'm a cahshier at a Super Stop and Shop .

Thankyou all oh so very much for all your most loving thoughts & prayers etc, they are most truly appreciated. Thinking of you all and sending you much love & lots of hugs !! Your all always in my thoughts,heart & prayers !!! Thanks for being such a true and loving friends !! I'm so truly blessed to have you as a dear friends and Baha'i Sisters !!! You mean more to me than I could possibly ever put into words & I love you all so very much always !!! Sending you all much love,hugs,prayers,healing and blessings always !! Love-ya all so very much !!!

Love & Hugs Always,

Your Beloved Soul Sister Lara xoxo

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