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Predictions for 2008

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Predictions for 2008 a message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Hoffman Monday, 31 December, 2007viewed 110 times, no comments- be the first to comment! Although I generally do not make predictions for the new year, this year I have been guided to share information with you that will help those of you who are wondering whether this year will finally bring you resolution of the many issues you have been working on for quite a while. Most of us have been processing lessons, energy, shifts and transformations for the past five years or more and we are tired. 2008 will bring some interesting changes and a few surprises. One of the things that we will notice on an energetic level is the freeing of a lot of energy, meaning that many things that were stuck or we just could not get started will begin to move, sometimes very quickly. Whether this is a business that you were trying to start, or classes you wanted to take, a move

that you have been trying to create or a change of jobs or career, the energy will begin to move as early as mid January to early February. Be aware that this could happen fairly quickly, so don't be surprised if you find yourself with an overload of clients, a new job, or in a new house within a short period of time. Keep focusing on what you want to create. We are all stepping into instant manifestation. Another big change in 2008, which will begin around March, is what my guides call the 'dimensional split.' At this time we will begin to be aware of those who have done their work over the past few years and those that have not. The ones who have done their work will see their lives suddenly become much easier, things will flow and they will step into instant manifestation and connect to their miracle creation abilities. Those who have not will begin to have problems similar to those that many Lightworkers have experienced over the past five to ten years, on

a much more difficult level. Those who have been doing their work will experience the higher dimensions - everyone else will be in the third and the difference will be obvious. 2008 will be a time when we get to share what we have learned with those who are ready to make the shift. Many teachers and healers will see their client numbers increase; those who have been thinking about that path will start working in that direction. I believe that there will be a great desire for information, healing and transformation as many people will be guided to find teachers and healers to help them on their path. It is an opportunity for us to 'walk our talk' and to let the Universe guide us to fulfilling the next path on our own journey-doing the work we came here to do. Follow your heart, do what you are guided to do, keep asking for guidance and follow every opportunity that comes your way. This can be a wonderful, magical year for everyone. I send each of you many

blessings for the new year and pray that you can create your heart's desire for your life. Uriel's Message -- Stand In your Truth The secret to experiencing unconditional love, abundance, miracles and joy in every part of your life is to remember that you are a powerful, divine and spiritual being. Your abilities are limitless and you are always connected to Source. This is the Truth of who you are. Once you discover your truth and allow the mind to work in harmony with Spirit, you stand in the flow of the Universal energy and are transformed into higher levels of being. Nothing can take this away from you unless you allow it. Spirit does not experience pain, unhappiness, fear and loneliness. Those are experiences of the mind. Spirit does not understand or know poverty, disappointment, failure or sadness. Those are also experiences of the mind. Spirit knows that everything holds a blessing and

remembers what you came here to experience. Spirit holds the Truth while the mind believes in the illusion. When you live from the mind you live the illusion. When you live in harmony with Spirit you are able to transcend the illusion and create a reality that reflects your power and divinity. The choice is yours to make. The mind believes the temptation that what you want is out of your reach. The mind believes that you are less than perfect and have limitations. Spirit can take you from the realm of impossible to that of limitless possibilities. When the mind and Spirit are in harmony miracles and transformation occur. When they work together, the mind and Spirit move forward in Truth, standing firm in the knowledge of your divinity and power. You will then no longer need to create chaos and drama, live with fear and doubt or experience limitations. No one can make you believe that you are imperfect, powerless or undeserving. The world will always

hold out the illusion of powerlessness to you-you do not have to accept it as the truth for you. You have come here to change that illusion for yourself and for all of humanity. Stand in your Truth, accept your divinity, reconnect to Source and create a world where peace, joy and unconditional love are the Truth for everyone. Cheryl

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