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Re: teething/solids

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WOW do you sound like me 4 months ago! Word for word of what you said is what

I was saying!

In our case, starting solids didn't start weaning. I waited until Will (who

is now 9 1/2 months old) was 5 months old. I didn't think the solids were going

well (after a couple of weeks), so I stopped and started again when he was 6

months old or so. He still prefers to nurse. He will eat solids, but I have

to sit there quite a while and make all sorts of stupid faces in order to get

him to open his mouth. I also realized last week that he is reverse cycle


I say that because I work and during the day he gets (3) 8 oz bottles and


the daycare provider can get him to eat (usually no more than half of a 4 ounce

jar of babyfood). He gets the bulk of his milk and solids in the evening after

I get home. Makes for one tired mommy, but it feels sooo good to know that he

prefers me. :-)

It could be Ryker's teeth that is bothering him. I believe Will nursed more

when his teeth were bothering him. He now has 7 teeth.

When to start solids is a complete personal decision (in my opinion). I was

pressured by my overbearing mother. (who I recently found out was already


him solids behind my back - can we say ticked off?!) Some people have said to

me that Will's reluctance to eat more solids is because I waited. BUT even the

American Academy of Pediatrics suggests momma's milk only for at least 6 months.

Our ped kept telling me to introduce solids to 'teach him to eat'. Whatever.

I may be a first time mom, but I still listen to my gut feeling over what anyone

else says to me.

Just in case you want to see my lil' punkin' :-) Our website of pictures is

at: http://www2.ticz.com/~vphouse/photolinks.html

At 9 1/2 months (last Monday), he weighs 26.9 pounds and is 29 1/4 inches tall.

He's also walking. So don't let anyone tell you that waiting is going to hinder

them developmentally. My ds is living proof that it won't! Oh! I almost forgot.

Will hasn't even had a cold! The one time the ped said he had a cold...it was

really his teeth. Those peds really need to go home and talk to their wives

sometimes. :-)

I know I'm probably a little late on answering. I forgot I had this list


to a folder!

Patty House

>I just noticed that Ryker is getting a bottom tooth! He is five >months old

(12-21-99) and so far is exclusively breastfed.

>I have been wrangling for awhile over the solids question and have been eagerly

reading all the posts. I would really like to hold off on solids, but how long

can I wait? He is nursing well, even though lately he seems to be nursing more

frequently. Perhaps it is a growth spurt or a need for comfort because of



>After he eats, he sometimes puts his fingers in his mouth and starts sucking

on them. Does that mean he is still hungry? I have offered him the breast again,

but he doesn't really seem to want it.


>I know that once he starts solids, the weaning process will begin and quite

frankly, I am not ready for our situation to change. Is that abnormal for me

to feel that way? I feel so close to him and so good knowing that I am providing

him with the proper nourishment. I would so much rather just let weaning come

at a natural pace and not rush it.


>So bascially my questions are this: what are the signs that solids are


and are there any surprises in store for us during teething?


>Thanks for all your help.


>Amy W.





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Patty House

's Mommy 7/30/99

Vince's Wife 1/16/99


You can email 's Daddy at vphouse@...


We cannot control the tragic things that happen to us, but

we can control the way we face up to them.


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